International Pacific University

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    326 research outputs found

    学び合いによる技能習得をねらいとした器械運動授業の展開 ― 大学生を対象として ―

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    The purpose of this study is to inspect the gymnastics class which the skill acquisition it depends collective work. The subject is 180 students of university K.I organize a group to became the different skill level. In the guidance and tutorial. I told point of skill and a reason not to have by whole instruction and the supporting method. From this, the students were collective work independently. Furthermore, application of ICT is effective for a student not to understand the own moving mode. By such an attempt, 94% of students achieved the subjects. In addition the class evaluation questionnaire for the students “independent by this class?”, 78.4% students thought so very much. The future problem is development the class which the remaining 21.6% students independently

    Kids English Program Visits to a Japanese Kindergarten ― Intentions, Expectation and Results ―

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    There has been a reported lack of pre-service teacher training given to university students in Japan. In contrast, the Kids English program at International Pacific University (IPU) provides an opportunity for university students to gain experience with young learners. During the visits Japanese and Vietnamese university students interact with kindergarteners in the role of Teaching Assistant (TA) while cooperating to create an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environment. Teacher and student reflections are presented as interview responses. The intentions and expectations of the program are considered with respect to current research on teaching English to young learners. A longitudinal study exploring the future job placements of participants may help to understand the benefits of the program in relation to job success.本文では,本学にて実施しているキッズ・イングリッシュ・プログラムの実践例を報告する。この取り組みでは,キッズ・イングリッシュ・プログラムとして岡山県内の幼稚園への訪問を行っている。この訪問では,日本人とベトナム人の大学生が准教授の支援を受けて,教員助手(Teaching Assistant: TA)として英語で幼稚園児童と交流し,外国語としての英語(English as a Foreign Language: EFL)の環境を作ることに協力した。結果の概要をインタビューとして提示する。本プログラムの目的と予測は,近年の子どもの英語教育に関する調査を考慮している。継続的な研究のための方向性も示す


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    子どもの発達段階によって保健室への来室理由が異なっており,発達段階に応じて,保健室の機能に対するニーズが変化していた。また,校種が上がるにつれて「自己実現」へと向かっており,保健室は子どもの発達支援の場となっていることが明らかにされた。  大学生が,これまで経験した保健室の実態を踏まえて,心身両面の養護教諭への相談内容と養護教諭の人間性と同時に,治療・手当等の技術的な対応を含めた健康管理のあり方に対する具体的な項目が示された。  今後の保健室の方向性については,児童生徒の健康上の課題を解決する場として位置づけるものであり,子どもの,発達段階に応じて,保健室の機能に対するニーズが変化することから,現今の学生の児童・生徒の頃の保健室のイメージとしての「病気,ケガの処置」「身体検査」等の共通したものに加えて,保健室は子どもの発達支援と保健教育の場としての機能が求められる。This study showed that the reasons children visited the nurse’s office at school differed depending on their developmental stage and so the services that they needed the office to provide changed accordingly. Further, as they advanced to middle and high school and began to “selfactualize,” the nurse’s office became a place to go to for developmental support.  Based on their past experiences with nurse’s offices, university students provided specifics of the health management functions that the school nurse should provide, including skilled medical treatment, first-aid, mental and physical health advice they sought from nurses, and nurses’ approachability.  In the future, as the place where school students go for solutions to their health problems, the services provided by the office needs to change as per changes in children’s needs according to their stage of development. Based on the common perceptions of today’s university students that the nurse’s office in their early school days was“ the place that took care of you when you were sick or injured,” or“ the place where you underwent physical examinations,” the nurse’s office needs to function as the place students go to for developmental support and health education

    中小企業の視点によるアジア9ヶ国の雇用紛争解決制度比較 ― ビジネス文化の視点と定量的手法による分析 ―

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    本研究は,近時急速に進む中小企業経営のアジア地域への事業展開を踏まえ,これまで明らかでなかった同地域における「雇用紛争発生件数」を概数推計し,また,「雇用紛争解決制度の整備状況について,日本とアジア8ヶ国の共通点・相違点を整理したものである。その結果を,ビジネス文化の観点から分析した点が特徴となっている。主要な結論は,次の2点である。  ① アジア8ヶ国の雇用紛争の人口当り年間発生件数は,平均533件であり欧州豪6ヶ国の8分の1程度に留まる。その背景として,アジア8ヶ国にほぼ共通する低い「失業率」にくわえて,「権威指向」「高コンテキスト」などのビジネス文化の特徴が指摘できる。  ② 雇用紛争解決制度は,既に日本を上回る体制が構築されている。特に,紛争解決のための社内制度構築の義務化,集団紛争解決に関する司法の関与,行政・司法における迅速でかつ柔軟な解決を重視した制度設計が特徴となっている。しかし,このうちの「柔軟性」については,アジア諸国において,「権威」「集団」「高コンテキスト」「現状肯定」「個別事情優先」のビジネス文化が強い点を勘案するとマイナスに機能する可能性がある。In recent years, small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan are actively developing their business in the Asian region. In this research, we estimate the number of employment disputes occurred in the area in approximate numbers which was unclear so far. In addition, this research analyzed the improvement of employment dispute resolution system in these countries and cleared common points and differences between Japan and these Asian countries. It is the most important future of this research to analyze these results from the viewpoint of business culture. The main conclusions are the following two points.  ① The average number of employment disputes per population in 9 Asian countries is only about one-eighth of the average of 6 European countries. This is relevant to the business culture such as “Power Oriented” and“ High Context”, which are almost common among the eight Asian countries.  ② Asian 8 countries already has established fulfilling system for resolving employment disputes focusing on flexibility compared to its of Japan. We need to recognize it means easy to fall into arbitrary judgement based on its strong cultural tendency of these 8 Asian countries, which are “Power Oriented”,“ Collectivism”,“ High Context”,“ Ascription”, and“ Particularism”

