66 research outputs found

    The ovary of Tubifex tubifex (Clitellata, Naididae, Tubificinae) Is composed of one, huge germ-line cyst that is enriched with cytoskeletal components

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    Recent studies on the ovary organization and oogenesis in Tubificinae have revealed that their ovaries are small polarized structures that are composed of germ cells in subsequent stages of oogenesis that are associated with somatic cells. In syncytial cysts, as a rule, each germ cell is connected to the central cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore, via only one stable intercellular bridge (ring canal). In this paper we present detailed data about the composition of germ-line cysts in Tubifex tubifex with special emphasis on the occurrence and distribution of the cytoskeletal elements. Using fixed material and live cell imaging techniques, we found that the entire ovary of T. tubifex is composed of only one, huge multicellular germ-line cyst, which may contain up to 2,600 cells. Its architecture is broadly similar to the cysts that are found in other clitellate annelids, i.e. a common, anuclear cytoplasmic mass in the center of the cyst and germ cells that are connected to it via intercellular bridges. The cytophore in the T. tubifex cyst extends along the long axis of the ovary in the form of elongated and branched cytoplasmic strands. Rhodamine-coupled phalloidin staining revealed that the prominent strands of actin filaments occur inside the cytophore. Similar to the cytophore, F-actin strands are branched and they are especially well developed in the middle and outermost parts of the ovary. Microfilaments are also present in the ring canals that connect the germ cells with the cytophore in the narrow end of the ovary. Using Tubulin-Tracker, we found that the microtubules form a prominent network of loosely and evenly distributed tubules inside the cytophore as well as in every germ cell. The well-developed cytoskeletal elements in T. tubifex ovary seem to ensure the integrity of such a huge germline cyst of complex (germ cells - ring canals - cytophore) organization. A comparison between the cysts that are described here and other well-known female germ-line cysts is also made

    Diabetes mellitus and COVID-19: current state of knowledge

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    Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. Long-term high blood glucose levels can lead to a variety of serious complications and organ failure. Diabetic patients are particularly at risk of the severe course of COVID-19. Objective: The study aimed to investigate the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19. The literature available in the PubMed database was used to carry out a systematic review of the literature. The meta-analyzes from 2021 and 2022 were used for the analysis, with the inclusion of the phrases "DIABETES" and "COVID-19" in the title. A brief description of the state of knowledge: Diabetes does not increase the incidence of COVID-19, but the risk of severe disease is higher in patients with diabetes compared to the non-diabetic population. This is especially true of patients with uncontrolled glycaemia. SARS-CoV-2 disrupts the carbohydrate metabolism, can damage pancreatic beta cells and, in this mechanism, induce diabetes or cause the progression of pre-existing diabetes. There is an increased incidence of COVID-19 complications, including acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with diabetes. Conclusions: Diabetic patients are at a higher risk of the severe course and rapid progression of COVID-19. Important in COVID-19 therapy is glycemic control and monitoring the percentage of glycosylated hemoglobin, CRP and D-dimers. The modification of the current treatment may be necessary. In patients who have undergone COVID-19, attention should be paid to the possibility of induction of diabetes or dysregulation of carbohydrate metabolism in patients suffering from diabetes previously

    Use of 3d printing technology in the treatment of microtia and other outer ear deformities

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    Introduction: Microtia and other outer ear deformations may cause a lot of psychical, social, and mental stress for a patient. In order to surgically treat it, we need a very experienced plastic surgeon specializing in such operations. With the use of 3D printing technology, such as fused deposition modeling or a sacrificial layer process there are a lot of possibilities starting from creating aids for plastic surgeons to printing ear prosthesis from live cells. Objective: The study's objective was to research, review and compare data available on PubMed about the use of 3D printing in the treatment of microtia and other ear deformations. A brief description of the state of knowledge: With the current state of knowledge, with the 3D printing technology, we can quickly create highly individualized and helpful training aids for plastic surgeons that would help them during operations. There is also a possibility of developing a personalized splint that would help correct the ears better than conventional methods. What’s more, we can also print prosthetics, not only with the use of conventional materials used in 3D printing but also with live chondrocytes and adipocytes that were able to chondro and adipogenesis, respectively.  Conclusions: There are a couple of ways we can use 3D printing in the treatment of outer ear deformities. The most promising is printing with live cells, but we need more research to develop better methods and techniques to use in the future prosthetics

