On the External Market of China's Treaty Ports:With the Focus on Modern Fuzhou


关于中国近代通商口岸城市的研究,学界一般强调开埠通商后外部国际市场对城市发展的推动作用,进而着重关注口岸城市与腹地经济的有效互动。然而,从长时期的角度来看,近代口岸城市的发展是与其参与海洋亚洲的建构息息相关的。以福州为例,长久以来,借着亚洲内部的贸易关系,琉球与台湾成为福州城市与港口发展最深刻的历史记忆。然而自19世纪下半叶开始,随着开埠通商,与更大的国际市场建立联系,福州的发展反而形成了一种偏离。在丧失传统亚洲外部市场之后,福州及其腹地都被迫转向“内在“,表现出极大的内向性发展。As to the modern China's treaty port cities,scholars generally emphasize the impetus of external international market on their development,and focus on the effective interaction between the cities and their hinterlands.From the historical perspective,however,the development of the urban and port areas of Fuzhou has had a close relation with its participation to the construction of the marine Asia.Because of the Asian internal trade,Ryukyu and Taiwan had become the most profound historical memory for the development of Fuzhou urban and port areas for a long time.Yet since the nineteenth century,with the port opening and the relations set up with the bigger international market,this development had deviated.After the loss of traditional Asian external market,Fuzhou and its hinterland were forced to turn to the "inner" self.国家社会科学基金项目“近代环南中海华人跨国组织与闽粤社会研究”(09CZS030);教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目“近代闽江流域社会经济研究(1861-1937)”(09YJC770043);福建省社会科学规划项目“区域、市场、政府:近代闽江流域发展研究”(2008C025

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