260 research outputs found

    Language Contact in Renaissance Ragusa

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    Lo scopo di questo articolo è quello di presentare una panoramica generale sul mutamento linguistico e i risultati del contatto linguistico nella Ragusa rinascimentale (oggi Dubrovnik). Presenterò i risultati di uno studio sincronico basato sull'analisi qualitativa dei dati tratti da un corpus letterario che rispecchia la società linguistica del Rinascimento ragusano, oltre ad un corpus di dimensioni più ridotte dei dati diacronici, analizzati da Dragica Malić. Calchi, adattamenti fonologici ed innovazioni morfologiche contenenti una radice romanza e un morfema derivazionale slavo, quali it. spacciarsi > spačati se oppure accomodarsi > akomodavati se, verranno approfonditi attraverso ulteriori esempi in modo da mettere in luce le strategie di mutamento e il contatto sottostante

    Teaching in Europe and researching in the United States

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    Douglas Wilson Johnson. A Forgotten Member of the Royal Serbian Academy of Sciences

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    The paper presents a little-known foreign member of the Royal Serbian Academy of Sciences, the American geomorphologist Douglas Wilson Johnson (1876-1944), his role as an expert on border delimitation issues in support of the claims of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes at the Peace Conference in Paris in 1919, his collaboration with Yugoslav experts, notably Jovan Cvijić, and his election to the Royal Serbian Academy of Sciences shortly after the First World War

    King Nikola and the Territorial Expansion of Montenegro, 1914–1920

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    This article discusses the abortive efforts of King Nikola of Montenegro to achieve territorial expansion for his country during the First World War. Although he was a believer in the unification of Serbdom, he wanted to achieve it under his lead­ership rather than that of the Serbian Karadjordjević dynasty, and therefore had no intention of letting Montenegro be simply merged with Serbia and his family pushed into the background. Therefore, King Nikola campaigned not just for the preservation of Montenegro as an independent state, but also for its considerable territorial expansion, mostly at the expense of Austria-Hungary, and also at that of Serbia and Albania. He did not desist from his endeavours even at the time of his exile following the capitulation and occupation of Montenegro in 1916; on the contrary, it was then that his demands were most comprehensive. However, he could not resist the reality on the ground during and in the wake of the war, and all his efforts remained useless

    Komparativna ispitivanja kruničnog zaptivanja metodom poprečnih preseka korena zuba

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    Objective: An in vitro comparison of coronal microleakage of three root canal sealers was performed using the dye leakage method. Methodology: Ninety-eight single-rooted human teeth were instrumented and randomly allocated to two groups. In the first group, root canals were treated with EDTA to remove the smear layer. The roots in both groups were obturated using laterally condensed gutta-percha and Sealapex, AH-26 or Ketac-Endo as the sealer. The teeth were suspended in 1% methylene blue dye for 6 days. The teeth were then rinsed, sectioned perpendicular to the long axis and evaluated for coronal dye penetration. Results: In general, Ketac-Endo root canal sealer showed greater dye penetration than Sealapex and AH-26. A statistically significant difference in the coronal penetration of the dye was found in the group with intact smear layer. Conclusion: Highly significant differences between AH-26 and Ketac-Endo (p lt 0.001) and Sealapex and Ketac Endo (p lt 0.001) were found.Cilj: Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita kvalitet kruničnog zaptivanja kod zuba opturisanih lateralnom kompakcijom primenom metode poprečnih preseka korena zuba. Materijal i metod: U istraživanjima je korišćeno 98 ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba, koji su endodontski obrađeni i podeljeni u dve eksperimentalne grupe. Svi kanali su obrađeni STEP-BACK tehnikom preparacije kanala korena uz primenu 2.5% rastvora NaOCl. Uzorci prve grupe su nakon instrumentacije tretirani rastvorom EDTA radi uklanjanja razmaznog sloja. Svi kanali iz obe grupe su opturisani tehnikom lateralne kompakcije primenom pasti SEALAPEX, AH-26 I KETAC-ENDO. Zubi su nakon opturacije potapani u 1% rastvor metilen-plavila tokom 6 dana i potom serijski presecani poprečno na različitoj udaljenosti od gleđno - cementne granice radi evaluacije kruničnog mikropropuštanja. Svaki poprečni presek je posmatran pod mikroskopom na uveličanju 50x. Rezultati: Dobijeni rezultati su generalno pokazali da je u uzoraka opturisanih pastom KETAC-ENDO uočen veći prodor boje nego kod SEALAPEX-a i AH-26. Statistički značajne razlike uočene su u grupi gde razmazni sloj nije uklonjen. Razlika je bila visoko značajna i između uzoraka zuba opturisanih pastom KETAC-ENDO i AH-26 (p lt .001) i između KETAC-ENDO i SEALAPEXa (p lt .001). Zaključak: Rezultati ove studije ukazuju da je bolje krunično zaptivanje ostvareno posle primene pasti AH-26 i SEALAPEX nego posle primene KETAC-ENDO cementa

