11 research outputs found

    A Method for Assessing the Sustainability of Design in Developing World Projects

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    Projects for the developing world usually find themselves at the bottom of an engineer’s priority list. There is often very little engineering effort placed on creating new products for the poorest people in the world. This trend is beginning to change now as people begin to recognize the potential for these projects. Engineers are beginning to try and solve some of the direst issues in the developing world and many are having positive impacts. However, the conditions needed to support these projects can only be maintained in the short term. There is now a need for greater sustainability. Sustainability has a wide variety of definitions in both business and engineering. These concepts are analyzed and synthesized to develop a broad meaning of sustainability in the developing world. This primarily stems from the “triple bottom line” concept of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Using this model and several international standards, this thesis develops a metric for guiding and evaluating the sustainability of engineering projects. The metric contains qualitative questions that investigate the sustainability of a project. It is used to assess several existing projects in order to determine flaws. Specifically, three projects seeking to deliver eyeglasses are analyzed for weaknesses to help define a new design approach for achieving better results. Using the metric as a guiding tool, teams designed two pieces of optometry equipment: one to cut lenses for eyeglasses and the other to diagnose refractive error, or prescription. These designs are created and prototyped in the developed and developing worlds in order to determine general feasibility. Although there is a recognized need for eventual design iterations, the whole project is evaluated using the developed metric and compared to the existing projects. Overall, the success demonstrates the improvements made to the long-term sustainability of the project resulting from the use of the sustainability metric

    Designing Science Communication for Utilizing Emerging Technologies: Information Provision Formats and Citizens’ Attributes

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    北九州市立大学博士(工学)本研究は,科学コミュニケーションの情報提供型に焦点を当て,アンケート調査で情報提供方法と市民属性に注目し,要因分析と新提案を行った。全体で6章構成され,第1章では背景と目的を示し,第2章では科学技術とリスク認識の関係を整理。第3章では環境政策の理解に焦点を当て,第4章では地下水調査技術,第5章では二酸化炭素回収・貯留技術(CCS),最終章でそれらを踏まえ,政策提言と今後の課題を提示した。doctoral thesi

    Intelligent Analysis Research for Techniques of Network Intrusion Forensics

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    网络取证分析技术是当今机器学习、计算机安全以及数字取证等领域的前沿课题。目前国内外在网络取证技术方面的研究才刚刚起步。 本文针对智能网络取证分析中存在的大数据量处理、分析方法的智能性以及分析过程的质疑性等问题进行了深入研究。论文的主要研究成果如下: 提出了一种基于比例积分微分模糊规则的取证分析算法。该方法利用模糊技术与人类思维模式相似的特点进行证据分析,增加了分析结果的可解释性;对提取的网络事件特征根据其性质进行分类,建立模糊比例积分微分规则库,进一步提高了推理的规则匹配效率。 结合决策树与模糊技术优点,设计了一种基于增强模糊决策树的证据分析算法。该算法对连续属性进行临界点自动划分,增强了算法的智能化程度和适应能力;基于网络服务类型分别构建独立的子树,使系统具有 较好的并行性和扩展性。 设计了一种两级的数字证据定位分析方法,在缺乏充足样本事例情况下,可实现潜在证据定位分析。该方法利用离群点检测技术对原数据集进行过滤,然后利用样本数据集以及专家知识构造的分类器组进行深入分析,进一步提高了证据分析的准确度。 提出了一种基于集成决策树的多级证据分析处理框架。该算法具有较好的扩展性,可集成优秀算法;集成层仅利用基层学习算法的结果进行集成运算,保护了用户的隐私性,减少了网络传输负荷。Network forensics is becoming a challenging research topic. Currently the research of network forensics is just beginning, and many problems still need to be resolved by security researchers. The thesis focuses on the problems in intelligent network forensics analysis and deeply researches the following topics: the processing of huge volumes of data; the high efficiency of the analyzing method; the interpretable capability of the analyzing method. The main research production consists of: 1 Proposes a network forensic analysis method based on the fuzzy proportional-integral-differential rules that employs the similarity between fuzzy logic and thinking mode of human beings to perform forensic analysis and improves the comprehensibility of the system output. It classifies the network event features by their character and builds the fuzzy proportional-integral-differential rule banks to further improve the rule matching efficiency. 2 Designes a forensic analysis method based on improved fuzzy decision tree which combines the strongpoints of fuzzy logic whose reasoning processes are easy to understand with decision tree that is structural. It constructs separate subtrees based on the network service type and makes it parallel and extensible. Besides these, during the construction of a decision tree we design an automatic partition algorithm of continuous attributes and the degree of automation and efficiency of the algorithm is further improved. 3 Designes a fast evidence location analysis method with two-level analysis structure. Firstly the algorithm uses the outlier detection technique to filter the dataset, then employs a classifier group constructed by using sample dataset and an expert knowledge bank to analyze deeply the filtered dataset. It provides fast guidance for forensic investigators under the condition of limited training samples. 4 Proposes an ensemble algorithm in order to employ the advantages of various intelligent algorithms in dealing with different events. The algorithm can integrate the most of popular data mining and machine learning algorithms and is extensible; it calculates a final classifier based on outputs from the base algorithms so the system needs not transfer the raw data to the ensemble algorithm and decreases the transmission overload and maintains the privacy of network users

    a research on quantitative evaluation the assurance of information security products

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    网络取证是对现有网络安全体系的必要扩展,已日益成为研究的重点.但目前在进行网络取证时仍存在很多挑战:如网络产生的海量数据;从已收集数据中提取的证据的可理解性;证据分析方法的有效性等.针对上述问题,利用模糊决策树技术强大的学习能力及其分析结果的易理解性,开发了一种基于模糊决策树的网络取证分析系统,以协助网络取证人员在网络环境下对计算机犯罪事件进行取证分析.给出了该方法的实验结果以及与现有方法的对照分析结果.实验结果表明,该系统可以对大多数网络事件进行识别(平均正确分类率为 91.16%),能为网络取证人员提供可理解的信息,协助取证人员进行快速高效的证据分析

    on the policy and algorithm to block instant messaging

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    本文根据即时通讯(IM)的协议模型,在TCP层和即时通讯协议层分析了阻断即时通讯的可能性,分别提出了基于TCP层和即时通讯协议层的协议分析的阻断策略.在TCP层,通过插入FIN报文或RST报文,以关闭TCP连接(特别是与登录服务器的连接);在即时通讯协议层,通过对相应字段的值进行设置,使客户端进入不活动状态.为使阻断策略能够有效地实施,本文也提出了一个消息驱动的实现算法.通过对Yahoo! Messenger的阻断实验,证明了本文提出的方法能够高效地完成阻断任务(平均数据包量不超过2.5个).用统计分析的方法对它们的性能进行比较,结果表明各种方法的效率在不同的背景流量下没有显著的差异,通过消息驱动算法实现的基于协议分析的阻断策略,其工作效率不受背景流量的影响.另外,即时通讯数据的触发方式,使得发送的阻断包的数量与背景流量无关,也不对网络负载造成明显的影响.本文的工作为实施即时通讯的阻断提供了有效的解决方案

    Greening the fringes

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    The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is spending US50milliononanewphaseoftheDesertMarginsProgramme.TheprogrammewillmarryindigenousknowledgewithmodernlandmanagementtechniquestofindnewwaysofprotectingtheenvironmentinareassuchasMatabelelandinZimbabweandtheSudanoSahelianzoneofSenegal.Sevenothercountriesarecoveredintheprogramme:Botswana,BurkinaFaso,Kenya,Mali,Namibia,NigerandSouthAfrica.UNEP,November2002TheUnitedNationsEnvironmentProgramme(UNEP)isspendingUS 50 million on a new phase of the Desert Margins Programme. The programme will marry indigenous knowledge with modern land management techniques to find new ways of protecting the environment in areas such as Matabeleland in Zimbabwe and the Sudano-Sahelian zone of Senegal. Seven other countries are covered in the programme: Botswana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Namibia, Niger and South Africa. UNEP, November 2002The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is spending US 50 million on a new phase of the Desert Margins Programme. The programme will marry indigenous knowledge with modern land management techniques to find new ways of protecting the..

    Semantic Memory Impairment and Lateralization in Brain Injured Patients

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    湖泥施肥的研究 Ⅰ.通过湖泥矿化进行水体施肥

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    <正> 一、绪言1958年9月—1959年9月在湖北黄石市北郊花马湖(鄂城县境)进行湖泥施肥试验,在室内、室外先后试验了35次,历时343天,在党的正确领导和全体工作人员的积极努力下,利用湖泥施肥的方法获得了成功。湖泊底泥里面,有腐烂的水草碎片、浮游植物及水生动物的尸体残骸等淤积;加之,由于雨水将地面冲下来的表层富有机质肥土也沉积于底部,因此,一般湖泊的底泥都很肥,常厚达0.5—1.0米以上;pH 值介于5.2—7.0间;无机酸度(以甲基橙作指示剂)为零,总酸度(以酚酞作指示剂)介于0.16—0.46毫