79 research outputs found

    Ammonia and pH inhibition in anaerobic treatment

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    Amonyağın inhibe edici konsantrasyonlarına alıştırılmamış floküler ve granüler aşılarla karakterize edilen farklı anaerobik mikroorganizma gruplarının mezofilik şartlarda pH ve amonyak inhibisyonu karşısındaki davranışları toplam biyogaz üretiminin izlendiği metanojenik aktivite testi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Deneyler, dört farklı pH değerinde (6.8, 7.4, 7.8, 8.4) ve 6 farklı Toplam Amonyak Azotu (TAN) konsantrasyonunda (262 mg/l (kontrol), 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000) yürütülmüştür. Zamana karşı çizilen biyogaz üretim eğrileri kullanılarak eklenik metan üretim eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Eklenik metan üretim eğrilerinin modellenmesinde modifiye edilmiş Gompertz eşitliği kullanılmıştır. Değerlendirmeler sonucunda Gompertz modelinin, deneysel verilerin çok büyük bir kısmına iyi uyum gösterdiği bulunmuştur.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Amonyak inhibisyonu, anaerobik arıtma, mezofilik şartlar, metan üretim fazı.The influences of pH and ammonia on methane production in the anaerobic treatment were investigated using two different sludge seeds. One of the seeds had a granular character whereas the other one had a flocular character. The sludge seeds used in the methanogenic activity tests were not exposed to high levels of ammonia at any stage before the tests. Four different pH values (6.8, 7.4, 7.8, 8.4) and six different TAN (Total Ammonia Nitrogen) values (262 mg/L (control), 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000) were used in the study. Cumulative methane production curves for both of the sludge seeds were obtained using the biogas production curves at four different pH values and six different TAN values. The modified Gompertz equation employed as a model for cumulative methane productions. It was concluded that this equation fits a large fraction of the data very well. At certain combinations of high pH and high TAN values, however, the cumulative methane production data manifested an initial ?hump? that cannot be predicted using the Gompertz equation. With flocular sludge seed, this happened at pH ? 7.8 and with TAN ? 1500-2000 mg/L. With granular sludge seed, this phenomenon was observed only at pH = 8.4 and with TAN ? 1000 mg/L. With both sludges, free ammonia was found to be much more inhibitory than the ammonium ion.Keywords: Ammonia inhibition, anaerobic treatment, mesophilic conditions, methanogenesis

    Effect of organic municipal solid waste addition on wastewater treatment plant sludge composting

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    Bu çalışmada, evsel atıksu arıtma tesisi çamuru ile organik evsel katı atık(EKA)-evsel atıksu arıtma tesisi çamuru karışımı için havalı kompostlaştırma teknolojilerinin uygulanabilirliği ve evsel atıksu arıtma çamuru kompostlaştırılmasında organik EKA ilavesinin etkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Havalı Kompostlaştırma, 180 l’lik statik reaktörlerde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma periyodu süresince sıcaklık, pH, uçucu katı madde, su muhtevası parametreleri izlenmiştir. Organik EKA-çamur karışımından elde edilen kompost kalitesi sadece çamurdan elde edilen komposttan yüksektir. Çalışma, her iki reaktörden oluşan ürünlerin park, bahçelerde gübre ve eski maden ocaklarının rehabilitasyonunda toprak ıslah malzemesi olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Arıtma tesisi çamuru, evsel katı atık, havalı kompostlaştırma.In Turkey, a lot of organic solid wastes are produced in high quantities. Collection and disposal of these wastes cause important problems. A European Directive is being prepared to restrict landfills, especially for disposal of organic solid wastes. Biological treatments are the clearest alternative for the organic solid wastes. These technologies can maximise recycling and recovery of waste components. The objective of this study is to investigate applicability of aerobic composting technologies for wastewater treatment plant(WWTP) sludge, mixture of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) and WWTP sludge and the influence of addition organic fraction of MSW on WWTP sludge composting. Aerobic composting was performed in 180 l static vessels. Air was supplied with a compressor regulated using a rotameter passed through the reactors at a rate of 140 l/min. The solid wastes were unloaded from the reactor onto the floor, mixed and then loaded again on a weekly basis for homogenization. Temperatures, pH, volatile solids, moisture parameters were monitored during the experimental study. The quality of the composts produced with MSW-sludge mixture higher than sludge alone. The study has clearly shown that the products attained for both reactors can be utilized as a fertilizer in the parks, gardens and as a soil conditioner for the rehabilitation of old mines.Keywords: Wastewater treatment plant sludge, municipal solid waste, aerobic compostin