    Clinical effects of fixed functional Herbst appliance in the treatment of class II/1 malocclusion

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    Introduction. Sagittal mandible deficiency is the most common cause of skeletal Class II malocclusion. Treatment objective is to stimulate sagittal mandible growth. Fixed functional Herbst appliance use is beneficial for shortening the time required for treatment and does not depend on patient compliance. Case outline. A 13-year-old girl was referred to the Clinic of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry in Belgrade following previous unsuccessful treatment of her skeletal Class II malocclusion using an activator. The patient's poor cooperation had led to failure of the treatment. Patient was subjected to the Herbst treatment for 6 months followed by fixed appliance for another 8 months. Lateral cephalograms before and after the treatment was performed. The remodelation of condylar and fossal articulation was assessed by superimposition of pre- and post-treatment temporomandibular joint tomograms. The promotion of oral hygiene and fluoride use was performed because orthodontic treatment carries a high caries risk and risk for periodontal disease. Skeletal and dental changes were observed after treatment (correction [Max+Mand]: molar relation 7 mm, overjet 8 mm, skeletal relation 5 mm, molars 2 mm, incisors 3 mm). Combination of Herbst and fixed appliances was effective in the treatment of dental and skeletal irregularities for a short period of time. Conclusion . In the retention period, 14 months after treatment, occlusal stability exists. Follow-up care in oral prevention is based on regular recalls at the dental office and supervision at home by the parents

    Crack growth analysis in friction stir welded joint zones using extended finite element method

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    U ovom radu je prikazana analiza rasta prsine u zonama zavarenog spoja izvedenog postupkom frikcionog zavarivanja mešanjem (FSW). Ploče od legure aluminijuma 2024-T351 su sučeono zavarene primenom postupka FSW. Ploče su modelirane primenom softvera ABAQUS. Osobine materijala u zonama zavarenog spoja su prihvaćene iz radova drugih autora. Ploča je podvrgnuta zamornom opterećenju zatezanjem sa faktorom nesimetričnosti ciklusa R = 0. Rast prsline je praćen (za nestacionarnu prslinu) i faktori intenziteta napona su analizirani u okolini vrha prsline za svaki front prsline. Proširena metoda konačnih elemenata (XFEM) u ovoj analizi je omogućila automatsku generaciju mreže oko vrha prsline kod svakog koraka tokom njenog rasta. Cilj ovog rada je procena integriteta konstrukcije sa inicijalnom prslinom, dobijene frikcionim zavarivanjem mešanjem.Presented in this paper is the analysis of crack growth in zones of a welded joint, obtained by Friction Stir Welding - FSW. Plates of aluminium alloy 2024-T351 are frontally welded using the FSW procedure. Plate models are made using ABAQUS software. Material properties in the weld zones are adopted from papers by other authors. The plate is subjected to tensile fatigue loading with cycle asymmetry factor of R = 0. The crack growth is observed (for a non-stationary crack) and stress intensity factors are analysed around the crack tip for every crack front. The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) in this analysis has enabled automatic mesh generation around the crack tip for every step of its growth. The aim of this paper is the integrity assessment of a structure that is produced by friction stir welding with an initial crack

