18 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Credit Cooperative Office Automation System Based on struts

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    随着信息和网络的不断发展,企业的管理更多地采用了信息化手段,而信用社处于高竞争性的行业对信息化管理的需求更为迫切。办公自动化的优点越来越显著,它不仅能减少资源的浪费也可提高工作效率,信用社系统拥有着良好的硬件信息化条件,在此基础上建立起办公自动化系统快捷方便。虽然市场上有着功能庞大的办公自动化系统,但通常来说囊括了各个行业的业务需求,针对性尤为不足。而对于基层的农村信用社,工作职员电脑技术能力不强加上工作较为简单琐碎,不适合采用市场上庞大复杂的产品,而应根据自身需求开发一套适合的办公自动化系统。 本文针对某信用社的办公自动化现状提出了办公自动化系统的构建,通过实地调查的方式获取了系统的需求分...With the development of information and network, the management of the enterprise adopted more informationization means, which is more urgently needed to credit cooperative in the highly competitive industry. The advantages of office automation is more and more obvious, it can reduce the waste of resources and improve work efficiency. Since the system of Credit cooperative has a good hardware info...学位:工学硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201323034


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    Photoelectrocatalytic Property of Titanium Based TiO_2 Nanotube Array Electrode

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    应用电化学阳极氧化法在纯TI基底上制备高度有序的TIO2纳米管阵列,考察了TI/TIO2光阳极的光电化学响应。以苯酚溶液为目标污染物,研究TI/TIO2电极的光电催化性能,并与光催化性能进行比较。结果表明,该电极光电催化性能优于光催化性能,施加0.6V电压时,光电催化性能最好。电化学阻抗谱分析显示,光电催化和光催化降解过程的速控步骤均为表面反应步骤,外加偏压减小了界面电荷转移阻抗,提高了光生载流子的分离效率。TiO2 nanotube arrays were prepared by the electrochemical anodization on pure Ti surfaces,and their photoelectrochemical activity was examined.The photoelectrocatalytic property of Ti/TiO2 electrode was evaluated by the degradation of phenol aqueous solution and compared with its photocatalytic performance.The results demonstrated that the photoelectrocatalytic degradation rate of phenol solution for Ti/TiO2 electrode was higher than its photocatalytic degradation rate.The highest photoelectrocatalytic level could be achieved when the bias potential of 0.6V was applied on the Ti/TiO2 electrode.The results of EIS analyses revealed that the surface reaction step was the only rate limiting step either for the photocatalytic process or for the photoelectrocatalytic process.The extra bias potential could decrease the values of the electron-transfer resistance and increase the separation efficiency of photogenerated electron-hole pairs.福建省自然科学基金(No.U0750015);福建省科技计划重点课题(No.2007H0031);厦门市科技计划(No.3502Z20073004)资助项

    Study on dissolution behaviors of chalcopyrite in acid solution

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    为了探索黄铜矿低温常压湿法氧化(O2)浸出的可行性,研究了黄铜矿在酸性介质中的溶解行为,考察了温度、酸浓度及溶浸时间等对黄铜矿酸浸行为的影响,计算了酸浸过程中铜的浸出率,分析了元素硫的变化行为及残渣微观结构。结果表明,黄铜矿常压湿法氧化(O2)浸出过程的酸浸阶段会产生硫化氢;黄铜矿的溶解能力随温度变化先快后慢,后段接近线性增长,溶解主要发生在前2小时;低温有利于溶解,而最适酸浸pH约-0.4。pH对溶解的影响小于温度的影响。The dissolvability behaviors of chalcopyrite in acid solvent,including the influences of temperature,pH value and the acidic leaching time on the dissolvability behaviors of chalcopyrite,are studied to probe the feasibility of hydro-oxidation leaching at normal pressure and low-temperature.The changing behaviors of elemental sulfur and the microstructure of the residue are also analyzed.The results show that:①sulfureted hydrogen can be produced in the acidic leaching of chalcopyrite's wet oxidation at ordinary pressure and low-temperature;②the dissolvable capacity of chalcopyrite change with time fleetly at first then slowly,which is linear increase at the later part,the dissolution occurs mostly at 2 hours afore;③low temperature is beneficial to the dissolution and the optimum pH value is-0.4.And the influence of temperature is stronger than that of pH

    Catalytical performance for ammonia decomposition on Ru/CNTs nano-material prepared by polyol reduction-deposition method

