917 research outputs found

    PET ノ コウオン スイチュウ デノ カスイ ブンカイ

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    Hydrolysis of poly (ethylene terephthalate) , PET, was carried out in water at temperatures of 250 and 270^oC using a pressure reactor with stirring. The principal ingredients of a reaction mixture were identified as terephthalic acid, mono (2-hydroxyethy1) terephthalate, ethylene glycol and di (ethylene glyco1). Precipitated terephthalic acid was recovered from the reaction mixture by centrifugal separation and the yield reached ca.93% for the reaction of 2 and 3g of PET/ca.10g of water. Other ingredients were held in aqueous solution, and mono (2-hydroxyethy1) terephthalate could be separated out by deposition


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    The purpose of this paper is to show the models of the school management learning as deliberated educational method .The term conducting to make models is from 2011 through 2013. Today, teachers are asking for getting high professional ability to motivate students and to make students judge properly. Those requests come from some social conditions, for example the PISA tests results and resilience after the Great East Japan Earthquake.We develop the four stages of professional learnings. The first stage is to recognize your professional ability. The second one is to reflect and analyze your school management. The third is to reflect and analyze the relationship between your school and communities around the school. The last one is to improve and build a school to solve for the educational subjects and to make it responsive for the social requests.The first stage is doing ‘metacognition’. The second one includes organization management on school, class management and risk/crisis management. The third one consists of student guidance with being related organizations, career education and curriculum management. The fourth stage is formed by learning of education administration system in local area, latest techniques for understanding student behavior, improving academic ability, learning for protecting against disasters and safety, information management ,human resources development including mental health, coaching, techniques for in-service training, and educational legal learning and compliance