1,659 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Residential Property Management Information System

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    伴随着电子计算机的广泛普及和大规模应用,采用计算机管理信息系统对企业和事业单位的各种信息数据进行科学管理,其传统手工管理相比,有着自身独有的特点。这些特点主要体现在能够大大地提高人们的工作效率,节约成本。更为重要的是,其能为企业实现科学化和正规化管理提供必要的条件,为企业和世界接轨奠定基础。现代化的生活住宅区中,物业管理所涉及的范围越来越广,使用的各种设施都越来越多样。另外,随着业主经济条件的稳步提高,其对自身生活质量提出了新的要求。传统的物业管理业,必须跟上时代的步伐,高效科学的物业物业管理系统在此背景下应运而生。 论文首先阐述了国内外物业管理理念与物业管理信息化进程的现状,详细介绍了开发...With the popularity of computer applications, using a computer to carry out various business units of information management, with the advantages of manual management incomparable. These advantages can not only greatly improve the efficiency enough to work, which is also the scientific enterprise, an important condition for the standardized management with the world. Modern cell, the range and var...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323070

    Sediment Chronologies in the Taiwan Strait and the eastern shelf of Hainan Island

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    全球变化及人类活动导致近百年来近岸环境发生了明显变化。为研究中国东南部近海沉积环境变化,本论文以台湾海峡西部和海南岛东部陆架为研究海域,选择岩芯中的210Pb、137Cs和生物硅(BSi)为主要研究对象,开展了沉积物年代学及其年代际的变化研究。论文共研究了台湾海峡西部海域7个沉积物岩芯和海南岛东部陆架5个沉积物岩芯中210Pb、137Cs和BSi的含量及分布特征,分析了210Pb年代学模式中的CA、CF以及CFCS模式对岩芯的适用情况,初步探讨了导致沉积速率年代际的变化原因,量化了近150年来两个海域生物硅的埋藏通量,揭示了其年代际的变化特征。论文获得以下主要结果: (1)现有的210Pb测...In the past two centuries, both global warming and anthropogenic activities led to great changes in the coastal environment. In order to examine the temporal evolution of sedimentation dynamics in the southeastern coasts of China, twelve sediment cores were collected from the western Taiwan Strait (seven sediment cores) and the southeastern shelf of Hainan Island (five sediment cores). Radioactive...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋化学学号:2232013115139

    Study on the Deviation of Regional Tax Revenue and Its Sources:From the Perspective of New Mode of Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Payment

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    随着中国市场经济不断发展,企业集团跨区域经营现象日益普遍。与此同时,由于区域横向税收竞争加剧,区域税收与税源背离问题日益严重。如果不能有效解决税收和税源背离问题,将使得有些地区有税源而无税收,有些地区无税源而有税收;资源输出省份愈加贫穷,资源输入省份愈加富裕;经济后发省市和经济先发省市之间的贫富差距进一步扩大。这不仅会对地方经济的发展产生消极影响,同时也会阻碍我国区域经济协调发展、经济与社会和谐发展的进程。 2008年1月1日开始执行新《企业所得税法》后,为解决区域税收和税源背离问题,财政部、国家税务总局和中国人民银行于2008年1月15日印发了《跨省市总分机构企业所得税分配及预算管理暂行办...With the development of China’s market economy, the phenomenon that enterprises are growing into forms of group operating is increasingly common. Meanwhile, due to the regional horizontal tax competition, deviation of regional tax revenue and tax sources is becoming a severe problem. Provided that the deviation cannot be effectively resolved, in which case some regions with tax sources might harve...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552008115190

