81 research outputs found

    Multi-disciplinary analysis ob 50-100nt-sized,small RNAs Universally found in mouse cells

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    新設大学ソフトボール選手における外傷・障害の特徴 ─ 過去の外傷・障害統計報告との比較から ─

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    The purpose of this study to investigate injury by a male and female collegiate softball players. With a male player, much injury locus was shoulder(30%), elbow joint( 13.3%) finger(10%), lumbar part(10%), knee(10%), back (10%), toes(6.7%), joint of hand(3.3%), hip(3.3%), ankle (3.3%). The injury locus with a female player with much, was shoulder(27.3%),elbow joint(15.2%), knee(15.2%), face pars(9.1%), lumbar part(6.1%), cruris(6.1%), toes(6.1%),joint of hand(3.1%), finger(3.1%), hip(3.1%),femoral region(3.1%), ankle(3.1%). Results was resembled a former report. The characteristic of a female player was facial injury. As for this facial injury, prevention was possible by improvement of exercise methods and improvement of grand facilities. For a disorder of shoulder, prophylactic training is necessary. If a pain came out in shoulder, elbow joint, should go to a hospital immediately

    The Composition and Administration of a Group Performance Implicit Association Test for Sixth Grade Elementary School Students

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    Mori et al.(2008)が開発した集団式潜在連想テスト(FUMIEテスト)は、中学生以上を対象としたものであった。本研究では、小学6年生にも使えるよう、FUMIEテストの評価語についての熟知度を小学6年生で調べ、評価語の選定を行った。完成した「小学6年生版FUMIEテスト」を実際に「女性」をターゲット語に用いて実施し、女性に対する潜在意識の測定ができていることを確認した

    Clinical study on operative treatment of acute scrotum

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    急性陰嚢症の手術症例102例(年齢0-51歳)を対象に, 主疾患の臨床的特徴について検討を行った。術後診断は精索捻転症50例(49.0%), 精巣付属器捻転症29例(28.4%), 急性精巣上体炎13例(12.8%), その他10例(9.8%)であった。精索捻転症のうち約半数の24例が11-15歳に集中し, 年齢階層別頻度では0-5歳の62%, , 11-15歳の63%, 16-20歳の60%が精索捻転症であった。急性精巣上体炎は年齢階層別頻度では21歳以上で50%を占めた。精巣付属器捻転症は年齢階層別頻度では6-10歳で69%を占めた。精索捻転症の精巣温存例は年齢が比較的高い傾向で, 摘出例より手術までの時間が有意に短かった。発症より8時間以内の手術例は全例が精巣温存が可能であったことより, 精索捻転症の可能性がある場合は早期の手術が必要である。Between July 1986 and March 2006, 102 patients underwent an operation for acute scrotum. Median age was 12.0 years old (range 0-51). Post-operative diagnosis revealed 50 cases (49%) of spermatic cord torsion, 29 cases (28%) of epididymal appendix torsion, and 13 cases (13%) of acute epididymitis. Spermatic cord torsion was most frequent in the age between 0 and 5, and 11 and 20, while epididymal appendix torsion was most frequent between 6 and 10. Moreover, acute epididymitis was most frequently seen in the age over 20. There were no apparent differences in the clinical symptoms such as scrotal pain, scrotal swelling, and abdominal pain. In the physical examinations, pyuria was the only finding to indicate acute epididymitis. In case of spermatic cord torsion, 'golden time' is defined as the time from onset to operation when testicular function can be expected for preservation. In this study golden time was defined as 8 hours because the testes was preserved in all 23 patients receiving the operation within 8 hours, but in only 10 (37%) out of 27 patients receiving the operation after 8 hours. Moreover, the operation within 24 hours saved the testes in approximately 90% of the patients. In patients with acute scrotum, emergency operation should be performed as speedily as possible for preservation of testicular function