    Neoklasični realizam u teorijama međunarodnih odnosa

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    The article discusses the neoclassical realism theory in international relations and is an attempt of the author to present all of its main features as well as differences to other two realism theories (classical realism and neorealism). The two subgroups of this theory - offensive and defensive neoclassical realism - are also examined trough the works of Randall Schweller and Jack Snyder respectively. .Tekst se bavi teorijom neoklasičnog realizma u međunarodnim odnosima i predstavlja pokušaj autora da prikaže njegove glavne odlike, kao i razlike i odnosu na druge dve grane realističke teorije - klasični realizam i neorealizam. Takođe, u tekstu se govori i o dve glavne podgrupe ove teorije koje su prikazane kroz analizu radova njihovih glavnih predstavnika (Randala Švelera u slučaju ofanzivnog i Džeka Snajdera u slučaju defanzivnog neoklasičnog realizma).

    Ispitivanje rasprostranjenosti Bruceloze pasa izazvane bakterijom Brucella canis na teritoriji opštine Požarevac

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    The paper examines the presence and distribution of infections caused by Brucella canis in different categories of dogs in the territory of the Municipality of Požarevac. A total of 151 dogs were examined, and 74 blood serums originated from dogs of known owners and 77 from stray dogs. The investigations were carried out also on 40 samples of full blood of stray dogs, as well as fetal organs and reproductive organs of a serologically positive female following hysterectomy. Investigations included a clinical examination of the dogs, rapid serum agglutination, slow serum agglutination, and isolation of the cause. In all the examined dogs, the rapid agglutination test gave a positive result in 16.55% of the examined samples, the slow agglutination test 11.25%, which is an extremely high percentage in comparison with other regions of our country. Therapy using antibiotics, zoohygienic measures, castration or hysterectomy (as attempts to avoid residue and break the chain of the transfer of the infection) are conditions for out rooting the disease. Control of stray dogs is necessary, as they present the basic source of the infection. The results obtained in the course of these investigations indicate the absolute justification of including this contagious disease in the group of diseases whose reporting is compulsory.U radu je ispitano prisustvo i rasprostranjenost infekcija izazvanih bakterijom Brucella canis kod različitih kategorija pasa na teritoriji opštine Požarevac. Ukupno je ispitan 151 pas, od toga je 74 krvnih seruma poticalo od pasa poznatih vlasnika i 77 od pasa lutalica. Ispitivanja su obavljena i na 40 uzoraka pune krvi pasa lutalica, kao i na organima fetusa i reproduktivnim organima serološki pozitivne ženke posle izvedene histerektomije. Ispitivanja su obuhvatila klinički pregled pasa, brzu serumsku aglutinaciju, sporu serumsku aglutinaciju i izolaciju uzročnika. Od svih ispitanih pasa pozitivan rezultat brzim aglutinacionim testom dalo je 16,55 posto ispitanih uzoraka, sporim aglutinacionim testom 11,25 posto, što je izuzetno veliki procenat u odnosu na druge regione naše zemlje. Antibiotska terapija, zoohogijenske mere, kastracija, odnosno histerektomija (izbeći recidive i prekinuti lanac prenošenja infekcije) uslov su za iskorenjivanje oboljenja. Neophodna je kontrola pasa lutalica koji predstavljaju osnovni izvor infekcije. Rezultati dobijeni u toku ovog istraživanja ukazuju na potpunu opravdanost uvrštavanja ove zarazne bolesti u grupu oboljenja obaveznih za prijavljivanje