    Determination of the Primary Molecular Target of 1,2,4-Triazole-Ciprofloxacin Hybrids

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    We have synthesized and examined the antibacterial activity, toxicity and affinity towards bacterial type II topoisomerases of a series of 1,2,4-triazole-ciprofloxacin hybrids. A number of these compounds displayed enhanced activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria when compared to ciprofloxacin. The toxic concentrations of the obtained derivatives, evaluated on HEK-293 cells using MTT assay, were much higher than concentrations required to produce antibacterial effect. Finally, the results of enzymatic studies showed that the analyzed compounds demonstrated other preferences as regards primary and secondary molecular targets than ciprofloxacin.This research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under Iuventus Plus grant No. IP2014 037473. Tomasz Plech is a recipient of the Fellowship for Young Researchers with Outstanding Scientific Achievements from the Medical University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland)

    Flower palate structure of the aquatic bladderworts Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L. from section Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae)

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    There is an enormous diversity in the structure of the flower palate of the carnivorous rootless genus Utricularia. This study aims to examine the structure of the palates in Utricularia bremii Heer and U. minor L of the Utricularia sect. Utricularia, which have a glandular palate type. In both species, the palate has only one type of glandular trichomes. Because of the occurrence of cell wall ingrowths in its glandular cells, any exudation may be transported via eccrinous secretion. It was proposed that the palate trichomes of the examined species act as scent glands and that the palate may play a role as an unguentarium. Both U. bremii and U. minor are of an open flower type. Thus, U. bremii and U. minor flowers can be penetrated by small, weak insects, which then easily have access to their generative structure. Small Hymenoptera (member of families Mymaridae and Braconidae) were observed as flower visitors of the male-sterile species Utricularia bremii

    Metabolic profiling of Ochradenus baccatus Delile. utilizing UHPLC-HRESIMS in relation to the in vitro biological investigations

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    Ochradenus baccatus Delile (Resedaceae) is a desert plant with edible fruits native to the Middle East. Few investigators have reported antibacterial, antiparasitic and anti-cancer activities of the plant. Herein we evaluated the cytotoxic activity of O. baccatus using four cell lines and a zebrafish embryo model. Additionally, liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy was performed to characterize the extract’s main constituents. The highest cytotoxicity was observed against human cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa), with CC50 of 39.1 μg/mL and a selectivity index (SI) of 7.23 (p < 0.01). Metabolic analysis of the extract resulted in the annotation of 57 metabolites, including fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosinolates, nitrile glycosides, in addition to organic acids. The extract showed an abundance of hydroxylated fatty acids (16 peaks). Further, 3 nitrile glycosides have been identified for the first time in Ochradenus sp., in addition to 2 glucosinolates. These identified phytochemicals may partially explain the cytotoxic activity of the extract. We propose O. baccatus as a possible safe food source for further utilization to partially contribute to the increasing food demand specially in Saharan countries.Medical University of Lublin | Ref. DS28Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Anthelminthic and antimicrobial effects of hedge woundwort (Stachys sylvatica L.) growing in Southern Kazakhstan