    Kuzey Marmara Bölgesi (Türkiye) Kiraz, Ceviz, Elma, Badem ve Armut Bahçelerinde Yabancı Ot Florası

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    A study covering cherry, walnut, apple, almond and pear orchards in Edirne, Kırklareli and Tekirdağprovinces was carried out in 2015-2018 with the aim of determination of weed flora, weedfrequencies and densities. Total of 64 species belonging to 30 families were identified in fruit treeorchards. Among all the families the most members were in Asteraceae 13 species, Poaceae, 11species, Brassicaceae 5 species and Lamiaceae 3 species families. The dominant weed species wereAmaranthus retroflexus L., Polygonum aviculare L., Capsella-bursa pastoris L. (Medik).,Concolvulus arvensis L., Lepidium draba L., Raphanus raphanistrum L., Chenopodium album L.,Cichorium intybus L. in Tekirdağ while Datura stramonium L. distribution in Edirne Uzunköprüand Kırklareli was remarkably high. Semi parazitic weed Viscum album and full parasite Cuscutacampestris Yunck were also detected in some orchards. V. album was widespread among pear treeswhile Cuscuta campestris Yunck was detected only in suckers emerged in apple and cherry orchards.According to density A. retroflexus has received the first order with 76 plant/m2, following C. albumwith 54 plant/m2, Lactuca serriola with 27 plant/m2, D. stramonium L. with 24 plant/m2, Portulacaoleracea with 21 plant/m2Kuzey Marmara Bölgesinde kiraz, elma, badem ve armut bahçelerindeki yabancı ot türleri ve yaygınlık oranlarının belirlenmesi amacıyla Edirne, Kırklareli ve Tekirdağ İllerinde 2015-2018 yılları arasında sörvey çalışması yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada meyve bahçelerinde 30 familyaya ait 64 yabancı ot türü tespit edilmiştir. Bu familyalar içerisinde Asteraceae 13 tür, Poaceae 11 tür, Brassicaceae 4 tür, Lamiaceae 3 tür ile en çok türe sahip familyalar olarak saptanmıştır. Tekirdağ ilinde Amaranthus retroflexus L., Polygonum aviculare L., Capsella-bursa pastoris L. (Medik)., Concolvulus arvensis L., Lepidium draba L., Raphanus raphanistrum L., Chenopodium album L., Cichorium intybus L. en yaygın olarak belirlenirken Datura stramonium L. yaygınlığı Edirne Uzunköprü ve Kırklareli’de daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Tespit edilen yabancı otlardan parazit Viscum album ve Cuscuta campestris Yunck elma ve kiraz bahçelerinde bulunmuştur. Yarı parazit Viscum album armut ağaçlarında yaygın olurken tam parazit Cuscuta campestris Yunck sadece elma ve kiraz bahçelerinde çıkan piçlerde parazit olarak görülmüştür. Yabancı otların yoğunlukları incelendiğinde A. retroflexus 76 bitki/m2 , ile ilk sırayı alırken bunu 54 bitki/m2 ile C. album, 27 bitki/m2 ile L. serriola 24 bitki/m2 ile D. stramonium L. ve 21 bitki/m2 ile Portulaca oleraceae izlemiştir

    Kuzeybatı Marmara Bölgesinde Tarla Küskütü (Cuscuta campestris Yunck)'nün Yabancı Ot Konukçuları

