149 research outputs found


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    Observation on Mesocoelium ovatum Juvenile,Adult and Egg by Scanning Electron Microscope

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    报道了用扫描电镜观察卵形半肠吸虫成虫、童虫、虫卵的体表超微结构,成虫、童虫体表布满单生棘和皱折,虫卵表面光滑具卵盖.The author reports the surface structure of Mesocoelium ovatum juvenile and mature adult as well as egg by scanning electron microscope observaton for the first time .The appearance of juveniles looks very like the mature adults.They both are covered with folds and spines,though their sizes and some inner structures are different under the light microscope.The juveniles have the sex organs but no egg in the uterus.It is shown that the maturation of surface structure may not be related with the development time.The body surface of juveniles and adults are provided with transverse folds and vertical folds,which only are present at the anterior end and posterior end.The shape and arrangement of the tegumental spines of worms at different maturation are basically uniform,belonging to the single spaced-pattern with pointed grow backword projecting.Several dome-shape papillae are observed around the rim of the oral sucker and acetabulum.They are tentatively identified as sensory organs.The surface of eggshell of M.ovatum including the operculum is generally smooth,and the operculum is thick and prominent


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    目的 为了解腔阔盘吸虫在贝类宿主体内发育的组织学情况。方法 用腔阔盘吸虫 (Eurytremacoelomaticum)虫卵人工感染同型阔纹锅牛BradybaenasimilarisFerussac后在不同时间里固定蜗牛 ,经石蜡包埋 ,连续切片、苏木精伊红复染 ,观察腔阔盘吸虫在蜗牛体内的发育变化。结果与结论 感染后 5~ 12天为早期母胞蚴阶段 ,感染 15天母胞蚴体内开始出现子胞蚴的胚球 ,2 9天的母胞蚴增大明显 ,胚球数目增多 ;40天的母胞蚴布满肠壁周围 ,胚球两端拉长 ;47天的母胞蚴体内的子胞蚴胚球增大明显 ,已出现内外囊壁的分化 ,内囊壁包围着胚细胞组成的中心区域 ;感染 91天的子胞蚴体内出现尾蚴胚体 ;118天的子胞蚴体内的尾蚴已经成熟 ,子胞蚴移向呼吸腔Aim This paper reported the histological development of Eurytrema coelomaticum in the snails Bradybaena similaris Ferussac.Method Snails were infected experimentally by feeding Eurytrema coelomaticum eggs,5~6 snails were fixed in Bouin's fluid at intervals of 3~6 days postinfection,the entire animal was dehydrated in thanol-toluol series,embedded in paraffin,serially sectioned at 10μm,and stained with Enlirch's hematoxylin-eosin.Results and Conclusion the germinal cells in the mother sporocyst stretched and scattered in 5~12days postinfection snails,and the number of germninal cells increased.In the 15 days postinfection snails,germinal cells created a large space around themselves and germinal balls were presented in mother sporocyst,each become a daughter sporocyst.At 29 days postinfection mother sporocyst enlarged obviously,the mumber of germinal balls increased.At 40 days postinfection,mother sporocyst scattered all over the intestine wall.The germinal balls lengthened at the both sides.By 47 days postinfection,the germinal balls in mother sporocyst enlarged significantly,daughter sporocyst balls present internal and external cyst walls,the internal cyst wall surrounded the central area that the germ cells aggregate.After 3 months postinfection,daughter sporocyst present the cercarial embroys.At 118 days postinfection,the cercariae in daughter sporocyst were mature and daughter sporocyst moved to pulmonary cavity


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    Distribution of pal-1 mRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans wild-type and mutant early (embryos) via in situ hybridization

