101 research outputs found

    Assessments in Policy-Making: Case Studies from the Arctic Council

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    Effects of steroids on the morphology and proliferation of canine and equine mesenchymal stem cells of adipose origin — in vitro research

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    Disorders of the locomotive system, especially those occurring due to degenerative changes of the joints, are serious problems in daily veterinary medical practice. Steroid injections are the main way of treating these disorders. However, this approach brings usually only temporary effects of pain relief, and may cause many side effects. Alternative therapies focus on regeneration of damaged tissue using adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Since 2002, the great plasticity and immunomodulatory properties of MSCs isolated from adipose tissue (AdMSCs) have been used successfully in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases (DJD) of both dogs and horses. Possible simultaneous application of steroid therapy and stem cell transplantation could improve the commonly used clinical procedure. In this paper, the influence of the two steroid drugs (betamethasone and methylprednisolone) on AdMSCs was evaluated on the basis of morphology and proliferation rate. Both steroids positively influenced the viability and proliferation state of cells in a concentration of 0.01 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml, respectively. However, the concentration of 1 mg/ml had a cytotoxic effect. Moreover, the lower dosage of steroid drugs used in the experiment did not affect the morphology of cells and significantly increased cellular activity. In conclusion, our data demonstrate the stimulating effect of steroid drugs on cell morphology, proliferation rate and cytophysiological activity. These findings may influence the use of stem cells and steroids in applied regenerative veterinary medical practice in the future

    Suomen puheenjohtajuus Arktisessa neuvostossa (2017-2019) muutoksen ja epÀvarmuuden aikakaudella

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    Suomi ottaa vastaan Arktisen neuvoston kaksivuotisen puheenjohtajuuden toukokuussa 2017. Raportti tarjoaa tutkimustietoa tukemaan Suomen Arktisen neuvoston puheenjohtajuuden valmistelua ja toteutusta, Suomen arktisen politiikan painopisteiden mÀÀrittelyÀ sekÀ julkista keskustelua arktisen alueen kehityskuluista. Suomi valmistautuu Arktisen neuvoston puheenjohtajuuskauteensa tilanteessa, jossa yleinen arktisen politiikan toimintaympÀristö on muuttunut entistÀ epÀvarmemmaksi erityisesti talouden ja turvallisuustilanteen osalta. Myös alueen hallintajÀrjestelmÀ on muutoksen tilassa. Arktisen neuvoston puheenjohtajamaan tehtÀvÀ on muuttunut ajan myötÀ samalla kun Arktinen neuvosto on kehittynyt, ja ulkopuoliset toimijat ovat entistÀ enemmÀn kiinnostuneet alueesta ja neuvostosta. Raportissa tarkastellaan arktisen alueen muutosta eri nÀkökulmista: ympÀristön ja ympÀristöongelmien kehitystÀ, yhteiskunnallisia kehityskaaria, poliittisia ja geopoliittisia muutoksia, sekÀ talouskehitystÀ ja uusia taloudellisia mahdollisuuksia. Raportti tarkastelee, miten muutoksessa olevan alueen haasteisiin pyritÀÀn vastaamaan oikeudellisilla ja poliittisilla keinoilla, keskittyen erityisesti Arktisen neuvoston työhön. Raportissa tarkastellaan myös, mitÀ Arktisen neuvoston puheenjohtajuus tarkoittaa Suomelle, ja miten Suomi voisi tehokkaasti viedÀ lÀpi puheenjohtajuuskautensa

    Long-term space missions’ effects on the human organism: what we do know and what requires further research

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    Space has always fascinated people. Many years have passed since the first spaceflight, and in addition to the enormous technological progress, the level of understanding of human physiology in space is also increasing. The presented paper aims to summarize the recent research findings on the influence of the space environment (microgravity, pressure differences, cosmic radiation, etc.) on the human body systems during short-term and long-term space missions. The review also presents the biggest challenges and problems that must be solved in order to extend safely the time of human stay in space. In the era of increasing engineering capabilities, plans to colonize other planets, and the growing interest in commercial space flights, the most topical issues of modern medicine seems to be understanding the effects of long-term stay in space, and finding solutions to minimize the harmful effects of the space environment on the human body
