319 research outputs found

    Dubravka Oraić Tolićā€™s Thoughts on Antun Gustav MatoÅ”

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    The purpose of this appendage (addendum) is to study a position of the female subject in the fictional prosem of Antun Gustav MatoÅ” through the reading of Dubravka Oraić Tolić. This research has shown that female subjects carry, or better to say, possess all features of MatoÅ”ā€™s poetic expression, therefore it is possible to sort them into three different models: woman-mother, woman-aesthetic creation and femme fatale.The purpose of this appendage (addendum) is to study a position of the female subject in the fictional prose of Antun Gustav MatoÅ” through the reading of Dubravka Oraić Tolić. This research has shown that female subjects carry, or better to say, possess all features of MatoÅ”ā€™s poetic expression, therefore it is possible to sort them into three different models: woman-mother, woman-aesthetic creation and femme fatale

    Immune recovery vitritis

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    Introduction Immune recovery vitritis (IRV) is symptomatic vitritis of > 1+ severity associated with inactive cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis. It is an opportunistic infection of the eye, in the patients who suffer from AIDS, and is treated with a highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). As a result of this therapy, there is an immune reconstitution in the body and inflammation of the vitreous body. Objective The aim of the study was to show the incidence of IRV in patients treated with HAART. Method A retrospective study was conducted in patients who suffered from CMV retinitis. Twenty-one were treated with HAART and had the diagnosis of CMV retinitis, as well. All of them were examined by the same ophthalmologist who peformed slit lamp examination with mydriasis and indirect ophthalmoscopy. Results Nine of 21 patients developed IRV as a complication of HAART, two had cystoid macular edema (CMO). Conclusion CMV retinitis develops when the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes drops below 50/mm3. This results in necrotic retinitis which, if untreated, leads to complete loss of vision. With the introduction of HAART, we learned that the reconstitution of immune status was achieved as well as life expectancy, but there was a dramatic decline in the opportunistic infection, including CMV retinitis, as well. With the immune reconstitution, the inflammation develops in the eye, known as IRV. Sometimes, it is necessary to treat this condition, but in the case of our patients, the inflammation was mild, and no treatment was necessary

    Stereotipni prikaz romskog stanovniŔtva u medijima

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    By analyzing the media content of the Vecernji.hr portal, the paper explores the extent to which the reporting on persons belonging to ethnic minorities is based on prejudice and stereotypes. Comparatively analyzed are 5 articles about the disappearance of the girl Barbara Vidović, published in August 2017, and 190 readersā€™ comments on those articles; and 3 articles about the disappearance of the girl Marija Marinela Grgić in the same month of the same year, and 141 readersā€™ comments on those articles. The analysis shows that two events of almost the same character are reported differently if the events pertains to members of a minority social group. With such approach to the topic they report on, the media become persecutors of minorities instead of the promoters of their rights and of the better coexistence of minorities with the majority population.Analizirajući medijske sadržaje portala Vecernji.hr, rad istražuje u kojoj je mjeri izvjeÅ”tavanje o pripadnicima nacionalnih manjina utemeljeno na predrasudama i stereotipima. Usporedno je analizirano 5 članaka o nestanku djevojčice Barbare Vidović, objavljenih u kolovozu 2017., te 190 komentara čitatelja na te članke; i 3 članka o nestanku djevojčice Marije Marinele Grgić u istom mjesecu iste godine, te 141 komentar čitatelja na te članke. Analiza pokazuje da se o dva događaja gotovo istog karaktera različito izvjeÅ”tava ako se događaji odnose na pripadnike manjinske druÅ”tvene skupine. Takvim pristupom temi o kojoj izvjeÅ”tavaju mediji postaju progonitelji manjina umjesto promicatelji njihovih prava i boljeg suživota manjina s većinskim stanovniÅ”tvom

    Juvenile diabetes eye complications and treatment

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    Background/Aim. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. The aim of this study was to explore the prognosis of patients with juvenile DM regarding diabetic eye complications, as well as the course of the diabetic eye disease related to the treatment undertaken. Methods. The study series involved 33 patients with juvenile DM during the period 1992-2007. The influence of the following factors on the course of the disease was estimated: age, the age of the disease onset, time when eye complications appeared, treatment modalities. Results. Of the total of 33 diabetics 15 patients were followed for 10 or more years and 18 from 5 to 9 years. At the time of their first visit the mean age was 23.12 Ā± 6.39 and the mean duration of DM was 17.42 Ā± 7.42 years. On their first visit, 7 eyes were without any complication. Most of the patients already developed clinical signs of proliferative diabetic retinopathy (41.39%), the signs of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (13.13%) and macula involvement (10.10%). Diabetic cataract was found in 8.8% as well as tractional retinal detachment. Eleven out of 66 eyes were with vitreous hemorrhage. Two patients (5.5%) suffered neovascular glaucoma. There was 1 (2.2%) patient with developed rubeosis iridis and simplex glaucoma. Panretinal photocoagulation was performed in 65% of patients, focal photocoagulation in 15%, 12% patients underwent pars plana vitrectomy and 4% had cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation and peripheral retinal kryopexy. Conclusion. Total vision loss due to eye complications of juvenile DM may be prevented if timely diagnosed with regular check ups and early treatment

    Digital Video Generation and Their Viewing Habits: The Death of Television News?

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    Following the changing media content consumptions patterns of todayā€™s youth ā€“ rise of social media as a primary news source; mobile internet access; binge watching; transfer onto content streaming services etc. ā€“ it is not hard to predict the death of television as a news source in foreseeable future. In this paper we combine audience behavior research of viewing habits of Generations Y and Z with content analysis of the among them most popular news podcasts from the use and gratification perspective. The intention of our research is to explore the future of both television as a medium and television news as a media format and to do so we extrapolate statistical data provided by both research methods to define new format and broadcast (in the broadest sense) standards that are attractive and engaging to our target population: the television news consumers of the future

    Youth and environmental protection: Research on the attitudes of the youth of Split on environmental awareness and habits and activities related to environmental protection

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    Ecological topics have been the focus of numerous studies in various scientific fields for years. The global problem of waste management is closely related to this topic. A constant increase in waste, which can be linked with mass consumption and economic development, is recorded in Croatia as well. Being observed as a global problem of the entire society, waste disposal can be also look at from an individualā€™s viewpoint who is responsible, after becoming ecologically aware, for reshaping its own behaviour and lifestyle in accordance with ecological values. The subject of the research is the ecological awareness of young people with the general aim of examining young peopleā€™s attitudes towards environment and youth awareness of environmental protection, and in order to determine this, it was necessary to determine the lifestyle habits, the frequency of recycling, the ways they contribute to environmental protection, their attitudes about the importance of environmental care and the impact of residents on the environment. Furthermore, an assessment of the citizens level of education on environmental protection was carried out. The online questionnaire included a convenience sample of 480 young people, 154 men and 326 women, in the city of Split, within the range of 18 to 29 years. From the results it is evident that, according to their assessment, the participants are conscientious toward the environment, often recycle paper and plastic, sometimes use eco products and dispose of waste in designated places. They criticize the (lack of) education of other citizens of Split when it comes to ecology, and they are also aware that waste disposal in Split is insufficient. When it comes to attitudes about waste disposal, air pollution and the education of other citizens, young people show that they are aware of the problems in the city Split. The ecological situation significantly affects the quality of life of an individual and society, so the results of this research can be understood within the framework of the set goals and results obtained from the conducted research. We can understand the research results as a guideline for work in the field of environmental awareness and environmental protection. Likewise, the results of the research are guidelines for the implementation of these topics through education and training of young people, but also of other age groups, so that the habits of young people (and citizens) of the city of Split, and accordingly their activities, change toward positive behavior in these areas in the future

    The Project of the Reinforced Concrete Structure of the House in Zadar : Undergraduate Thesis

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    Zadatak ovog zavrÅ”nog rada je proračun armiranobetonske konstrukcije obiteljske kuće, te izrada planova armature za neke dijelove konstrukcije. Zadatkom su zadani svi potrebni tlocrti i presjeci konstrukcije sa zadanim slojevima, te uporabnim opterećenjima koja su potrebna za proračun. Statički proračun i armaturni planovi izrađeni su sukladno propisima i pravilima struke.The objective of this thesis is to calculate the reinforced concrete structures of a family house, as well as making reinforcement plans of characteristic parts of the structure. All necessary plans and sections of the construction with all assigned layers and live load values needed for calculations are given. Calculations of structural elements and reinforcement plans are made in accordance to code, and according to professional standards

    Time-Area Method: Rational Method : Undergraduate Thesis

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    U ovom radu opisane su dvije metode za određivanje velikih voda, i to racionalna metoda i metoda izokrona. Rad je koncipiran u dva dijela. U prvom teoretskom dijelu je opisan problem velikih voda općenito te svaka od metoda pojedinačno. Opisani su postupci određivanja hidrograma povrÅ”inskog otjecanja jednom i drugom metodom. U drugom dijelu rada priložena su četiri primjera zadataka primjene metoda na konkretne slučajeve. U ovim primjerima dan je prikaz proračuna maksimalnog otjecanja s pojedinih povrÅ”ina, tj. određeni su hidrogrami otjecanja za neke slivove. Proračun je proveden u aplikaciji ā€žMicrosoft Excel 2010ā€œ.This study elaborates two methods for determining high waters. Methods are Rational method and Time-area method. The study is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part defines problem of high waters generally and defines each of methods separately. There is the procedure to determine hydrograph of surface runoff for each method. The second part of the study provides four examples of applying the methods to specific cases. These examples demonstrate calculation of maximum runoff from certain surfaces and determine runoff hydrograph for some basin. Calculation was conducted using application ā€žMicrosoft Excel 2010ā€œ

    Digital Video Generation and Their Viewing Habits: The Death of Television News?

