222 research outputs found

    A Research on how to improve Off the Job Training effect of A company

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    近年来,A公司不断完善培训体系,加强培训管理,每年投入大量的人力和物力开展集中培训,在提高员工素质、助力员工成长、提高企业绩效、实现企业发展目标等方面取得较好的效果,人才当量密度达到1.0084,高技能人才比例达到90.05%,A公司连续四年进入总部业绩考核A级单位。 从管理层、专业部门、培训机构和员工反馈的情况看,脱产培训工作中存在非持证类培训需求分析不够全面、培训项目开发不规范、培训计划执行刚性不足、培训效果评估流于形式、培训评估结果应用不足等问题,这些问题在一定程度上降低了培训效率、培训效益,脱产培训计划执行刚性问题甚至影响了正常的生产开展,培训针对性、培训效果均有较大的提升空间。 ...In recent years, A company constantly improves training system and strengthens training management;Every year they spend a lot of manpower and material resources on Off the Job Training which help them achieve good effect in many fields, like improving staff quality, boosting employee growth, enhancing enterprise performance and achieving the goal of enterprise development. Talent equivalent densi...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115099

    The Term Structure of Expected Inflation Based on Bond and TIPS

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    预期通货膨胀期限结构(thetermstructureofexpectedinflation)指具有相同风险及流动性的债券,其预期通货膨胀率变化随到期日的时间长短不同而产生不同的结构。它是一个国家宏观经济政策运行效率的基准之一,同时也是一个国家获取市场对未来通货膨胀预期信息的重要手段。相对于利率的期限结构,预期通货膨胀期限结构更为复杂。本文旨在构建预期通货膨胀期限结构动态模型,即将预期通货膨胀作为一个直接的主要影响因素,运用套利定价理论的方法,构建预期通货膨胀期限结构模型。首先,基于一般债券的预期通货膨胀期限结构动态模型是在回顾了国外相关模型的基础上,利用套利定价理论和Merton的连续时间研...For the past last 30 years, tremendous progress has been made in modeling the dynamics of the term structure of interest rates and expected inflation, which plays an instrumental role in determining prices and hedging portfolios of fixed-income derivative securities. The term structure of expected inflation is a key to assessing the credibility of fiscal and monetary policies, to examining how bor...学位:经济学博士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:B20011203

    In Situ ATR-FTIR and EQCM Study on the Interaction of Hydroxyapatite with Bovine Serum Albumin

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    羟基磷灰石(HA)是一种重要的生物材料,它在人体的多种生理过程中起到极其重要的作用,在骨骼的修复、替代中有着广泛的应用,是目前植入材料研究的热点。当羟基磷灰石作为骨替代材料植入体内时,必然要与血液和组织液中的蛋白发生相互作用。首先是蛋白在生物材料表面的吸附,而吸附的蛋白将直接影响细胞在材料表面的黏附、贴壁、生长和增殖,并将影响材料/组织的界面反应及其最终植入效果,所以蛋白在材料表面的吸附过程及其相互作用机理是一个重要的基础问题。目前已有多种技术可应用于生物界面的研究,如圆二色光谱(CD),激光拉曼光谱(Raman),全内反射红外光谱(ATR-FTIR),电化学石英晶体微天平(EQCM)等。全内...As one of the most important biomaterials, hydroxyapatite (HA) has become a research focus on bone substitutes due to its significant effect in various physiological process of human and its intensive application in bone repair and substitute. When a HA device is implanted into a body, the first reaction occurring on the surface is protein adsorption, and then cellular response. It is believed tha...学位:理学硕士院系专业:化学化工学院化学系_物理化学(含化学物理)学号:20032510

    Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Dynamics of Dominant Species in Costal Waters of Hong Kong

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    香港岛四面环海,是世界上赤潮多发的海域之一,海洋浮游植物分类学研究是一项重要的基础性工作。本论文选择香港东部、中部、南部和西部海域的39个站位采集浮游植物样品,利用光学显微镜和电子显微镜对浮游植物进行形态学和分类学研究,包括分类系统及分类检索表的建立、每个种的中英文形态学描述、生态习性和分布特征的研究等。同时,选择了2006-2008年间香港海域部分站位进行浮游植物优势种季节变化的研究。并结合历史资料的比较分析,对香港海域浮游植物分类学及群落结构长期变化进行了系统的研究。主要结果如下: 1.本研究在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,对已报道的香港海域浮游植物种类和生态学研究进行了归纳总结和比较分析,...Hong Kong Island is surrounded by sea waters and is one of important coastal areas with high frequency of redtide events in the world. Taxonomic study of phytoplankton is an essential work. In this study, 39 locations in Eastern, Central, Southern and Western waters of Hong Kong were selected as sample collection stations, and the morphological and taxonomy studies of marine phytoplankton species ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:生命科学学院生物学系_水生生物学学号:2162007115201

    A Corpus-Based Study on Selection & Arrangement of Function Words in Primary Chinese Textbooks in Singapore

