17 research outputs found

    Remarks About Targeted Killing in the Light of Public International Law

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    The premises concerning the use of force are currently changing, as are the goals and methods, which entails that appropriate adaptation and interpretation of international legal norms is required in the context of new threats and methods of combating them. This constitutes a significant problem, especially in the event of extraordinary circumstances that are to justify the use of unilateral measures without the consent of the UN Security Council. This encompasses, inter alia, the issue of targeted killing, i.e. eliminating in the territory of another state, while not operating against such a state, on the order of a specific government, a specific person responsible for the illegal use of force, if other methods of apprehending the perpetrator are unrealistic. This makes such a method, in a given circumstance, a legal form of combat, as long as the criterion of necessity and proportionality is taken into account

    State Borders in the Light of International Public Law. An Outline of the Issues

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    Apportionment of authority among states in the space is one of the fundamental function of public international law and aim of that serves state borders institution. State borders are define as a line or surface separating state territories in land, martime and airspace. However exist different kind of borders that their establish in space bases on delimitation and demarcation. As long as do not give rise controversy establish land and maritime borders, while in spite of lack border determine in air space accept that sit height about 100–150 km. To sum up in the light of public international law exists and significant border is submit of principle of territorial integrity of states at the same time by their establish essential role plays crucial role effectiveness in carry out control of territory and borders. Therefore the principle of territorial integrity of States and effectiveness control over territory defines essence and role of state border.Apportionment of authority among states in the space is one of the fundamental function of public international law and aim of that serves state borders institution. State borders are define as a line or surface separating state territories in land, martime and airspace. However exist different kind of borders that their establish in space bases on delimitation and demarcation. As long as do not give rise controversy establish land and maritime borders, while in spite of lack border determine in air space accept that sit height about 100–150 km. To sum up in the light of public international law exists and significant border is submit of principle of territorial integrity of states at the same time by their establish essential role plays crucial role effectiveness in carry out control of territory and borders. Therefore the principle of territorial integrity of States and effectiveness control over territory defines essence and role of state border

    Pneumomediastinum and pneumoretroperitoneum as a result of mephedrone intoxication – a case report.

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    Introduction: Presence of air in mediastinal space, retroperitoneal space or subcutaneously is a rare con- dition in majority caused by trauma of airway or gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Rarely can it occur as a conse- quence after drug usage.  Case Presentation: We report a non-traumatic occurrence of pneumomediastinum, pneumoretroperito- neum and subcutaneous emphysema in a 27 year-old male patient who had been inhaling mephedrone for 4 days. Patient was admitted to Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery, Medical University of Gdansk. CT scans of neck, chest and abdomen were performed with suspicion of perforation of GI tract or airways. Perforation was excluded by gastroscopic and bronchoscopic examinations. Patient was treated conservatively with fluids and antibiotic therapy because of no abnormalities besides free air in mentioned cavities. During 6 days of hospitalization patient made a steady recovery and was discharged in good condition.  Conclusions: The presence of pneumomediastinum, pneumoretroperitoneum and subcutaneous emphyse- ma associated with mephedrone inhalation has been rarely reported in the literature in the past. There are only a few cases describing such complications and medical management required. By reporting this case we would like to emphasize that mentioned symptoms and history of drug use might seem life-threatening, however, this condition may be self-limiting as well. Therefore, good general state can potentially be indi- cation for a watch-and-wait approach with no surgical intervention necessary. 

    Instrument-model refinement in normalized reciprocal-vector space for X-ray Laue diffraction

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    A simple yet efficient instrument-model refinement method for X-ray diffraction data is presented and discussed. The method is based on least-squares minimization of differences between respective normalized (i.e. unit length) reciprocal vectors computed for adjacent frames. The approach was primarily designed to work with synchrotron X-ray Laue diffraction data collected for small-molecule single-crystal samples. The method has been shown to work well on both simulated and experimental data. Tests performed on simulated data sets for small-molecule and protein crystals confirmed the validity of the proposed instrument-model refinement approach. Finally, examination of data sets collected at both BioCARS 14-ID-B (Advanced Photon Source) and ID09 (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility) beamlines indicated that the approach is capable of retrieving goniometer parameters (e.g. detector distance or primary X-ray beam centre) reliably, even when their initial estimates are rather inaccurate. Keywords: data processing; Laue diffraction; instrument models; refinement; X-ray diffraction

    Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation in the treatment of breast cancer — current status and treatment methods

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    Podstawowym powodem opracowania techniki przyspieszonego częściowego napromieniania raka piersi (AcceleratedPartial Breast Irradiation — APBI) było założenie, że prowadzi ono do uzyskania równorzędnego odsetkakontroli miejscowej wraz z mniejszą toksycznością leczenia w porównaniu z napromienianiem całej piersi wiązkamizewnętrznymi (Whole Breast Radiation Therapy — WBRT) po chirurgicznym leczeniu oszczędzającym (Breast ConservingSurgery — BCS). Jest to metoda radioterapii skierowana do wyselekcjonowanej grupy pacjentek we wczesnej faziezaawansowania choroby. Głównym powodem wprowadzenia do praktyki klinicznej APBI było niskie ryzyko wznowymiejscowej w tej samej piersi poza pierwotnie zajętym kwadrantem. Opublikowano szereg badań sugerującychmożliwość rezygnacji z WBRT. Dotychczas dostępne są wyniki 3 badań randomizowanych i 19 nierandomizowanych,w których badano skuteczność APBI. W poszczególnych badaniach klinicznych stosowano różne techniki APBI, dawkii frakcjonowanie, ale zasadnicza różnica w stosowanych technikach dotyczyła określenia obszaru do napromieniania(Clinical Target Volume — CTV i Planning Target Volume — PTV). Obecnie czekamy na wyniki siedmiu randomizowanychbadań klinicznych dotyczących zastosowania APBI w raku piersi po leczeniu oszczędzającym. W artykule dokonanoprzeglądu stosowanych technik, zasad kwalifi kacji oraz wyników leczenia metodą APBI.Breast conserving surgery (BCS) with following radiotherapy (EBRT) of the conserved breast became widely acceptedin the last decades for the treatment of early invasive breast cancer. The standard technique of EBRT after BCS is totreat the whole breast up to a total dose of 45 Gy to 50 Gy. Additional dose is given to the treated volume after EBRTto boost a portion of the breast to a higher dose. However, over the past 10 years, the application of radiotherapy inbreast cancer has changed. In early stage breast cancer, research has shown that the area requiring radiation treatmentto prevent the cancer from local recurrence is the breast tissue that surrounds the area where the initial cancerwas removed. Because this typically includes only a part of the breast, APBI is now used to treat the targeted portionof the breast and as a result allows accelerated delivery of the radiation dose in four to fi ve days. Published resultsof APBI techniques are very promising. In this article the current status, indications, technical aspects and recentlypublished results of APBI in breast cancer treatment are presented

