353 research outputs found

    ヘイセイ 27ネンド フゾク ショウガッコウ フゾク チュウガッコウ キョウイク ソウダンシツ カツドウ ホウコク

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    鳴門教育大学の附属小学校・附属中学校では,平成13年度からスクールカウンセラー活動を行ってきている。平成27年度からは,生徒指導支援センターからスクールカウンセラーが派遣されるようになった。本報告では,附属小学校・附属中学校を中心とする「教育相談室」の活動に関して,平成27年度の活動内容,相談件数などについて報告し,今後の課題を検討する。School counselor activities have been carried out at Fuzoku Elementary School and Fuzoku Middle School Attached to Naruto University of Education since AY2001. From AY2015, school counselors have been dispatched from the Center for School Support of Guidance and Counseling. This report covers activity content, number of counseling cases, and other aspects of AY2015 activities and considers future challenges regarding the work of the “Educational Counseling Office” that primarily serves the elementary and middle schools

    ヘイセイ28ネンド フゾク ショウガッコウ フゾク チュウガッコウ キョウイク ソウダンシツ カツドウ ホウコク

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    鳴門教育大学の附属小学校・附属中学校では,平成13年度からスクールカウンセラー活動を行ってきている。平成27年度からは,生徒指導支援センターからスクールカウンセラーが派遣されるようになった。本報告では,附属小学校・附属中学校を中心とする「教育相談室」の活動に関して,平成28年度の活動内容,相談件数などについて報告し,成果と今後の課題を検討する。School counselor activities have been carried out at Fuzoku Elementary School and Fuzoku Middle School Attached to Naruto University of Education since AY2001. From AY2015, school counselors have been dispatched from the Center for School Support of Guidance and Counseling. This report covers activity content, number of counseling cases, and other aspects of AY2016 activities and considers future challenges regarding the work of the "Educational Counseling Office" that primarily serves the elementary and middle schools


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    Hypophosphatasia is a hereditary autosomal recessive disease characterized by a defect in tissuenonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP) activities. A one-month-old boy showed poor weight gain. His body weight and height were 3,202 g (-2.7SD) and 53 cm (-1.4SD), respectively, 7 weeks after birth. Serum calcium level was very high with a value of 17.6 mg/dl. Serum alkaline phosphatase level was 30 IU/l, while bone-type ALP was undetectable. Urine phosphoethanolamine, one of the substrates of ALP, was 3,056.8 nmol/mgCr. Urine Ca/Cr ratio was 1.4. Radiological findings showed osteopenia of cranial bones and irregular ossification of metaphyses of long bones. He was diagnosed with infantile type hypophosphatasia. He was treated with diuretics, a low Ca diet and calcitonin to decrease his serum calcium level. Appropriate body weight gain was not achieved even after the serum Ca level improved. He repeatedly suffered respiratory tract infection and died from pneumonia at 6-months.Analysis of TNSALP gene of the patient revealed compound heterozygous mutations of K207E and T1559del.Article信州医学雑誌 55(6): 333-337(2007)journal articl


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    本稿は、岡山県立大学大学院前期課程の専攻共通科目である「国際コミュニケーション特論」で取り上げたコーパス言語学と内容分析を用いて、履修者が共同執筆者として各自の研究テーマの一端を解明するものである。本稿では、分析対象として共通の看護社会福祉領域コーパスを作成し、それを基に分析対象語を抽出した。そして、分析対象語を含む言葉の意味的まとまり(ディスコースおよびディスコース・セグメント)に対して内容分析を試みた。本稿は、複数の執筆者によるオムニバス的論考であるため、考察結果も様々であるが、看護学および社会福祉学領域へのコーパス言語学的アプローチの推進のために、速報的・記録的にまとめた研究プロポーザル的要素を含むものである。This study employs the application of corpus linguistics and content analysis in nursing and social welfare studies. The two linguistic methods were dealt in a graduate-level class, Global Communication Study, and the registered students of the class pursued their own research themes using the two methods. Hence, this study is an accumulation of each student’s research results. However, this paper has a significant meaning as a research proposal since linguistics is not yet a popular approach in nursing and social welfare studies. This paper shows an affinity, to some extent, between linguistics and nursing and social welfare studies and will have a positive impact on further research in the field of the two studies

    Excessive Vegetamin A? (a psychotropic drug) and combinated hypnotics continue severe hypotension for two or three days after ingestion

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    Using the data of Moscow station for 1975-1985, the seasonal features in the dependence of the spread-F probability P near midnight on the levels of solar and geomagnetic activity have been analyzed. It has been found that the P dependence on solar activity is most substantial in winter and fall, the P dependence on geomagnetic activity is maximal during equinoxes, and the P dependence on solar activity prevails in summer but is much weaker than in winter and fall. Based on the qualitative analysis of the known mechanisms of the midlatitude spread-F, the regression equation, which shows the P dependence on the solar activity level and thermospheric parameters (temperature and density) at a fixed average level of geomagnetic activity, has been obtained. In this equation the character of the seasonal changes in P is determined by the thermospheric parameters, the relative contribution of which depends on solar activity. The found dependence of the character of the P seasonal variations on the solar activity level has been interpreted based on this equation. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2009