217 research outputs found

    Research on Organization and Management Model of X Airport Reclamation Project

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    政府投资的城市基础设施建设工程项目规模不断增大,涉及专业领域不断增加,干系人关系也越发复杂,建设工期越来越长而节点控制要求却越来越严格,这些超大型项目的不断涌现给项目管理工作带来了新的考验。因此,如何在复杂条件下保证项目目标的顺利实现成为了工程管理的难点。 本文针对上述问题,以X机场项目前期的填海造地工程为研究对象,针对目前进度滞后的现状,通过项目组织管理与实施模式的研究来尝试寻找优化空间,研究和制定一套相对合理的、更有利于保证项目目标实现的进度控制的组织结构体系。文章借鉴参考了国内外的政府投资项目组织管理模式的经验,通过分析当前存在问题的决策、沟通、合同、资金等影响因素,提出投资、设计、施...The government investment infrastructure projects become more complicated because of involvement of variety industries, mega project scale and numerous stakeholders. The construction period becomes longer, but the control requirement on node is increasing strict. The growing emergence of mega projects brings new challenge to project management. Therefore, how to guarantee smooth realization of pro...学位:工程管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程管理硕士学号:1772014115110

    Analyze A Number of Tax Issues of Our Corporate Debt Restructuring

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    在市场经济条件下,企业在经营活动中由于自身条件或者企业外部的宏观经济环境等原因,经常会出现无法如期偿还债务而陷入财务危机的情况。大量债权债务的存在制约着企业的发展,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,债权债务的处置问题都是一个世界性的、普遍存在的问题。 债务重组是企业处置债权债务的一种重要手段,是企业存量资本优化整合的有效方式之一。税收作为宏观经济中影响每一个微观企业的重要因素,在企业财务决策中处于举足轻重的地位。针对债务重组业务,国家颁布了一系列的税收法律法规,这些税收法律法规的颁布为企业债务重组的税务处理提供了依据和准绳,但在实际运用中还存在着一些问题。 本文试图采用理论和实践相结合的方法,...Debt restructuring between enterprises is inevitable under the circumstances of so called “market economy” , as overdue or bad debts frequently arise caused by economic fluctuation and improper or low efficient internal management of some enterprises. Tax affairs are key factors for the planning of debt restructuring. At the same time, they are also critical to the government. So there is a set...学位:会计硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计硕士(MPACC)学号:X200815709

    A research on the improvement of government accountancy and budgetYANG Zhao-hui

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    从分析我国政府会计与预算的现状入手 ,介绍了目前政府会计的主要模式 ,探讨了主要发达国家权责发生制改革的实践对我国的借鉴作用 ,结合我国建设社会主义公共财政的实际情况 ,提出了未来我国政府会计与预算的改革方向。Based on the current status analysis, the major modes of government accountancy at present are introduced. The enlightenment of the power-responsibility system reform in major developed countries to that in China is explored. Accordingly, in the light of the practical conditions of building socialist public finance in our country, the direction to reform China's government accountancy and budget in future is proposed

    The exploration on the relationship between the dividend policy and stock ownership of listed company in China

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    对企业股利政策理论的历史发展进行回顾,从MM的股利无关论到KUM ARR的“噪音信号传递”理论,概括了我国上市公司分红现状,结合股权结构对上市公司分红的动因进行分析,根据我国证券市场股权的现状及国有股的减持实践,提出完善企业股利分配和股权结构的几点思路。Development history of the theory of dividend policy of enterprise is reviewed.The current status of dividends of listed companies in China is summarized.Combined with stock ownership,the cause of sharing profits of a listed company is analyzed.According to the present situation of stock ownership in China's stock markets,and the practice of decreasing the percentage of state-owned stocks,some ideas to improve dividends distribution and stock ownership of enterprises are put forward

    On the Improvement of Government Accounting Recognition Basis in China

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    摘要长期以来,收付实现制(CashBasis)一直是世界各国财政管理中主要的会计确认基础。但自二十世纪七十年代开始,在“新公共管理”(NewPublicManagement)理念的推动下,一些发达国家(如OECD成员国)发起了变革,其核心是将企业管理理念引进政府公共部门,强调政府和公共部门必须重视财政绩效和受托责任,要求政府财政预算更加透明、会计信息更加完整。这样,以新西兰、澳大利亚为代表的发达国家开始采用权责发生制(AccrualBasis)作为政府会计确认基础并取得了巨大的成功。这些国家的政府会计变革成功效应迅速波及到其他OECD成员国,并成为世界上大多数国家的共识,许多发展中国家也开始在...Abstract Cash Basis has been the main basis for accounting recognition in the financial management all over the world for a long time. Motivated by the New Public Management in 1970s, some developed countries like OECD members initiated a reform to introduce business management into the public governmental sections; and stress both the importance and necessity of financial achievement, account...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院会计系_会计学学号:20031106


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    以合并范围信息披露即企业在子公司中的权益披露作为研究对象,比较分析CAS 41与原CAS 33在合并范围信息披露方面的规定可以发现,CAS 41在企业集团构成披露方面、控制权判断依据披露方面、结构化主体披露方面、企业在其子公司所有者权益份额变化披露方面均有重大变化或拓展。为进一步研究这四个方面信息披露的现状及存在的问题,对A股上市公司抽样样本进行统计分析,并提出完善CAS 41的建议及指出其执行过程中的关注点。教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“会计计量模式、报告模式与企业综合报告”(项目编号:16JJD790035)


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