678 research outputs found

    Literary Research on Emperor Xiao Wu named Liu Jun of Liu Song Dynasty

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    宋孝武帝刘骏的诗、文作品现存数目较多,且创作种类较为丰富,具有一定的文学价值及代表性,值得进一步加以研究。然而,历代学者对于刘峻及其文学的研究虽有所涉及,但都未能做到系统深入。本文试图从基本史料入手,通过对刘骏的生平、思想、创作及其对当时以及后代的影响进行考察,探讨其作品与六朝文学的联系,进而确定他在文学史上的地位和意义。 本文以史实为依据,结合对刘骏生平事迹、思想特征的探讨、以及对其文学作品的研读分析,试图对刘骏一生的作为及文学成就进行较全面的考察研究。 全文共分四大部分: 第一章,系统梳理宋孝武帝刘骏生平经历,分阶段论述其幼年时期、青少年时期、帝王时期的生活。 第二章,在学界现有的...Most of poetry and prose of Emperor Xiaowu named Liu Jun in Liu Song Dynasty are existent, And with different sorts. His works are valuable and representative for further research in the literature area. In the past dynasties, Some of academicians have been researching on his works, but can’t achieve a thorough realization. This article bases on historical-information. Researching on his life, con...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院中文系_中国古代文学学号:1022006115004


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    Experimental research state of preventive and therapeutic effect of traditional Chinses medicine on gastrointestinal injury after stress

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    应激会破坏胃肠道的自稳态,引起胃肠道功能紊乱,轻则出现恶心、呕吐、厌食、腹泻、腹胀,甚则可致应激性溃疡,影响人们的工作生活和健康。单药、经方、自; 拟方和针灸等中医药干预可通过抗胃肠黏膜损伤、调整紊乱的胃肠激素等途径有效改善各种应激后胃肠损伤,文章对此作一综述,并发现迄今为止在中医药预防应激; 后胃肠损伤的抗应激相关机制研究尚显不足,值得进一步研究。Various kinds of stress would destroy gastrointestinal homeostasis and; lead to functional disturbances of gastrointestinal tract, such as; nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, abdominal distention and even; stress ulcer, which could influence the work, life and health of people; suffered from stress. Classical prescription, self-made prescription and; acupuncture could ameliorate symptoms and signs of gastrointestinal; stress reaction effectively by protecting from gastrointestinal mucosa; injury and regulating gastrointestinal hormones. This article reviewed; those researches and found that, so far, there were shortages of TCM in; prevention effect and mechanism of anti-stress, which deserved further; study.国家自然科学基金项目; 福建省自然科学基金项


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    应激源指对机体构成任何威胁的刺激,包括物理(低温、高温等)、化学、机械、心理、社会等各种刺激。应激源作用于人体产生的非特异性应答反应称为应激。适当的应激可以促进机体逐步适应环境,而过度的应激则使机体正常稳态被破坏,发生一系列非特异性损害。胃肠道是机体与外界接触面积最大的器官,且由于其黏膜血管的解剖特点,在应激状态下更容易受影响,其中,肠道为多器官功能障碍的始动器官。国家自然科学基金项目(No.81302876); 福建省自然科学基金项目(2013J05123

    Understanding and development of the “heat into the blood chamber” by the school of seasonal febrile disease

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    热入血室首见于张仲景的《伤寒论》和《金匮要略》,温病学派从温病的角度出发,根据热入血室的不同病因病机,提出了活血化瘀、清热解毒、护阴扶正等治法,使热入血室在因证脉治上日臻完善。The syndrome of heat attacking uterus is recorded in Treatise on Cold Pathogenic and Miscellaneous Diseases written by Zhang zhong-jing.From the point of view with seasonal febrile diseases,the school of seasonal febrile diseases put forward that to treat this syndrome by activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis,clearing away heat and toxic material and protection Yin and strengthening the body resistance so on,which make it perfect in the theory of the syndrome with heat attacking uteru

    Bibliometric analysis on scientific productivity of NIMTE,CAS

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    The methods of bibliometric analysis and knowledge mapping were used to investigate the scientific productivity of Ningbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering based on the SCI, EI, ISTP articles as well as patents application from been found in Chinese Academy of Sciences. The papers number, co-authors, subjects, clusters, collaboration, cited authors, co-words and time cited were analyzed respectively on the published papers and applied patents. The knowledge map and bibliometric analysis results make out that this new established institute achieved great academic successes on materials research, and at the same time they kept ahead in five fields of materials science and technology through patents group application

    The progress of surgical treatment for scoliosis associated with intraspinal anomalies

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    随着磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)技术在脊柱外科中的广泛应用,包括拟诊为特发性脊柱侧凸(idiopathic scoliosis,IS)在内的许多脊柱侧凸畸形被发现合并有脊髓病变~([1、2])。目前,关于脊髓病变与脊柱侧凸之间的伴发关系仍不清楚。此外,对于此类合并脊髓病变的脊柱侧凸,在进行脊柱畸形矫正时是否需要处理伴发的脊髓病变、如何处理及何时处理等尚未达成共识。笔者就


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    Experience of professor WANG Yan-hui's in treating tumor based on ‘tumor is the pathologic products'

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    王彦晖教授在多年的肿瘤诊疗过程中发现肿瘤与中医学之“病理产物“在病因、病位、病症方面有诸多共性,从而提出“肿瘤都是病理产物“的观点以指导治疗,强调治疗当以“祛除病理产物“为法,并且具体处方用药有4个特点:1祛邪贯穿治疗始终;2理气、化痰、祛瘀并用;3大剂量用药,功效突出;4持法守方。王教授以此治疗各种恶性肿瘤,验之有效,值得推广。Professor WANG Yan-hui has found that tumor and pathologic products have some qualities in common such as pathogenesis, location and symptom, so he proposes that tumor is the pathologic products.He emphasizes on the law of ‘eliminating pathologic products' in tumor's treatment.There are four characteristics in his prescription and medication as follows: 1eliminating pathology has always been throughout in the treatment, 2combination of regulation qi, dissolving phlegm and removing blood stasis, 3large dose medication, 4keeping the same law and prescription.This theory has been proved by professor WANG in his practices which is worth for learning