28 research outputs found

    The development of online detecting system of five-axis CNC grinding machine for indexable insert

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    五轴可转位刀片磨床具有高速、高精的特点,为了使所磨的刀片符合精度要求,需要针对刀片的尺寸开发一种在线检测系统。本文所介绍的在线检测系统主要由两方面构成:一是在磨床数控系统中将测头伸缩时发出的电压信号转换为测量值;二是建立刀片尺寸的加工模型。在线检测系统通过调用系统的测量宏程序,获取刀片测量值,将此测量值输入到加工模型中,得到所加工刀片的指导尺寸。通过实验,得到了刀片的指导尺寸和测量时间,验证了此在线检测系统是可行并且可靠的。The five-axis CNC grinder of indexable insert is characterized by high-speed and high-precision.,in order to meet the accuracy requirements of grinding blades, needed an online detection system developed for the size of the blade.The online detection system described in this article consists of two aspects: First, the voltage signal that when the probe telescopics will be converted to the measured value; Second, establishing the process model of the blade size.The online detection system will get the blade measurements by calling the measure macro, then the measured value input into the process model, obtaining the guidance blade size.Through the experiment, verifying this online detection system is feasible and reliable by the obtained guidance blade size and the measuring time.国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项资助(2010ZX04001-162

    Automatic Dressing and Compensation Method of Diamond Wheel in CNC Grinding Machine

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    金刚石砂轮在使用过程中会磨损、钝化,影响磨削性能,需要定期修整。本文介绍砂轮修整原理,并给出一种砂轮修整的全自动控制方法和补偿方法。通过长时间连续自动运行,验证了该方法的实际应用效果。After a period of using,the diamond grinding wheel will be worn and blunted,which can seriously affect the grinding performance.So,the diamond grinding wheel requires dressing regularly.The article introduces the principle and methods of dressing and gives an automatic control and compensation method.Through a long continuous running,the result of practical application of this method has been verified.国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项(2010ZX04001-162


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    制备了La(Ni,Co,Mn,Ti)5,Ce(Ni,Co,Mn,Ti)5,Pr(Ni,Co,Mn,Ti)5和Nd(Ni,Co,Mn,Ti)5四种单一稀土贮氢电极合金,分别测定了它们的单胞体积、氢化物生成焓和几个主要的电化学性能指标(包括活化循环次数、最大放电容量、高倍率放电率和容量衰退速率),以分析不同稀土元素对合金电化学性能的影响.结果表明,在四种合金中,单胞体积对合金的热力学性质和电化学性能起了决定性作用,它与合金的氢化物生成焓呈简单的线性关系,对电化学性能有双重影响,使四个主要指标随单胞体积的变化均出现极大或极小值.单胞体积本身的变化与稀土元素的周期性有关.Four rare earth based AB_5 typed alloys, La(Ni, Co, Mn, Ti)5, Ce(Ni, Co, Mn, Ti)5, Pr(Ni, Co, Mn, Ti)5 and Nd(Ni, Co, Mn, Ti)5, were prepared and then their unit cell volumes (Vcell), standard enthalpies of metal hydride formation at 298 K (△H298 K), and main electrochemical characteristics, such as activation cycle number (na), maximum discharge capacity at 50 mA/g charge/discharge rate (C50,max), high-rate-dischargeability K (includes K1 and K2 ), rate of decay (-dC / dn) were measured and analyzed to reveal the effects of the rare earth elements on the electrochemical properties. The results show that the unit cell volume is the key factor in determination of the alloys' thermodynamics and electrochemical properties. The standard enthalpies of metal hydride formation at 298 K (△H298 K) are proven to vary linearly with the unit cell volume, and the four electrochemical parameters, na, C50,max, -dC/dn and K,are dualistically affected by it. The change of unit cell volume is in accord with the periodic law of the rare earth element.国家自然科学基金!59801008;; 国家863高新技术计划资助!715-004-006

    Study on overcharging additives of Li-ion battery

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    [中文文摘]环己基苯和二甲苯作为耐过充添加剂加入锂离子电池电解液中。环己基苯和二甲苯分别在4.70 V、4.66 V(vs.Li/Li+)处发生电聚合反应。聚合物几乎全部覆盖在隔膜表面,阻断了反应,改善了电池的安全性。添加5%添加剂的电池,均可耐3C1、0 V过充电,且对电池正常充放电时的电化学性能影响很小。[英文文摘]Cyclohexyl benzene(CB) and xylene as overcharging additives were added into Liion battery electrolyte.CB and xylene could be electrochemically polymerized at 4.70 V and 4.66 V(vs.Li/Li~+),respectively.The polymer mainly deposited on the separator,restrained the reaction and improved the safety performance of the battery.The batteries with the additives could resist overcharge of 3 C,10 V when the content of additive was 5%.There was only a slight influence on the electrochemical performance of the batteries with normal charge-discharge.973项目(2002CB211800); 国家自然科学基金(20373058);厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20055018)

    Preparation and properties of nano-structured α-MnO_2 as electrode material of supercapacitor

