576 research outputs found

    Abundance and distribution of Trichodesmium in the continental shelf waters of the South China Sea

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    束毛藻(Trichodesmium)属于群体海洋固氮蓝细菌,主要分布于贫营养的亚热带和热带大洋,被认为是贫营养海区“新”氮的重要来源。它在我国近海(包括渤海、黄海、东海和南海)和沿岸水域都有一定数量的分布,甚至多次形成赤潮。当前对“陆架泵”(大气CO2吸收机制)研究的关注,大大增强了陆架区水域束毛藻的丰度、分布及固氮速率研究的重要性。 本文首次报道了南海陆架区(包括南海北部陆架区和北部湾东侧海域)束毛藻的丰度、水平和垂直分布模式,探讨了陆架区水域束毛藻丰度与分布的调控因子,旨在为陆架区以至中国海的束毛藻的生物量及其对固氮贡献的估算等提供参考依据。 主要成果如下: 1. 南海陆架区,束毛藻...Trichodesmium, a colonial marine cyanobacterium, is primarily distributed in oligotrophic tropical and subtropical oceans. Its cosmopolitan distribution and capacity to fix N2 make it an important contributor to the pool of new nitrogen in the oligotrophic oceans. It was also found in China Seas (including Bo Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea) and vicinity, and formed “algae bloo...学位:理学博士院系专业:海洋与环境学院_海洋生物学学号:2242006015334

    Quality Improvement Based on ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System – A Case Study on Machinery Manufacturing Company K

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    近年来机械加工制造业处于下行阶段,持续低迷的市场形势以及不断攀升的运营成本给企业的生产经营带来了很大的压力和挑战。如何在经营中享有利润空间并在残酷的市场竞争中占据一席成为传统制造企业面临的一个难题。在市场竞争的种类、品质、价格、服务和交期这五个要素中,品质占据非常重要的地位,质量管理是一个突破口。企业要在提高生产效率的同时提高产品质量,满足不断变化的客户需求,同时降低成本,则需要对质量管理体系进行持续改进,从系统的角度提升企业的质量管理水平,以满足不断变化的市场和客户需求。 本文以外资企业性质的机械制造企业K公司的质量管理体系现状为研究载体,结合质量管理相关理论和质量管理工具,基于ISO90...In recent years, machinery industry is in a downward phase. Continued downturn of market situation and rising operational costs bring a lot of pressure and challenges to enterprises’ operations. How to enjoy profit margins in the business and take a place in the fierce competition is facing by the traditional manufacturing industry. In the five competition elements variety, quality, price, service...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115098

    The Performance Simulation of Turbo Code in Shallow Water Acoustic Communication

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    海洋是21世纪人类社会可持续发展的宝贵财富和最后空间,水声通信与国防军事保障、海洋环境监测和科学考查、海洋渔业、海洋矿产开发等都有密切联系,具有重要的军事和民用意义。由于声波是目前水下通信最为有效的载体,因此水声通信成为目前水下无线通信最有效的技术手段。 水声信道是迄今为止最为复杂的无线通信信道之一,其固有的时-空-频变以及窄带、高噪、强多途干扰、传输时延大等信道特征,给水声通信的有效性和可靠性带来巨大的挑战。要实现有效可靠的信息传输性能,信道纠错码是一项关键技术。Turbo码近年来成为信息论和编码界研究的热点,它巧妙地将卷积码和交织器结合起来,实现了随机编码的思想;同时,采用了软输出迭代译...Ocean is the valuable treasure of sustainable development of human society, and is the last living space of human beings in 21st century, and underwater communication technology has a close contract with national defence, ocean exploitation, environment monitoring, marine fish culture and so on. Because the acoustic wave is most effective for underwater communication, underwater acoustic communica...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院海洋学系_海洋物理学号:20042703

    A Study on the Legal Protection for Consumer Interests in Consuming by Expense Card

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    伴随着我们人民生活水平的不断提高,各种新型的消费模式纷至沓来。持卡消费,就是其中的一种。持卡消费在为人们的消费带来了很多便利,但同时也产生了各种各样的矛盾。本文针对持卡消费的消费者权益保护存在问题,分析产生问题的原因,提出相应的法律对策。论文分三章: 第一章,对持卡消费进行阐述和分析。针对持卡消费这一新型消费模式的定义,提出了自己观点,并以此为基础概括持卡消费的主要特征和优点。以是否由垄断行业发行为划分标准,列举出了现实生活中常见的几种持卡消费的形式,以便于我们的识别。指明了持卡消费的性质,即格式合同。第二章对持卡消费这一过程中所反映的法律问题进行总体分析,即服务欺诈。接着列举出生活中常见的...With people’s living standard increasing, all kinds of new consumption modes come out like continuous streams. And consuming by expense card is just one of them.On one hand consuming by expense card provides much convenience for our daily life.On the other hand ,however, in the same time it is also accompanied with all sorts of contradictions. There are many problems about consumer intrests protec...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:1362008115086

    Design and Implementation of the Integrated Application System for Network Security Service in Honghe State

