33 research outputs found

    Challenges and Contradictions of Metal Nano-Particle Applications for Radio-Sensitivity Enhancement in Cancer Therapy

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    From the very beginnings of radiotherapy, a crucial question persists with how to target the radiation effectiveness into the tumor while preserving surrounding tissues as undamaged as possible. One promising approach is to selectively pre-sensitize tumor cells by metallic nanoparticles. However, though the “physics” behind nanoparticle-mediated radio-interaction has been well elaborated, practical applications in medicine remain challenging and often disappointing because of limited knowledge on biological mechanisms leading to cell damage enhancement and eventually cell death. In the present study, we analyzed the influence of different nanoparticle materials (platinum (Pt), and gold (Au)), cancer cell types (HeLa, U87, and SKBr3), and doses (up to 4 Gy) of low-Linear Energy Transfer (LET) ionizing radiation (- and X-rays) on the extent, complexity and reparability of radiation-induced H2AX + 53BP1 foci, the markers of double stand breaks (DSBs). Firstly, we sensitively compared the focus presence in nuclei during a long period of time post-irradiation (24 h) in spatially (three-dimensionally, 3D) fixed cells incubated and non-incubated with Pt nanoparticles by means of high-resolution immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. The data were compared with our preliminary results obtained for Au nanoparticles and recently published results for gadolinium (Gd) nanoparticles of approximately the same size (2–3 nm). Next, we introduced a novel super-resolution approach—single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM)—to study the internal structure of the repair foci. In these experiments, 10 nm Au nanoparticles were used that could be also visualized by SMLM. Altogether, the data show that different nanoparticles may or may not enhance radiation damage to DNA, so multi-parameter effects have to be considered to better interpret the radiosensitization. Based on these findings, we discussed on conclusions and contradictions related to the effectiveness and presumptive mechanisms of the cell radiosensitization by nanoparticles. We also demonstrate that SMLM offers new perspectives to study internal structures of repair foci with the goal to better evaluate potential differences in DNA damage patterns

    Factors influencing prices of medicines

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    Bachelor's thesis deals with the factors influencing prices of medicines. Main factors including: information asymmetries, externalities, drugs such as trust estates, drugs demand, drugs supply, structure of tax system and interest groups in healthcare. Most of the thesis consist of analyzing interest groups in healthcare and its impact on prices of medicines. This applies to interest groups like doctors, patients, health insurers and pharmaceutical companies. Part of this work turns to price regulation of drugs and drug categorization

    Projektivita osob s mentální retardací (arterapie v edukativním procesu)

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    Katedra psychologieFilozofická fakult

    Projektivita osob s mentální retardací (arterapie v edukativním procesu)

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    Katedra psychologieFilozofická fakult

    Specific role of art-philetic approach as an objective concept to build up inner pre-concepts and self-concepts on young people after psychotic episode

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    The subject I am interested in, is not about therapeutic interventions of psychotic disorder. I am concerning on young people as they are, although they suffer by any disorder. I presume they are able to reflect themselves, their inner experience and to work on self-acceptance and growth in the same way as other young people. For that kind of process is important to determine the range of professional area out of clinical practice because in clinical area are expected complications in personality development. I meet with a lot of young people they have experience with psychotic episode but they do not need therapeutic treatment any more. This experience means quite fault in their lives but now is all over and young people appreciate it as existential theme. They need to account and to close this experience and to seek other new ways to continue in their lives. They solve personal, development and relationship crisis as other young people do. It is nothing symptomatic. Simple school education in arts is also not enough because there is no place for a person who complicates the didactics because of his/her specific point of view on the things determined by his/her specific experience. I ask if it was possible to lead creative activities on purpose to give a chance to develop self-esteem and to support..

