147 research outputs found

    中国における大学日本語教育の問題点について : 内蒙古大学の日本語専攻を例とする

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    In 2012,the number of Chinese learning Japanese as foreign or second language has reached1,046,000, ranking the first place in the world. More than half of them are Japanese majors in Japanesedepartment of colleges and universities. Along with the increasing number of Japanese learners, severalsocial problems concerning them, like employment pressure becomes prominent gradually. The authorof this paper regards the increase of learners as only one of the factors that caused their employmentpressure. Furthermore, their lack of professional learning capability and the inconformity betweentheir talents and the market demands should also be given equal attention. From the prospective ofan educator, and based on the situation of the Japanese department of Inner Mongolia University, theauthor mainly discussed factors as syllabus design, number of teachers and their professional quality,professional curriculum setting and teaching methodology, the existing inconformity to enterprises’ staffcriteria, learners’ less self-discipline etc. This paper aims to present the varied difficulties existing inJapanese education in China now, so as to arouse the attention and concern of more educators; solvethese problems in college Japanese education; and fosters more and more outstanding professionalJapanese talents

    Comparison of caloric values and ash contents in three palm species

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    通过测定厦门的三种棕榈植物布迪椰子、油棕和沼地棕的不同组分的热值和灰分含量。结果表明,布迪椰子各组分干重热值和去灰分热值由大到小的顺序为成熟叶>细根>幼叶>粗根>根茎>叶柄;油棕的为成熟叶>粗根>细根>幼叶>叶柄>根茎;沼地棕的为成熟叶>粗根>细根>幼叶>叶柄。布迪椰子的灰分含量高低顺序为细根>粗根>根茎>幼叶>叶柄>成熟叶,油棕的为成熟叶>幼叶>细根>粗根>叶柄>根茎;沼地棕的为幼叶>成熟叶>细根>粗根>叶柄。布迪椰子和沼地棕成熟叶的热值显著高于油棕,并且布迪椰子的成熟叶热值略低于沼地棕,但布迪椰子幼叶的热值显著高于沼地棕和油棕,布迪椰子的叶柄的热值显著低于沼地棕和油棕,说明耐寒性强的布迪椰子热值和灰分比耐寒性弱的油棕的分配策略更加合理,有利于提高其对低温的适应性,对植物引种具有重要的指导意义。An experiment was conducted to evaluate the caloric value and ash contents in various components of three palm species(Butia capitata,Elaeis guineensis,Acoelorraphe wrightii)from the nursery in the Xiamen Botanical Garden.The results showed that the gross caloric values(GCV)of Butia capitata in various components can be ranked in the decreasing order as follows:mature leaves>lower roots>young leaves>upper roots>rhizome>petioles;for Acoelorraphe wrightii,the order was:mature leaves>upper roots>lower roots>young leaves>petioles;for E.guineensis,the order was:mature leaves>upper roots>lower roots>young leaves>petioles>rhizomes.The ash free caloric values(AFCV)in different components also varied widely,and could be ranked almost in the same order as those of GCV.B.capitata ash contents in various components could be ranked in a decreasing order as follows:lower roots>upper roots>rhizomes>young leaves>petioles>mature leaves;for A.wrightii,the order was:young leaves>mature leaves>lower roots>upper roots>petioles;for E.guineensis,the order was:mature leaves>young leaves>lower roots>upper roots>petioles>rhizomes.The results indicated that the cold resistant B.capitata has a more reasonable distribution of caloric values and ash contents,this character may help to improve its adaptation to the low temperature.教育部博士教育基金~

    Seasonal Changes of Caloric Values in Different Organs of Butia capitata

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    对布迪椰子的幼叶、成熟叶、叶柄和根在不同季节的干重热值、去灰分热值和灰分含量进行了研究,结果表明:干重热值四个季节的平均值为成熟叶(20.65kJg-1)>幼叶(19.84kJg-1)>根(19.55kJg-1)>叶柄(18.77kJg-1),秋季的干重热值明显高于其它三个季节的干重热值,冬季的干重热值最低,去灰分热值与干重热值的变化趋势基本相同。灰分含量四个季节的平均值为根(5.14%)>叶柄(4.33%)>幼叶(4.21%)>成熟叶(3.97%)。成熟叶的灰分含量一直维持在比较低的水平,而幼叶的在秋季明显下降,在冬季明显上升,幼叶灰分含量的季节变化趋势与成熟叶的相同,叶柄灰分含量在冬季明显低于根部。布迪椰子这种不同器官在不同季节的热值和灰分的变化规律显示其具有较强的耐寒适应性。Seasonal changes of caloric value and ash content of Butia capitata were studied. The annual average caloric value was in the following order: mature leaves (20.65 kJ g-1) > young leaves (19.84 kJ g-1) > roots (19.55 kJ g-1) > petioles (18.77 kJ g-1). The organs showed maximum gross caloric values (GCV) in autumn and minimum ones in winter. Ash free caloric values (AFCV) varied as same as gross caloric values (GCV). The annual average ash content followed the order: roots (5.14%)> petioles (4.33%)> young leaves (4.21%)> mature leaves (3.97%). The ash content was lower in mature leaves, markedly decreased in young leaves during autumn, and then increased during winter. Seasonal changes of ash content in mature leaves were same with those in young leaves. Petioles had much lower ash content than roots during winter. Changes in ash content and caloric value of Butia capitata in different seasons were good energy use strategy for species with high cold resistance to adapt the low temperature.国家自然科学博士点基金项目资

    Investigation of the Actual Situation of Dental Treatment for Children under General Anesthesia at the Department of Pedodontics of Matsumoto Dental College : Concerning the nursing methods of the patients

