72 research outputs found

    Bureaucratic administration in modern university and its reform

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    科层制是一种行政和生产管理的组织形式,现代大学是一个正式的社会组织,大学实行科层管理有其不可忽略的合理性。然而,大学作为学术性组织,其内在属性即目标的模糊性、多元化的价值观、活动过程与效果的不确定性、对分权管理的诉求、学术权力的合法性基础是魅力型权威等,又使得大学的科层管理存在着不可避免的局限性。因此,必须在遵循现代大学自身内在逻辑的基础上,对科层管理进行改造。Bureaucracy is an organizational form of administration and production management. Modern university is a formal social organization. Therefore, the application of bureaucracy in it is rational that can not be neglected. However, as an academic organization, a university has its inner properties, such as ambiguity of object, multiple values , uncertainty of process and effect, pursuit of delegation and academic power with Charisma,etc. All these make the application of bureaucracy existsunavoidably limitation. Therefore, we must reconstuct the bureaucraticsystem based on the inner logic of modern university itself

    An Analysis of the Worldwide Phenomenon of the Merge of Universities

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    在过去二三十年间 ,高校合并几乎是一个全球现象 ,它反映了各国高等院校面对全球化时代的挑战所作的因应性调整。通过对世界性高校合并的共同性和多样性的分析 ,提出几点思考。In the past two or three decades, the merge of universities has become almost a worldwide phenomenon, which reflects the corresponding adjustment made by the various institutions of higher learning in many countries to cope with the challenges brought about by globalization. Some reflections are offered in the paper regarding the similarities and differences in the worldwide merge of institutions

    Study on the Organization and Management Mode of China’s Multiversity:Historical and Comparative Perspectives

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    20世纪90年代以来,巨型大学在我国如雨后春笋般地发展起来。由于其学科门类众多、规模硕大、机构庞杂,给整个大学的组织与管理带来了空前的困难。因此,寻求科学合理、生动灵活的巨型大学组织与管理模式具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本论文专门研究我国巨型大学组织与管理模式问题。本论文分为三个部分:第一部分是引论,由第一章组成。主要内容涉及研究的目的及意义、相关研究情况的综述,及本研究的思路、方法和力图解决的问题。第二部分是主体,包括第二、三、四章。本部分从“巨型大学”的概念辨析、巨型大学组织与管理模式的内涵界定入手,首先简述美、日、英、澳等国巨型大学的形成,并从“领导体制、管理层级和机构、权力配置、协调...The number of multiversity has increased rapidly in our country since 1990s. The fact that it has many disciplines, a great number of staff and students, numerous and complicated organizations makes its organization and management unprecedentedly difficult. Therefore, seeking a mode for the organization and management of multiversity, which is scientific, reasonable, and flexible, has great signif...学位:教育学硕士院系专业:高等教育研究所_高等教育学学号:20011700

    Research on the Performance of Real Estate Listed Companies

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    由于兼具消费属性与投资属性,房地产的健康发展对金融稳定、经济发展和社会进步的影响举足轻重。探索适合于房地产企业的一套评价方法,恰当地综合评价其经营绩效及其影响因素,对于投资者和债权人保护自身利益,对于经营者防范公司财务危机,对于政府管理部门监控上市公司的质量和证券市场风险,都有重要的现实意义。 本文以2008年深沪A股市场56家房地产经营与开发公司作为研究样本,在借鉴国内外绩效评价与研究方法的基础上,采用财务指标对房地产上市公司展开绩效分析,运用因子分析法计算房地产上市公司的绩效得分;运用逐步回归分析法实证研究房地产上市公司的绩效影响因素。实证结果表明:偿债因子、现金流量因子、盈利因子、资金...Real estate is a special industry born with the characteristics of consumption and investment. The healthy development of this industry heavily affect on financial stability, economic development and social progress. How to evaluate the performance and their influencing factors of real estate enterprises appropriately, post great practical significance for investors and creditors to protect their ...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济研究所_区域经济学学号:2902007115041

    Study on System Innovation of Upgrading The Comparatively Advantageous Industry

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    作为我国传统比较优势产业的劳动密集型产业,在改革开放的20多年里做出了不可忽视的贡献。但是在加入WTO后,传统的劳动密集型产业面临着严峻挑战,已陷入前有堵截、后有追兵的两难境地。技术要素已经成为当今比较优势产业的比较优势基础,只有通过技术升级才能最终促使我国的劳动密集型比较优势产业升级。而人力资本不仅是知识的载体,更是知识的源泉,因此人力资本将是未来比较优势产业的基础要素。本文主要从制度角度出发,分析了在技术升级和人力资本升级过程中存在的制度障碍,研究如何通过制度创新促使比较优势基础要素从以劳动力为基础向以技术、人力资本为基础升级,最后促使比较优势产业持续升级并科学发展。 文章共分为四章。第...Labor-intensive industry, which stands in the dominant position in Chinese traditional industry, has made noticeable contribution since the reform and open policy was carried out more than 20 years ago. But after China joined WTO, the traditional labor-intensive industry has faced a sever challenge. In other words, it has been in a dilemma with obstacle ahead and catch-uppers behind. Technology ha...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院经济系_世界经济学号:X20030901


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    在现代社会里 ,由于知识的爆炸和社会各业对知识的依赖与需要 ,大学变得学生少则数万人 ,多则十来万 ,同时在组织、成员、活动等各方面 ,都是昔日大学所不可同日而语的。科尔给此类大学取名为“multiversity”(巨型大学 )。然而 ,各国对巨型大学概念的理解却极为不同。巨型大学应该是具有量的内涵和质的规定的和谐发展 ,产生“部分之和大于整体”的效应 ,这才是真正意义上的巨型大学