61 research outputs found


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    Construction of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid from Dawson-Type Tungstophosphate and Tetranuclear Copper Complex

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    通过水热合成得到了一个新颖的包含四核铜配合物的无机-有机杂化化合物[CuCl(H2O)4)][CuCl(H2O)(PHEn)][{(CuPHEn)2Cl2}2(bdC)]2[P2W18O62]·5H2O(1)(PHEn=1,10-PHEnAnTHrOlInE和bdC=1,4-bEnzEnEdICArbOXylATE),对其进行了元素分析、红外光谱、热重、电化学等表征,并用X-射线单晶衍射测定了它的晶体结构。化合物1含有由Cl和bdC桥连的四核铜配合物阳离子[{(CuPHEn)2Cl2}2(bdC)]2+。此外,化合物1的电化学研究表明其对亚硝酸的还原具有很好的电催化活性。A novel hybrid compound [CuCl(H2O)4)] [CuCl(H2O)(Phen)] [{(CuPhen)2Cl2}2(bdc)]2[P2W18O62]·5H2O(1)(Phen=1,10-phenanthroline and bdc=1,4-benzenedicarboxylate), containing multinuclear CuⅡcomplex cations, has been obtained in hydrothermal conditions and characterized by IR, elemental, thermogravimetric, electrochemical and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.The main structural feature to this compound is the copper-Phen complex moieties which compose new tetranuclear copper-Phen complex cation [{(CuPhen)2Cl2}2(bdc)]2+bridged by Cl and bdc ligands.Furthermore, a compound 1-modiffied carbon paste electrode(1-CPE) displays the good electrocatalytic activity toward the reduction of nitrite.CCDC: 952036

    Study on mechanism of lead biosorption by phanerochaete chrysosporium

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    [中文文摘]通过电子显微镜观察和X 射线光电子能谱测定等分析手段研究了黄孢原毛平革菌 (Phanerochaetechrysosporium)对Pb2 +生物吸附的机理 .实验结果表明 ,该菌种对Pb2 + 的吸附过程是一个以表面络合反应为主要机理的物理化学吸附过程 ,同时也存在着离子交换机理,但它并非主要机理。[英文文摘]Phanerochaete chrysosporium exhibited lead adsorption capacity from aqueous solution up to 108 45 mg/g The biosorption mechanism was researched by the electron micrograph and X rays Photoelectron Spectra The experimental results showed that the main mechanism of lead biosorption was kind of physical chemical process, and metal ions were adsorbed directly on the cell surfaces In addition to surface complex reaction, ion exchange also played a role in the biosorption process, but it was not a main mechanism.国家教委留学回国人员科研启动基

    Measurement of multispecies concentration and gas temperature in an ammonium-dinitramide-based thruster by tunable diode lasers

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    In this paper, quantitative experiments were made to measure the concentration of key intermediate products (CO, N2O, and NO) and the gas temperature for combustion flow based on near-infrared and mid-infrared laser absorption spectroscopy. This paper used the developed diagnostic system to study two main ignition modes of a real 1-Newton thruster based on ammonium dinitramide (ADN): steady-state firing and pulse-mode firing over a feed pressure of 5-12 bar. The steady-state firing experiments distinguished the whole process into catalytic decomposition stage and combustion stage, experimentally demonstrating the combustion kinetics mechanism of an ADN monopropellant. Experiments for pulse-mode firing showed the measured multispecies concentration and temperature were consistent with pulse trains, verifying good performance for the thruster pulse-mode firing operation. The performance of the thruster was given based on the optical measurements, and characteristic velocity for the ADN-based thruster standard operation was higher than the corresponding 1-Newton hydrazine thruster. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America</p

    The Determination of Total Protein of Human Serum by Near-IR Fluorescence Enhancement