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    在信息化不断发展的今天,公安工作的信息化建设也在稳步推进。公安机关网络安全保卫部门在网上打击网络违法犯罪和互联网安全管理等工作中发挥了重要作用,但当前网络安全保卫部门信息化水平还未达到工作要求。作为站在信息技术前沿的网络安全保卫部门,利用先进的网络技术建设一个高质量、高效率的综合办公平台,实现办公现代化、信息资源化、传输网络化是很有必要的一件事。这不仅能让全州(市)网安部门打破上下级数据传输的屏障,还能让各位民警之间的信息数据得到高效地交换,实现资源共享。 本论文是围绕《红河州网安业务办公综合应用系统》的设计与实现而展开的。《红河州网安业务办公综合应用系统》是一个主要基于WEB的办公自动化平...Nowadays, with the continuous development of informatization, the informatization construction of public security work also progresses steadily. The network security department of public security organizations plays an important role in fighting against network crime and managing Internet security. However, the current informatization level of network security department cannot satisfy the job req...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201223118

    Research on MIS Architecture and Method of Project Implemenation in Group Company

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    在快速发展的信息化时代,利用现代信息技术有效地帮助企业解决各类信息管理工作,提高工作效率,降低成本。随着信息技术的不断发展,集团性企业如何配合企业战略的目标,科学地进行信息化规划,同时如何构建适合和灵活的管理信息系统的架构,并通过一系列信息系统类项目的实施,落地集团企业的宏大应用系统,从而真正意义上提高企业核心竞争力,这些议题是当今热门话题,也是企业高管,特别是CIO们的重要任务和研究的现实课题。 本报告以三家集团性企业(即信达股份、紫金矿业集团和翔鹭腾龙集团)的素材为依托,结合集团性企业业务层的战略和信息化建设的规划,从集团企业的管理信息系统架构建设和IT类项目实施方法两个层面,研究如何评估和选择集团性的IT技术架构和应用架构、搭建管理信息系统的技术平台、建立管理信息系统类项目的实施方法和模型,旨在帮助集团性企业建立灵活、高效、集成性高的信息系统架构和运行平台,提高企业信息化建设的投入产出比,同时减少和消除信息系统项目实施风险,科学地形成集团性信息系统的技术架构建立和实施方法。 本报告研究的内容包括如下: 1.研究如何构建的管理信息平台架构,架构的分类与组成,将信息化规划、信息协同、业务协同与软件架构紧密结合起来。 2.结合当前软件的SOA理念和MVC的架构,提出适合于集团性企业的应用系统架构。 3.为确保集团性管理信息平台的协同作业,研究如何更有效地实现各跨平台系统间的接口技术,如现有ERP(使用SAP系统)与OA系统的集成技术等等。 4.结合集团性公司的IT项目管理,研究如何建立相应的多维实施模型和方法。 5.研究管理信息系统的后期维护和IT治理结构与方法。 6.详细分析三家集团企业的信息化规划、信息系统架构和MIS项目案例,用于证实了研究报告的内容和结论。 本论文首先研究了管理信息系统及其架构的相关文献,提出信息系统架构的相关理论与开发技术,阐述了集团企业的信息化规划与信息系统架构的关系,接着分析了集团企业管理信息系统架构组成。为建设好集团企业管理信息系统的项目,提出了项目的实施模型与方法,在管理信息系统开发完成后,系统进入维护期,提出了集团企业信息系统的维护与管理,探讨了IT治理在运行和维护既有的管理信息平台的重要作用。 本报告的研究成果提出了集团企业管理信息系统的架构模型,同时构建了管理信息系统项目的实施模型的理论框架,丰富了该领域的理论体系。成果可作为集团性公司进行信息化建设时参考与借鉴,提供全面而系统地论述了企业信息化建设的新方法和新手段,丰富业内信息化建设及提升项目实施的整体水平,具一定的参考意义和研究价值。In the era of information explosion, it is essential to apply modern information technique to enhance various information management works in the enterprises, which will improve efficiency and reduce costs. With the continuous development of information technology, the enterprises should make reasonable and scientific information plan to coordinate with the strategic goals. In the meantime, it is important to build flexible and appropriate information management architecture to implement some information projects and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. These topics have already been the darling in management industry now, especially to the executives, and are also the primary task and main research to CIO. This report is based on three group companies (Xiamen Xinde Company Ltd, Zijin Mining Group Company Ltd, Xianglu Group Company Ltd ) and combined with the business level strategy and information plan. From the information management system and IT projects implementation in the group companies to consider how to assess and choose IT technique framework and application architecture, build information management system platform, the methods and modal to implement the IT management system platform. All of these researches are to assist the company to build flexible, efficiency, high integrated information system architecture and operating platform to improve information technology input-output ratio, reduce the costs and risks in the information system implementation, and establish the enterprises’ own methods of information architecture construction. This report is to research the following contents: 1.The construction of the information management platform, classification and integration of various architectures, and the combination of the information planning, information collaboration, business collaboration and software architecture. 2.Based on the concepts of SOA and MVC architecture, the report will propose the appropriate group company’s application system architectures. 3.Research on how to implement interfaces on cross-platform systems to make sure the collaborative work of the enterprises’ various information management platform, such like the integration of ERP (the application of SAP system) and OA. 4.Combined with the enterprises’ IT projects management, it will do research on how to build corresponding multi-dimensional models and methods. 5.Research on the information system’s post-maintenance and IT control methods and structure. 6.Detailed analysis of the information planning, information architectures, and MIS project case in the three group companies to prove the content and conclusion of the report. The report will research the information management system and relative literatures of architecture firstly, and propose the theories and development technologies of information technology architectures. Then, the relationship of enterprises’ information technology planning will be elaborated and the composition of the enterprises’ information system architectures will be analyzed. In order to build an appropriate enterprise information system, it is important to propose the modal and the methods of the implementation process, at the end of the development stage, the maintenances and management of the enterprises information system should be put forward, and it will also be elaborated of the importance of the IT control in the process of operation and maintenances. The products of the report can be a good reference to the group companies, and provide a comprehensive and systematic elaboration about the methods and skills in the building of the enterprise information system. In the meantime, it will enrich the overall level of the construction of information projects and has a certain reference significance and research value.学位:管理学博士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:200910014

