42 research outputs found

    The Study of Unconventional Monetary Policy Effect under the Background of Bank Competition ——Empirical Analysis Based on Targeted RRR Cuts

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    在经济结构性矛盾突出的背景下,我国央行推出了非常规货币政策工具,以建立促进信贷结构优化的正向激励。这些非常规货币政策工具是我国货币政策操作新的发展方向,也是国内讨论的热点话题,但具体调控效果还有待检验。对非常规货币政策调控效果的研究具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。 非常规货币政策的发起选择权在于银行,银行竞争环境的变化可以通过影响其信贷行为作用到非常规货币政策的传导路径,进而影响政策效果。因此,有必要深入地检验银行竞争背景下非常规货币政策效果所受到的影响。 本文基于微观企业信贷数据,以定向降准为例,采用倍差法检验了非常规货币政策对弱势部门(农业企业和小微企业)信贷资源的引导作用,同时本文将基...Chinese economy has experienced several decades of rapid growth while it is also facing with structural distortion problems of financing. In the condition of acute structural imbalance,the People’s Bank of China innovates many unconventional monetary policy tools,trying to realize delicacy management. These tools show a new direction of development. It has certain theoretical and practical signifi...学位:应用统计硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_应用统计硕士学号:2772014115278

    Whites’ Attitudes Toward Affirmative Action

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    为了帮助那些曾在美国历史上受到集体性和体制性歧视的群体更快地改变劣势地位,自民权运动之后,美国政府出台了一系列消弭歧视的措施,统称为“肯定性行动”(AffirmativeAction)。由于该政策的具体实施方式是在就业、入学、获得政府合同等方面,优先考虑和照顾曾受到歧视的群体,如少数族裔和妇女等,因而引发了美国社会对该政策所持理论及执行方式的激烈讨论。其中,白人群体对该政策的反抗行为及不满情绪表现的较为明显,认为被该政策所“逼迫”。本文特以白人群体态度为切入点,将论题置于具体的社会层面去探索,考察白人对肯定性行动实施近四十年来的态度,以及态度形成之原因。进而通过对各种原因的阐述,揭示导致肯定性...Affirmative action is an American national program that serves to rectify the effects of purportedly systematic discrimination throughout much of American history by an active effort to women, racial minorities and other defined groups. It was an outgrowth of the 1960s civil rights movements, including various practical implementations which have been applied in employment, higher education, feder...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院历史学系_世界史学号:1032008115233


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    Performance Analysis of Three Kinds of Aero-Engine with Inter-Stage Turbine Burner

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    为探究级间燃烧室对各种航空发动机的性能影响,利用热力循环原理分别计算了在有无级间燃烧室的情况下涡喷、涡扇和涡轴发动机的性能结果并与实际型号做出对比。通过计算获得了上述三种发动机在加入级间燃烧室后的单位推力和耗油率随飞行马赫数等参数在一定范围内变化的曲线。结果表明加入级间燃烧室后对各种发动机的动力性能提升都在10%以上,个别涡轴发动机可达30%。同时若能将加入级间燃烧室后增加的质量控制在一定范围内,则对于各型发动机均可提高其推重比。In order to investigate the effects of the inter-stage turbine burner( ITB) on aero-engines,the thermodynamic cycle analysis was performed to demonstrate the performance of three kinds of aero-engines with the inter-stage turbine burners.The performance curves for different flight and operation conditions were obtained by calculation.Results show that specific thrust can be improved by at least 10%,and for one turboshaft engine the specific thrust even can be improved by 30%.Based on comparison between the real aero-engine performance and the calculation results,the errors are acceptable and the thrust-weight ratios show the potential capability of ITB application.国家自然科学基金(11002125;51106131); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2013121019

    Effects of Pre-Diffuser on Performance of Dump Diffuser

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    研究了突扩扩压器中前置扩压器各参数与总压损失和静压恢复间的关系。采用实验与fluEnT计算结合的方法,通过水槽PIV实验得出扩压器内的流场信息,对照不同的湍流模型,得出最佳的计算方案。根据此计算方案计算不同的扩张角下前置扩压器性能的变化,得出各参数之间的规律。结果表明雷诺应力模型能够较好地预测扩压器内部流场;前置扩压器扩张角存在一个最佳值,大于最佳值前置扩压器会出现流动分离;结合理论分析和计算数据总结出计算前置扩压器总压损失系数和静压恢复系数的公式,利用此公式还可求出最佳的前置扩张角和前置扩压器长度,计算误差在5%左右。Diffuser is one key component of the gas turbine combustor following the compressor.Its primary function is to slow down the air flow delivered by the compressor in order to promote efficient combustion and avoid large total pressure losses.An experimental and computational study of cold flow in the dump diffusers was presented.The main aims were to evaluate the influence of pre-diffuser wall angle and pre-diffuser length on the performance of dump diffusers,and to identify the pressure loss mechanisms.PIV experiments were conducted in a simplified test model to help choose of congruent turbulence model.It was observed that apparent flow separation occurred on pre-diffuser wall when pre-diffuser wall angle amplified to certain degree.The pre-diffuser exit flow was distorted,indicating that the uniform exit conditions typically assumed in the diffuser design were violated.Skew distribution of the pre-diffuser outlet flow can result in strong transverse mixing for liquid,the total pressure loss of pre-diffuser increases significantly.The formula of the total pressure loss coefficient and the pressure recovery coefficient was developed.The optimal pre-diffuser length and pre-diffuser wall angle can be conveniently obtained by this equation,the calculation error was less than 5%.中央高校基本业务费(2013121019); 航空基金(20132268003