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    [中文文摘]建立了以阴离子花菁染料—CTAB体系依近红外荧光增强测定人血清总蛋白的方法. 最大激发及发射波长分别为765nm 及812nm . 蛋白质测定的线性范围为0-4 ~12μg/mL.[英文文摘]A fluorometric method has been developed for the determination of total protein in human serum with a new near-IR reagent as a fluorescence probe,based on the fluorescence enhancement of the cyanine-CTAB system in the presence of protein.Maximum fluorescence is produced with maximum excitation and emission wavelengths at 765 and 812nm, respectively. Under optimal conditions,the calibration graphs are linear over the range 0 4~12 0μg/mL for protein. The detection limit is 70ng/mL.The relative standard deviation of six replicate measurement s is 1114 %for BSA of 610μg/ mL level. The results are satisfactory.国家自然科学基金(29775021

    A Cationic Cyanine as a Near-IR Fluorescent Probe for Determination of Nucleic Acids

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    [中文文摘]以阳离子花菁染料为荧光探针, 依近红外荧光猝灭测定核酸. 最大激发及发射波长分别为765 、790nm . 核酸测定的线性范围为0-08 ~1-2μg/m L(CTDNA 及SM DNA) , 0-1 ~1-6μg/mL(yeast RNA).[英文文摘]A method with an cationic near-IR cyanine as a fluorescent probe was developed for the determination of nucleic acids.The near-IR cyanine shows the maximum excitation and emission wavelengths at 765 and 790nm, respectively,in aqueous solution.The method is based on the fluorescence decrease of near-IR cyanine in the presence of nucleic acids.Under optimal conditions,the ratio value of fluorescence intensity in the absence and presence of nucleic acids was proportional to the concentration of nucleic acids over the range of 0108~112μg/ mL for CT DNA or SM DNA , and 011~116μg/ mL for Yeast RNA. The detection limit s were 30 ng/ mL for CT DNA , 25 ng/ mL for SM DNA and 70 ng/ mL for Yeast RNA. The relative standard deviation (n = 6) were 211%for 500 ng/ mL CT DNA level.国家自然科学基金(29775021


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    随着群组通信业务的普及,群组通信的相关安全研究也随之兴起。群组密码学的概念首先由 Desmedt 提出。与传统通信中的密码学方案相比,群组密码学具有很多优点,并已经成功地运用到视频点播和分布式系统等一些应用场景中。群签名,环签名,广播加密等密码学体制作为群组密码学的重要分支都得到了学术界的密切关注。本文的研究工作集中在群组密码学的一个重要组成部分:群组密钥管理,即多个(群组)用户在不安全的开放网络环境中通过一定的协议产生一个共享的会话密钥,为后面的通信提供各种安全性保护。 本文的研究工作主要包含两个方面,群组密钥分发协议和可证明安全的认证群组密钥协商协议。在对已有的群组密钥管理方案进行了大量的调查与分析后,我们在此基础上提出了一些有价值的研究成果。本文的主要成果包括: 1. 在第二章中,提出了一种高效的长期 self-healing 群组密钥分发方案。和已有方案相比,新方案的优势包括:(1)我们避免了使用指数运算, 而只是域上多项式的相关运算;(2)群组管理者广播消息次数比 Staddon 等人和Blundo 等人的方案少一次;(3)用户端存储私钥数目比 Staddon 等人的方案少将近一半;(4)新协议的安全性为无条件安全。 2. 在第三章中,构造了一个从一般群组密钥协商协议向基于口令认证的群组密钥协商协议转换的编译器。编译器的构造利用了对称加密体制,NM-CCA2 和 IK-CCA2 安全的公钥加密体制,以及 UF-CMA 安全的数字签名体制,从而使得编译器可以避免在线/离线字典攻击。 3. 在第四章中,提出了一个基于口令认证的群组密钥协商协议,使得网关在认证服务器的协助下和多个用户之间建立一个会话密钥,同时认证服务器不知道此会话密钥的任何信息(网关和认证服务器之间的信道是专用信道)。由于意识到口令的泄露往往是由于用户的不当使用造成的,所以,不同于已有的基于口令认证的门限密钥协商机制,我们的门限方案是在用户端实施。我们的门限方案要求把用户群组和认证服务器预先共享的口令(称之为群组口令)以秘密共享方式分散共享在群组用户之间,并且每个用户所存储口令的子秘密(share)值依然是一个易记忆的口令(称之为用户口令)。只有不少于 k 个用户一起才能恢复出群组口令。 4. 在第五章中,利用了Unified 模型(把用户长期私钥嵌入到密钥协商过程)构造了一个在 Strong Corruption 模型下可证明安全的强健的认证群组密钥协商协议。和已有类似方案相比,新方案所需要的签名数量明显减少,从而,计算复杂度和通信复杂度也随之降低。另外,新协议是在 Strong Corruption 模型下可证明安全,在此模型下的类似协议比较少。 5. 在第六章中,对 Desmedt 等人提出的 BD-II(树型)群组密钥协商协议做出改进。利用在树中各个节点上应用遮罩函数,我们把由于群组关系变化而对密钥更新所产生的影响限制在一个比较小的群组范围中,从而提高了协议在动态情况下运行的效率。新协议通过四个子算法:初始化,成员加入,成员撤销,子群组合并来分别应对群组密钥协商过程中所遇到的各种(动态)情况