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    武小满( 1977-),女,副教授,主要研究方向:纳米材料和催化化学。 E-mail:[email protected][中文文摘]近年来各国对环境保护日益关注,为了减少甚至消除汽车、小型发电站等带来的污染,供给质子膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的现场制氢技术的研究受到关注。以含碳物质如甲醇、甲烷制得的氢气中不可避免含有COx(x=1,2),微量COx就会严重毒化电极,而氨分解制氢环境友好,经燃料电池单元综合利用后,尾气仅为N2和H2O并可直接排空,全过程不会产生有害气体,因此成为燃料电池用氢技术研究的热点。作为第二代氨合成催化剂的活性组分,纳米金属钌也是氨分解催化剂的研究重点[1];目前大部分的氨分解Ru催化剂主要采用浸渍法制得[1-3]。多元醇液相化学还原法[4-6]是近年来新发展起来的纳米金属催化剂/材料制备方法,因具有工艺简单,结果易重复,产物的粒径及其分布、形貌、纯度易控等特点而倍受人们的关注。另一方面,碳纳米管(CNTs)是一类新奇的碳素纳米材料,近年来被用作新型催化剂载体或促进剂的研究与日俱增,应用研究主要集中在液相和气相的选择加氢、脱氢、氢解等过程。Serp等[7]综述了CNTs在催化领域应用中的进展,认为其催化活性和选择性显示出令人鼓舞的前景。本文即采用乙二醇液相化学还原沉积法将少量Ru负载分散到CNTs上,制得一类Ru修饰碳纳米管复合材料,利用TEM、XRD 等技术对其进 行观测表征, 并以氨分解制氢作探针反应, 考察了 不同制备方法所得Ru /CNTs及添加碱/碱土金属 离子助剂对氨分解转化率的影响, 并讨论了CNTs 载体促进作用的本质。[英文文摘]A series of metallic Ru/CNTs were prepared using glycol reduction-deposition method. The results of TEM and XRD showed that metal Ru nanoparticles were quite uniform in shape and size(2~4 nm ) and well dispersed on the CNTs surface. The NH3-decom position conversion over Ru/CNTs catalyst prepared through ethylene glycol reduction-deposition was about 1.6 times as high as that of Ru/CNTs catalyst prepared by conventional incipientwetness method under the same reaction condition. The results demonstrated that NH3 decomposition over the Ru /CNTs catalyst using glycol reduction- deposition method with the Rux0-crystallite size at 3~4 nm displayed the highest reaction activity.While Rux0 particle size came dNH3 decom pos ition was m arked ly dropped. No ticeab ly, the promo ter o f K enhanced rem arkably catalytic activity of Ru /CNTs prepared using conven tiona l incipient w etness m ethod but few effect o f ones prepared using glycol reduction-deposition method.own to 2 nm and below, the conversion of NH3 decomposition was markedly dropped. Noticeably, the promoter of K enhanced remarkably catalytic activity of Ru/CNTs prepared using conventional incipient w etness m ethod but few effect of ones prepared using glycol reduction-deposition method.国家自然科学基金项目(20473063和20590364)资助; 校内青年科研基金(2009070)资

    Preparation of Ru/CNTs Nano-material by Polyol Reduction-deposition Method and Its Catalytical Performance for Ammonia Decomposition

