264 research outputs found

    Estimated Income from Warehouses and Branches Durring the Months April and May

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    1946. Przypuszczalne zyski wykazywane przez hurtownie i placówki w miesiącach kwietniu i maju (Estimated income from warehouses and branches during the months April and May). Handwritten and signed by Łukaszewska. 1946.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ymcadocs/1058/thumbnail.jp

    The Importance of Evaluative Thinking and the Excess of Scientific Effectiveness - Inspirations from Henryk Elzenberg’s Thought

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    The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is no longer subject to such obvious standardization. The educational and cultural role of the people of science devalues towards entrepreneurship and effectiveness. Based on Henryk Elzenberg’s views on the excess of the importance of science to the detriment of evaluative thinking, it can be noted that contemporary academic expertise does not seem to pursue any axiological connotations, which in the long run is a highly disturbing advantage for culture.The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is no longer subject to such obvious standardization. The educational and cultural role of the people of science devalues towards entrepreneurship and effectiveness. Based on Henryk Elzenberg’s views on the excess of the importance of science to the detriment of evaluative thinking, it can be noted that contemporary academic expertise does not seem to pursue any axiological connotations, which in the long run is a highly disturbing advantage for culture

    Extracts of Cherry and Sweet Cherry Fruit as Active Ingredients of Body Wash Formulations

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    As a response to the growing demand of consumers for active, natural ingredients of cosmetic preparations, manufacturers are looking for new raw materials, rich in compounds with high antioxidative activity. In this research an attempt were made to evaluate the content of phenolic compounds, L-ascorbic acid and the antioxidant potential (DPPH•, ABTS•+ method) of aqueous and aqueous-glycerine extracts from cherry (Prunus avium L), and sweet cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). The next stage of this work was the application of analysed extracts to cleaning preparations. The best antioxidant properties were demonstrated for the aqueous-glycerine extract of sweet cherry fruit, which also was exhibit the highest phenol and L-ascorbic acid content. After application of analysed extract aqueous-glycerine extract of sweet cherry fruit to the gel, it was showed high foam stability. The model formulations enriched with the aqueous extracts of cherries and sweet cherries had a higher foaming ability, compared to the formulations containing the aqueous-glycerine extracts. The addition of both cherry and sweet cherry fruit extracts to the formulations resulted in a decrease in viscosity, in comparison with the baseline sample. The highest decline in viscosity (15% in relation to the baseline sample) was noted for the aqueous extract of sweet cherry fruit. None of model formulations, containing analysed extracts, did not induce skin lesions in the epidermal patch tests. The results indicate that the extracts can be used as a valuable cosmetic raw material, which have strong antioxidant ability and at the same time did not adversely affecting the usable properties of the washing gel

    Model nauczania i podsta wowe teksty religijne przygotowane przez jezuitów działających na terenach Litwy i Korony od 2. poł. XVI do 1. poł. XVII w.

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    The article shortly describes the model of teaching and basic religious texts written in Lithuanian in the 2nd half of the 16th c. and in the first half of the 17th c. by Jesuits in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The fundamental goal of the Jesuit Society was to spread the Christian faith. To this aim the best and most effective methods were utilised. In the described period two forms of education coexisted, namely the system of schools and pastoral work within the society. While the former focussed on teaching Latin, the latter contributed to the development and codification of vernaculars, and specifically Lithuanian. Good understanding and established social relations were the objective of Jesuits. Pastoral work in a way preceded ethnolinguistic studies.Only those priests and brothers were selected for work with people who knew the language, at least to some extent. The knowledge of Latin was regarded as obvious. The teaching of languages in the spoken and written form was first based on the skills of individual brothers, but after a certain time a seminar devoted to the languages of the Commonwealth was founded. As the time passed and the Lithuanian Province developed, more attention was payed to the culture and development of the language. It was commonly used in apostolic work – in sermons, liturgical texts and pious literature throughout Lithuania. The teaching model applied by Jesuits also contributed, albeit indirectly, to the development of the Lithuanian language and culture.Artykuł stanowi charakterystykę systemu edukacji przyjętej w kolegiach jezuickich na terenach Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów w 2. poł. XVI i 1. poł. XVII w. pod względem nauczanych języków, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nauczania języka litewskiego. W działalności szkolnej zakonników, język i kultura pokrywały się z ich pracą apostolską, a najważniejsze wartości, które starali się przekazać mieszkańcom Litwy, były związane z chrześcijaństwem i katolicyzmem. Języka litewskiego używano w pracy: w kazaniach, tekstach liturgicznych i drukach dewocyjnych. Dla zrealizowania celu podstawowego, jakim było szerzenie wiary, jezuici przyjmowali metody i sposoby, które w możliwie najlepszy sposób sprzyjały dobrym relacjom i porozumieniu, wyprzedzając w czasie badania etnolingwistyczne