    Mahler's dramaturgy of sonata form : the late symphonies

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    Gustav Mahler is often considered to be a dramatist of music. The idea that his music can tell a story has been widely recognized. Drawing on a biographical or a biography-related approach, numerous scholastic efforts have been made to investigate the content of his narratives. However, inquiries on the content have overshadowed the very question of its formation in music. Subsequent to Seth Monahan’s extensive study on Mahler’s symphonic sonata forms, we see a comprehensive interpretive framework of Mahler’s musical drama. Monahan believed that the traditional model of sonata form can be used to account for the narratives in all of Mahler’s early- and middle-period symphonies. Nevertheless, such a paradigm is said to lose its explanatory power after the Sixth Symphony. The extended tonal practice emerging in Mahler’s late maturity has posed a challenge to the understanding of the narrative in these late works. The possibility of having more than one tonic in extended tonality diminishes much of the sense of the one and only tonal center, which results in the apparent collapse of the traditional sonata scheme. Analysts are hence reluctant to apply the concept of sonata form when addressing the narratives in Mahler’s late symphonies. This, however, does not imply that sonata form can no longer be used to understand Mahler’s late symphonic narratives. The characteristics of sonata form are still present and thus shall have their own functions in his late works. The present thesis argues that the concept of sonata form continues to play a significant role in constructing the late Mahlerian symphonic narratives. Sonata form does not withdraw all at once from being the paradigmatic musical plot, yet it assumes its function in a very different way in Mahler’s late works. It is driven below the musical surface, staying as an underlying dramatic backbone that governs the narrative of the extended tonal process. Chapter One begins by presenting issues about articulating the narrativity in Mahler’s music. Chapter Two addresses the problems in understanding Mahler’s conception of form in the late symphonies. I identify the changing notions of form and content inherent in Mahler’s compositional thought, which clarifies the ambiguous relationship between form and tonality that appears to have completely separated after the Sixth. Chapter Three offers an analysis of the first movement of the Seventh Symphony, where the disengagement from the traditional sonata scheme begins. Tension generates between the conformity to the traditional sonata form on the surface and the emergence of the new narrative engine drawn on the double-tonic complex. Chapter Four shows the full realization of a different narrative construct in the first movement of the Ninth. Sonata form is reinterpreted as a set of “tonal rhetoric” that governs the tonal drama of the double- tonic complex. The ambivalence between classical and modern practices that stretch across Mahler’s late symphonies is finally resolved with the complete integration of sonata form into extended tonality. It is in this hybridity we find Mahler’s modernist tendency towards his late life.published_or_final_versionMusicMasterMaster of Philosoph