26 research outputs found

    Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN : historia, stan aktualny, perspektywy

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    W artykule przedstawiono projekt leksykograficzny dotyczący opracowania najnowszego ogólnego słownika języka polskiego: Wielkiego słownika języka polskiego PAN. Projekt jest koordynowany przez Instytut Języka Polskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, realizowany przy współpracy językoznawców i leksykografów z kilku innych polskich ośrodków akademickich. Artykuł przedstawia skrótowe omówienie początków projektu i zakres informacji, które znajdą się w przygotowywanym słowniku, jak również pewne aspekty organizacji pracy nad słownikiem elektronicznym oraz perspektywy pracy nad nim w przyszłości.The paper presents a lexicographical project involving the development of the newest general dictionary of the Polish language: the Polish Academy of Sciences Great Dictionary of Polish [Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN]. The project is coordinated by the Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences and carried out in collaboration with linguists and lexicographers from several other Polish academic centres. The paper offers a concise discussion of the genesis of the project and the range of information included in the dictionary under construction, as well as the organisation of work necessary in the case of an online dictionary gradually made available on the Internet as its development progresses

    Najważniejsze zasady opisu znaczenia w „Wielkim słowniku języka polskiego”

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    This  paper  considers  the  three  fundamental  principles  of  semantic  description proposed  for  the  future Great Polish Dictionary  (WSJP) which  is being prepared by linguists from the Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The principles are as follows:1.  The definitions should be of linguistic rather than encyclopedic character, and they should express the point of view of an average educated native speaker.2.  Mistakes and circularity in definitions (e.g. idem per idem, ignotum per ignotum etc.) is to be avoided.3.  The lexicographic definitions should draw on the achievements of linguistic semantics. The author analyzes some lexicographical definitions of natural genera, law terms, family relations, and speech acts in Polish (taken from earlier Polish dictionaries, and prepared for WSJP), and concludes that in actual lexicographic practice it can be difficult to adhere to the above mentioned principles.This  paper  considers  the  three  fundamental  principles  of  semantic  description proposed  for  the  future Great Polish Dictionary  (WSJP) which  is being prepared by linguists from the Institute of Polish Language at the Polish Academy of Sciences. The principles are as follows:1.  The definitions should be of linguistic rather than encyclopedic character, and they should express the point of view of an average educated native speaker.2.  Mistakes and circularity in definitions (e.g. idem per idem, ignotum per ignotum etc.) is to be avoided.3.  The lexicographic definitions should draw on the achievements of linguistic semantics.The author analyzes some lexicographical definitions of natural genera, law terms, family relations, and speech acts in Polish (taken from earlier Polish dictionaries, and prepared for WSJP), and concludes that in actual lexicographic practice it can be difficult to adhere to the above mentioned principles

    Cellavision® Competency Software -ohjelmiston hyödyntäminen bioanalyytikkokoulutuksen hematologian solumorfologian opetuksessa

