48 research outputs found

    Determination of stress and strain concentrations in the elastic-plastic materials under bending and torsion

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    The analysis of stress and strain concentrations of constructional materials subjected to bending and torsion is presented. The known methods of stress determination for any elastic-plastic material assume the linear strain concentration under bending and torsion. Determination of stress and strain concentrations and their presentation as graphs were the main aims of this paper. Five materials were tested. They had different cyclic strain curves, and were loaded by the torsional and bending moments. The results proved a linear character of the strain distribution for any material in the all applied loading range.Визначено розклад напружень і деформацій в перетині проаналізованого елемента вальців та подано графічно за допомогою комп’ютерної моделі. Аналіз п’яти матеріалів та їх кривих циклічного деформування з різними характеристиками за умов кручення та згину показав лінійний характер розкладу деформацій для кожного з них за всіх прикладених навантажень.Определено распределение напряжений и деформаций в сечении проанализированного элемента валков и представлено графически с помощью компьютерной модели. Анализ пяти материалов и их кривых циклического деформирования с разными характеристиками при кручении и изгибе показал линейный характер распределения деформаций для каждого из них при всех приложенных нагрузках

    Characteristics of CuCrTiAl alloy after plastic deformation

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    The development of the automotive industry leads to the search for newer construction materials, but also those used in the production process. Although many types of joints are used in vehicles, resistance welds remain the dominant one. The commonly used alloy for welding caps (CuCrZr) is already well known and therefore newer alloys and technologies for their production are sought to increase service life, and thus reduce production costs. Precipitation hardening CuCrTiAl alloy was analysed in this article. After casting, CuCrTiAl alloy was subjected to cold and hot deformation and then tested for its usability. The obtained results confirmed the potential of this alloy to make electrodes for resistance welding

    Characteristics of CuCrTiAl alloy after plastic deformation

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    The development of the automotive industry leads to the search for newer construction materials, but also those used in the production process. Although many types of joints are used in vehicles, resistance welds remain the dominant one. The commonly used alloy for welding caps (CuCrZr) is already well known and therefore newer alloys and technologies for their production are sought to increase service life, and thus reduce production costs. Precipitation hardening CuCrTiAl alloy was analysed in this article. After casting, CuCrTiAl alloy was subjected to cold and hot deformation and then tested for its usability. The obtained results confirmed the potential of this alloy to make electrodes for resistance welding

    Influence of the speed of downward semi-continuous casting on the crystal size and mechanical properties of recycled copper

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    In this study, the influence of the speed of downward semi-continuous casting on the crystal size and mechanical properties of recycled copper after casting and cold deformation was investigated. It was shown that the increase in the casting speed from 0,09 m / min to 0,22 m / min resulted in refinement of the macrostructure and reduction of the crystal cross-sectional area from 3,221 mm2 to 1,2 mm2, which resulted in an increase in microhardness after casting by 8 %, while in the state after cold working, an increase in microhardness by 3 % and ultimate tensile strength by 2,5 %

    The effect of the rolling process on selected properties of magnesium copper with microadditives

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    The article presents the results of rolling magnesium copper castings with microadditives of P, Al, Ti, and Zr. The castings were made in the process of static casting into rods with a diameter of 20 mm. The obtained castings were shaped with a 3 % draft into bars of square cross-section and rolled on a shape mill with 20 % drafts on average. Mechanical properties were determined in a static tensile test at selected degrees of plastic deformation (57,2 %, 76,9 % and 91,3 %). At the final stage of cold working of the wire rods with a total draft of 91,3 %, the microstructure and electrical conductivity were examined. The research indicates a strong influence of microadditives on the strengthening of castings in the rolling process and their electrical conductivity

    The ICARUS T600 Experiment in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory

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    With a mass of about 600 tons of Liquid Argon (LAr), the ICARUS T600 detector is the biggest, up to now, LAr Time Projection Chamber (TPC). Following its successful test run, on the Earth surface, in Pavia (Italy) in 2001, the detector is now very close to start data taking in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. The main features of the LAr TPC technique, together with a short discussion of some of the ICARUS T600 test run results, are presented in this paper

    The T2K Side Muon Range Detector

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    The T2K experiment is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment aiming to observe the appearance of {\nu} e in a {\nu}{\mu} beam. The {\nu}{\mu} beam is produced at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), observed with the 295 km distant Super- Kamiokande Detector and monitored by a suite of near detectors at 280m from the proton target. The near detectors include a magnetized off-axis detector (ND280) which measures the un-oscillated neutrino flux and neutrino cross sections. The present paper describes the outermost component of ND280 which is a side muon range detector (SMRD) composed of scintillation counters with embedded wavelength shifting fibers and Multi-Pixel Photon Counter read-out. The components, performance and response of the SMRD are presented.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figures v2: fixed several typos; fixed reference

    Measurement of Through-Going Particle Momentum By Means Of Multiple Scattering With The ICARUS T600 TPC

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    The ICARUS collaboration has demonstrated, following the operation of a 600 ton (T600) detector at shallow depth, that the technique based on liquid Argon TPCs is now mature. The study of rare events, not contemplated in the Standard Model, can greatly benefit from the use of this kind of detectors. In particular, a deeper understanding of atmospheric neutrino properties will be obtained thanks to the unprecedented quality of the data ICARUS provides. However if we concentrate on the T600 performance, most of the νμ\nu_\mu charged current sample will be partially contained, due to the reduced dimensions of the detector. In this article, we address the problem of how well we can determine the kinematics of events having partially contained tracks. The analysis of a large sample of atmospheric muons collected during the T600 test run demonstrate that, in case the recorded track is at least one meter long, the muon momentum can be reconstructed by an algorithm that measures the Multiple Coulomb Scattering along the particle's path. Moreover, we show that momentum resolution can be improved by a factor two using an algorithm based on the Kalman Filtering technique