中国における大学日本語教育の問題点について : 内蒙古大学の日本語専攻を例とする


In 2012,the number of Chinese learning Japanese as foreign or second language has reached1,046,000, ranking the first place in the world. More than half of them are Japanese majors in Japanesedepartment of colleges and universities. Along with the increasing number of Japanese learners, severalsocial problems concerning them, like employment pressure becomes prominent gradually. The authorof this paper regards the increase of learners as only one of the factors that caused their employmentpressure. Furthermore, their lack of professional learning capability and the inconformity betweentheir talents and the market demands should also be given equal attention. From the prospective ofan educator, and based on the situation of the Japanese department of Inner Mongolia University, theauthor mainly discussed factors as syllabus design, number of teachers and their professional quality,professional curriculum setting and teaching methodology, the existing inconformity to enterprises’ staffcriteria, learners’ less self-discipline etc. This paper aims to present the varied difficulties existing inJapanese education in China now, so as to arouse the attention and concern of more educators; solvethese problems in college Japanese education; and fosters more and more outstanding professionalJapanese talents

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