    Factor Anlysis of China Household Consumption-Based on CGE Model

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    1960年,挪威经济学家L.约翰森(L.Johansen)提出了CGE模型(可计算一般均衡模型,ComputableGeneralEquilibrium,简称CGE模型),经过多年的发展,CGE模型已经日益成熟,成为政策模拟分析的重要工具。CGE模型把整个宏观经济变量纳入研究范围,也具有坚实的理论基础,这是本文采用CGE模型进行分析的主要原因。居民消费在稳定未来经济增长,调整经济结构,转变经济发展方式方面起着至关重要的作用。本文旨在建立一个小型开放的CGE模型,以此来研究影响居民消费的因素,并据此提出提高居民消费的政策建议。 第一章首先分了扩大居民消费对我国经济发展的重要性,之后分析了我国居...CGE model was built in 1960, and has become increasingly mature. It has been an important tool for policy simulation analysis. CGE model includes all macro-economic variables and has a solid theoretical foundation, so this paper adopts the CGE model. The household consumption plays a crucial role in the stable economic growth, adjusting the economic structure and changing the mode of economic deve...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_政治经济学学号:2902007115041

    Design and Implementation of Clinical Pathway Information System Based on Caché

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    临床路径是医院重要工作的一部分。国家卫生行政部门已经于2009年正式 提出该项工作,主要是完成某一单病种的诊断、治疗、康复和护理所制定的一个 诊疗标准化模式。临床路径实施初期阶段,医院使用手工方法进行管理,无法固 定单个病种治疗过程,且经常调整治疗方案,根本无法达到卫生行政部门的要求, 与实行临床路径的初衷相违背。为了规范临床路径管理工作,构建一套临床路径 信息管理系统显得尤为迫切和重要。 本文讨论了临床路径信息系统的概念与背景,分析了临床路径的业务流程, 并简述了该系统与其它业务系统的关联。需求分析完成后,又完成了该系统的架 构、功能要求及Caché数据库的设计工作。根据需求...Clinical pathway is an important part of the hospital daily routine. The State Health Department has formally proposed this work in 2009,with focus on establishment of a standardized model on clinical diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and care. During the early stage of the implementation, manual methods are applied, which cause big variation of the treatment of a single disease. Moreover, ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201323012

    Study on Evidence Application of Expert Opinion in Civil Litigation

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    随着科学技术的进步及案件难度的提升,司法鉴定在民事诉讼中起着越来越重要的作用,其正确运用有助于查清案件事实,使法官正确适用法律,根据尽可能接近的损失作出公正合理的判决,从而定纷止争,回应人民群众对司法的新要求、新期待。在法律意识逐步提升的同时,鉴定结果的称谓也在不断地更新和完善。2012年民事诉讼法出台后,鉴定意见的说法被广泛运用。法律还以明文规定的形式确立了鉴定意见的证据属性,强调其作为一种证据必须经过法庭的质证、认证方可发挥其证据效用。此外,法律还规定了鉴定人出庭制度及专家辅助人制度。通过鉴定人或专家辅助人出庭作证,保障诉讼当事人平等的诉讼权利和地位,也为法官采信鉴定意见提供依据和参考。尽...As science and technology advances and case difficulty augments, judicial identification plays an increasingly important role in civil litigation. Correct identification application help check the case facts, enable the Judge to utilize law properly so as to make a reasonable decision in line with losses, terminate conflicts and respond to the public's new requirements and expectations for judicat...学位:法学硕士院系专业:法学院_法律硕士学号:X201212007

    Design, synthesis and biological activity evaluation of three types of kinase inhibitors with nitrogen-containing skeletons

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    蛋白激酶是人类生命活动中重要的信号传递使者,小分子蛋白激酶抑制剂是以蛋白激酶信号通路功能为基础,结合蛋白激酶结构进行设计合成的小分子药物。自2001年,第一个激酶抑制剂类药物Imatinib获得FDA批准,成为本领域发展的里程碑后,小分子激酶抑制剂发展迅速,大量的小分子激酶抑制剂类化合物进入临床使用。在众多蛋白激酶中,RET融合基因被鉴定为NSCLC(非小细胞性肺癌)亚型中的新致癌基因,即RET重排的存在与肺腺癌亚型相关,所以开发针对RET激酶的抑制剂有望用于相关非小细胞肺癌的治疗。 本论文以三类含氮双环母核为基础,以KQF-04-013-01为先导化合物(leadcompound),辅助以...Protein kinase is an important signaling messenger in human life. Small molecule protein kinase inhibitor can be designed on the basis of protein kinase structure. In 2001, Imatinib was the first kinase inhibitor, approved by FDA, serving as a milestone in the field of targeted cancer theraphy. Until now, 32 small molecule kinase inhibitors have been approved by FDA and achieved great success in c...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_生物化学与分子生物学学号:2162014115257