    Factors influencing prices of medicines

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá faktory, které působí na ceny léků. Mezi hlavní faktory patří informační asymetrie, externality, léky jako poručnické statky, poptávka po lécích, nabídka léků, konstrukce daňového systému a zájmové skupiny ve zdravotnictví. Největší pozornost je věnována faktoru zájmových skupin ve zdravotnictví a jejich vlivu na ceny léků. Týká se to zájmových skupin lékařů, pacientů, zdravotních pojišťoven a farmaceutických společností. Součástí práce je i regulace léků a kategorizace léků.Bachelor's thesis deals with the factors influencing prices of medicines. Main factors including: information asymmetries, externalities, drugs such as trust estates, drugs demand, drugs supply, structure of tax system and interest groups in healthcare. Most of the thesis consist of analyzing interest groups in healthcare and its impact on prices of medicines. This applies to interest groups like doctors, patients, health insurers and pharmaceutical companies. Part of this work turns to price regulation of drugs and drug categorization.Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá faktormi pôsobiacimi na ceny liekov. Medzi hlavné faktory patrí informačná asymetria, externality, lieky ako poručnícke statky, dopyt po liekoch, ponuka liekov, konštrukcia daňového systému a záujmové skupiny v zdravotníctve. Najväčšia pozornosť je venovaná faktoru záujmových skupín v zdravotníctve a jeho vplyvu na ceny liekov. Týka sa to záujmových skupín lekárov, pacientov, zdravotných poisťovní a farmaceutických spoločností. Súčasťou práce je aj regulácia cien liekov a kategorizácia liekov

    Importance and development of stress tests of banks in Czech Republic and the EU

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    This thesis deals with the stress testing of banks in Czech Republic and the EU. The first part discusses the financial stability. Attention is paid mainly to different opinions of financial institutions and other experts. The first part includes the financial stability assessment tools of two major financial institutions that deal with financial stability (IMF and ECB). The second part is devoted to one the specific assessment tool for financial stability - stress testing. Stress testing part targets to include the latest theoretical knowledge that are related to stress testing. The third part deals with the stress testing of the banking sector in the Czech Republic and examines the evolution of stress scenarios and methods of stress tests, which are the responsibility of CNB. The fourth part analyzes in detail the stress scenarios and the results of stress tests of the banking sector in the Czech Republic. The last part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of stress tests of the EU banking sector

    Specific role of art-philetic approach as an objective concept to build up inner pre-concepts and self-concepts on young people after psychotic episode

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    The subject I am interested in, is not about therapeutic interventions of psychotic disorder. I am concerning on young people as they are, although they suffer by any disorder. I presume they are able to reflect themselves, their inner experience and to work on self-acceptance and growth in the same way as other young people. For that kind of process is important to determine the range of professional area out of clinical practice because in clinical area are expected complications in personality development. I meet with a lot of young people they have experience with psychotic episode but they do not need therapeutic treatment any more. This experience means quite fault in their lives but now is all over and young people appreciate it as existential theme. They need to account and to close this experience and to seek other new ways to continue in their lives. They solve personal, development and relationship crisis as other young people do. It is nothing symptomatic. Simple school education in arts is also not enough because there is no place for a person who complicates the didactics because of his/her specific point of view on the things determined by his/her specific experience. I ask if it was possible to lead creative activities on purpose to give a chance to develop self-esteem and to support...Souhrn Témata, kterými se zde zabývám, se netýkají otázky postupu při léčbě (psychoterapii) psychotické nemoci. Můj zájem se soustředí na samotné mladé lidi, kteří mají za sebou zkušenost s atakou této nemoci. Předpokládám, že proces sebeobjevování, sebepoznávání a sebepřijetí je u nich možný stejně, jako u jiných mladých lidí. V tomto směru je potřeba vymezit oblast působení mimo klinickou praxi, která v dalším rozvoji člověka očekává spíše komplikace. Ve své praxi se setkávám s velkým počtem mladých lidí, kteří poté, co se vyléčili z nemoci, mají potřebu bilancovat a hledat nové životní cesty. Prodělaná psychotická porucha znamená životní zlom, ale v tuto chvíli se už stává něčím vedlejším, tito lidé nemyslí na nemoc jako na symptomy, ale jako na existenciální situaci. Řeší své osobní, vývojové a vztahové krize de facto stejně jako jiní mladí lidé. V Mezinárodní klasifikaci nemocí se takové "stavy" neuvádějí. Nevystačíme však s pouhou edukací v oblasti výtvarného projevu u těchto lidí. Setkáváme se tu s člověkem, který řeší dilemata, hledá odpovědi na životní otázky, má specifickou zkušenost, a proto jedinečný způsob nahlížení na svět. V tradičním didaktickém pojetí je každý takový projev komplikací, která se odchyluje od běžných edukativních postupů. Moje otázky se soustředí na využití tvorby jako...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio