1,354 research outputs found

    МОВЛЕННЄВИЙ ВПЛИВ В АНГЛОМОВНОМУ ПАРЕНТАЛЬНОМУ ДИСКУРСІ (Language influence in English speaking parental discourse)

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей мовленнєвого впливу в англомовному парентальному дискурсі. Визначено та охарактеризовано три типи виховного мовленнєвого впливу: раціонально-інформативний мовленнєвий вплив, морально-волітивний мовленнєвий вплив, морально-емоційний мовленнєвий вплив. (The paper focuses on the properties of speech impact in the English parental discourse. Three types of educational speech impact (informative speech impact, volitional speech impact, emotional speech impact) are revealed and analyzed.

    Функціональність перлокутивних інтенсифікаторів морально-волітивного впливу в англомовному парентальному дискурсі (Functional properties of perlocutionary intensifiers of volitional speech impact in the English parental discourse)

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей функціонування перлокутивних інтенсифікаторів морально-волітивного впливу в англомовному парентальному дискурс. Встановлено функціонально-прагматичні характеристики перлокутивних інтенсифікаторів підтримки мовленнєвого контакту й перлокутивних інтенсифікаторів стимулювання позитивної діяльності об’єкта впливу в англомовному парентальному дискурс. (The article focuses on the functional properties of perlocutionary intensifiers of volitional speech impact in the English parental discourse. The English parental discourse is viewed as personality-centred interaction between parents and their children which refers to the domestic sphere of communication and has an informal character. The volitional speech impact is defined as verbal communicative actions of subject of influence, directed at behavioural sphere of object of influence to accomplish a change in his behaviour, guided by educational goals. To increase the efficiency of the volitional speech impact perlocutionary intensifiers are involved. In the English parental discourse perlocutionary intensifiers are viewed as contactive speech acts which aim at enhancing directive speech acts of different types that represent the pragmatic level of the volitional speech impact characterised by imperative illocution. Due to the functional objectives perlocutionary intensifiers of verbal contact maintenance and perlocutionary intensifiers of positive activity stimulation of object of influence are distinguished. Perlocutionary intensifiers of verbal contact maintenance provide the control over interaction by the subject of influence through attracting attention of the object of influence to the directive illocution of the utterance and by checking the understanding of the indirective illocution of the utterance. Perlocutionary intensifiers of positive activity stimulation of object of influence aim at commenting the utterance to enhance the volitional speech impact in the English parental discourse.

    Современные глобализационные процессы как проявление западной культуры

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    In the given article we show, that modern global civilization defines itself not so much in the terms of culture, as in the terms of equipment. Determination of social and spiritual life, which earlier having been going from general notions of duty, honor and conscience, of ethic and esthetic regulators, is being progressively changed by technological determination. Being determined by culture, person turns into a human factor, which is ruled by equipment. It is fragmentary and dependent. Initiative and the final salvation of the questions of person’s interaction with external environment and other people become the prerogative of equipment and technology. In the given article we underline, that the crucial difference of a socio-cultural personality from the human factor is included in the following: person is determined from the inside – from the side of assimilated cultural assets, which have become inner, while the human factor is determined from the outside – from the side of socio-technical systems. All these aspects acquire special meaning in the conditions of globalization.В статье показано, что современная глобальная цивилизация определяет себя не столько в терминах культуры, сколько техники. Детерминация социальной и духовной жизни, ранее идущая от общезначимых представлений о долге, чести и совести, от этических и эстетических регуляторов, все чаще сменяется технологической детерминацией. Личность, детерминируемая культурой, превращается в человеческий фактор, управляемый техникой. Он фрагментарен и неса-мостоятелен. Инициатива и окончательное решение вопросов в его взаимодействии с внешней средой и друг с другом становятся прерогативой техники и технологии. В статье подчеркивается, что принципиальное отличие социально-культурной личности от человеческого фактора заключается в том, что личность детерминируется изнутри – со стороны усвоенной и ставшей внутренним достоянием культуры, тогда как человеческий фактор детерминируется извне – со стороны социотехнических систем. Все эти аспекты приобретают особую значимость в условиях глобализации

