18 research outputs found

    Implementation of virtual reality based treatment of motor disorders in children with cerebral palsy

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    Introduction. Virtual reality is a computer-generated interactive simulation of reality that provides a wide range of possibilities for creating a beneficial therapeutic program. The use of virtual reality systems in the rehabilitation of motor disorders in children with cerebral palsy is relatively recent. Objective. Accordingly, the aim of this review is to establish the level of effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions based on virtual reality systems in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, based on the available literature. Methods. The initial search identified 63 scientific papers (research reports). By applying the selection criteria, nine papers were selected that met the given criteria and thus entered the further process of analysis. During the analysis, special attention was paid to: the outcomes of therapeutic procedures (the achieved results); and the analysis of the selection criteria of virtual reality systems to be used in the rehabilitation and accessibility of these systems for commercial and clinical applications. Results. Contradictory results have been found based on the analysis of the levels of effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions. In addition to studies that testify to the unequivocally positive effects of the application of virtual reality in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy, there are also those in which it is evident that this effect is absent. Conclusion. The general conclusion of this paper is that virtual reality systems have great potential for application in the field of rehabilitation of motor disorders, but also that this area is still not sufficiently researched and requires further engagement to go one step further to justify or challenge their application.Uvod: Virtuelna realnost predstavlja kompjuterski generisanu interaktivnu simulaciju stvarnosti koja pruza sirok dijapazon mogucnosti za kreiranje delotvornih terapijskih programa. Upotreba sistema virtuelne realnosti u rehabilitaciji dece sa cerebralnom paralizom je relativno novijeg datuma. Cilj: Cilj ovog preglednog rada je da, na osnovu dostupne literature, ustanovi nivo efikasnosti rehabilitacionih intervencija zasnovanih na sistemima virtuelne realnosti u tretmanu motornih poremecaja kod dece sa cerebralnom paralizom. Metode: Na osnovu inicijalne pretrage identifikovano je 63 naucna rada (istrazivacka izvestaja). Primenom kriterijuma selekcije izdvojeno je devet radova koji su ispunjavali zadate kriterijume i time usli u dalji proces analize. Posebna paznja prilikom analize radova posvecena je: ishodima terapijskih procedura, odnosno postignutim rezultatima, kao i analizi odabira sistema virtuelne realnosti koji ce se korititi u rehabilitaciji i pristupacnosti ovih sistema za komercijalnu i klinicku primenu. Rezultati: Rezultati analize nivoa efikasnosti rehabilitacionih intervencija dali su kontradiktorne nalaze. Pored studija koje svedoce o nedvosmisleno pozitivnim efektima primene sistema virtuelne realnosti u rehabilitaciji dece sa cerebralnom paralizom, postoje i one u kojima je evidentno da taj efekat izostaje. Zakljucak: Opsti zakljucak ovog rada je da sistemi virtuelne realnosti imaju veliki potencijal za primenu u oblasti rehabilitacije motornih poremecaja, ali i da ova oblast jos uvek nije dovoljno istrazena i zahteva dalje angazovanje kako bi se napravio korak vise u cilju opravdavanja ili osporavanja njihove primene

    Production of Bioenergy in the Posavina Region

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    This paper presents the results of the project titled "Agricultural Biomass Cross-border Development of Energy in Posavina” - ABCDE Posavina implemented within the IPA Cross-border Programme between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its main objective is to promote agro-bioenergy in rural economies by including utilisation of agricultural biomass for energy purposes in the Posavina region. The region includes Vukovar-Srijem County (VSC) in Croatia and four municipalities (Odžak, Domaljevac-Šamac, Orašje, Šamac) and Brčko District in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). These areas represent valuable agricultural land with a good potential for economic utilisation. The analysis of agricultural biomass potential includes production of biogas in co-digestion of manure (cattle, pigs and poultry manure) and maize silage (input of maize silage is limited at 30% of feedstock mass) as well as biodiesel from oilseed rape and bioethanol from maize. Potential GHG savings are estimated for the biogas and biofuels use. Theoretical biogas energy potential is estimated at 1,386 TJ/yr for VSC and 574 TJ/yr for BiH. Based on the theoretical potential for generation of electricity and heat from biogas, total installed capacity in VSC would be 19.8 MWe while 8.2 MWe in BiH. The corresponding theoretical potentials for biodiesel production are 4,258 TJ/yr (VSC) and 1,415 (BiH) while for bioethanol these are 6,140 TJ/yr and 1,689 TJ/yr, respectively. It is assumed that 50% of total theoretical biogas potential and 30% of total theoretical biofuel potential are achievable. Annual GHG savings for biogas use are estimated at 31.30 ktCO2-eq (VSC) and 26.84 ktCO2-eq (BiH). Annual GHG savings due to biodiesel use are estimated at 37.46-64.22 ktCO2-eq (VSC) and 12.45-21.34 ktCO2-eq (BiH) and for bioethanol use at 54.02-92.61 ktCO2-eq (VSC) and 14.86-25.48 ktCO2-eq (BiH)


