1,736 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Mobile Police System Based on Android Technology

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    随着我国公路交通建设的快速发展以及机动车辆的普及,与机动车辆和驾驶员相关的交通违法现象逐年上升,对稳定的公共交通秩序造成很大威胁。为提高基层交警的工作效率,完善交警执勤管理,贵阳市交通管理局提出采用信息化手段完成市局警务管理,实现贵阳市交通管理局警务行政管理的移动化。建立基于Android的贵阳市公安交通管理局移动警务通成为了贵阳市公安交通管理局的新目标。 本文首先简要介绍了Android应用和移动警务通的现状,研究了Android操作系统以及WebService技术,为移动警务通系统的研发奠定了必要的技术基础。随后通过对公安交通管理局执勤民警实际行政执法进行实际需求调研,在需求分析的基础上...With the rapid development of highway traffic construction in China, and the popularity of motor vehicles, associated with motor vehicles and drivers of traffic law phenomenon is increased year by year, public traffic caused great threat to stability. Increasing year by year, the stability of the traffic order caused great threat. In order to improve the working efficiency of the traffic police at...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323012

    Research of Female Employment in Transform Employment Structure

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    女性就业问题一直是社会非常关注的问题。近几年,我国就业形势严峻,体现在性别差异上便是女性"就业难"问题相当突出。女性就业是女性拥有独立经济地位的保障,而女性独立的经济地位是实现男女平等、两性和谐的基础。但是,在就业结构的转型阶段,我国女性的就业问题却面临着机遇和挑战,女性就业的瓶颈逐渐显现。笔者围绕着就业结构转型期的我国女性就业问题,从我国女性就业制度的演变过程、我国女性就业的现状分析、促进我国女性充分就业的思路探析等三个方面着手,较为系统、全面的分析了我国各个时期的女性就业状况、特点和原因,并通过借鉴部分发达国家的女性就业方面的成熟做法,再结合我国政府为女性就业采取的有效措施,提出了一些粗浅...Female issue of obtaining employment is always the problem that society shows solicitude for much。Over the past few years, our country employment circumstances is that the female difficult to obtain employment, embodying in gender differences. The female obtains employment is the guarantee that the female owns independent economic status, and independent economic status of female is to realize eq...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_政治经济学学号:X20034307

    Effects of Varying Tension and Stiffness on Dynamic Characteristics and VIV of Slender Riser

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    A time-domain approach for predicting dynamic characteristics and vortex-induced vibration (VIV) response of deepwater risers is proposed by coupling finite element simulation and a hydrodynamic model. Numerical results indicate that axially varying structural parameters can efficiently change the modal wave length as well as the modal displacement. Further, VIV response indicates that vibration amplitude depends on a complex synthetical effect of tension, stiffness and wave length. Generally speaking, for lower modes the response amplitude is larger at the axial position where tension is smaller, whereas for higher modes the response amplitude is larger at the axial position where bending stiffness is lower. Moreover, vibration wave velocity increases with increasing modal wave length


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    The Development Strategy of the Yima Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd

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    近些年来,我国经济的稳定发展为煤炭行业的发展提供了重要的机遇期。但是低碳经济和节能减排使得煤炭行业不得不寻找新的盈利增长点。义马煤业集团股份有限公司作为一家有着50年历史的国有大型煤矿公司,面对外部环境的变化,为了更好地抓住机遇并增强企业的竞争力,迫切需要进行战略规划。 本文一共有六章。第一章阐述了本文的研究对象,研究目的和意义,以及本文的研究框架。第二章介绍了相关的企业战略管理理论和战略分析工具,第三章结合实际情况,进一步从政治环境、经济环境、社会环境、技术环境等方面分析了企业所面临的宏观环境,运用五力模型分析了企业所处的行业环境,使得我们可以清晰地了解义煤集团面临的机会和威胁;并从组织架...In recent years, the stable development of China's economy provides an important opportunity for the development of the coal industry. But the low-carbon economy and energy efficiency make the coal industry had to find new profit growth point. Yima Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. as a large state-owned coal company has a history of 50 years. It is urgent to make a strategic planning to achieve the l...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院高级经理教育中心(EMBA项目)_高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学号:X201115613

    Interpretation and Application honest liberal regime——With Criminal Law provisions of the third paragraph of Article 67 Perspective

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    《刑法》第六十七条第三款中规定:“因其如实供述自己罪行,避 免特别严重后果发生的,可以减轻处罚”,至此,坦白从宽制度正式上 升到我国的法律层面。为了明晰这一法律事物的内涵和外延,本文拟从 《刑法》第六十七条第三款角度,对我国坦白从宽法律制度进行相应的 理论和实践探讨。 本文在前言部分,剖析了《刑法修正案(八)》实施以来,笔者在工作 中遇到的实际案例,提出自己的看法和思考,为全文研究起到了引领作用。 第一章阐述了我国“坦白从宽”入律的法理问题。通过新中国成立初期 坦白从宽政策的提出和运用,以及改革开放后坦白从宽制度逐渐法定化,坦 白从宽法律制度具有深厚的理论基础和法律价值,体现..."Criminal Law" Article 67, paragraph 3 states: "Because truthfully confessed his crime, avoid particularly serious consequences can be mitigated punishment," At this point, frank formal system rises to the level of China's laws. In order to clarify this legal connotation and denotation of things, this paper from the "Criminal Law" Article 67 of the third paragraph perspective on China's legal...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201012004

    Copyright Collective Management

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    著作权集体管理制度发端于18世纪,从音乐作品领域扩及至文字作品和美术、电影作品、邻接权等领域,随着新的传播技术的发展而价值凸现。作为权利主体的权利人,很难单独有效地行使类似音乐作品的公开表演等权利。随着作品使用方式和使用范围的扩大,越来越多的权利人不能有效控制其作品的使用及与使用者谈判并向其收取报酬。在这种情况下,由国家著作权管理机构批准以著作权人、邻接权人为成员自发组合成立了著作权集体管理组织。它不仅保护了著作权人、邻接权人的权益,也给作品使用者提供了许多方便。著作权集体管理组织可以是官方或半官方的机构,也可以是民间性的私人团体。一般都由作品著作权人或邻接权人自愿加入,并将其部分或全部作品的...The collective management of copyright system originated in the 18th century, from the music field work experiences and art, film characters works, copyright neighboring rights etc, with the development of new technology and value. As the main body of the individual rights, it is difficult to separate effectively exercise similar music works of public performances such rights. Work with the scope ...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_法律硕士(JM)学号:X20040810

    Current Condition of Japanese Studies in Korea and Challenges : Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Nichibunken’s Foundation

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    世界の中の日本研究 : 批判的提言を求めて, 国際日本文化研究センター, 2018年5月19日-21