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    Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) is a parasitic weed damaging several crop plants. A weed survey coveringvegetable fields, orchards and vineyards was conducted from 2015 to 2018 in Northwestern Turkey. During surveys parasiticweed Cuscuta campestris Yunck was found attached to 23 weed species from 15 families. Higher frequency of parasitism ofdodder was determined in Polygonum aviculare L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L., Ecballium elaterium(L.) A. Rich., Lactuca serriola L., Portulaca oleracea L. and Cichorium intybus L. weed species. The infection intensity was thehighest in Lactuca serriola L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Portulaca oleracea L., Tribulus terrestris L., Ecballium elaterium (L.)A. Rich., Rumex crispus L. and Polygonum aviculare L.Küsküt (Cuscuta spp.) birçok kültür bitkisinde zararlı olan parazitik bitkidir. 2015-2018 yılları arasında Kuzeybatı Marmara Bölgesinde sebze, meyve ve bağ alanlarını kapsayan yabancı ot sörveyine çıkılmıştır. Sörveyler sırasında Cuscuta campestris Yunck 15 familyaya ait 23 yabancı otta parazit bulunmuştur. Polygonum aviculare L., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L., Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich., Lactuca serriola L., Portulaca oleracea L. ve Cichorium intybus L. yabancı otlarında parazitlenme sıklığı yüksek bulunmuştur. Lactuca serriola L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Portulaca oleracea L., Tribulus terrestris L., Ecballium elaterium (L.) A. Rich., Rumex crispus L. ve Polygonum aviculare L.’de ise parazitlenme yoğunluğu yüksek olarak belirlenmiştir

    Identification of syntrophic butyrate degrading community with stable isotope probing technique in anaerobic bioreactors

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    Bütirat, metanojenik şartlar altında organik madde dönüşümünde önemli bir ara ürün olup havasız biyoreaktörlerde metanojenezin %60’ını kapsayabilen bir maddedir. Organik maddenin ayrışması sırasında oluşan hidrojen ve/veya format, ortamdan uzaklaştırılmadığı sürece bütiratın ayrışması termodinamik açıdan mümkün değildir. Bütiratın ayrışması hidrojen tüketen organizmalarla yapılan sintrofik etkileşimlere dayalı olup ayrışma mekanizması ile ilgili bilgiler saf kültür çalışmalarıyla sınırlıdır. Bu açıdan bakıldığında, bütirat ayrışmasını yapan sintrofik bakterilerin çeşitliliği ve ekolojisi birçok bilinmeyen özelliği içermektedir Bu kapsamda yeni bir teknik olan stabil izotop işaretlemesi kullanılarak havasız ortamlardaki bütiratı ayrıştıran aktif mikroorganizmaların kimliği tespit edilmiştir. Sintrofik bütirat ayrıştıran bu aktif türlerin, filogenetik olarak bir gruba ait olmadığı ve 9 farklı filum içerisinde yer aldığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmada saf kültür tanımlaması yapılmamış türlerin varlığına rastlanmıştır. 16S ribozomal ribo nükleik asit sekans analizleri belirlenen klonların, veri bankalarında yapılan karşılaştırmalı analizinde bakteriyel türlerin çok çeşitli metabolik aktivitelere sahip olabileceklerini ve büyük bir kısmının havasız ortamlardan izole edilmiş klonlara benzerlik gösterdiği bulunmuştur. Özellikle, Proteobacteria filumunda yer alan klonlara benzerlik gösteren türlerin baskın olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında sintrofik bütirat ayrışmasında başlıca Syntrophus sp. türünün önemli rol aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu bulgu, şimdiye kadar kabul gören bütiratı ayrıştıran Syntrophomonas türlerinin ait olduğu Firmicutes’ten farklı olduğunu göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte sintrofik propiyonat oksitleyen Syntrophobacter türünün de bütirat gideriminde aktif rol oynadığı tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Havasız arıtma, moleküler biyolojik teknikler, stabil izotop işaretlemesi.Anaerobic treatment is presently accepted as a sustainable technology for a wide range of wastewater and waste types; and its applicability is growing each year. An important intermediate of organic matter conversion under methanogenic conditions is butyrate; which may account for up to 60 % of methanogenesis in anaerobic bioreactors. The degradation of butyrate is thermodynamically not favorable unless the H2 and/or formate can be removed by one of the hydrogen consumers. To proceed this reaction, the hydrogen level should be kept below 10-4to 10-5 atm. Butyrate oxidation requires syntrophic interactions between -oxidizing, hydrogen producing bacteria and hydyrogen and/or acetate utilizers. To date, several butyrate as well as some long-chain fatty acids (up to C18) oxidizing bacteria have been isolated in co-culture with hydrogen utilizing partner. This could be either methanogenic or sulfidogenic micro-organisms. The information on the degradation of butyrate is limited to the pure cultures. Diversity and ecology of syntrophic butyrate- degrading bacteria is sharing this unknown characteristic and is waiting to be explored. In this concept, the novel SIP technique was used in this study to identify the key microorganisms of the syntrophic butyrate degrading communities. The SIP incubation with 13C labeled butyrate was carried out on the wild anaerobic granular sludge of Eerbeek paper mill wastewater treatment plant, in the presence of sulfate (3 mM). It is very difficult to assess the best method for observing the most active microorganisms in mixed cultures. In this study, to reveal the genetic diversity of the complex microbial diversity, the conceptual design of the experiments were conducted to mimic in situ conditions to approach more real conditions as much as possible. For example, the 13C labelled butyrate was fed together with the actual wastewater, which was fed to the full scale anaerobic bioreactor. Since the feeding conditions were not changed from the actual situation, the syntrophic butyrate degraders would be selectively separated by the density of the nucleic acids. These results can be assigned directly to natural systems, assuming the same environmental conditions. Subsequently applied Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling method was also useful for following the changes of the presence of species along the centrifugation gradient, and was also helpful for observing the heavy and light fraction differences. The composition of the bacteria and archaea community in the syntrophic butyrate degradation environment in the full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor of paper mill wastewater was determined by the 16S rRNA phylogenetic analyses of clone libraries derived from RNA extracted from the density resolved gradient of the SIP. Around 120 bacterial and 24 archaeal clones from each heavy and light fraction of the enrichment 16S rRNA gene libraries constructed from the original sludge were analyzed by comparing the DGGE and Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) fragment patterns of the amplified 16S rRNA genes. This diverse active member of the syntrophic butyrate degraders were represented by grouping in 9 different phyla, which showed more diversity than recent studies of the bacteria capable of syntrophic metabolism in terms of both phylogenetics and physiology. This functional group of organisms did not fall into the phylogenetically consistent groups, rather, it spread out into several lineages. In most cases, the closest uncultured relatives have been identified from anaerobic ecosystems. These were the majority of the microbial community associated with deep subsurface aquifer, anaerobic dechlorinating mixed cultures equine fecal contaminated sites and bioreactors. Sequence representatives of several bacterial divisions have been identified in a wide range of habitats, suggesting the sophisticated distribution of the corresponding organisms in the environment and, potentially, their wide metabolic capabilities. The 16S rRNA gene clone library showed that the largest groups of clones belonged to the members of the Proteobacteria, which were not what was expected from the community of syntrophic butyrate degradation that belong to the phyla of Firmicutes. The main possible role of the butyrate degradation was attained to the Syntrophus sp., Sequence types associated with the genus Syntrophus sp. can produce energy from the anaerobic oxidation of organic acids, with the production of acetate and hydrogen. However, it was also found that the Syntrophobacter sp., known as propionate degrader, also played an active role in the butyrate degradation. By using these techniques, potential roles of the strain specific microorganisms involved in the syntrophic butyrate degradation were achieved. Keywords: Anaerobic treatment, molecular biological techniques, stable isotope probing

    Pollution profile and waste minimization study for a corn processing industry

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    Bu çalışmada Marmara Bölgesi’nde faaliyet gösteren büyük bir mısır işleme endüstrisi için kirlenme profili oluşturularak, çeşitli atık azaltım önerileri getirilmiştir. Bu amaçla söz konusu tesiste oluşan atıksu kaynak ve miktarları ile atıksu dışındaki atıkların tür, miktar ve özellikleri incelenmiştir. Tesiste üretim sürekli olup, ıslak öğütme ve rafineri olmak üzere iki temel proses mevcuttur. Tesisin üretim kademesindeki her bir işlem esnasında oluşan kirlilik konsantrasyonu belirlenerek kirlilik profili oluşturulmuştur. Endüstrinin biyolojik ve kimyasal kısımdan oluşan üç kademeli ileri atıksu arıtma tesisinin verimi ile deşarj suyunun kalitesi incelenerek ulusal ve uluslararası deşarj standartlarıyla kıyaslanmıştır. Kirlenme profilinin oluşturulmasında 2004-2005 dönemine ait bir yıllık kompozit numune bazlı analiz sonuçları dikkate alınmıştır. Kirlenme profili için KOİ yükü, deşarj suyunun değerlendirilmesinde ise KOİ, amonyak, nitrat, toplam fosfor ve askıda katı madde parametreleri incelenmiştir. Tesis için oluşturulan kirlenme profili incelendiğinde birim ürün başına oluşan atıksu miktarının rafineri prosesinde literatürle uyumlu olduğu; ıslak öğütme prosesinde ise literatür değerinin üstünde olduğu görülmüştür. Birim ürün başına KOİ yükleri incelendiğinde ise tesis değerlerinin literatür değerinin altında kaldığı görülmüştür. Atıksu oluşumu ve kirlilik açısından en önemli payı ıslak öğütme prosesinde yer alan evaporatör kondanse suyu oluşturmaktadır. İşletmenin arıtma tesisi performansına bakıldığında ise çıkış suyu değerlerinin ilgili ulusal ve uluslar arası yönetmelik limitlerini rahatlıkla sağladığı görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Atık azaltımı, ileri atıksu arıtımı, kirlenme profili, mısır işleme endüstrisi.Products such as starch, gluten, glucose, dextrin, fructose etc. can be obtained from corn processing. Corn based glucose products are key ingredients in the growing international markets. As the intermediate products, the vegetable oil is bought by catering factories, protein and whole-wheat are bought by the farmers for animal feed, and fructose obtained from the starch is bought by food processing industries for sweetening and beverage. Effluent from corn milling industry is known as high strength wastewater due to its high protein and starch content. Wastewater from corn wet mill industries has high COD?s (chemical oxygen demand) mainly of soluble and biodegradable character, with an initial inert COD content of less than 15%. This character has promoted the application of biological processes as appropriate treatment technology. Anaerobic and/or aerobic biological treatment systems have been used to treat these types of effluents. In this paper, a pollution profile study for a corn processing industry located in Marmara Region as 21 ha was performed and some waste minimization approaches were proposed. For this purpose, the sources and the quantities of wastewater and other types of wastes generated in the industry were investigated. Around 264000 tons of corn are processed and 997000 tons of water are used annually in the investigated industry. The mean specific water usage can be calculated as  about 3.8 m3/t-corn including regeneration and washing waters. The studied industry has a three-stage advanced wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) including anaerobic expanded granular sludge bed reactor (EGSB), intermittently aerated single sludge activated sludge system for biological nitrogen (N) removal and chemical post treatment unit for phosphorus (P) removal. Simultaneous C and N removal is achieved by the aerobic treatment stage. Chemical P removal has been performed by using FeCl3 as the coagulant in the third stage. The final effluents from the WWTP are discharging to a nearby creek. The related corn processing plant has two main production steps including wet mill and starch slurry production. In the wet mill process, corn germ, fiber, gluten and starch slurry are produced from corn by steeping. The starch slurry is further processed to produce glucose, fructose and dextrin in the starch slurry derivatives units. Efficiency of the existing three stage advanced wastewater treatment plant and the quality of effluents from the WWTP were investigated and compared with national and international discharge standards. One year data set (2004-2005) was considered to generate the pollution profile. All analytical measurements have been carried out by APHA standard methods at the wastewater laboratory of the industry. Control analyses have also been performed by Environmental Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University on monthly basis. COD parameter for the pollution profile and parameters including COD, ammonium, nitrate, total phosphorus, suspended solids and pH were considered for the evaluation of effluents from the WWTP. The identified three wastewater sources from the wet mill process and seven wastewater sources from refinery process were characterized and the pollution profile was generated. The pollution profile have shown that the amount of wastewater generated per ton of raw material in the refinery process is consistent with the related literature, however in wet milling process the corresponding value is above the literature figure. The COD loading values are also in agreement with the previous works. According to pollution profile, wastewater generation and pollutant loads as COD are mainly originated from evaporator vapor condensate. The efforts should be on the way to minimize the pollution loading and wastewater generation of this process. Some advices were given for this purpose in the study. For example, recycled cooling water from evaporator may be treated by mechanically instead chemical treatment to reduce energy and water consumptions in the plant. The quality of the final effluent meets the discharge limits of Aquatic Products and Water Pollution Control Regulations of Turkey and European Union (EU) Urban Wastewater Directive for Sensitive Regions. The whole WWTP has been operated very successfully and it is one of the best plants in this sector. The biosolids from the WWTP is planning to produce compost by mixing the residual corn wastes by applying windrow composting. Keywords: Advanced wastewater treatment, corn processing industry, pollution profile, waste minimization

    The effect of 3-methylcholanthrene and butylated hydroxytoluene on glycogen levels of liver, muscle, testis, and tumor tissues of rats