    人前で発言することへの意識変化 ― 大学1年生の事例から ―

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    Why Do You Spell That? ― A Brief History of the Evolution of English Orthography ―

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    綴りは英語を学ぶ上で最も難しいものの一つである。ネイティブスピーカーさえ手を焼くほどであるため,間違いを防ぐためにしばしばスペルチェックや自動修正など現代的なツールに頼る。 このような難解な正字法に関して,「なぜ英語の綴りはそれほど複雑なものになったのか」とよく問われる。本稿では,英語の綴りに見られる明白な矛盾と不明瞭な英語正字法に与えた大きな影響について統合的に考察する。Spelling is one of the most challenging aspects of learning English. Even native speakers have difficulty with it and often rely on modern tools such as spell check and autocorrect to minimize mistakes. With such a challenging orthography, people often ask how it is that English spelling became so complex. This paper is synthesis of some of the more apparent discrepancies in English spelling and some of the larger influences on its less than transparent orthography

    ベトナム人学習者を対象にした初級速習コース ― 2016年秋学期の実践と今後の課題 ―

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    Write of Healing in the South Pacific ― Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Print Media ―

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    Media health reporting influences health-related attitudes and behaviors. An area that has received little attention is how CAM-related topics are comparatively framed in the national media of developing and developed nations. This paper uses media framing as a lens on the sociocultural, socioeconomic, political, and legal determinants of CAM’s degree of access, acceptance, and use in developed countries and small island nation states. Using content analysis, the national newspapers of two countries with different socioeconomic characteristics are investigated as case studies: The New Zealand Herald in New Zealand (a developed country) and The Fiji Times in Fiji (a small island nation) for the time period 2004-2016. Overall, both countries reported an increased use of CAM. In New Zealand, there was no discussion of the disparities in healthcare access and CAM use. Fiji covered the lack of access to conventional medicine, disparities in healthcare access due to geographical and economic barriers. CAM related research was presented, which was mostly negative in the case of New Zealand and positive in the case of Fiji. Both countries were concerned about the legal implications of CAM use. Findings provide indications of access and quality of access to healthcare provisions within a country, and the current and future potential of CAM within the healthcare scheme of a society.メディアの健康報道は健康関連の行動に影響を及ぼす。今までに, ほとんど注目を受けていない領域は,CAM(Complementary and Alternative Medicine)関連の話題で,発展途上国と先進国のメディアでの表現の差である。 本稿では,先進国と南太平洋の小さな島国でCAMがどのように受け入れられ使われているか,社会文化的,社会経済的,政治的,法的にメディアの目を通して考察する。内容分析を用いて,社会経済的特徴が異なる2つの国の全国紙でケーススタディとして調査する。先進国としてニュージーランドのニュージーランドヘラルド,小さな島国としてフィジーのフィジータイムズを用いる。期間は2004年から2016年である。両国においてCAMの使用は増加している。ニュージーランドでは,ヘルスケアアクセスとCAMの使用における差はなかった。フィジーでは地理的障害,経済的障害によるヘルスケアアクセスの差と伝統的な医学へのアクセスの不足をCAMの使用がカバーした。両国はCAM使用の法的整備に関心があった。調査結果は,ヘルスケア計画の中でのCAMの可能性と,国のヘルスケアの将来性を提示する

    理科公開講座が参加者の指導技術や意欲向上に果たす効果 ― 溶解と再結晶を取り上げて ―

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    Aiming to nurture teachers with high-quality science teaching skills, we established a science laboratory named the Science Teacher Cram School® and have since celebrated its third year. Each year, during the summer holiday, we conducted training programs (open lectures) targeting elementary schools and scientific research societies in the prefecture. According to a participant survey, the view that“ preparing for science classes is a pain” decreased. Additionally, opinions like the following increased:“ If there is a lot of laboratory apparatus, children come to like science” and“ As experience with experiments increases, I can come to like science.” Furthermore, the survey revealed that the fewer years of experience teachers had, the less they taught using the science laboratory; they tended to lack confidence.  In our open lectures this year, we incorporated into the lectures the types of observations and experiments that elementary school instructors might find difficult. Through the investigation of the changes in their feelings and confidence in teaching science, we examined effective ways of conducting open lectures. The investigation clarified that teachers who are not good at science have insufficient understanding of scientific phenomena and they lack opportunities to learn science experiments, and that, even with laboratory apparatus prepared, they have little confidence in their ability to conduct experiments. This is more noticeable in teachers who are not good in physics or chemistry. On the other hand, the open lectures were effective for teachers who were not good at science. For those with less understanding of scientific phenomena and with less confidence in implementing experiments even though they found them interesting, the open lectures were highly effective in strengthening their confidence in teaching science. This suggests that, in order to enhance their confidence, it is important to introduce interesting experiments based on striking scientific phenomena and to increase opportunities to realize its enjoyment


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