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    In order to clarify the actual situation of dental treatment under general anesthesia and the nursing methods of these patients, we examined 102 patients receiving dental treatment under general anesthesia at Matsumoto Dental College Hospital\u27s Department of Pedodontics from 1989-1993. The results were as follows: 1. Though the mean month-age of the patients was 41.50±12.5 months, 74% of the patients ranged from 2-3 years old. 2. The adaptation reasons for general anesthesia were young age (63.7%), uncooperativeness with dental treatment (57.8%), and because the patients who lived a long distance from the college hospital (31.4%). 86.3% of the patients had multiple dental caries. 3. The number of dental caries teeth per patients was 14.96±3.5 on the average. The number of average treated teeth per patient was 15.32±3.5. 4. The anesthesia treatment time averaged 211.03±43.2 minutes. Anesthesia was performed by endotracheal intubation in all cases. Also most of the cases were done by nasotracheal intubation and slow induction. 5. In terms of mean month-age of weaning and regularity of nursing, the patients tended to be late and to be nursed more irregularly than ordinary children. 6. A high percentage of the patients eat irregularly between meals and have a preference for soft foods. 7. Most of the patients, as observed by their guardians tended to be selfish, whining and spoiled


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    Effect of concentration n rheological properties of media-milled cellulose

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    本研究主要探討不同濃度纖維素經濕式介質研磨後,對纖維素懸浮液流變性質之影響。實驗所採用的材料為棉花纖維素,其體積平均粒徑為33.19 micrometer,藉由濕式介質研磨將纖維素下降至奈米/次微米等級,配合粒徑分析、流動測試、動態測試、顯微觀察,研究濃度對產品流變性質、介質研磨的影響。 將原料纖維素懸浮液配製成1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 %,以粒徑0.8 mm之球形釔鋯珠作為研磨介質研磨180分鐘後,纖維素的體積平均粒徑依濃度分別大幅下降至0.896、0.870、0.804、0.774、0.773、0.769 micrometer,而奈米/次微米的體積百分率也都在68 %以上。 將不同濃度纖維素以動態流變儀進行流動測試與動態測試。將所得的流動曲線進行分析,懸浮液黏度隨纖維素濃度增加而增加,隨剪切速率增加而下降,屬切變致稀性流體,其流體行為可用Williamson 模型描述。在動態頻率掃描發現經研磨後的纖維素懸浮液屬於黏彈性物質,濃度5、7、9、11 %的耗損正切和頻率無關屬黏彈性固體,而濃度1、3 %則分別在1、100 rad/s開始趨向黏彈性流體。 在顯微觀察部份,以穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)觀察研磨過的纖維素懸浮液後,發現確實有奈米及次微米纖維素顆粒存在。In this research, the rheological properties of media-milled cellulose suspension at different cellulose concentration had investigated. The raw cotton cellulose with volume mean diameter 33.19 micrometer was the experiment material. The diameter of cellulose was reduce to nano/submicron scale by wet media milling technology. To characterize the rheological properties influenced by cellulose concentration the particle size distribution(PSD), flow test, oscillation test and morphology were performed. Raw cellulose suspension 400 mL was prepared at content atom of 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 % to 400 mL deionized water. Those suspensions were milled by media, YTZ(yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia) bead with average diameter 0.8 mm. After 180 min milling, there are significant reduction on volume mean diameter, which are 0.896, 0.87, 0.804, 0.774, 0.773, 0.769 micrometer respectively. And all the volume percentage of nano/submicron particle are more than 68 %. Media-milled suspension with different cellulose concentration were measured by dynamic rheometer by flow test and oscillation test. The viscosity of suspension increased with the concentration, but decreased with increasing shear rate. The suspensions appeared to be shear-thinning fluid and be described by Williamson model. Media-milled cellulose suspension are viscoelastic material and the loss tangent of 5, 7, 9, 11 % suspension were independent on frequency, but 1, 3 % tend to be viscoelastic fluid on 1, 100 rad/s. TEM photo showed the presence of nano and submicron cellulose particle in media-milled cellulose suspension.摘要 IIbstract III錄 V目錄 VII目錄 IX.前言 1.文獻回顧 2.1纖維素 2.2奈米科技 7.3介質研磨 9.3-1介質研磨原理 10.3-2主要影響研磨效益的因素 13.4 粒徑量測 14.4-1穿透式電子顯微鏡 16.4-2掃描式電子顯微鏡 16.4-3動態光散射 16.4-4靜態光散射 17.4-5 粒數平均粒徑與體積平均粒徑 18.5 流變學 20.5-1 流體分類 20.5-2震盪測試 26.材料方法 30.1材料 30.2設備 30.3實驗流程及步驟 32.4原料懸浮液配製 33.5介質研磨 33.6冷凍乾燥 35.7密度量測 35.8顯微鏡樣品製備 35.9纖維素研磨後的體積膨脹測量 35.10纖維素乾物重測量 36.11粒徑分析 36.12流變性質量測 37.12-1靜態測試 37.12-2動態測試 37.結果討論 39.1 纖維素粒徑分析 39.1-1 原料粒徑 39.1-2研磨轉速對粒徑之影響 41.1-3研磨介質對產物粒徑之影響 42.1-4纖維素濃度對粒徑之影響 43.2 研磨前後纖維素的密度 51.3 流動性質分析 52.3-1 纖維素懸浮液的流動曲線 52.3-2 流體模型回歸 55.4 纖維素研磨後的體積膨脹效應 59.5 動態測試 62.6 顯微觀察 66.結論 68.參考文獻 7