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    The Stachys L. genus has been widely used in traditional medicine in many countries throughout the world. The study aimed to investigate the chemical composition and bioactivity of the hydroethanolic extract (50% v/v) obtained by ultrasonication from the aerial flowering parts of Stachys sylvatica L. (SSE) collected in Almaty region (Southern Kazakhstan). According to RP-HPLC/PDA analysis the leading metabolites of the SSE belonged to polyphenols: chlorogenic acid and its isomers (2.34 mg/g dry extract) and luteolin derivatives (1.49 mg/g dry extract), while HPLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS-based qualitative fingerprinting revealed the presence of 17 metabolites, mainly chlorogenic acid and its isomers, flavonoid glycosides, and verbascoside with its derivatives. GC-MS analysis of the volatile metabolites showed mainly the presence of diterpenoids and fatty acid esters. A reduction in the viability of nematodes Rhabditis sp. was obtained for the SSE concentration of 3.3 mg/mL, while 11.1 mg/mL showed activity comparable to albendazole. The SSE exhibited higher activity against Gram-positive (MIC = 0.5–2 mg/mL) than Gram-negative bacteria and yeast (MIC = 8 mg/mL), exerting bactericidal and fungicidal effects but with no sporicidal activity. The SSE showed some antiviral activity against HCoV-229E replicating in MRC-5 and good protection against the cytopathic effect induced by HHV-1 in VERO. The SSE was moderately cytotoxic towards human cervical adenocarcinoma (H1HeLa) cells (CC50 of 0.127 mg/mL after 72 h). This study provides novel information on the SSE extract composition and its biological activity, especially in the context of the SSE as a promising candidate for further antiparasitic studies

    Chemical Characterization of Different Extracts of Justicia secunda Vahl and Determination of Their Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Enzymatic, Anti-Viral, and Cytotoxic Properties

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    Justicia secunda Vahl. is a traditional medicinal plant in tropical regions, including West Africa. The present study examined the chemical profiles and biological properties of J. secunda extracts obtained with different solvents (dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, methanolic and aqueous: macerated and infused). Chemical components were characterized by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and over 50 compounds were identified, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, and alkaloids. Antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, cytotoxic, and antiviral properties were selected as biological properties. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents in methanol (58.07 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g and 13.07 mg rutin equivalent (RE)/g) and water (infused) (36.34 mg GAE/g and 8.52 mg RE/g) were higher than in other extracts. Consistent with the levels of total bioactive components, the methanol and water extracts exhibited stronger antioxidant abilities. However, the dichloromethane and ethyl acetate extracts were more active on &alpha;-amylase and &alpha;-glucosidase than other extracts. Aqueous extracts exerted selective anticancer properties toward human pharyngeal cancer cell lines, whereas the methanolic extract decreased the human herpesvirus type-1 (HHV-1) infectious titer by 2.16 log and the viral load by 1.21 log. Overall, J. secunda could be considered a multifunctional bioactive raw material in the preparation of potent applications to manage diseases related to oxidative stress, including cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer&rsquo;s

    An analysis of Polish techno subculture slang based on source material: Form, meaning and functions

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    Niniejsza praca ma na celu wykazanie, iż subkultura technomaniaków lub technomanów jest czymś więcej niż tylko subkulturą młodych ludzi. Członkowie owej subkultury doświadczają często duchowych doznań oraz przemian podczas imprez masowych. Eskapizm uczestników imprez związanych z muzyką techno został przeanalizowany w pracy pod względem językowo-kulturowym. Autorzy sugerują trzy obszary, które mają wpływ na terapeutyczne właściwości imprez masowych oraz doznawanie przez ich uczestników „podróży” (ang. trips). W pracy przeanalizowano 120 słów i zwrotów związanych z muzyką elektroniczną na podstawie materiału źródłowego dostępnego na największym Forum Muzyki Elektronicznej, które istnieje od 2009 roku. Obszerna analiza literatury dotyczącej języka i kultury stanowi tło teoretyczne do analizy subkultury techno i pozwala wskazać, jak blisko związane są ze sobą te dwa terminy.This paper aims to demonstrate that techno subculture is more than just a subculture of young people. The members of this subculture often experience spiritual and religious awakening and changes during mass events. The escapism of participants of mass events is subjected to socio-cultural and linguistic analysis. The authors suggest three areas that have an impact on the therapeutic properties of mass events and their participants experiencing “the trips”. The authors analysed 120 words and phrases concerning electronic music on the basis of source material available since 2009 through Forum Muzyki Elektronicznej (Electronic Music Forum). An extensive analysis of the literature related to language and culture builds the theoretical framework for the analysis of techno subculture and indicates how closely these two terms are related