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    Veren soluista tallennettuja digitaalisia kuvia hyödyntävä Cellavision® Competency Software -laaduntarkkailuohjelmisto on Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun bioanalyytikkokoulutuksen käytettävissä hematologian opetusta varten. Ohjelmistoa käytetään soveltuvin osin verisolujen morfologian ja pahanlaatuisten veritaudien aiheuttamien muutosten tunnistamisen ja arvioimisen opetuksessa. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kehittää ohjelmiston hyödyntämistä hematologian morfologian opetuksessa. Tätä varten luotiin kurssipohja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun Moodle-pohjaiselle Tabula-oppimisalustalle itsenäistä opiskelua varten ja organisoitiin bioanalyytikkokoulutuksen käytettävissä olevat virtuaalinäytteet arvioitaviksi. Työn aihe saatiin Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun bioanalyytikkokoulutukselta vuoden 2018 alussa ja se on osittain jatkoa Sonja Lehdon vuonna 2015 tekemälle opinnäytetyölle ”CellaVision® Competency Software -ohjelman käyttöohje bioanalyytikkokoulutukseen”. Opinnäytetyö on toiminnallinen koostuen raporttiosasta ja tuotoksista. Raporttiosa käsitteli pääasiassa verisolujen morfologiaa ja siinä tapahtuvia muutoksia eri veritaudeissa. Tarkoituksena oli, että raporttiosaa voidaan hyödyntää solumorfologian opetuksessa ja opiskelussa. Kirjallinen raportti kertoo myös lyhyesti virtuaalimikroskopiasta ja Cellavision® -virtuaalimikroskopiajärjestelmien toiminnasta. Käytäntöä varten luotiin .docx-tiedostomuotoon luettelo opetuksessa käytettävissä olevista kahdestakymmenestä virtuaalinäytteestä ja taulukoitiin niiden valkosolujen erittelyjakaumat. Kolmesta virtuaalinäytteestä tehtiin opetuskäyttöä varten yksisivuiset kuvaukset niiden erittelyjakaumista ja pääasiallisista löydöksistä kuvallisin esimerkein havoinnoituna. Näitä opiskelijat voivat käyttää oman osaamisen arvioinnissa. Oppimisen alustaksi luotiin ammattikorkeakoulun Tabula-ympäristöön kurssi ”CVS-2018 CellaVision® Competency Software -ohjelmisto solumorfologian tunnistuksessa”.Cellavision® Competency Software is a tool for education and proficiency assessment of white blood cell differentials in medical laboratories. The software has been in use in Tampere University of Applied Sciences since 2012, but usage in teaching has been limited. The goal of this study was to make further use of the software in teaching of laboratory haematology and white blood cell morphology to biomedical science students. The degree programme has 20 digital patient samples for the software provided by Fimlab Laboratories. The approach was functional with a report and products. A course for independent learning was created on Tabula, the Moodle-based platform in Tampere University of Applied Sciences. The patient samples with new made-up names were organized into a .docx file, and a table with white blood cell differentials of the samples was added to it. Three samples were selected and detailed one-paged descriptions of cell morphology supported with images and the differential count of white cells were created. These descriptions are to be used as a reference and learning material on cell morphology for students to gauge their proficiency and knowledge when they are using the software independently. Report focuses mainly on white blood cell morphology in health and common changes seen in disease. The purpose of the report was to provide a source for teaching and studying of white cell morphology to biomedical science students. It also provides an overview of virtual microscopy and the study of haematology in the Biomedical Laboratory Science programme in Tampere University of Applied Sciences

    Uwagi o strukturze artykułów hasłowych w kilku słownikach ortograficznych języka polskiego

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    "Analiza dorobku polskiej leksykografii współczesnej prowadzi do wniosku, że jednym z podstawowych, najliczniej w niej reprezentowanych (zarówno pod względem liczby tytułów, jak i nakładu) typów słowników, jest słownik ortograficzny. Jak podaje Tadeusz Piotrowski', pod tym względem leksykografia nasza jest podobna do leksykografii niemieckiej, w ramach której interesujący nas typ słownika również zajmuje podobną pozycję. Z drugiej strony na przykład w odniesieniu do języka angielskiego jest to rodzaj słownika marginalny w porównaniu z innymi." […] (fragm.

    O tzw. znaczeniu literalnym i jego funkcji w semantyczno-składniowym opisie zdań metaforycznych

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    The author argues that syntactic analysis of metaphorical sentences must be preceded by specyfying what semantic and syntactic meanings are attached to these expressions in their non-metaphorical usages, or literal usages. Considering the various propositions offered by various researchers, the author reaches the conclusion that there is a lack of an adequate definition of the term „literal meaning”, and also of the principles for distinguishing these two types of meanings. The author then postulates that, in view of the need to distinguish metaphors from among all the usages of language units — one should call upon syntactic dictionaries and one’s own lingual competence in studying specific examples of such expressions. In the final part of the article are given examples of analyses of metaphorical sentences, carried out according to the earlier methodological declarations

    Mowa pożegnalna podczas pogrzebu prof. Władysława Lubasia

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    Vulgarisms as a problem for a lexicographer (not only in connection of works on the PAN Great Polish Dictionary)

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    In the first part of the paper the author shows some controversies over the describing of vulgar lexemes in dictionaries; the second part is devoted to discussion of some rules of the description of vulgarisms in “PAN Great Polish Dictionary” (Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN), which is now in preparation. The discussion is illustrated with an example of sample entry gówno ‘shit’

    A general conception of metainformation in Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN (PAS Great Dictionary of Polish)

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    The term metainformation corresponds to the term outside matter introduced by Hartmann and James (1998) and refers to the all the information in a dictionary outside dictionary entries. The paper deals with the project of such metainformation in an electronic dictionary, namely in Wielki słownik języka polskiego PAN ( PAS Great Dictionary of Polish) which is currently compiled under his supervision at the Institute of the Polish Languageat the Polish Academy of Sciences. The author distinguishes three kinds of the metainformation and presents some examples of its implementation in WSJP PAN