41 research outputs found

    Investigation of listeria spp. in raw cow and water buffalo milks sold in Sivas province

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    Listeria cinsi doğada yaygın olarak bulunmakta ve halk sağlığı yönünden risk oluşturan türleri içermektedir. Listeria türlerinin insanlara bulaşmasından özellikle hayvansal gıdalar (et ve et ürünleri, süt ve süt ürünleri) önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle, Sivas ilinde satılan çiğ inek (n=50) ve manda sütlerinde (n=50) Listeria spp. varlığı ISO 11290-1 yöntemi kullanılarak araştırılması çalışmanın ana amacını oluşturmaktadır. İncelenen 100 adet çiğ süt örneğinin %4’ünden (4/100) Listeria spp. izole edildi. Süt örneklerinden elde edilen izolatların polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PZR) ile doğrulanması yapıldı. Çiğ inek sütlerinin Listeria spp. kontaminasyonu %2 (1/50) olarak belirlenirken, manda sütlerinde %6 (3/50) olarak saptandı. İnek sütünden izole edilen izolat PZR yöntemi ile L. grayi olarak identifiye edilirken, manda sütlerinden elde edilen izotların ise L. seeligeri (n=2) ve L. grayi (n=1) oldukları belirlendi. Ancak, süt örneklerinin hiçbirinde L. monocytogenes tespit edilmedi. Sonuç olarak, Sivas ilinde satılan çiğ inek ve manda süt örneklerinin düşük bir oranının Listeria spp. ile kontamine olduğu belirlendi. İnsanlarda hastalık oluşturan majör türün L. monocytogenes olması nedeni ile, Sivas ilinde satılan çiğ sütlerin bu bakteri yönünden halk sağlığı sorunu yaratması ihtimalinin düşük olduğu görülmüştür. Ancak, düzenli kontrollerin yapılması önem arz etmektedir.Listeria spp. is widely found in nature and the species pose a risk to public health. Particularly foods obtained from animals (meat and meat products; milk and dairy products) pose a critical risk factor for the transmission of Listeria to humans. Therefore, in this study, the presence of Listeria spp. in raw cow (n=50) and water buffalo milks (n=50) that were sold in Sivas province was investigated by using ISO 11290-1 method. Listeria spp. isolation rate was found as 4% (4/100) in overall raw milk samples. The isolates obtained from raw milk samples were validated by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The Listeria spp. contamination rate of raw cow milk was determined as 2% (1/50) and this rate was 6% (3/50) in water buffalo milk. It was determined that Listeria spp. isolates from the raw cow milk was all L. grayi; for the isolates from raw water buffalo milks, the isolates were identified as L. seeligeri (n=2) and L grayi (n=1) by PCR method. However, none of the milk samples was contaminated with L. monocytogenes. Consequently, a low proportion of raw cow and buffalo milk sold in Sivas province were contaminated with Listeria spp. Since the major Listeria specie that is causing disease in humans is the L. monocytogenes, it was observed that the raw milks sold in Sivas province have a slight risk for public health. However, regular monitoring is important for that matter

    Hexagonal AlN: Dimensional-crossover-driven band-gap transition

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    Motivated by a recent experiment that reported the successful synthesis of hexagonal (h) AlN [Tsipas, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 251605 (2013)APPLAB0003-695110.1063/1.4851239], we investigate structural, electronic, and vibrational properties of bulk, bilayer, and monolayer structures of h-AlN by using first-principles calculations. We show that the hexagonal phase of the bulk h-AlN is a stable direct-band-gap semiconductor. The calculated phonon spectrum displays a rigid-layer shear mode at 274 cm-1 and an Eg mode at 703 cm-1, which are observable by Raman measurements. In addition, single-layer h-AlN is an indirect-band-gap semiconductor with a nonmagnetic ground state. For the bilayer structure, AA′-type stacking is found to be the most favorable one, and interlayer interaction is strong. While N-layered h-AlN is an indirect-band-gap semiconductor for N=1-9, we predict that thicker structures (N≥10) have a direct band gap at the Γ point. The number-of-layer-dependent band-gap transitions in h-AlN is interesting in that it is significantly different from the indirect-to-direct crossover obtained in the transition-metal dichalcogenides.Flemish Science Foundation (FWO-Vl); Methusalem foundation of the Flemish government; TUBITAK Project (114F397); FWO Pegasus Long Marie Curie Fellowshi