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    pal-1是秀丽小杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)早期胚胎发育中决定体细胞命运的重要基因,也是转录因子,调控后续基因的表达,凡含有该基因表达的细胞发育成体细胞。本文通过整体原位杂交技术检测pal-1mRNA在C·elegans野生型和par-1、par-2、par-3、par-4突变体、spn-4突变体、mex-5/mex-6突变体早期胚胎中的分布,探讨这些基因在胚胎发育早期对pal-1mRNA的影响。实验结果表明:par-1、par-3、par-4突变使4细胞胚胎pal-1mRNA完全丧失了野生型不对称分布模式,pal-1mRNA分布在所有卵裂球中;par-2对pal-1mRNA的分布影响较小,在par-2突变体4细胞胚胎中pal-1mRNA分布与野生型相同。spn-4、mex-5、mex-6也能影响pal-1mRNA的分布,使其分布丧失不对称性。在par-1、par-4突变的情况下,pal-1mRNA广泛存在,但PAL-1蛋白也不表达,显示对pal-1mRNA的翻译调控是PAL-1蛋白空间和时序不对称分布的主要原因[动物学报51(5):884-891,2005]。This paper reports the distribution of pal-1 mRNA in Caenorhabditis elegans early embryo of wild type, par-1,par-2, par-3,par-4 mutant, spn-4 mutant and mex-5/mex-6 mutant via in situ hybridization. In wild type embryos, pal-1 mRNA showed asymmetric localization in one cell, two cell and 4-cell embryos. At 4-cell embryo, posterior 2 cells showed higher levels than anterior cells. In par-1,par-3,par-4 mutant embryos, pal-1mRNA lost asymmetric localization and were present everywhere. Loss function of par-2 did not affect the distribution of pal-1mRNA. spn-4, mex-5 and mex-6 also affected pal-1mRNA asymmetric distribution. In par-1,par-4 mutant, pal-1mRNA was present everywhere but no PAL-1 was detected in any cells of 4-cell embryos. This implies that the translational regulation of pal-1mRNA may be the reason for spatially and temporally asymmetric location of PAL-1 protein.国家自然科学基金(No.30370695);; 教育部留学回国人员启动基金;; 厦门大学校级基金资助~

    Cloning,expression and identification of aspartic protease gene of Ancylostoma caninum in E.coli

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    目的对犬钩虫(Ancylostomacaninum)天冬氨酸蛋白酶Asp基因进行了克隆,鉴定,并在原核系统中进行表达。方法以犬钩虫总RNA为模板,用RT-PCR法对犬钩虫天冬氨酸蛋白酶Asp基因进行扩增,获得的AspcDNA产物克隆进pMD-18T载体,用PCR筛选阳性克隆。碱裂解法进行质粒提取,单、双酶切进行鉴定并测序。将测序正确的阳性克隆进行双酶切,构建到表达载体pET-32a中,将此重组质粒先转化到E.coliDH5a内,提取质粒,酶切鉴定阳性,再转化入表达宿主E.coliBL21(DE3)菌株内,对转化菌株用IPTG进行诱导培养。收集培养液,破菌、离心,上清进行SDS-PAGE,通过电转移将胶中蛋白转到硝酸纤维素膜上后进行免疫印迹分析。结果电泳发现转化了重组质粒的菌株有表达蛋白,所表达蛋白相对分子量为40kDa,抗体检测有特异条带大小为40kDa。结论成功进行了犬钩虫天冬氨酸蛋白酶Asp基因的克隆表达。Cloning,expressing and identify the aspartic protease gene from Ancylostoma caninum for the further studying in the application in the diagnosis of Ancylostoma as well as for the development of anti-hookworm vaccine.The gene encoding aspartic protease was amplified from the total RNA by using RT-PCR technique.The amplified product was cloned initially into pMD-18T vector.After PCR selection,enzyme digestion,and sequencing.The positive and right sequence of plasmid was digested by enzyme and ligated with digested expression vector pET-32a by ligase,and then transformed the construct into the competent E.coli DH5а strain.Colonies containing the insert plasmid were selected on LB plus ampicillin(100μg/ml) plate and also by PCR screening,the positive plasmid DNA was extracted and digested with enzymes.Plasmid containing the right insert were sequenced to confirm its identity,and then retransformed the recombinant plasmids into E.coli BL21(DE3)strain.Bacterial lysates from cultures induced with IPTG(1mmol/L) were directly loaded onto SDS-PAGE,and the proteins on the SDS-PAGE gel.Were transferred to nitrocellulose membrane,detected with antiserum against recombinant expressing aspartic protease.Through these procedures,a specific protein with a molecular mass of 40kDa could be visualized on gel.This recombinant expressing protein can be used for further studies in the detection of the effectiveness of immunity and the preparation of antigen and antibodies of aspartic protease in large scale.国家自然科学基金(No30470881);; 福建省自然科学基金重点项目(NoC0320001)联合资