    Ochrona niematerialnego dziedzistwa kulturowego na przykładzie krakowskiej koronki klockowej

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    In the first part of this paper the definition of the protection of intangible cul­tural heritage is introduced, based on the 2003 UNESCO Convention as well as the Polish legislation concerning the protection of items on the national list of intangible culture. The second part shortly characterizes the Krakow bob­bin lace tradition along with its guardians, both present and past. In the third part it is systematically described what is being done to protect the tradition and craft in the Podgórze Culture Center thanks to the initiatives undertaken by certain guardians, and in the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow.W pierwszej części artykułu przytaczam definicję ochrony niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego na podstawie Konwencji UNESCO z 2003 r. oraz obowiązujących w kraju wytycznych dotyczących ochrony elementów wpi­sanych na Krajową listę niematerialnego dziedzictwa kulturowego. W drugiej części pokrótce charakteryzuję tradycję krakowskiej koronki klockowej wraz z osobami jej głównych depozytariuszy, zarówno w odniesieniu do historii, jak i chwili oraz praktyki obecnej. W trzeciej części omawiam systematycznie kolejne typy działań, które podejmuje się na rzecz ochrony tradycji i rzemio­sła: zarówno w Domu Kultury Podgórze, dzięki inicjatywom lokalnym podej­mowanym przez niektóre depozytariuszki, jak i w Muzeum Historycznym Krakowa (od 1.03.2020 Muzeum Krakowa)

    Is Splenectomy still the best treatment for Autoimmune hemolytic anemia

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    Introduction: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is an acquired, heterogeneous group of diseases that includes AIHA with warm type antibodies, cold agglutinin disease (CAD), mixed type AIHA, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, and atypical AIHA. Currently CAD is defined as chronic, clonal lymphoproliferative disease, while presence of cold agglutinin in gastrointestinal tract is known as cold agglutinin syndrome. AIHA is mediated by autoantibodies against red blood cells (RBCs), these antibodies cause premature destruction of erythrocytes. The pathogenesis of AIHA is complex and still not yet fully understood.  Aim of study: The purpose of the study was to review the literature on the treatment options for Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia  Materials and methods: A systemic review was conducted using PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar databases. The search strategy was based on following terms: Aiha, splenectomy autoimmune anemia, aiha treatment, Results and Conclusions: Based on the review of the medical literature, we believe that Splenectomy is no longer the most effective method of treating any type of AIHA and the Rituximab treatment presented by us seems to be safer and definitely less burdensome for the patient. Of course, splenectomy is still used in AIHA - but nowadays it is more limited due to the very high effectiveness of the described non-surgical treatmen

    Effects of CaCl2 solutions to alleviate drought stress effects in potted ornamentals Salvia splendens and Ageratum houstonianum