    Fauna of USSR: BIRDS. Volume II No 3, CHARADRIIFORMES, Suborder ALCAE

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    The present volume on the Fauna of the USSR deals with birds of the suborder Alcae and has appeared after a considerable interval. Like the four preceding parts (published between 1937 and 1947 and devoted to the study of birds) it is based mainly on investigations of collected material kept at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR* (referred to in the text both as ZIN AN or the Zoological Institute). The various chapters of the book are written in the same order as are the previous parts. With respect to individual features, considerably more attention is paid to functional- morphological analysis as well as to a more elaborate characterization of species; the plumage is also described in greater detail with regard to seasonal changes and age differences. The attached bibliography, though not complete, nevertheless contains the most important works on the subject. The photographs were provided by K. A. Yudin and the drawings prepared by N. N. Kondakov and V. S. Rozhdestvenskaya. To the suborder Alcae belong sea birds which are closely related to gulls but are adapted to aquatic conditions to a much greater extent and are less associated with terrestrial and aerial life. Alcae, which feed exclusively on pelagic animals and predominantly on fish, have become highly specialized in swimming, diving and moving swiftly under water by means of their wings. This is extremely useful for catching prey. Adaptation to underwater swimming brought about some essential structural modifications in the Alcae during the formative period of the group, particularly in the structure and distribution of the feather cover, the morphology of almost every skeletal part, and in certain muscular systems and internal organs. Alcae have streamlined bodies--narrow and elongated; the wings are short and generally narrow. These features greatly facilitate underwater movement in a relatively dense medium. The tail is short (Figure 1). In flight and diving the legs are stretched backward and function as steering and brake apparatus, thus compensating to some extent for the shortness of the tail feathers. The three front toes (especially the middle one) are comparatively long and are united by swimming membranes, which reach the front edges of the distal phalanges or half of the toe length; the hind toe is either absent or rudimentary. For a short biography of the author, see http://birdsmongolia.blogspot.com/2012/02/elizabethv.htm

    Methodological Approach to Measure the Quality of Life of the Region’s Population

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    The article is devoted to the urgent problem of the regional development, i.e. to the development of methodological tools to evaluate the quality of life of the population in the region. The article considers the concept of “quality of life”, and the terms related thereto; and substantiate the author’s position with respect to the concept. The existing domestic and foreign approaches to evaluate the quality of life of the population were analyzed, and the application of the comprehensive approach was reasoned within this study. The criteria for evaluation of the quality of life of the population were distinguished. The authors proposed the methodological approach that considers not only objective indicators of the quality of life presented in the statistical reports of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service, but also employs subjective evaluations of the local population enabling more appropriate evaluation of the quality of life in the region. The methodological tools of the research include mathematical methods of statistical data processing and online survey of the population about the level of satisfaction with various aspects of their life. The methodological tools were tested using the example of the Sverdlovsk Region that is characterized both by the steady improvement of statistical indicators of the quality of life and by low satisfaction of population with certain aspects of the quality of life, which generally decreases the integrated indicator of the quality of life despite positive dynamics of social and economic development of the region and vigorous social policy of the regional authorities. The proposed methodology was used in the evaluation of the quality of life of the Sverdlovsk Region population as part of the development of the Concept of comprehensive regional program “New quality of life of Ural residents” (Decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region No. 45-UG dated January 29, 2014 “On the Concept of the life quality improvement for the Sverdlovsk Region population before 2030 year — “New quality of life of Ural residents”).The article has been prepared with the support of the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) No. 15-06-09169 “Development of methodical measurement tools and evaluation of the impact of social, economic, medical and demographic factors on mortality rates of working-age population”