26 research outputs found

    The Evaluation of the Financial Situation’s Company

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na celkové finanční hodnocení společnosti PMJ team s. r. o. během prvního roku její existence za pomocí ukazatelů finanční analýzy. Na základě provedených analýz navrhnu změny k vylepšení stávající situace podniku.This Bachelor´s thesis is focused on the financial evaluation of the PMJ team s. r. o. company for the first year of operation, based on the financial analysis indicators. Based on the given analysis, the improvements of the company’s current situation.

    Concept of software interface for BCI systems

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    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is intended to control external system by brain activity. One of main part of such system is software interface, which carries about clear communication between brain and either computer or additional devices connected to computer. This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, current knowledge about human brain is briefly summarized to points out its complexity. Secondly, there is described a concept of BCI system, which is then used to build an architecture of proposed software interface. Finally, there are mentioned disadvantages of sensing technology discovered during sensing part of our research. © 2016 Author(s)

    Concept of software interface for BCI systems

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    Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is intended to control external system by brain activity. One of main part of such system is software interface, which carries about clear communication between brain and either computer or additional devices connected to computer. This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, current knowledge about human brain is briefly summarized to points out its complexity. Secondly, there is described a concept of BCI system, which is then used to build an architecture of proposed software interface. Finally, there are mentioned disadvantages of sensing technology discovered during sensing part of our research. © 2016 Author(s)


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    Soil physical properties were investigated in two types of growing systems - integrated no-till system and conventional system with ploughing, in 1999 – 2005 on chernozem in maize growing region. Bulk density decreased and total porosity increased during 7 years in both growing systems. In integrated system the improvement of soil physical properties could be explained by remaining of plant residues on soil surface. In conventional system the plant residues were incorporated into soil by ploughing. This led to the higher proportion of organic matter in soil. Soil cultivated conventionally had significantly higher value of reduced bulk density, significantly lower porosity and significantly higher values of soil moisture compared to soil in integrated no-till system. Maximum capillary water capacity was not significantly influenced by soil cultivation. Values of investigated soil physical properties in both systems were not markedly different from the typical values of cultivated chernozem

    Differences between ITIL® v2 and ITIL® v3 with respect to service transition and service operation

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    This paper follows the article: Differences Between ITIL (R) V2 and ITIL (R) V3 with Respect to Service Strategy and Service Design. The main aim is to summarize the changes that relate to key publications, Service Transition and Service Operation. In conclusion, areevaluated the objectives of the current version of ITIL (R) v3 and the unofficial benefits. The purpose of these papers is to provide the necessary overview of the current situation in the field of IT management to facilitate and streamline the work of IT managers

    Implications for behavior of volatile elements during impacts—Zinc and copper systematics in sediments from the Ries impact structure and central European tektites

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    This study has been funded through the Czech Science Foundation project 13-22351S. Paul Savage was supported by the Marie Curie IOF ‘Isovolc.’ Frederic Moynier is grateful to the European Research Council under the European Community's H2020 framework program/ERC grant agreement # 637503 (Pristine) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche for a chaire d'Excellence Sorbonne Paris Cité (IDEX13C445), and for the UnivEarthS Labex program (ANR-10-LABX-0023 and ANR-11-IDEX-0005-02). Parts of this work were supported by IPGP multidisciplinary program PARI, and by Region Île-de-France SESAME Grant no. 12015908.Moldavites are tektites genetically related to the Ries impact structure, located in Central Europe, but the source materials and the processes related to the chemical fractionation of moldavites are not fully constrained. To further understand moldavite genesis, the Cu and Zn abundances and isotope compositions were measured in a suite of tektites from four different substrewn fields (South Bohemia, Moravia, Cheb Basin, Lusatia) and chemically diverse sediments from the surroundings of the Ries impact structure. Moldavites are slightly depleted in Zn (~10–20%) and distinctly depleted in Cu (>90%) relative to supposed sedimentary precursors. Moreover, the moldavites show a wide range in δ66Zn values between 1.7 and 3.7‰ (relative to JMC 3-0749 Lyon) and δ65Cu values between 1.6 and 12.5‰ (relative to NIST SRM 976) and are thus enriched in heavy isotopes relative to their possible parent sedimentary sources (δ66Zn = −0.07 to +0.64‰; δ65Cu = −0.4 to +0.7‰). In particular, the Cheb Basin moldavites show some of the highest δ65Cu values (up to 12.5‰) ever observed in natural samples. The relative magnitude of isotope fractionation for Cu and Zn seen here is opposite to oxygen-poor environments such as the Moon where Zn is significantly more isotopically fractionated than Cu. One possibility is that monovalent Cu diffuses faster than divalent Zn in the reduced melt and diffusion will not affect the extent of Zn isotope fractionation. These observations imply that the capability of forming a redox environment may aid in volatilizing some elements, accompanied by isotope fractionation, during the impact process. The greater extent of elemental depletion, coupled with isotope fractionation of more refractory Cu relative to Zn, may also hinge on the presence of carbonyl species of transition metals and electromagnetic charge, which could exist in the impact-induced high-velocity jet of vapor and melts.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Flood control on Botič river

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the evaluation of flood control implementation on the stream of the Botič. The thesis is divided into two parts. The teoretical part describes hydrological concepts, it defines and characterizes the area concerned and the water flow. It describes the origin, the course and the types of floods as well as the degrees of flood activities. The practical part concerns mainly the field survey which describes critical floods of the given stream valley in 2013. It presents the photos and describes the critical spots on the stream and suggests the sites and spots for surface finish and revitalization of the stream of the Botič

    Using brain - Computer interface for control robot movement

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    The basic idea of Brain - Computer Interface (BCI) is the connection of brain waves with an output device through some interface. Aim of this article is to clarify the potential utilization of complex EEG signal in BCI system. For this purpose, real application of BCI technology was designed and tested. This paper describes this real application in detail and discussed its qualities with respect to its further practical utilization.MOE, Ministry of Educatio