    Comments on the Force and Its Application in International Law

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    Pojęcie użycia siły odnosimy aktualnie do sytuacji, w których stosowana jest przemoc w sposób bliski charakterystyce technicznej stanu wojny, jak i również do akcji militarnych nienapotykających na zbrojny opór. Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne nie dysponuje specjalnymi środkami, które regulują uciekanie się do użycia siły, ani takimi, które minimalizowałyby skutki jej stosowania. W prawie międzynarodowym pomimo wielu kontrowersji co do użycia siły, nie ma wątpliwości co do kompetencji państw do jej stosowania, celem realizacji ich racji stanu. Jednakże należy się pochylić nad rozumieniem pojęcia „siła”, jak i jej stosowaniem zgodnie z Kartą Narodów Zjednoczonych w celach samoobrony, tak by je wprost odróżnić od sytuacji sięgania po akt zbrojny (będący przejawem stosowania siły), naruszający integralność terytorialną innego suwerennego państwa. W niniejszym artykule rozważania teoretyczne zostaną odniesione do poczynań między innymi Federacji Rosyjskiej, jako przykładu stosowania siły we współczesnym prawie międzynarodowym.The concept of the use force currently refer to situations in which violence is used in a manner close to the technical characteristics of a state of war, as well as to the military action does not encountering armed resistance. Public international law has no special measures that regulate recourse to use of force, or those that minimize the effects of its application. In international law, despite the many controversies regarding the use of force, there is no doubt about the competence of states to its application in order to pursue their raison d’etat. However, consideration should be given understanding the concept of “power” and its application in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, for the purposes of self-defense, so that it explicitly distinguished from the situation recourse to an act of armed (which is a manifestation of the use of force), violating the territorial integrity of another sovereign state. In this article, theoretical considerations will be raised to the actions of the Russian Federation, among others, as an example of the use force in contemporary international law


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    The accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union has brought the case of annulment of the so-called Benes decrees to the agenda of German-Czech relations. The decrees were legal acts of the same force as the parliamentary Acts and they were being passed by the Czech emigration authorities since 1942 and signed by E. Beneś, the president of the republic. They were meant to act against the Sudeten Germans inhabiting the inter-war German-Czech frontier. The main thrust of the decrees was to deprive the Sudeten Germans of their property and citizenship as a response to their declaration of allegiance to the Nazi Germany after the capture of the Sudeten Mountains and other parts of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis

    Secession of parts of the territory of the state in the light of public international law. Outline of the problem

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    Secesja, inaczej ujmując – oderwanie części terytorium od macierzystego państwa, jest jedną z form utraty części terytorium, zarazem jedną z form powstania nowego państwa, względnie przyłączenia się oderwanego terytorium do sąsiedniego państwa. Celem niniejszej pracy jest zwrócenie uwagi na źródło współczesnej secesji, czyli tendencje odśrodkowe w państwie spowodowane różnorakimi formami dyskryminacji ludności oderwanego terytorium. Ludność oderwanego terytorium w uzasadnieniu swojego prawa do secesji odwołuje się do jednej z podstawowych zasad prawa międzynarodowego – zasady samostanowienia narodów, która nie pozostaje w sprzeczności z zasadą integralności terytorialnej państwa, ponieważ funkcjonują one w różnych przestrzeniach prawa międzynarodowego publicznego. W pracy zastosowano metodę badań dogmatycznych oraz prawnoporównawczych.Secession, in other words, the separation of part of the territory from the mother state, is one of the forms of losing part of the territory, at the same time one of the forms of the creation of a new state, or the annexation of detached territory to a neighboring state. The aim of this article is to draw attention to the source of contemporary secession, that is, the centrifugal tendencies in the state caused by various forms of discrimination against the population of the detached territory. The population of the detached territory justifying its right to secession refers to one of the basic principles of international law – the principle of self-determination of nations, which principle does not contradict the principle of territorial integrity of the state, because they function in different spaces of international public law. The method of dogmatic and comparative law research was applied in the work


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    The years 1943 and 1945 marked the two waves of displacing residents of the eastern borderlands of Poland, forcing the people to abandon their real estate in the areas that no longer belonged to Poland. The Author discusses the moral and legal implications of the displacement, focusing on the legal regulations in Poland, under communism and beyond, depicting the political tendencies regarding the displaced population in the communist Poland. Additionally, an analysis is proposed of the international treaties ratified by Poland and the ensuing obligations, as well as the issue of courts’ reluctance to hear cases of the repatriates’ claims for damages. The article is wrapped up by the sad conclusion that until the present time this group of people has been given no opportunity to regain any compensation due for the property they were deprived of