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    This study examined the effects of separate and combined applications of 3-methylcholanthrene, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and potent carcinogenic agent, and butylated hydroxytoluene, the antioxidant food additive, on the glycogen levels of liver, muscle, testis, and tumor tissues in rats. Adult male Wistar albino rats weighing 100-110 g at 8 weeks of age were used in this study. This study consisted of a control group (n = 9) and 3 different experiment groups in which rats were chronically treated with 3-methylcholanthrene (n = 9) or butylated hydroxytoluene (n = 11) or a combination of these agents (n = 14). Rats were intraperitoneally injected with a 200 mg kg(-1) dose of butylated hydroxytoluene and a 40 mg kg-1 dose of 3-methylcholanthrene. At the end of the 26-week experimental period, tissues of rats killed via cervical dislocation were placed in 10% trichloroacetic acid for glycogen determination. Our results showed that the administration of 3-methylcholanthrene, butylated hydroxytoluene, and 3-methylcholanthrene + butylated hydroxytoluene caused statistically significant changes in the glycogen levels of liver, muscle, and testis tissues, and glycogen was stored in tumor tissue

    Nosocomial Oral Myiasis by Sarcophaga sp. in Turkey

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    We present a case of oral myiasis in a 15-year-old boy with tuberculosis meningitis. The diagnosis was based on the visual presence of wriggling larvae about 1 cm in size and on the microscopic features of the maggots, especially those relating to stigmatic structures. The larvae were identified as third-stage larvae of Sarcophaga sp

    Tarım işletmelerinin finansmanı ve kredilendirilmesi

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    Anahtar Kelimeler : Tarımsal üretim, tarımsal işletmelerde finansman, tarımsal krediler.ÖZETTARIM İŞLETMELERİNİN FİNANSMANI VE KREDİLENDİRİLMESİTarım sektörü, bir ülkenin gıda ambarıdır. Bilhassa gelişmekte olan ülkelerde kalkınmanın itici gücü olarak da ön plandadır. Bu sebeple tarım sektörü bakımından, tarımsal işletmelerin finansman problemini çözerek bu işletmelerin gelişimi sektörün büyümesi ve istihdamı yönünden önem taşımaktadır. Tarımın ekonomik bir faaliyet olması nedeniyle tarımsal kredilerin yeterli gelir yaratma ve ödeme gücüne göre kullandırılması esas olup, tarımsal politika enstrümanları bu prensip üzerine dayandırılmalıdır. Türkiye ve Dünya ekonomisinde, önemli bir konuma sahip olan tarım sektörü, finansmanına çözüm aranan başlıca sektördür. Üretici, gelirleri yeterli düzeyde olmadığı için işletme sermayesi ve yatırım gereksinimini kredi kaynaklarından karşılamak mecburiyetinde kalmaktadır. Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan ülkeler çoğunlukla organize olmamış kredi kaynaklarını tercih etmektedir. Bu tarz krediler çoğunlukla kısa vadeli, yüksek faizli ve ödeme koşulları son derece ağır ve organize olmuş kredi kaynaklarının yarattığı boşluğu dolduran kredilerdir. Kredinin vaktinde uygun ve gereksinim duyulan alanlara ulaştırılması ve amacına uygun kullanımının denetlenmesi sağlanmalıdır.Keywords:Agricultural production, agricultural nterprises, finance, agricultural loans.ABSTRACTFINANCING AND CREDITING OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGSAgricultural sector is food storage for country and it especially remains in the front of developing countries as impetus of development. Because of this reason, in the agricultural sector, agricultural enterprises, solving the problem of financing the development of the enterprises of the sector in terms of growth and employment are significant. Agriculture is economic action thus adequate income generation and agricultural loans are based on ability in order to pay is utilized in line of agricultural policy instruments should be attributed this principle. Agricultural sector, which is main sector to be sought solution for its finance, has an important position in the Turkish and world economy. The producer has not adequate level of income thus he/she is obliged to meet from sources of loan for working capital and investment requirements. Developing countries such as Turkey usually prefer unorganized sources of loan. These kinds of credits are usually short dated, sub-prime, onerous payment conditions, filling the gap created by organized credit resources. Transmittal of appropriate and necessary areas of the loan on time also appropriate use and being controlled of proper use should be provided

    Eğitimin önem ve etkinliği açısından Türk sigorta sektörü

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