    Study on Ancylostoma caninum in dogs and the observation of different stages of life cycle

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    目的犬钩虫(Ancylostoma canium)幼虫可以感染人体,但不能发育为成虫,仅引起皮肤幼虫移行症。方法采用饱和盐水漂浮法和涂片法检查钩虫卵;用"T"滤纸条培养犬钩蚴;皮肤感染和灌喂人工感染实验狗。感染后不同时间解剖狗,从狗小肠获取钩虫,镜下观察和拍照。结果厦门市30只宠物犬样本犬钩虫感染率为3.33%(1/30),蛔虫感染率为10.00%(3/30)。对犬钩虫生活史各期的形态进行观察。结论厦门市存在宠物犬犬钩虫感染,特别是农家狗的犬钩虫感染为多。Only the larvae of Ancylostoma canium infect human and emigrant in human body,they could not develop into abult.In order to get Ancylostoma canium,we investigated dog hookworm in summer and autumn of 2004.The eggs were floated by saturated NaCl solution and incubated on the "T" filter paper.The experimental dogs were infected with infective larva from skin and mouth.The parasite was collected from small intestine at different time of post-infection and observed via microscope.The results indicate that the infection rate of Ancylostoma caninum is 3.33%,and Ascaris lumbricoides is 10.00% in dogs,respectively.And the observation of different stages of hookworm's lifecycle were done.In conclusion,Ancylostoma canium is still popular in dogs in Xiamen,especially in the countryside.福建省自然科学基金重点项目资助(项目号:C0320001

    Biomonitor of pollution in seawater in Xiamen using Caenorhbditis elegans

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    首次采用野生型秀丽小杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)与带有HSP16启动子的转基因虫株分别对厦门岛附近5个站位的表层水样污染程度进行了监测,二者研究结果具有相关性,但采用转基因秀丽小杆线虫大大缩短了监测时间,提高了灵敏度。这是国内应用模式生物秀丽小杆线虫对环境及污染物的监测研究的首次报道。The recent biomonitoring was in focus of the environment research.Caenorhbditis elegans was applied for the biomonitor of pollution in small size,high fecundity and short generation time.The monitor depth of pollution in seawater is normally using the mortality.Our study is first used both N2 mortality and transgenic strain at five station of surface water in Xiamen Sea Area.Comparing both results found that the mortality and staining have the correlation.C.elegans stress-Inducible transgenic worms as a biosensor could be shorten the test time and improved the sensitivity.This is first report on the biomonitor of environmental pollution in China using C.elegans.国家自然科学基金资助项目(30370695

    Use of Caenorhabditis elegans as a pollution biosensor in Xiamen Seawater

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    采用野生型秀丽小杆线虫与带有hsp16启动子的转基因虫株分别对厦门岛附近5个站位的表层水样污染程度进行了监测,并将致死率和染色率的检测结果进行比较.结果表明,秀丽小杆线虫的致死率和染色率具有相关性.应用模式生物秀丽小杆线虫对环境及污染物的监测的方法可行,用转基因的秀丽小杆线虫能够提高检测的灵敏度,缩短检测时间.Caenorhabditis elegans was applied as a pollution biosensor because of its small size, high fecundity and short generation time. Its mortality is a biomonitoring criterion which indicates the degree of pollution. In this study, both the mortality of the wild-type worm and the staining of a transgenic strain were used to test the quality of surface water samples from five stations in the Xiamen sea area. Comparison of both results show that mortality and staining were correlated. Using C.elegans stress-inducible transgenic worms as biosensors could shorten the testing time and improve the sensitivity of environmental monitoring.国家自然科学基金项目(No.30370695)~