110 research outputs found

    Application de la théorie interprétative dans la traduction littéraire —Analyse de l’approche interprétative dans la traduction du Pays de l'Alcool en français

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    随着世界经济的发展,各国之间的经济、政治和文化交流日益密切。20世纪末,随着程抱一、高行健、戴思杰等华人作家纷纷取得各自的成就,法国人对中国文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,80-90年之间,仅“中国蓝”出版社就累计翻译出版了80本中国文学作品。在中法建交60周年浪潮的推动下,中国现代作家的作品更是被大量引进法国。90年代的莫言、苏童、李锐、余华等新崛起的作家在法国备受欢迎,他们作品中展现了中国改革开放后的新变化,对传播中国文化、促进文化交流有着积极的推动作用。 然而当今国内的翻译界主要把目光集中在对法译汉文学作品的翻译上,而对汉译法文学作品没有给予足够的重视。事实上,对汉译法文学作品翻译情况的研究,尤...Avec le développement de l’économie mondiale, les échanges économiques, politiques et culturels entre de différents pays se multiplient de jour en jour. A la fin du XXème siècle, à la suite des succès remportés par des écrivains français d’origine chinoise comme François Cheng, Xingjian Gao, Sijie Dai, les Français sont devenus beaucoup plus curieux de la culture chinoise qu’a...学位:文学硕士院系专业:外文学院欧洲语言文学系_法语语言文学学号:1192007115171

    The Chinese Novel Verb Pattern “Shan V” : A Comparative Discussion based on Lexical Conceptual Semantics and Construction Morphology

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    In the present paper, we explore the meaning of the Chinese novel verb pattern “shan V” ‘do something suddenly’ from the perspectives of lexical conceptual semantics and construction morphology. We compare the advantages and limitations of the two approaches to the analysis of the “shan V” verbs. The lexical conceptual structure can illustrate the syntactic pattern of each verb but fails to cover the background knowledge of some verbs. As the background knowledge is intimately involved with the emergence of the new verbs, it should also be regarded as part of the verbs’ meaning. On the other hand, the morphological construction schema cannot illustrate the syntactic pattern of the verbs but it describes the verbs’ structure and meaning more precisely. Furthermore, different construction schemas can be organized as a network by different kinds of inheritance links, which illustrates the extension relation between the construction schemas

    Identification of the Envelope Protein Genes and Primary Characterization of the Protein Binding to the Homologous Repeat Regions of White Spot Syndrome Virus

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    对虾白斑综合症病毒(whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是对虾的最主要病毒病原之一。它的宿主范围广,传染力强,致死率高,难防治,不仅严重危害对虾养殖,还对海洋环境构成威胁。本论文开展了病毒膜蛋白以及可能与病毒复制或调控相关的蛋白基因的研究,有利于揭示WSSV入侵的分子途径,探索病毒复制或转录的关键蛋白,为最终建立有效的防治方法提供有力的科学依据。从感染螯虾(Procambarusclarkii)组织中大量提取和纯化了完整的白斑综合症病毒粒子。病毒膜蛋白组份经SDS-PAGE和质谱分析,发现三个分子量为124kDa、39kDa和187kDa的蛋白分别是WSSV基因组的开放阅读...White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the most virulent pathogens in shrimp culture worldwide. It has a wide range of hosts in crustaceans,a high infection and mortality rate, and is hard to be controlled. Therefore WSSV is not only a major threat to the shrimp industry but also to the marine environment everywhere. In this thesis, some genes related with viral envelope proteins or possibly i...学位:理学博士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_生物化学与分子生物学学号:B20022601

    Research and design of voiceprint recognition system for specific human group

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    声纹识别技术是一种基于人类语音信息所表征出来的生理与行为特征实现鉴别或自动识别说话人身份的应用技术,它的应用可以为当今信息社会提供更方便和更可靠的身份识别实现方法。因此,研究开发声纹识别系统具有非常重要的实用意义。 声纹识别系统一般由语音信号预处理、特征参数提取以及模式匹配判断等几个主要功能模块组成。本论文在分析声纹识别技术基本原理及其关键技术问题的基础上,设计了一种适用于特定人群的声纹识别系统。论文分别就语音信号预处理、特征参数提取、模式匹配判断三个功能模块进行了具体设计,实验结果分析证明该声纹识别系统具备可行性和实用性。 本论文的创新点主要体现在通过整合与改进线性预测倒谱系数和Mel频...Voiceprint recognition technology is the applied technology that distinguishes or automatically recognizes speaker’s identity on the basis of physiological and behavioral feature included in speech signals. The application of voiceprint recognition technology provide a more convenient and reliable method for identity recognition in modern information society, so it’s a very important applied signi...学位:理学硕士院系专业:物理与机电工程学院物理学系_无线电物理学号:20042402


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