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    Ovim završnim radom u praktičnom dijelu obrađen je, analiziran, vizualiziran, putem alata Zoho Reports, jedan dio poslovnog procesa kojeg čini prodaja. U radu su se koristile funkcije, grafikoni i dashboardi koje alat pruža. Teorijski dio rada dati će općeniti opis tvrtke Zoho, te alata Zoho Reportsa. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati kako se na jednostavan način mogu obraditi i analizirati podaci, te izraditi jednostavna, konkretna i učinkovita izvješća iz segmenta prodaje

    Corporative Communication: Internal Business Communication

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    Ovim završnim radom u praktičnom dijelu obrađen je, analiziran, vizualiziran, putem alata Zoho Reports, jedan dio poslovnog procesa kojeg čini prodaja. U radu su se koristile funkcije, grafikoni i dashboardi koje alat pruža. Teorijski dio rada dati će općeniti opis tvrtke Zoho, te alata Zoho Reportsa. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikazati kako se na jednostavan način mogu obraditi i analizirati podaci, te izraditi jednostavna, konkretna i učinkovita izvješća iz segmenta prodaje

    E-uprava grada Rijeke

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    Razvojem novih tehnologija, ubrzanjem komunikacije, dostupnošću informacija potreba za elektroničkim uslugama je sve veća. U ovom specijalističkom radu obrađen je pojam e-Uprave te njena primjena i razvoj e-Usluga kao i otvoreni podaci i način njihove objave. Primjerima je prikazana izrada elektroničkih obrazaca putem Informacijskog servisa Grada Rijeke. Analizom portala e-Usluga Grada Zagreba, Grada Ipswicha i Grada Tallinna uspoređene su e-Usluge koje ti gradovi pružaju

    E-uprava grada Rijeke

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    Razvojem novih tehnologija, ubrzanjem komunikacije, dostupnošću informacija potreba za elektroničkim uslugama je sve veća. U ovom specijalističkom radu obrađen je pojam e-Uprave te njena primjena i razvoj e-Usluga kao i otvoreni podaci i način njihove objave. Primjerima je prikazana izrada elektroničkih obrazaca putem Informacijskog servisa Grada Rijeke. Analizom portala e-Usluga Grada Zagreba, Grada Ipswicha i Grada Tallinna uspoređene su e-Usluge koje ti gradovi pružaju

    Corporative Communication: Internal Business Communication

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    A model for business process automation in service oriented systems with knowledge management technologies

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    Due to increasing requirements for efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility of business systems, automation of business processes has become an important topic. In the last years, the most successful and predominant approach to business process automation has become the service-oriented architecture approach. In a service-oriented architecture a business process is composed of services, which represent different tasks that have to be performed in a business system. Typically, a business process is implemented with one of the business process execution languages. Among them the prevalent language has become WS-BPEL (Web Services Business Process Execution Language). Business process execution systems perform orchestration of different services. Services can represent automated tasks or enable integration of human-performed tasks (human tasks). Integration of human tasks into business process execution is covered by a pair of specifications: BPEL4People and WS-HumanTask. The topic of this doctoral dissertation is to enable a higher degree of automation of business processes in service-oriented systems. We focus on human tasks, because they represent those tasks of a business process, which are not automated. We define an architectural model supported by innovative methods, which extend the possibilities of automation of human tasks. Every architectural component is responsible for automation of a certain part of a human task. In cases where automation is not enabled by the proposed model, the human task is delegated to the responsible person. For implementation of the model the dissertation also defines an extension to the WS-HumanTask specifications. The extension allows backward compatibility with the existing specifications. The model is based on observation that business process and human task execution can be seen as an opportunity to capture the knowledge based on which the execution is performed, and to capture the knowledge which is created during the execution. The goal is to enable direct reuse of the knowledge and possible automation for succeeding human task executions. In order to enable this, we define a decision making method, which is based on multi-criteria decision making and develops a decision model in an OWL ontology. The model enables the use of this method in human task execution as part of business process execution. With this it enables a higher level of automation of human tasks, which are based on decisions. The model also enables a higher level of automation of human tasks, which require collaboration between different human actors. The dissertation defines an innovative approach to defining business collaboration protocols, which are the basis for collaboration between agents in a multi-agent system, which represent the human actors. The approach enables separation of protocol definition and implementation and, with this, loose coupling of protocols and implementation. This means that changes in a collaboration protocol do not require changes in the implementation of the multi-agent system or the implementation of the behaviour of the agents, which use the protocols in their acts. As decision making and collaboration are among the most important activities of employees in business systems, the model improves a significant part of human tasks. It represents an important step closer to the vision of end-to-end business process automation. It heightens the degree of automation of human tasks and consequently enables more efficient business process execution. Another important advantage is a higher level of decision traceability. By this, the doctoral dissertation represents an integral solution to improving efficiency of human tasks within the business process context in service-oriented systems and defines a set of new and innovative methods, which are based on ontologies and multi-agent systems. Their common goal is automation of human tasks and, by this, enabling a higher degree of automation of business processes