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    [中文文摘]用KMnO4和MnSO4水溶液作为原料,用液相沉淀法制备无定形-αMnO2.nH2O。对样品进行比表面积测定(BET)、XRD、SEM等测试。通过循环伏安法和恒流充放电测试研究了样品的电化学行为。合成的无定形-αMnO2.nH2O在0.5mol/L的Na2SO4电解液中,在0~0.9 V(vs.SCE)范围内,电流为10 mA,2 mV/s的扫描速度下的比电容可达126.4 F/g。无定形-αMnO2.nH2O是较好的超级电容器电极材料。[英文文摘]Amorphous α-MnO_2·nH_2O was synthesized with chemical coprecipitation method by using KMnO_4 and MnSO_4(aqueous) solution as raw materials.The sample was characterized by BET,XRD and SEM.The electrochemical characteristics of the sample were characterized by CV and constant current charge-discharge tests.The specific capacitance of the amorphous α-MnO_2·nH_2O was 126.4 F/g in 0.5 mol/L Na_2SO_4 electrolyte at the scan rate of 2 mV/s,the current of 10 mA,in the range of 0~(0.9 V)(vs.SCE).The amorphousα2MnO2·nH2O was an excellent electrode material for supercapacitor.973项目(2002CB211800); 国家自然科学基金(20373058); 福建省科技项目(2003H044)

    Development of cathode material LiFePO_4 in lithium ion battery

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    [中文文摘]LiFePO4作为一种新型的锂离子电池正极材料,安全性好,价格低廉,环境友好,循环性能稳定。结合本实验室的研究工作,从合成方法,表征手段,循环性能和电导率等方面综述了近年来LiFePO4的发展概况,并提出了LiFePO4进一步可能的发展趋势。[英文文摘]As a cathode material of lithium ion battery, LiFePO4 possesses some excellent characteristics such as good safety, low cost, environment friendly and satisfactory cycle stability. In this paper, the development of LiFePO4 in recent years is discussed in terms of synthesizing methods, characterization ways, cycling performance and electronic conductivity. The prospect of LiFePO4 in the future is also presented.973项目(2002CB211800); 国家自然科学基金(20373058); 福建省科技项目(2003H044)资助

    Recent developments in the electrolyte for LiC _6/electrolyte/cathode battery

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    综述现今锂离子电池电解液的研究进展 .评估了电解液中锂盐、溶剂、填加剂以及杂质等对电解液的电导、固体电解质相界面 (SEI)的形成、电池循环寿命等的影响We present a reviewed the development and status of electrolyte for LiC 6/electrolyte/cathode battery. The effect of the salt, solvent, additive and impurity on the conductivity of the electrolyte, formation of the solid_electrolyte_interphase (SEI) and cycle life of the battery were described.作者联系地址:厦门大学化学系固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室 ,厦门大学宝龙电池研究所 福建厦门,361005Author's Address: State Key Lab for Phys. Chem. of Solid Surface and Dept. of Chem., Xiamen Univ.; Xiamen University and Powerlong Battery Research Institute. Inc, Department of Chemistry,

    Characterization and Electrochemical Investigation of Boron-Doped Mesocarbon Microbeads Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Battery

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    本文采用XPS ,SEM ,XRD和电化学充放电测试研究了硼掺杂的中间相碳素微球 (MCMB)的结构和性能 .结果表明掺杂硼提高了MCMB的石墨化程度和晶粒尺寸 ,极大地改变了MCMB的形貌 .电化学充放电实验说明硼掺杂的中间相碳素微球嵌锂过程处于较高的电位 ,并有较大的不可逆容量The anodic performances of boron doped and undoped mesocarbon microbeads(MCMBs) were comparatively studied and the structures were characterized by XPS,SEM,XRD and electrochemical measurements. It was found that boron doping samples greatly increased the degree of graphitization and the crystallite size,leading to quite different morphology. Electrochemical discharge/charge cycle tests indicate that lithium intercalation occurred at a little higher potential for the boron doped MCMBs, being attended by greater irreversible capacity loss.作者联系地址:厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系!福建厦门361005,厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系!福建厦门361005,厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学系!福建厦门361005,厦门大学固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室厦门大学化学Author's Address: State Key Lab for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surface, Dept. of Chem., Xiamen Univ., Xiamen 361005, Chin


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    2013 Annual Review on Distance Education Research of China

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    采用内容分析、元分析和社会网络分析等非反应测量法,从研究主题、研究方法、研究主体、主要共现等多重角度,对2013年度我国远程教育研究进行计量分析和客观述评。远程教与学、管理、资源、学习者、技术与媒体等是年度热点主题,开放大学、交互、MOOCS、移动学习、开放课程、学习资源、网络课程、影响因素、网络学习、精品课程、学习支持服务、调查研究、学习平台、终身学习等是年度热词;观照实践的应用研究是绝对主流,基础理论研究明显薄弱;研究方法的规范应用意识仍需进一步提升,定量研究渐成主流;研究力量分布不均衡,主要集中在经济发达地区和非远程教育机构。The status of distance education research of China in 2013 is objectively reviewed and analyzed quantitatively from the aspects of research topic,research method,principal researcher and co-occurrence analysis by means of content analysis,metaanalysis and social network analysis.The findings are the following:(1) Distance teaching and learning,management,resource,learner,technology and media are the Annual Hot Topics;(2) Open University,interaction,MOOCs,mobile learning,open course,learning resource,network course,influencing factor,e-learning,fine quality course,learning support service,investigation,learning platform and lifelong learning are the Annual Hot Words;(3) The practice research is on the absolute mainstream,while the basic theory research is very weak.The awareness should be raised to develop standard application of research methods,and quantitative research has gradually become the mainstream.Research power distribution is not balanced,which is mainly concentrated in the economically developed areas and non-distance education institutions.全国教育科学规划教育部重点课题“成人在线学习心理与行为的监控与评价研究”(课题批准号:GKA103007); 国家开放大学重点课题“近三十年来我国远程教育研究方法的演变及其方法论反思”(课题批准号:GAQ1805)研究成