    Scale Development for Social Media Fatigue

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    全球最大广告传播集团WPP旗下调研机构KantarGroup发布的《2016中国社交媒体影响报告》显示:中国网民对社交媒体的满意度持续下降、参与逐渐减少、负面认知不断攀升。这种随着社交媒体的全方位渗透逐渐显现的负面效应被称为“社交媒体倦怠”。它的不断蔓延让逃离社交媒体成为了一种风潮,给社交媒体服务提供商、营销者和普通网民都带来了一定的困扰。 关于社交媒体倦怠的研究仍处于起步阶段,在定义及测量方面缺乏共识性的成果。已有研究中关于社交媒体倦怠的测量多采用临时改编的题项,数目少且测量维度单一。同属倦怠领域的工作倦怠虽然有成熟的测量工具,但由于工作情境和社交媒体使用情境存在差异,不能直接借用。因此,...The 2016 China Social Media Influence Report which released by Kantar, a research institute of the world's leading marketing communications group WPP, shows that Chinese social media users` satisfaction and participation is gradually declining, and negative cognition is rising. These emerging phenomena are collectively called "social media fatigue", which is the flip side of the social media penet...学位:新闻与传播硕士院系专业:新闻传播学院_新闻与传播硕士学号:3062014115307

    An Analysis of the Time View of Don Delillo's Novels from the Perspective of Narratology - A Case Study of The Body Artist and Point Omega

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    个体的时间感关系到个体的生存状态。在后现代社会中,个体的时间观受到社会经济、科技文化、消费社会以及大众传媒的影响,呈现出时间感淡化、碎片化、瞬间化等特征。德里罗的《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》通过讲述居于社会边缘的艺术家在社会边缘空间的生活状态,表达对时间观的一种警惕与反思。 本文以德里罗的《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》为研究对象,从叙述者、情节、叙事空间三个角度解析《人体艺术家》和《欧米伽点》的叙事特征,以叙述学的角度分析的两部小说对时间的呈现。 绪论部分首先简述了唐·德里罗的小说创作之路,随后分析并概况了唐·德里罗在美国与国内的研究状况,最后阐明本文的选题思路以及研究方法。 论文的第一章...The individual's sense of time is related to the individual's living condition. In postmodern society, the individual's view of time is influenced by social economy, science and technology culture, consumer society and mass media, showing the characteristics of time desalination, fragmentation and instantaneousization. Don Delillo’s The Body Artist and Point Omega express a sense of vigilance and ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_比较文学与世界文学学号:1022014115238

    TNF induced RIP3-dependent NADH depletion

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    肿瘤坏死因子(tumornecrosisfactor,TNF)能诱导L929细胞产生相互作用蛋白3(receptor-interactingprotein3,RIP3)依赖的程序性细胞坏死,并且在该过程中,胞内的线粒体产生的活性氧(reactiveoxygenspecies,ROS)会积聚,同时当RIP3的表达水平敲低时,胞内ROS的积聚也受到了抑制。但是RIP3如何影响ROS的具体机制仍不清楚。 因为ROS的产生主要在线粒体电子传递链上,而还原型辅酶Ⅰ(NADH)和还原型辅酶Ⅱ(NADPH)又是电子传递链的底物,RIP3是否能通过改变电子传递链上NADH或者NADPH的消耗来影响ROS。我...TNF (Tumor necrosis factor) can induce necrosis in L929 cells which is RIP3 dependent. ROS (reactive oxygen species) production increase during this process which is also RIP3 dependent, RIP3 expression knockdown inhibits the accumulation of ROS. But the mechanism of how RIP3 affect the ROS production is unknown. ROS is generated mostly through the ETC (electron transport chain) of mitochondria, ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院_细胞生物学学号:2162012115244