41 research outputs found

    Images of Person-Organization Fit: Elements Affecting Employee Organizational Behavior

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    The purpose of the paper is to build upon the existing literature a new approach to personorganization fit, in particular, employees’ perception of the P-O fit, taking into consideration two main criteria: 1) the level of formalization as a company’s characteristics and 2) an employee’s certainty orientation as a person’s characteristics. The congruence between the situational factor (level of formalization) and personal traits (certainty orientation) influence individual organizational behavior. A two-dimension model illustrated by a four-element matrix is created by the author to present the concept and describe employees’ organizational behaviors. There are four images of P-O fit developed in the paper: 1) a kayak on a stormy ocean 2) ferries on a lake, 3) a cruise ship in a pond and 4) yacht on friendly seas

    Singular measures in circle dynamics

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    Critical circle homeomorphisms have an invariant measure totally singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We prove that singularities of the invariant measure are of Holder type. The Hausdorff dimension of the invariant measure is less than 1 but greater than 0

    Aleksandra Kołlontaj na placówce w Meksyku (1926-1927) Epizod z dziejów kariery pierwszej w świecie kobiety-ambasadora

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Repatriacja polskich domów dziecka z ZSRR do Polski w 1946 r.

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    The Committee for Polish Children in the USSR operated in the years 1943–1946. It was established on June 30, 1943 in Moscow following a political left-wing initiative. The Committee was a care-giving institution, fully in line with the Soviet system ideals. One of the most important matters tackled by the Committee was the repatriation of the youngest Polish citizens to their homeland. It was the subject of meetings, discussions and many hours of talks with the Soviet authorities. This issue was one of the most difficult tasks carried out by the Committee employees. The repatriation of orphanages to Poland lasted from January to August 1946.Komitet do spraw Dzieci Polskich w ZSRR funkcjonował w latach 1943–1946 r. Został powołany 30 czerwca 1943 r. w Moskwie z inicjatywy środowisk lewicowych. Komitet był opiekuńczą instytucją radziecką. Wszelkie jego działania były wzorowane na rosyjskim systemie oświatowym.Jedną z najważniejszych i najbardziej istotnych spraw w działalności Komitetu do spraw Dzieci Polskich w ZSRR była repatriacja najmłodszych obywateli polskich do ojczyzny. Zagadnienie to było przedmiotem wielu niezwykle żmudnych spotkań, zabiegów i wielogodzinnych rozmów z władzami radzieckimi. Kwestia ta należała do najtrudniejszych zadań realizowanych przez pracowników Kompoldietu. Repatriacja domów dziecka do Polski rozpoczęła się w styczniu 1946 r

    Effects of biochar addition on vermicomposting of food industry sewage sludge

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    Sewage sludge (SS) is a byproduct of wastewater treatment which is commonly used as fertilizer in the world. However, due to the possible contamination with heavy metals, xenobiotics and fecal pathogens, its application on fields is not so common in Poland. A safer alternative for agricultural use is the SS produced by food industry in small "inhouse" wastewater treatment plants, as substances that are used in its production are usually less harmful. As pretreatment of industrial wastewater is required before dumping the wastewater into common stream, the SS is an abundant byproduct that needs to be managed in an environmentally friendly and cost effective manner. Because the water content in SS is usually high, the dosage and logistics are problematic and thus we propose converting the sewage sludge into solid granular fertilizer in the vermicomposting process. Not only are the weight and volume of product decreased as a result, but also the nutrients such as N, P, and K become concentrated and made more accessible for plants. The SS is also further stabilized and less prone to produce odors and becoming putrid. The aim of this study was the in-depth analysis of the SS process vermicomposting with biochar. The SS was acquired from a local soft drink factory wastewater treatment plant. The batches of SS were inoculated with 20% mature vermicompost and E. fetida worms. Instead of typical bulking agents (like woodchips or straw) powdered biochar was used in the concentrations of 5, 10 and 15% as it exhibits beneficial influence on the process and increase the value of the final product. © 2019, Journal of Ecological Engineering.Polish Ministry of Science and Higher EducationMinistry of Science and Higher Education, Poland [BS/PB -401-304/11

    Branding Grenlandii formą ekspresji tożsamości narodowej?

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    Branding Greenland as a form of expression of national identity? In the times of globalisation there is a tendency for countries to differentiate from others. More and more governments decide to launch professional nation branding campaigns in order to communicate to a broad public what a particular country has to offer as well as what values and images it wants to be associated with. Greenland is an example of a country that after a long period of colonisation and establishing self-government, in 2009 began to redefine its identity and reveal it to the world. A branding campaign has been implemented to communicate a newly defined image of Greenland. This campaign has been carried out using mainly social media and the tools that the Internet has to offer. The aim of this paper is to explore the concept of nation branding and to define the relation between nation branding and national identity. The purpose is also to analyse what images of Greenland as a brand are presented by “Pioneering nation” campaign.   Branding Grenlandii formą ekspresji tożsamości narodowej? W czasach globalizacji poszczególne państwa starają się wyróżnić na tle innych państw. Coraz więcej rządów decyduje się na przeprowadzenie profesjonalnych kampanii brandingowych, po to by podkreślić swoją wyjątkowość oraz to, że mają dużo do zaoferowania. Grenlandia to przykład państwa, które po długim okresie skolonizowania i po uzyskaniu autonomii w 2009 roku, zaczęło na nowo definiować swoją tożsamość i komunikować ją światu. W tym celu wdrożona została kampania, która wykorzystywała głównie media społecznościowe oraz inne narzędzia, które zapewnia internet. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie zależności między brandingiem narodowym a tożsamością narodową, jak też analiza obrazu Grenlandii jako marki konstruowanej w kampanii „Pioneering nation”

    COI1-dependent jasmonate signalling affects growth, metabolites production and cell wall protein composition in Arabidopsis

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    Background and Aims: Cultured cell suspensions have been the preferred model to study the apoplast as well as to monitor metabolic and cell cycle-related changes. Previous work showed that methyl jasmonate (MeJA) inhibits leaf growth in a CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 (COI1)-dependent manner, with COI1 being the jasmonate (JA) receptor. Here, the effect of COI1 overexpression on the growth of stably transformed arabidopsis cell cultures is described. Methods: Time-course experiments were carried out to analyse gene expression, and protein and metabolite levels. Key Results: Both MeJA treatment and the overexpression of COI1 modify growth, by altering cell proliferation and expansion. DNA content as well as transcript patterns of cell cycle and cell wall remodelling markers were altered. COI1 overexpression also increases the protein levels of OLIGOGALACTURONIDE OXIDASE 1, BETA-GLUCOSIDASE/ENDOGLUCANASES and POLYGALACTURONASE INHIBITING PROTEIN2, reinforcing the role of COI1 in mediating defence responses and highlighting a link between cell wall loosening and growth regulation. Moreover, changes in the levels of the primary metabolites alanine, serine and succinic acid of MeJA-treated Arabidopsis cell cultures were observed. In addition, COI1 overexpression positively affects the availability of metabolites such as β-alanine, threonic acid, putrescine, glucose and myo-inositol, thereby providing a connection between JA-inhibited growth and stress responses. Conclusions: This study contributes to the understanding of the regulation of growth and the production of metabolic resources by JAs and COI1. This will have important implications in dissecting the complex relationships between hormonal and cell wall signalling in plants. The work also provides tools to uncover novel mechanisms co-ordinating cell division and post-mitotic cell expansion in the absence of organ developmental control