6 research outputs found

    Vliv společenské situace na interakci mezi vojákem a okolím

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    Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá vlivem společenské situace na interakci mezi vojákem a jeho okolím. Jako společenskou situaci jsem pro svou práci zvolil válku na Ukrajině a zaměřuji se na to, jak tato situace ovlivňuje interakci mezi vojákem a jeho okolím. Snažím se také analyzovat pohled vojáků a lidí z jejich okolí na vnímání vojáků ve společnosti v návaznosti na válku na Ukrajině. Hovořím také o tom, zda být vojákem je stigma nebo cejch. Provedl jsem kvalitativní výzkum, během kterého jsem realizoval polostrukturované rozhovory s vojáky a lidmi z jejich okolí. Data získaná z těchto rozhovorů jsem poté analyzoval.ObhájenoThis bachelor work is focused on influence of social situation on iteraction between a soldier and his surroundings. I have chosen the war in Ukraine as the social situation, where i focus on how this situaton influences iteraction between a soldier and his surroundings. I am also trying to analyse soldiers' and other people's point of view on percieving of soldiers in society in response to the war in Ukraine. I also talk about whether being a soldier is a stigma or a brand. I did a quantitive research during which I did semi-structured dialogues with soldiers and people around them. I analysed the data I earned from these dialogues

    Vliv společenské situace na interakci mezi vojákem a okolím

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    Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá vlivem společenské situace na interakci mezi vojákem a jeho okolím. Jako společenskou situaci jsem pro svou práci zvolil válku na Ukrajině a zaměřuji se na to, jak tato situace ovlivňuje interakci mezi vojákem a jeho okolím. Snažím se také analyzovat pohled vojáků a lidí z jejich okolí na vnímání vojáků ve společnosti v návaznosti na válku na Ukrajině. Hovořím také o tom, zda být vojákem je stigma nebo cejch. Provedl jsem kvalitativní výzkum, během kterého jsem realizoval polostrukturované rozhovory s vojáky a lidmi z jejich okolí. Data získaná z těchto rozhovorů jsem poté analyzoval.ObhájenoThis bachelor work is focused on influence of social situation on iteraction between a soldier and his surroundings. I have chosen the war in Ukraine as the social situation, where i focus on how this situaton influences iteraction between a soldier and his surroundings. I am also trying to analyse soldiers' and other people's point of view on percieving of soldiers in society in response to the war in Ukraine. I also talk about whether being a soldier is a stigma or a brand. I did a quantitive research during which I did semi-structured dialogues with soldiers and people around them. I analysed the data I earned from these dialogues


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    The advantage of simulation is that it works with a model of real system, so it do not influence the system straight. The provision of quality simulation is also quality model, which has almost the same parameters as the real system. The goal of the project is to create a model and to try its different states, real or hypothetic. A system analysis is used for analysing and to reach of modelled system specifications. The base of synthesis is to create the simulation model. Described simulation model is the result of these steps. Description consists of the functional principle, importance and item setup. The section of variation calculations consists of several measured states of the system. At the output of every calculation, there lies summary of defined differences, their influence of gravure printing process in the technological and the economic aspects

    Impact of a Natural Gas Cooler Design on the Cooling Performance

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    This article describes a methodology for the identification of cooling performance of a natural gas cooler relative to the shape of its heat-transfer surface and presents the outputs of numerical solutions for four different shapes of heat-transfer surfaces in coolers designated as C_A, C_B, C_C and C_D. Calculations were carried out for a cooler with a single row of tubes, and for coolers with two through six rows of tubes that were positioned above one another with an alternating arrangement. In all of the surface shapes, the boundary conditions were respected in order to facilitate the identification of the shape of the heat-transfer surface which is the most appropriate for achieving maximum cooling performance. Out of these four shapes, the best results were observed with the heat-transfer surface of the cooler designated as C_A. The cooling performance of a 1 m long tube with such a surface was 1,650 W

    An Historiographical Guide to Subcarpathian Rus'

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