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    第一作者简介: 武小满, 女, 博士, 副教授, 从事催化化学研究及教学工作。E- mail xm anw u77@ yahoo. com. cn[中文文摘]通过乙二醇液相还原法将少量金属Ru沉积在碳纳米管(简称CNTs)上,TEM、XRD表征结果表明,该法明显提高了Ru在CNTs上的分散度,Ru微晶的粒径在3~4 nm。氨分解反应结果表明,采用乙二醇液相还原法在降低Ru负载量的同时还明显提高了Ru/CNTs的催化氨分解活性。在0.4 MPa、773 K、空速GHSV100%NH3=30 000 mL/(h.g)反应条件下,在液相还原法制备的4.2%Ru/CNTs催化剂上氨分解转化率可达48.5%,约为同条件下浸渍法所得5%Ru/CNTs的1.3倍,液相还原最佳配比5.7%Ru/γ-Al2O3的1.2倍。表观活化能测试结果显示用CNTs代替γ-Al2O3作为载体或分散相并不引起所负载Ru催化剂上NH3分解制H2反应的表观活化能发生明显变化。[英文文摘]Nowadays catalytic decomposition of ammonia is regarded as a method to obtain COfree hydrogen for its application in proton exchange membrane fuel cell.In this paper,with carbon nano-tubes(as CNTs) as substrate,a series of metallic Ru/CNTs were prepared using glycol reduction-deposition method which enhanced markedly dispersion of Ru on CNTs with the Rux0-crystallite size at 3~4 nm characterized through TEM and XRD.Under reaction conditions of 0.4 MPa,773 K and GHSV100%NH3 = 30 000 mL/(h·g),the observed NH3- decomposition conversion over the 4.2% Ru/CNTs catalyst(prepared through ethylene-glycol reduction-deposition) reached 48.5%, which was about 1.2 times as high as that of the 5.7% Ru /γ-Al2O3 catalyst prepared by the samemethod, and about 1.3 times as high as that of the 5% Ru /CNTs catalyst prepared by conventional incip ientw etnessmethod. Over the 4% Ru /CNTs catalys,t 100% o fNH3 - decomposition w as a ttained at 870 K; w hile over 5% Ru /CNTs prepared by conventional incipient wetness method, the reaction temperature as high as 900 K w as requ ired for the same (100%) conversion. At 870 K, the observed NH3 - decomposit ion conversion w as only 81. 7% over the 5. 7% Ru /γ-Al2O3 catalys.t It was experimentally also found that using the CNTs in place of γ-Al2O3 as support of them etalRu- catalyst did not cause amarked change in the apparent activation energy (Ea) for the reaction of NH3- decomposition to yieldH2.国家重点基础研究发展规划“973”项目(2005CB221400); 国家自然科学基金项目(20473063和20590364

    Photoelectrocatalytic Property of Titanium Based TiO2 Nanotube Array Electrode

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    TiO2 nanotube arrays were prepared by the electrochemical anodization on pure Ti surfaces, and their photoelectrochemical activity was examined. The photoelectrocatalytic property of Ti/TiO2 electrode was evaluated by the degradation of phenol aqueous solution and compared with its photocatalytic performance. The results demonstrated that the photoelectrocatalytic degradation rate of phenol solution for Ti/TiO2 electrode was higher than its photocatalytic degradation rate. The highest photoelectrocatalytic level could be achieved when the bias potential of 0.6 V was applied on the Ti/TiO2 electrode. The results of EIS analyses revealed that the surface reaction step was the only rate limiting step either for the photocatalytic process or for the photoelectrocatalytic process. The extra bias potential could decrease the values of the electron-transfer resistance and increase the separation efficiency of photogenerated electron-hole pairs


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    : 【目的】探讨复合声对听阈正常耳鸣患者的疗效,为纯音听阈正常耳鸣患者治疗提供参考。【方法】 收集2014年9月1日-2015年12月30日间中山大学附属第一医院门诊就诊的纯音测听听阈正常的46例耳鸣患 者,耳鸣持续时间>3个月。详细收集患者病例资料如年龄、性别、耳鸣特点、伴随症状等,并行纯音测听、耳鸣测 听检查,以及耳鸣致残量表(THI)评分和视觉模拟评分(VAS)评分。给予复合声治疗,选取主频与耳鸣频率一致 的自然声,并挑选音乐主频覆盖耳鸣频率中心的音乐片段,以选出的掩蔽自然声与音乐材料片段进行叠加重合, 对耳鸣患者进行声治疗并评估疗效。【结果】46 例耳鸣患者中 32 例后效抑制阳性,其治疗前 THI 评分平均为 (33.38±16.23)分,VAS 评分平均为(4.38±1.62)分;经复合声治疗后 THI 评分为(21.75±11.67)分,VAS 评分为 (2.97±1.06)分;14例后效抑制阴性的患者,治疗前THI评分平均为(29.86±20.15)分,VAS评分平均为(3.93±1.69) 分;复合声治疗后THI评分为(23.43±16.29)分,VAS评分为(3.36±1.2)分。后效抑制阳性组声治疗前后THI评分 和VAS评分显著降低,后效抑制阴性组声治疗也有效,效果不如后效抑制阳性组。【结论】复合声对听力正常耳 鸣患者有效,后效抑制阳性的患者复合声治疗效果较好,而后效抑制阴性的患者声治疗效果不明显


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