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    Following the changing media content consumptions patterns of todayā€™s youth ā€“ rise of social media as a primary news source; mobile internet access; binge watching; transfer onto content streaming services etc. ā€“ it is not hard to predict the death of television as a news source in foreseeable future. In this paper we combine audience behavior research of viewing habits of Generations Y and Z with content analysis of the among them most popular news podcasts from the use and gratification perspective. The intention of our research is to explore the future of both television as a medium and television news as a media format and to do so we extrapolate statistical data provided by both research methods to define new format and broadcast (in the broadest sense) standards that are attractive and engaging to our target population: the television news consumers of the future


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    Cilj: Provedeno istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti pojavnost i zastupljenost sestrinskih dijagnoza kod bolesnika nakon operacije radikalne prostektomije tijekom pet postoperativnih dana. Istraživanjem se utvrdilo koje su se sestrinske dijagnoze pojavile kod ispitanika, koji dan, koja je najčeŔća sestrinska dijagnoza te koji su se SMP javili. Metode: : Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 30 bolesnika na Zavodu za urologiju KBC-a Split. Istraživanje je provedeno od ožujka do lipnja 2015. godine, pomoću upitnika sastavljenog u suradnji sa mentoricom, te uz upotrebu sestrinskih dijagnoza formiranih od radne skupine Hrvatske komore medicinskih sestara. Prikupljeni podatci iz upitnika su uneseni u Microsoft Excel tablice prema unaprijed pripremljenom kodnom planu. Za obradu je koriÅ”tena deskriptivna statistika. Rezultati: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 30 bolesnika, svi ispitanici su muÅ”karci primljeni u redovnom prijemu sa medicinskom dijagnozom Neoplazma prostate (C.61.) Najzastupljenija dobna skupina bolesnika je između 60- 69 godina života. Niti jedan bolesnik nije bio mlađi od 50 godina ni stariji od 81 godinu. Najzastupljenije sestrinske dijagnoze koje se pojavile kod ispitanika su VR za pad, VR za infekciju, SMBS ,te Akutna bol. Sve ove dijagnoze su u 100% ispitanika i to prvog dana praćenja. Najzastupljeniji SMP koji se javio kod ispitanika je VR za krvarenje u 100% ispitanika tijekom svih pet dana praćenja. Zaključci: : Ukupno 100% bolesnika je imalo VR za pad, VR za infekciju, SMBS, te Akutna bol . Najzastupljeniji SMP je bio VR za krvarenje u 100% ispitanika svih pet dana praćenja. Istraživanje je provedeno na malom uzorku i trebalo bi ga napraviti na većem uzorku u suradnji sa medicinskim sestrama- tehničarima iz UroloÅ”ke sekcije, kako bi smo dobili relevantnije podatke, napravili protokole postoperativnih sestrinskih dijagnoza te poboljÅ”ali zdravstvenu njegu kod bolesnika nakon radikalne prostatektomije. Pojavnost sestrinskih dijagnoza kod svih bolesnika je najveća prvi postoperativni dan.Introduction and Aim: The study aims to explore the representation of nursing diagnosis in patients after radical surgery prostatectomy for five postoperative days. The research found which of the nursing diagnoses occurred in patients after operation , which day they occurred, which is the most common nursing diagnosis and nursing medical problems too. Material and methods: We investigated 30 patients of Department of Urology , University Hospital Center Split. This study was performed during March and June 2015 using questionnaires prepared with mentor. Statistical analysis used descriptive statistics. Results: The study included 30 patients, all respondents are male, admitted in regular admission with medical diagnosis Neoplasm of prostate (C.61.). The most common age group of patients is between 60- 69 years of life. No patients were younger than 50 years, and not older than 81 years. The most frequent nursing diagnosis that occurred in subjects are High Risk for fall, High Risk for Infection, Self-Care Deficit and Acute Pain they all occurred in 100% of the first day of monitoring. The most common nursing-medical problem which occurred in these patients is High Risk for Bleeding in 100% of subjects during the five days of monitoring. Conclusion: Total 100% of patients had a decrease in High Risk for fall, High Risk for Infection, Self-Care Deficit and Acute Pain on the first day of monitoring. The most common nursing-medical problem was High Risk for Bleeding in 100% of the five days of monitoring. The study was conducted on a small sample and should be done on a larger sample, in cooperation with the nurses of Urology section, in order to get relevant information, made postoperative protocols of nursing diagnosis and improve health care for patients after radical prostatectomy. Prevalence of nursing diagnosis all patients was highest the first postoperative day
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