264 research outputs found

    Osobna struktura samoodređenja

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    L’evangelizzazione e l’uomo interiore

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    La evangelización y el hombre interior

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    The influence of pregnant women's physical activity on selected perinatal parameters

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    AIM OF THE PAPER: Evaluation of influence of physical activity on selected perinatal parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 300 women in physiological pregnancy. The group was divided to physical active and non-physical active women by KAPAS survey which they fill out retrospectively. Both groups were identical in counts. Selected perinatal parameters were monitored such as: increase of body mass, in which week the pregnancy ended, necessity of using induction labor or supply with synthetic oxytocin and crotch injuries. The respondents of both groups fill up the KAPAS questionnaire second time up to 7 days after labor to assess physical activity during pregnancy. RESULTS: Both groups were homogenic in terms of somatic features. Increase of body mass was statistically significant lover in group of physically active women compare to non-active women. Birth mass of infant was significantly higher in the group of physically non-active women. It was proved that there is significant differences in physical activity during pregnancy between both groups. There were dependency between age and delivery term in physically active women. There were strong relationship between week when the pregnancy ended and necessity of using induction labor in both groups. There were no relationship between supplying with synthetic oxytocin during labor, crotch injuries and physical activity. CONCLUSION: Physical activity during pregnancy decreased the percentage of labor with inductive delivery and prevents weight gain during pregnancy. Women that were active before pregnancy sustained there physical activity during pregnancy. Women that weren’t active before pregnancy also weren’t active during pregnancy. Physical activity have no relationship with crotch injury or necessity of using synthetic oxytocin during labor

    Ultrastructural and antioxidative changes in lupine embryo axes in response to salt stress

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    Embryo axes of lupine (Lupinus luteus L. 'Mister') were subjected to 0.1 M NaCl salt stress for 24 and 48 h. The ultrastructure modification and adjustment of antioxidant enzymes activities and izoenzymes profiles were observed. In cells of lupine embryo axes grown for 48 hours in medium with 0.1 M NaCl mitochondria took the forked shape and bulges of the outer mitochondrial membranes appeared. Moreover, the inflating and swelling of rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) lumen and fragmentation of RER were noticed. The level of H2O2 was higher in salt treated embryo axes after 24 hours and increase of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was observed after both 24 and 48 h of salt treatment. Native gel electrophoresis showed increased intensities of bands for catalase isozymes in response to salt stress, whereas activity of catalase was higher only in embryo axes grown for 48 h in control conditions. Appearance of two new isoforms of ascorbate peroxidase was observed after 48 h only under control condition, however increased activities were stated for both control and salt-stress condition after 48 h. No changes in isozymes pattern for superoxide dismutase were observed, but significant decrease in superoxide dismutase activity was noticed in relation to time and salt stress. Possible role of these enzymes in salt stress tolerance is discussed. The 0.1 M salt stress is regarded as a middle stress for lupine embryo axes and the efficiency of stress prevention mechanisms is proposed

    Double taxation and double non-deductibility of losses: impediments to the freedom of establishment. An analysis of the regulations and practices in the UK and Poland

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    This thesis addresses the question of the implementation of the freedom of establishment (Article 49 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) in two EU member states with particular emphasis on impediments to the freedom. It is argued that despite a very long-standing and clear legal prohibition on restrictions to the freedom of establishment, there remain many practical obstacles which inhibit the right. This thesis’ hypothesis is that double taxation and double non-deductibility of losses constitute hurdles to a complete freedom of establishment. As far as the methodology is concerned the approach chosen to test the hypothesis is as follows: first to set out a theoretical framework based on the non-Discrimination principle, the basic principles of the freedom of establishment right and the exemptions to that right. Then, right of freedom of establishment is tested as against the practice in three ways, each considered in a chapter: the requirement of the nationality prerequisite; the double taxation of companies operating in more than one EU member state; and the practice of double non-deductibility of losses. The research is inspired by the case study of an author’s businesses, SMEs who trade cross-border in the United Kingdom (UK) and subsequently in Poland. From a study of the implementation practices of both the UK and Poland this thesis suggests that the following form serious restrictions: double taxation and non-deductibility of losses. Moreover, case law and existing literature identify taxation as a core impediment to the exercise of the freedom of establishment as taxation matters deter companies from relocating their whole business. This thesis examines how to balance the freedom of establishment and the tax powers of the EU member states. Taxation also plays a fundamental role in the development of the EU’s internal market. The thesis seeks a pragmatic solution which might be implemented effectively without resorting to substantial international harmonization

    Istina Humanae vitae

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    Strategi Pemanfaatan Ruang Publik Dalam Mempertahankan Kontinuitas Aksi Massa (Studi Kasus Gerakan Sosial “Aksi Kamisan Jakarta”)

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    Gerakan sosial atau aksi massa tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam sistem sosial negara demokrasi. Di Indonesia, pada tanggal 18 Januari 2007 berdiri Aksi Kamisan Jakarta, sebuah gerakan sosial yang berjuang demi keadilan HAM di Indonesia. Aksi Kamisan Jakarta menjadi unik jika dibandingkan dengan gerakan sosial lainnya karena dapat bertahan selama lima belas tahun. Peneliti tertarik untuk mengkaji bagaimana strategi pemanfaatan ruang publik yang dilakukan Aksi Kamisan Jakarta dalam mempertahankan kontinuitas aksi massa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif dengan menggunakan teori Fungsionalisme Struktural Talcott Parsons yang di dalamnya terdapat skema AGIL sebagai dasar analisis. Teknik pengambilan data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan mengimplementasikan skema AGIL, seperti beradaptasi dengan lingkungan sekitar dan beradaptasi dengan peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur tentang aksi demonstrasi (A), memiliki tujuan yang jelas dalam menjalankan aksi (G), mempererat solidaritas internal (I) dan memelihara nilai, norma dan nilai yang berlaku pada saat menjalankan aksi (L), Aksi Kamisan Jakarta dapat memanfaatkan ruang publik yang ada serta dapat mempertahankan keberlanjutan aksi massa mereka

    Cervical cancer mortality in young adult European women

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    Background: The process of social, political and economic transformation, which took place in Central and Eastern Europe in the early 90's, has affected many spheres of Europeans' lives, including health-associated issues. These changes also had an impact on mortality rates due to cervical cancer (CC). Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyse CC mortality trends in Europe after 1990. Methods: Data on death due to CC, uterine cancers and unspecified uterine cancers, in women aged 20\u201344, were taken from the WHO Mortality Database. Trends in European countries between 1990 and 2017 were assessed using the Joinpoint Regression Program. Results: Most of the countries experienced a decrease in CC mortality. Although the lowest rates were observed in EU15 Member States, the highest decreases were observed in Central and Eastern Europe. However, there are still differences in mortality in these countries. There are also a few countries like Belarus, Latvia and Ukraine, which experienced an increase in mortality. The range of mortality across Europe in 2017 was between 0.6 and 5.2/100,000 women. Conclusions: It is essential to introduce well-organised screening programmes for early detection of CC with coverage of a correspondingly high percentage of the population, particularly in East-Central Europe, as well as to introduce high-coverage HPV vaccination in all European countries

    Зашто глух не чује: разматрања о етимологији псл. gluchъ

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