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    新加坡华语教学的现状不容乐观。为此,新加坡教育部进行了一系列改革,新版小学华文教材应运而生。词汇历来是教材设计和编写的一个重要考虑因素。虚词的意义比较空灵,不好把握;同时,虚词又是汉语的主要语法手段,学好虚词至关重要。对新加坡小学华文教材的虚词选编情况进行研究,具有一定的理论意义与实用意义。 本文借鉴二语词汇习得、教材词汇选编与评估和语料库语言学等相关理论,从以下三个方面对两套新加坡小学华文教材(《小学华文》和《小学高级华文》)的虚词选编情况进行研究: 一、分析两套教材虚词总体情况以及共选和独选情况,以考察两套教材虚词的选词规模和难度梯级是否合理; 二、参照对外汉语教学相关的三个大纲,分...The Ministry of Education of Singapore has introduced a string of reforms aimed at boosting Chinese language teaching, as a result of which the new primary Chinese textbooks came into being. Vocabulary has always been one of the chief considerations for textbook design and compilation. Function words, their meaning being somewhat elusive, are harder for learners to grasp. Moreover, grammatical rel...学位:汉语国际教育硕士院系专业:海外教育学院_汉语国际教育硕士学号:2652010115127

    New Developments in the Study of Function and Cognition —— Review on Construing Experience through Meaning: A Language-based Approach to Cognition

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    本文简要介绍了M.A.K. Halliday和Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen合著的《通过意义识解经验》一书,该书探讨了人类如何借助词汇语法在概念基块识解各种经验现象,是系统功能语言学理论的进一步扩展和升华,尤其在识解机制方面与认知语言学有极大的通约性和兼容性。This paper presents a review of Construing Experience through Meaning co-authored by M.A.K. Halliday and Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen. This book explores the way how human beings construe experience in terms of ideation base. It reflects the new advances of Systemic Functional Grammar, resonating with cognitive linguistics particularly with regard to construal mechanism

    Performance of AB-InBev and Its Influencing Factors Analysis-Based on the Perspective of M&A in China

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    我国啤酒工业之所以发展如此迅速,首先得益于国家产业政策的支持,其次是啤酒在我国有着广大的消费人群并蕴含着巨大的消费潜力,再者庞大的产业资本参与是支撑和培育市场的根本保证。目前行业集中度日益提高,逐步迈入稳定发展期,行业趋向规模化、集团化,行业竞争水平和整体经济效益都在稳步提高。而国际上,发达国家啤酒需求量较为饱和,增长后劲不足。国际啤酒巨头由此纷纷将目光投向中国市场,以抢占发展先机。 百威英博啤酒集团是中国啤酒行业中一匹黑马,以全球最大啤酒生产商的地位,坐拥雄厚的资本、管理、技术等优势,在中国区先后参与对多家啤酒企业的并购,借助本土化整合和多品牌运作的策略,在中国市场上成功立足。自2011年...The rapid growth of China’s beer industry owes to factors as follows: firstly, the support of national industrial policy; secondly, vast population with huge consumption potential; last but not the least, enormous industrial capital participation, which is the fundamental guarantee of market cultivation. Currently, the industry is increasingly centralized and steadily developing, and tends to be l...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:1792012115097

    Packet Nouns and Information Packaging in Discourse

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    本文提出包装名词这一新概念。这类名词包括claim、idea、observation、problem、question等,其功能是将事件(包括行为、过程、状态)、抽象关系(包括事实、观点、言语)以及这些事件和抽象关系所隐含的言外之意等语篇语段打包。本论文把这种现象称为语篇信息包装。包装名词和信息包装象似于现实生活中的包装行为,这说明了语言中的包装有其经验基础。包装在现实生活中无处不有。为了保护产品、方便储运以及促进销售,我们常常将产品包装好。另外,包装要求做一系列技术和艺术处理,因此包装就是伪装。这种认知特征会映射到语言结构中,也就是说,语篇中大量块状、复杂的信息需要再次提及或预先提示,但由于...This dissertation proposes a new notion “packet nouns”. Such nouns include claim, idea, observation, problem, question and so forth. Their function is to package a discourse segment such as events (including actions, processes and states of affairs), abstract relations (including facts, ideas and utterances), or what events and abstract relations bring about or imply. This linguistic phenomenon is...学位:文学博士院系专业:外文学院外文系_外国语言学及应用语言学学号:B20020401

    Simulation and optimization of high-power LED with flat heat pipe heat spreader

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    为解决大功率LED的散热问题,设计了平板热管散热器来实现LED芯片的高效散热。通过Flotherm模拟软件,对大功率LED在自然对流条件下的散热; 情况进行了三维数值模拟。通过平板热管与常规铜、铝散热基板对比,发现平板热管有效降低了大功率功率LED的结温和热阻,使得LED温度分布更为均匀。此; 外,还研究了平板热管LED散热系统在不同芯片功率下的热性能,并对四种不同排布方式的LED平板热管散热系统进行了优化,发现阵列分布其温度分布最为均; 匀,结温最低,是较优的排布方式。Flat heat pipe heat spreader was designed for the heat dissipation of; high-power LED. The thermal performance of high-power LED in natural; convection conditions was simulated by the Flotherm simulation software.; It is found that the flat heat pipe reduces the junction temperature and; thermal resistance compared to the conventional copper and alumina heat; spreader. The thermal performance of LED with flat heat pipe heat; spreader under different heat power conditions was also explored.; Furthermore, four types of arrangement of the LED chips were also; designed and compared for the optimization. The results indicate that; the uniform array configuration induces the best uniform temperature; distribution and the lowest junction temperature, and seems to be the; optimum choice for high-power LED.广东省惠州市产学研结合项