Study on the Deviation of Regional Tax Revenue and Its Sources:From the Perspective of New Mode of Consolidated Corporate Income Tax Payment


随着中国市场经济不断发展,企业集团跨区域经营现象日益普遍。与此同时,由于区域横向税收竞争加剧,区域税收与税源背离问题日益严重。如果不能有效解决税收和税源背离问题,将使得有些地区有税源而无税收,有些地区无税源而有税收;资源输出省份愈加贫穷,资源输入省份愈加富裕;经济后发省市和经济先发省市之间的贫富差距进一步扩大。这不仅会对地方经济的发展产生消极影响,同时也会阻碍我国区域经济协调发展、经济与社会和谐发展的进程。 2008年1月1日开始执行新《企业所得税法》后,为解决区域税收和税源背离问题,财政部、国家税务总局和中国人民银行于2008年1月15日印发了《跨省市总分机构企业所得税分配及预算管理暂行办...With the development of China’s market economy, the phenomenon that enterprises are growing into forms of group operating is increasingly common. Meanwhile, due to the regional horizontal tax competition, deviation of regional tax revenue and tax sources is becoming a severe problem. Provided that the deviation cannot be effectively resolved, in which case some regions with tax sources might harve...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院财政系_财政学(含税收学)学号:1552008115190

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