    Process technology on recovery of sulphur from copper-bearing gold concentrate by using kerosene method

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    某含铜金精矿尾矿浸铜渣中含有质量分数约15%的单质硫,严重影响后续提金过程的氰化效果。实验进行了以煤油为溶剂的提硫过程研究,考察溶硫时间、温度、液固质量比等因素。实验表明:采用煤油二段浸取法,当工艺条件为液固质量比2—3,温度140℃,加热40MIn,单质硫的回收率为98.4%,纯度达99%以上。对硫化矿处理过程尾矿中硫的回收,采用煤油为溶媒,是一种有效、环保的清洁生产过程,可以提高贵金属及伴生硫的综合回收率,易于工业应用。In the residues of copper-bearing gold concentrate there is mass fraction 15% sulfur which influences the effect of latish cyanogenation.The experiment was carried out with kerosene as solvent in sulfur removal process and the effect of leaching temperature and time,the mass ratio of kerosene to residue (liquid to solid) on the experiment was investigated.The results show that when the mass ratio of kerosene to residue is 2-3,heating temperature is 140 ℃,heating time is 40 min,the recovery efficiency of sulfur can be more than 98.4%,the purity of sulfur can be more than 99%.The new hydrometallurgical method which uses kerosene as solvent is an effective and clean process.It can improve comprehensive recovery efficiency of precious metals and sulfur,and is easy for industrialization without pollution

    5-tert-butylbenzene-1,3-dicarboxylic acid

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    通讯作者地址: Ng,SW(通讯作者),Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 地址: 1. Xiamen Univ, Dept Chem, Coll Chem & Chem Engn, Xiamen 361005, Peoples R China 2. Univ Malaya, Dept Chem, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia 电子邮件地址: [email protected] the crystal structure of the title compound, C12H14O4, the carboxy groups are linked across centers of inversion by O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds; the resulting hydrogen-bonded chain adopts a zigzag motif


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    采用野外样地研究与室内根箱栽培相结合的方法,对漳江口红树林保护区铜、镉污染生境沉积物微生物结构与土壤酶活性进行研究,旨在探讨其对重金属的响应.微生物磷脂脂肪酸数据表明漳江口红树林湿地3种红树植物秋茄(Kandelia obovata)、白骨壤(Avicennia marina)、桐花树(Aegiceras corniculatum)根际土壤微生物群落的多样性与林外光滩区域比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).根际沉积物中荧光素水解酶(Fluorescein diacetate,FDA酶)、脲酶、蔗糖酶活性与光滩差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).基于野外研究,室内开展不同浓度Cu和Cd(Cu 60mg/kg,Cd 2mg/kg和Cu 60mg/kg,Cd 4 mg/kg)处理的根箱栽培实验.结果表明,重金属污染对根际土壤微生物生物量和微生物多样性的抑制效应有统计学意义(P<0.05).随着重沉积物中重金属浓度增加,土壤中的3种酶的活性差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).微生物生物量,磷脂脂肪酸含量与土壤酶活性的相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05).土壤酶活性与微生物群落结构可作为指示红树林重金属污染的敏感指标.国家自然科学基金(31570503);;国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0506102

    Potential impacts of pandemics on global warming, agricultural production, and biodiversity loss

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    The rising frequency of infectious diseases under climate change poses an emerging threat to environmental and agricultural sustainability by consuming large quantities of materials. The demand for crops to produce personal protective equipment (PPE) competes for land and fertilizers, leads to cropland expansion, and accelerates climate change, but the ecological impacts remain unclear. Here we explore the impacts of pandemics on global warming, agricultural production, and biodiversity loss in an Earth system model by developing relationships between consumption of PPE and the rate of infection during COVID-19. Meeting the demand for PPE would increase production of cotton lint, corn, and natural rubber, which accelerates global warming by 0.2°C with 1.8% additional species losses by 2100. Our results suggest that the risks of public health, food security, climate change, and ecological integrity have been connected to each other, which should be considered when predicting the impacts of future pandemics