6 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Salay Management System Based on .NET Platform

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    随着全国社会经济的发展,大型化、规模化已成为众多企业的发展趋势。而作为企业发展壮大中最为重要、关键的因素:人力资源,逐渐突显出人员岗位变动快、人数逐年增加、人员工资信息量爆发的管理矛盾。人员工资管理作为企事业单位资金流动的重要组成部分,是人事管理工作中的重要内容,合理、有效地进行人员工资管理,能够达到正确核算人员工资,保障职工切身利益的目的;可有效控制企事业单位资金的流动,达到资金流动正常、提高资金规范化管理的实效。传统的手工工资管理繁琐且效率不高、复杂且核算易出错、信息量大且不易保存、数据更新不方便、历史数据查询工作量大的缺点,为有效提高工资管理效益,设计、开发一款工资管理系统来代替手工核算...Along with the rapidly development of economy, large-scale and dimension-scale become the trend of development of many enterprises. Human recourses as the key factor of enterprises development become more important. However, the employee positions change quickly, the number of staff increased year by year, and salary information revealed. Those matters make manage conflicts in enterprises. Salary ...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院软件工程系_工程硕士(软件工程)学号:X201123111

    An Analysis on the Development and Utilization Innovation of Periodicals Resource of Academic Libraries in the Era of Knowledge Economy

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    知识经济时代,读者对高校图书馆期刊服务工作提出了更高的要求。文章从增强高校图书馆馆员的职业精神与业务能力、加强高校图书馆馆员和读者的信息素养、加强导读工作和真正做好定题服务工作四个方面探讨了创新高校图书馆期刊资源开发与利用的途径与方式,以便提高期刊资源利用率。This paper puts forward an opinion that the readers have higher requirements on the periodicals service work of academic libraries in the era of knowledge economy and to improve the rate of periodicals resource utilization studies the ways and means of the development and utilization innovation of periodicals resource of academic libraries from four aspects such as to enhance the librarians' professionalism and service capability,to foster the librarians and readers' information literacy,to strengthen the guide work,and to do a good job on SDI service

    Electric-field-induced selective catalysis of single-molecule reaction

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    随着单分子电学检测技术的迅速发展,分子电子学的研究不再局限于分子电子学器件的构筑及其电学性质的测量,而且扩展到单分子尺度化学反应过程的探索。然而目前相关的研究仍然局限于理论计算方面,在单分子尺度上实时监测和调控化学反应的活性和选择性是化学领域的长期目标和挑战。针对这一挑战,洪文晶教授课题组与程俊教授课题组合作,自主研发了精密科学仪器,将单个有机分子定向连接在两个末端尺寸为原子级的电极之间,解决了化学反应中分子取向控制的问题.理论计算结果证实了定向电场可以有效地稳定化学反应的过渡态,从而降低反应能垒。该研究工作在化学化工学院洪文晶教授、程俊教授、能源材料化学协同创新中心(iChEM)刘俊扬副研究员的共同指导下完成,由硕士研究生黄晓艳、iChEM博士研究生唐淳、博士研究生李洁琼以及兰州大学的陈力川博士作为共同第一作者,化学化工学院师佳副教授、陈招斌高级工程师、夏海平教授和田中群教授,萨本栋微纳研究院杨扬副教授、环境与生态学院白敏冬教授以及兰州大学张浩力教授参与了研究工作的讨论并给予指导,博士后乐家波、博士研究生郑珏婷、张佩(已毕业)、李瑞豪、李晓慧也参与了研究工作。Oriented external electric fields (OEEFs) offer a unique chance to tune catalytic selectivity by orienting the alignment of the electric field along the axis of the activated bond for a specific chemical reaction; however, they remain a key experimental challenge. Here, we experimentally and theoretically investigated the OEEF-induced selective catalysis in a two-step cascade reaction of the Diels-Alder addition followed by an aromatization process. Characterized by the mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique in the nanogap and confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in bottles, OEEFs are found to selectively catalyze the aromatization reaction by one order of magnitude owing to the alignment of the electric field on the reaction axis. Meanwhile, the Diels-Alder reaction remained unchanged since its reaction axis is orthogonal to the electric fields. This orientation-selective catalytic effect of OEEFs reveals that chemical reactions can be selectively manipulated through the elegant alignment between the electric fields and the reaction axis.This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFA0204902), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21722305, 21703188, 21673195, 21621091, 51733004, 51525303, and 91745103), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2017M622060), and the Young Thousand Talents Project of China. 该工作得到国家自然科学基金委(21722305、21703188、21673195、51733004、51525303、91745103),国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFA0204902),中国博士后面上基金(2017M622060)的资助,以及固体表面物理化学国家重点实验室、醇醚酯化工清洁生产国家工程实验室、能源材料化学协同创新中心的支持

    JUNO Sensitivity on Proton Decay pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ Searches

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this paper, the potential on searching for proton decay in pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated.The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits to suppress the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+p\to \bar\nu K^+ is 36.9% with a background level of 0.2 events after 10 years of data taking. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years exposure is 9.6×10339.6 \times 10^{33} years, competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel

    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay pνK+p → νK^{+} searches

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    JUNO sensitivity on proton decay p → ν K + searches*

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a large liquid scintillator detector designed to explore many topics in fundamental physics. In this study, the potential of searching for proton decay in the pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ mode with JUNO is investigated. The kaon and its decay particles feature a clear three-fold coincidence signature that results in a high efficiency for identification. Moreover, the excellent energy resolution of JUNO permits suppression of the sizable background caused by other delayed signals. Based on these advantages, the detection efficiency for the proton decay via pνˉK+ p\to \bar{\nu} K^+ is 36.9% ± 4.9% with a background level of 0.2±0.05(syst)±0.2\pm 0.05({\rm syst})\pm 0.2(stat) 0.2({\rm stat}) events after 10 years of data collection. The estimated sensitivity based on 200 kton-years of exposure is 9.6×1033 9.6 \times 10^{33} years, which is competitive with the current best limits on the proton lifetime in this channel and complements the use of different detection technologies