185 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of the Information Management System for the Electrolytic Aluminum Enterprises

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    信息技术的飞速发展推动着各行各业信息化迈近的脚步,越来越多的企业开始使用形式各样的管理系统,这些系统实现了对企业的经营、管理、生产等信息的自动化管理,从而为企业提供了各种不同需求的信息,有效的节约时间,提高劳动生产率。近几年来,电解铝行业产能过剩、市场低迷,很多企业相继宣告破产。在这样的市场环境下,要保障企业的发展,就必须降低企业的生产成本,让企业的利益最大化。众所周知,电解铝企业属于高耗能、劳动密集型企业,信息管理的涵盖面复杂而众多。一个高效而全面的信息管理系统,在节约生产成本的同时也可以为电解铝的安全、高效生产打下夯实的基础,因此电解铝信息管理系统是亟需的。 本文紧密结合当前电解铝企业中...The rapid development of information technology promotes the information technology in all walks of life towards the steps, Increasingly enterprises begin to use a variety of management systems.The systems realize the automation of operation, management, production management and other information to the enterprises and thus to provide the required information, effectively save time, improve labor...学位:工程硕士院系专业:软件学院_软件工程学号:X201223120

    The Rise of China’s Agricultural welfare State

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    本文关注的是农业政策领域的一个世界性的普遍现象和发展趋势,即农业福利国家的兴起。以农业补贴(以对农业生产者的直接补贴和价格补贴)为主要形式的农业福利政策自20世纪30年代以后就在欧美等主要发达国家兴起,并在80年代进入高峰。在日本、韩国为代表的东亚新兴工业国家,农业福利国家的发展程度更高,这些国家成为世界国家农业保护主义的典范。欧美、日韩等发达国家农业福利国家的兴起主要经历了三个发展阶段:以政府有限投资为主的农业推动政策阶段、价格支持政策阶段和农业补贴政策阶段。在其他发展国家中,二十世纪八九十代以后,政府也逐渐改变对农业传统的汲取和扭曲政策,在实施农业市场自由化战略的同时,不断加强对农业的保护...This paper focuses on a worldwide phenomenon and trend of agricultural policy, which is the rise of agricultural welfare state. The agricultural welfare policy taken the form of agricultural subsidies (direct subsidies and price subsidies for agricultural producers) emerged since 1930s in main developed countries such as the Europe and U.S and reached its climax in 1980's. In East Asian countries ...学位:法学博士院系专业:公共事务学院_政治学理论学号:1382012015338


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    MSW Separation Failure Research in Chinese pilot cities:Based on perspective of policy implementation

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    近年来,我国城市生活垃圾问题愈演愈烈,引发了政府与社会各界的普遍关注。为了应对垃圾围城困境,2000年8个城市开始试点城市生活垃圾分类。然而,十年来垃圾分类政策试点成效微弱,城市生活垃圾问题依然严峻。垃圾分类,作为垃圾减量化、资源化、无害化的一项重要政策,为何最终以失败告终。探寻这一问题无疑重要的现实意义。 基于垃圾分类的性质和研究需要,本文将垃圾分类划分为垃圾源头分类和垃圾后续分类两个主要环节,并分别探讨各环节政策执行失败的原因。在对国内外垃圾分类与政策执行文献综述的基础上,作者选择马特兰政策执行“模糊-冲突”模型作为本文的分析框架,将政策执行中的冲突性和模糊性视为城市生活垃圾分类试点失败...In recent china, the problem of municipal solid waste (MSW) is growing worse. In response to the plight of municipal solid waste, in 2000 eight Chinese cities started municipal solid waste separation pilot policy. To the surprise of most of citizens, the effect of the pilot policy is far from satisfaction. The problem of municipal solid waste is still grim. Exploring the reasons for this problem i...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:公共事务学院公共管理系_行政管理学号:1392009115050


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    The Design and Implementation of NAT System based on NDIS

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    近年来基于IPv4协议的因特网得到了蓬勃发展,无论是网络覆盖的范围与网络容量,还是网民数量与业务类型都在飞速增长。IPv4下其可用的IP地址越来越少,一些解决地址危机的办法开始得以广泛使用,其中中短期解决方案——网络地址转换技术是目前最常用的解决地址短缺的有效的方法。 论文首先分析了计算机网络参考模型TCP/IP,并对网络地址转换的原理和工作过程进行了研究,提出了在链路层之上基于NDIS(中间层驱动)模块化插件式的的解决方案;软件由两部分组成:内核部分工作在操作系统内核层(0层),完成网络数据的截获、分析、跟踪、过滤、转换等功能,控制部分工作在应用层,负责与内核的通信与控制。内核部分可以对所...Recent years, Internet based on IPv4 protocol has been flourishing, whether the scope of the network coverage and network capacity or the number of Internet users and business types is in the rapid growth. So the amount of available IP address is less and less under IPv4.Some of solutions to IP address crisis begin to be widely used. NAT technology is a short term solution, and it is the most comm...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院计算机科学系_计算机技术学号:X200922103

    Rough set theory in interval and set-valued information systems

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    介绍集值信息系统和区间值信息系统,并提出了同时具有这两种系统特点的区间集值信息系统.依据属性值的语义关系,将区间集值信息系统分为两类:析取(I型)和合取(II型)系统,并对其分别提出了基于优势关系的粗糙集模型,讨论了相关性质.最后用实例分析验证了所提出系统的有效性.This paper respectively introduces set-valued information systems and interval-valued information systems,and presents interval and set-valued information systems which have common features of above two systems.According to the semantic relation of attribute values,interval and set-valued information systems can be classified into two categories,disjunctive(type I) and conjunctive(type II) systems.Then,a dominance-based rough set model is presented for these two types of interval and set-valued information systems,and some related properties are discussed.Finally,the results of practical examples show the effectiveness of the proposed system.国家自然科学基金项目(10971186;11061004);福建省教育厅A类重点项目(JA10202

    Application research of grey error term and neural network model on prediction

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    在分析gM(1,1)模型的建模机理的基础上,指出了传统建模方法的不足,即发现了预测数据序列中的第一点的值并不能用原始数据序列中第一点的值来代替,因为存在误差,同时给出了误差项的一般表达式,然后基于bP神经网络对误差项进行优化模型。结果表明,该模型拟合误差小,预测精度高。According to the building mechanism of GM(1,1),the existent weakness is pointed out to of traditional method build grey model,that is,the first point of original data is different with 1st point of predictive value that both exist an error term μ.Furthermore,by the error term μ,this paper formulates other error term of training data.The optimum model is given to error term on the basis of BP neural network.The results of experiment show that the model is valid,feasible and high precision.国家自然科学基金No.60704042;国家"十一五"科技支撑计划项目No.2007BAK34B04;厦门大学985二期信息创新平台项目---


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