    Experimental Study of Thermal Pyrolysis of Avocado Seed for Liquid Fuel Production

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    Bio-waste which is available in large quantities worldwide is rich in biodegradable organic matter. By utilizing from bio-waste as feedstocks to attain valuable bio-based products, resource and waste problems will be solved as being double green. The bio-waste utilization aids decrease pollution while providing renewable energy and bio-based chemicals for the upcoming utilizations. Consequently, bio-waste resource utilization has involved growing attention in scientific and industrial societies. The characteristic of avocado seed as a bio-waste was analysed using elemental analysis resulted as 39.89%25 C, 5.43%25 H, 0.43%25 N, 45.2%25 O content. The higher heating value was calculated using Dulong Formula as 13.70 MJ%252Fkg. The raw milled bio-waste was characterized by FT-IR containing the wavenumbers in the range of 4000-400 cm-1. The spectra bands for bio-waste demonstrated characteristic peaks of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The mean moisture and ash contents of the as-received avocado seeds employed in this study were 6.54 wt%25 and 2.42 wt.%25, respectively. Pyrolysis of avocado seed was carried out in a Heinze reactor at 500deg%253BC with a heating rate of 10deg%253BC%252Fmin and retention time of 20 min. The pyrolysis experiment yielded the liquid product (32%25), solid product char (34%25) and non-condensable gas (34%25) with biomass conversion of 67%25. Based on the results, it was confirmed that avocado seed can be utilized as a potential bio-waste according to pyrolysis results but liquid properties as a bio-fuel oil and solid product char properties as an activated carbon should be evaluated in detail

    Analysis of Comorbid Diseases in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and Their Effects on the Disease Process

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    Purpose: Comorbidities are conditions that exist or occur during an index disease course. Comorbidities may affect the chronic disease process. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a chronic childhood arthritis of unknown etiology. We aimed to evaluate comorbidities associated with JIA and their effects on the course of the disease. Materials and Methods: We included patients under 18 years of age with JIA in our center between 2005 and 2021. All diseases accompanying JIA and recorded in the medical records were considered as comorbidities. JIA disease activity indexes (JADAS27, JSPADAS), damage index (JADI-A, JADI-E), and health assessment questionnaire index (CHAQ) and JIA treatments were compared according to the presence of comorbidity. Results: Two hundred and four patients were included in the study. The median age was 13(4-17.5) years, and the median follow-up time was 5(2-16) years. Ninety-nine (48.5%) patients had at least one comorbidity. Twenty-four patients had more than one comorbidity. The most common comorbidity was FMF (n=31 (15.2%)), followed by uveitis in 23 (11.3%). JADAS 27, and JSPADAS were indifferent in patients with comorbidity (p=0.55, p=0.63, respectively). JADI-A, JADI-E, and CHAQ scores were similar in the two groups (JADI-A:p=0.45; JADI-E:p=0.11; CHAQ disability:p=0.62; CHAQ discomfort:p=0.61; CHAQ pain:p=0.32). Forty-two (42.4%) patients with comorbidities and 43 (41%) patients without comorbidity used biological drugs (p=0.83). Adalimumab treatment was higher in those with comorbidity (patients with comorbidity:n=22 (22.2%); without comorbidity:n=11 (10.5%); p=0.02). Conclusion: Although comorbidity did not affect disease activity, damage score, and Health Assessment Questionnaire index, the JIA treatment varied according to comorbidity

    Assesment of Damage in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Single Center Experience

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    Introduction:It is essential to evaluate the activation and the articular and extra-articular damage during the Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis(JIA) disease course. Objectives:This study aimed to evaluate the damage status and affecting factors in JIA patients. Methods:Juvenile Arthritis Damage Index articular(JADI-A) and extra-articular(E) were evaluated in 204 JIA patients who had been followed up for two years andmore. JADI-A and E affecting factors were assessed by univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: In this study,127(62.6%) of the patients were female. The median age was 13(IQR: 11-16), and the age at diagnosis was 7(IQR: 4-10) years. The median follow-up time was 5(IQR: 4-8) years. Ninety-two(45.3%) patients had comorbid diseases. JADI-A were median:0(min-max: 0-24), JADI-E were median:0(min-max:0-4).The annual attacks number [OR:1,759 (CI:1,300-2,379],p:<0,001),annual eritrocyte sedimantation rate (ESR) [OR:1,072(CI:1,021-1,125),p:0.005] were effective on JADI-A scores. The CRP at the first admission [OR:1.007(CI: 1,000-1,014), p:0.037], the annual ESR[OR:1,051(CI:1,008-1,095),p:0.019] were found to be effective on the JADI-E. The ideal cut-off point of the  attacks number and ESR affecting JADI-A scores were 1.38[AUC:0.734(0.641-0.828),p:0.001] and 14.32[AUC:0.617(0.514-0.721),p:0.027], respectively. The ideal cut-off point of the CRP and ESR affecting JADI-E scores were 13,25[AUC:0,662(0,541-0,782),p:0,009],and15,10[AUC:0.674(0.567-0.780),p:0.002], respectively. Steroid related complications such as, obesity in 12 (5.9%), hirsutism in 3 (1.5%), transient adrenal suppression in 14 (6.9%), 8 (3.9%), and osteoporosis were detectedin 7 (3.4%) patients. Conclusion: We have shown that parameters used routinely can be helpful to predict damage. We also think that new criteria should be added to the scoring

