175 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Administrative Law Enforcement System for a City

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    摘要 随着城市规模的扩大,城市管理的内容更加丰富,也显得更加重要,城市管理水平直接影响到城市化的进程和城市化的质量。城市综合执法能够较好适应城市管理体制由分散到集中的发展变化,是政府提升城市管理水平的重要措施。近年来,城市管理综合执法人员规模不断增加,管理覆盖范围持续扩大,管理工作量和复杂度持续提升。目前,我国的城管执法管理部门管理手段在不断优化,引入电子化管理成为重要发展方向。部分城管执法管理部门已经开始建设城管执法管理系统,在一定程度上提升了工作效率和质量。但现行系统侧重实现数据层面的汇总统计管理,对于执法立案等业务流程的嵌入管理支撑不足,难以更好的支撑城管执法管理人员更好更高效地完...Abstract With the expansion of the city scale, the content of city management becomes much more diverse and important, the effect of city management directly affects the process and the quality of a city. City law enforcement is concentrated by dispersed to adaptation in city of effective management system, from single to comprehensive development requirements. In recent years, the urban manage...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323049


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    The transition features of the wake behind a uniform circular cylinder at Re = 200, which is just beyond the critical Reynolds number of 3-D transition, are investigated in detail by direct numerical simulations of 3-D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The spanwise characteris-tic length determines the transition features and global properties of the wake

    Dividend Tax Cuts,Financial Market Heterogeneity and Corporate Capital Structure——Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

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    文章基于2005年股利税改革,研究了股利税税率变动对我国上市公司资本结构的影响。研究发现,股利税税率总体上与企业资产负债率正相关,股利税减税政策降低了企业的资产负债率。但受所处环境金融市场化水平差异的影响,实施不同股利税政策的企业资产负债率的变化状况不同:一般而言,所处环境金融市场化水平越高,股利税减税带来的企业资产负债率下降程度越大;当所处环境金融市场化水平过低时,股利税率变动不会对企业的资本结构造成显著影响。此外,研究还发现股利税减税对非国企资本结构变化的影响强于国企。据此提出了相应的政策建议。Based on the dividend tax reform in 2005,this paper studies the impact of dividend tax rate change on capitalstructure of listed companies in China.The study shows that dividend tax rate is positively related to corporate asset-liabilityratio in general.The policy of dividend tax cuts reduces corporate asset-liability ratio.However,the degree of the impact var-ies according to the differences of financial markets' commercialized level.The corporate asset-liability ratio changes are dif-ferent in different dividend tax policies.Generally,the dividend tax rate change has a stronger impact on corporate capitalstructure when the financial market' commercialized level is higher whereas the dividend tax rate change has a weaker im-pact on corporate capital structure when the financial market' commercialized level is lower.Moreover,the degree of impactthat the policy of dividend tax cuts have on non state-owned enterprises is higher than that on state-owned enterprises.Final-ly,the paper puts forward the corresponding policy recommendations.国家自然科学基金面上项目(71473209


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    以云南烟叶为原料,以水为溶剂,采用水热法制备液化物。以液化提取率为目标,对影响烟叶提取率的液料比、液化温度、液化时间三个影响因素进行了单因素实验,并在此基础上用正交实验来确定了烟叶最佳液化工艺。分别使用石油醚和二氯甲烷对液化物进行萃取,用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)对萃取成分进行分析。结果表明:烟叶的最优液化工艺是液料比为15∶1,液化温度为180℃,液化时间为2 h。影响烟草提取率的顺序为:液化温度>液化时间>液料比,液化温度对提取率有显著影响。石油醚萃取液中以烷烃类化合物为主,二氯甲烷萃取提取液得到的化合物成分较全。云南省烟草化学重点实验室开放项目(2017539200340395)云南省科技计划项目(2017FD236


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    本实验对12例缺血性脑血管病(ICVD)患者及12例对照者和12例正常健康对照者进行了临床记忆量表检查,并测定了患者及对照者的CSF、VIP及SS含量。结果:(1) ICVD患者的记忆总分及MQ均显著低于两个对照组;分项测试中联想学习,图像自由回忆成绩亦显著降低。(2) ICVD患者CSF SS含量显著低于对照组。(3) ICVD患者CSF SS含量与MQ呈显著正相关。本结果提示ICVD患者有不同程度的记忆障碍,SS与记忆有关,测定CSF SS对患者记忆状况的判断有参考价值

    ペプチダーゼ ハ ハクナイショウ ケイセイ ニ ジュウヨウナ ヤクワリ ヲ ハタス : シュミヤ ハクナイショウ ラット ガンキュウ ニ オケル ペプチダーゼ ノ メンエキ ソシキ カガクテキ ケントウ

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    The role of proteolytic enzymes in Shumiya cataract rats (SCR) in alterations to lens proteins duringcataract formation was immunohistochemically studied using antibodies against exopeptidases, such aslysosomal dipeptidyl peptidase II (DPP II), cytosolic DPP III and alanyl aminopeptidase (AAP-S), membraneboundAAP-N, and against cytosolic endopeptidases such as μ- and m-calpains, and 20S proteasome. αBCrystallinwas detected as a proteolytic marker in the lenses. The reactivity of these peptidases increasedin lens fibres with age in SCRs, but that of αB-crystallin decreased. No reactivity against exo- and endopeptidaseswas shown in the lens perinuclear region of lenses of control rats at all ages and in SCRs at 8 and 10weeks of age, but an intensive reactivity against these peptidases was observed in the lens perinuclear regionof lenses in SCRs at 12 and 14 weeks of age. AAP-N was feebly detected in the lens epithelium and fibresof both types of rat at all weeks of age. These findings indicate that these exo- and endopeptidases, exceptfor AAP-N, are thought to kinetically induce lens opacification during cataract formation in SCRs through the intracellular turnover of lens proteins