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    Bedding plants are often subjected to soil water deficit – either after planting and/or during the market chain. Methods to alleviate the negative water stress effects are sought for to preserve ornamental values of plants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of two bedding plants, Ageratum houstonianum Mill. and Salvia splendens Sellow ex Scult., to water stress and treatments with calcium chloride aimed to alleviate drought effects. Plants were subjected either to 45 days of periodical stress (five cycles when watering was off for 5 consecutive days, followed by four cycles on for 5 consecutive days) or 10 days of radical drought (complete water withdrawal). On the first day, before the onset of drought, plants were watered with 0.5% Ca or 1% Ca w/v as a solution of calcium chloride (5 g or 10 g Ca per 1 dm3 of the growing substrate). The similarly Ca-treated but routinely watered plants provided controls to evaluate the water shortage effects. Plant height, inflorescence length/number, leaf number, leaf area (in Salvia splendens only), aboveground plant part weight, and root weight (in Salvia splendens only) as well as leaf relative water content (RWC) were measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiments. Water withdrawal during 10 days of growth (radical drought) reduced by half RWC in leaves of withering Salvia splendens and Ageratum houstonianum plants. Its effects on the growth parameters were less pronounced and mitigated by Ca applications. Also in the periodically stressed plants of both species, RWC and most growth parameters were reduced by water shortage but Ca applications alleviated the negative stress effects

    Postawa ascetyczna a myślenie ekologiczne

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    Asceticism is founded on the etymology of Greek word askesis, which means ‘to exercise’, ‘to practice’, ‘to give a shape’ and this meaning is connected with activity and practical skills. The asceticism is a way of thinking, a way of living and a way of choice. Affirmative elements of asceticism like voluntary self-denial, simplicity, and moderation are a challenge to the world of today and present an authentic human picture of ascetic life. Ecological thinking is a part of this life, a part of moral mature and shows how our real relations with objective values look like

    Ulga na działalność badawczo-rozwojową jako szansa poprawy pozycji innowacyjnej polskich przedsiębiorstw

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    The aim of the article is to present the potential of the R&D relief as a support and activator prompting Polish entrepreneurs to take measures that may help Polish enterprises to increase their innovation position. The original form of the relief in question and its subsequent modifications have been examined. The research was conducted on the basis of a comparative analysis and a case analysis, using the deduction and induction methods. Since the innovativeness of Polish enterprises, measured by the Summary Innovation Index, had for years been at one of the lowest levels recorded in the European Union, the R&D allowance was introduced into the Polish tax system with an aim of improving the position of Polish enterprises in innovation ratings. The analysis of the mechanism, the criteria and the scope of potential deductions under the relief allows to state that it is a much more advantageous and effective tool providing more benefits to entrepreneurs than the former allowance offered for the purchase of new technologies. The results of the conducted analysis allow a conclusion that enterprises are highly interested in using the relief which is an effective, albeit not a direct instrument supporting innovation activity.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie potencjału ulgi na działalność badawczo-rozwojową jako wsparcia i aktywizatora polskich przedsiębiorstw do podejmowania działalności innowacyjnej, które mogą przyczynić się do wzrostu pozycji innowacyjnej polskich przedsiębiorstw. W artykule uwzględniona została pierwotna forma przedmiotowej ulgi oraz jej późniejsze zmiany. Autor wykorzystał w przeprowadzonych badaniach analizę porównawczą oraz analizę przypadku, a także posłużył się metodą dedukcji i indukcji. Innowacyjność polskich przedsiębiorstw, mierzona za pomocą Sumarycznego Indeksu Innowacyjności, od lat kształtuje się na jednym z najniższych poziomów osiąganych w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Ulga na działalność badawczo-rozwojową wprowadzona została do polskiego systemu podatkowego jako zachęta dla przedsiębiorców do podejmowania działalności, która ma przyczynić się do poprawy pozycji polskich przedsiębiorstw w rankingach innowacyjności. Przeprowadzona w artykule analiza mechanizmu, kryteriów oraz zakresu potencjalnych odliczeń w ramach ulgi pozwala stwierdzić, że jest ona narzędziem znacznie korzystniejszym dla przedsiębiorców niż funkcjonująca we wcześniejszym stanie prawnym ulga na nabycie nowych technologii. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy można wnioskować o wysokim zainteresowaniu przedsiębiorstw skorzystaniem z ulgi i spełnianiu przez nią roli instrumentu wsparcia działalności innowacyjnej przedsiębiorstw, nie można jej jednak uznać za narzędzie bezpośredniej aktywizacji do podejmowania działań z tego obszaru