    Laplace Transform On Tıme Scales

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    Zaman skalası ortaya çıkmasından bugüne matematik dünyasında büyük bir ilgi odağı olmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışma sahası geniş bir uygulama alanına sahiptir. Tezin ilk bölümünde zaman skalası kavramı, zaman skalaları üzerinde delta türev, delta integral ve üstel fonksiyon kavramları analiz edildi. İkinci bölümünde belli başlı istenen cebirsel özellikleri koruyan bir zaman skalası logaritması geliştirildi. Özellikle uygun zaman skalası üzerinde Laplace operatörü tanıtılıp sahip olduğu özellikler çalışıldı.Timescale have been a focus of interest in the world of mathematics since they were discovered. Moreover, they have a large field of application. In the first part of this thesis, the concept of time scale, delta differantial and delta integral on the time scale, and the concept of exponential functions are defined. In the second part of the study, have developed a time scale logarithm that preserves certain desirable algebric properties. In particular, defined Laplace operator and its properties in appropriate time scales have been studied

    Azîz Nesefî (d. 700/1300[?])'s Mmystic understanding Self-Consciousness Ways

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziTasavvuf düşünce sisteminde insan, varlık sahasındaki mevcudiyetinden itibaren bir arayış içerisindedir ve farkında olmasa da asıl aradığı şey kendi/nefsidir. Bazı sûfîler tarafında hadis olarak kabul edilen ''Nefsini bilen Rabbini bilir'' sözü çokça kullanılmıştır, hatta bu söz hakkında müstakil eserler kaleme alınmıştır. VII/XIII.yüzyılda Maverâünnehir Bölgesi'nde yaşamış bir sûfî-tabip olan Azîz Nesefî de ''nefsini bilmek'' kavramına önem vermiştir. İbnü'l-Arabî, Şehabeddîn-i Sühreverdî gibi kendinden önceki birçok sûfîden istifade ederek eserler ortaya çıkaran Azîz Nesefî'nin kendini/nefsini bilenin Yaratıcısını hakkıyla bilebileceği hususundaki görüşü onun tasavvuf öğretisinin temelini oluşturmakta ve bu doğrultuda kişinin seyr ü sülûkunu tamamlayabileceğini ifade etmektedir. Azîz Nesefî; nefsini bilmenin gerekliliğini belirtmenin yanı sıra Rabbi'ni bilmek için takip edilmesi gereken yolları da göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada Azîz Nesefî'de mârifetin yollarının izahıyla beraber onun diğer sûfî âlimler ile olan benzerlikleri de açıklanmaktadır.In Islamic mysticism system, the human is in search of something after coming into existence and in fact, he/she is in search of himself / herself even if not aware of this. Acknowledged as a hadith, the saying ''The one who knows himself/herself knows his/her God.'' is widely-used among some sufis, and many works have been written about this saying so far. Azîz Nasafî, a sufi-physician who lived in Transoxiana during 13th century, gave importance to the concept ''Knowing yourself'', too. Azîz Nasafî, have benefited in his works from the works of many preceding sufis such as Ibn Arabi and Shahab al-Din Suhrawardi. In his works, the idea that 'the one who knows himself/herself knows his/her God ' provides a basis for his mystic doctrine. He thought one could complete his/her spiritual journey following this idea. Azîz Nasafî not only stated the necessity of knowing yourself but he also showed the ways one should follow to know his/her God. This study explains the ways of knowing God according to Nasafî as well as the similarities between Nasafî and other sufi scholars