    Research on MIS Architecture and Method of Project Implemenation in Group Company

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    在快速发展的信息化时代,利用现代信息技术有效地帮助企业解决各类信息管理工作,提高工作效率,降低成本。随着信息技术的不断发展,集团性企业如何配合企业战略的目标,科学地进行信息化规划,同时如何构建适合和灵活的管理信息系统的架构,并通过一系列信息系统类项目的实施,落地集团企业的宏大应用系统,从而真正意义上提高企业核心竞争力,这些议题是当今热门话题,也是企业高管,特别是CIO们的重要任务和研究的现实课题。 本报告以三家集团性企业(即信达股份、紫金矿业集团和翔鹭腾龙集团)的素材为依托,结合集团性企业业务层的战略和信息化建设的规划,从集团企业的管理信息系统架构建设和IT类项目实施方法两个层面,研究如何评...In the era of information explosion, it is essential to apply modern information technique to enhance various information management works in the enterprises, which will improve efficiency and reduce costs. With the continuous development of information technology, the enterprises should make reasonable and scientific information plan to coordinate with the strategic goals. In the meantime, it is ...学位:管理学博士院系专业:软件学院_管理科学与工程学号:200910014


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    Design and Implementation for the Elevator Public Service Platform Base on Internet of Things

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    将物联网安全监控应用于电梯,为人们日常生活带来极大便利和安全保障。本论文通过运用软件工程的基本理论,分析和设计了基于物联网技术的电梯公共服务平台的功能与模块。在阐述平台建设意义的基础上,分析了平台的功能性和非功能性需求,并以此为依据建立平台架构、划分平台功能模块并简要论述平台建设所运用到的关键技术。Security Monitoring based on IOT was applied to the elevator-equipment, it provides great convenience and security for People's Daily life.By using the basic theory of Software Engineering, it mainly analyzes and designs functions and modules for the Elevator Public Service Platform Base on IOT in the paper.On the basis of stating the importance of platform construction, it focuses on expounding the function and the non-function requirements.Then the platform structure is established and different functional modules are divided.And it makes simple description about related development technologies in the end of the paper.国家物联网重大应用示范区厦门市物联网示范应用项

    Characters Segmentation of License Plate Based on Combination of Projection and Intrinsic Characteristics

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    根据车牌字符的固有特征,提出一种新的基于投影的车牌字符分割方法。该方法首先对车牌图像进行预处理,检测车牌倾斜角度,如果倾斜角大于指定角度则进行车牌倾斜校正,然后利用车牌的水平方向投影去除车牌的上下边框以及铆钉,对处理得到的图像进行二值化。再根据车牌字符的排列规则和字符间距的关系,利用车牌的垂直投影定位字符,先分割出第二个和第三个字符,从第三个字符开始分割出后五个字符,再利用已分割字符的知识来分割前两个字符,然后对分割出来的候选字符块进行处理,有效解决字符粘连和断裂的情况,最终实现车牌字符的准确分割。实验结果证明,该方法有较好的分割效果。According to the intrinsic characteristics of license plate,a new approach for characters segmentation of license plate based on projection is proposed.Firstly,some preprocesses are processed toward the license plate images-detect the incline angle of license plate and rectify the slanted and distorted plate if the incline angle is bigger than the designated angle,then the horizontal boundaries are removed by using horizontal projection of license plate.After these processes,image binarization is processed to the image.Then the characters are located by using vertical projection of license plate,according to the ranging rulers and intercharacter distance of license plate characters.The second and third character are first segmented,then the last five characters from the third character are also segmented.With the knowledge of single character which has been segmented,the first two characters are segmented.Then all the possible characters are processed specially,segmenting the conglutinant characters and combining the cracked characters if existing.As a result,all the characters are segmented accurately.The experimental result shows that this approach has a good effect of segmentation.国家自然科学基金(40627001