Automatic Dressing and Compensation Method of Diamond Wheel in CNC Grinding Machine


金刚石砂轮在使用过程中会磨损、钝化,影响磨削性能,需要定期修整。本文介绍砂轮修整原理,并给出一种砂轮修整的全自动控制方法和补偿方法。通过长时间连续自动运行,验证了该方法的实际应用效果。After a period of using,the diamond grinding wheel will be worn and blunted,which can seriously affect the grinding performance.So,the diamond grinding wheel requires dressing regularly.The article introduces the principle and methods of dressing and gives an automatic control and compensation method.Through a long continuous running,the result of practical application of this method has been verified.国家“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项(2010ZX04001-162

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