58 research outputs found

    Montenegrin libraries, 1989–2014

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    This paper presents a historical overview of the processes and changes experienced by libraries of all types in Montenegro during the past twenty-five years, as well as their current state. Major aspects of library work are covered: the general situation, legislation, buildings and equipment, collections, services, personnel, and automation. The period from 1989 to 2014 is characterized by a stream of social and economic turbulences as well as by rapid changes due to developments in information and communications technology. Libraries in Montenegro are keeping pace with developments in the library field generally, the National Library of Montenegro (NLM) being the primary moving force in this regard.published or submitted for publicatio

    Analysis of the polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor gene and genes associated with thrombophilia in women with idiopathic infertility

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    Uvod. Genetičke analize mogu ukazati na uzrok infertiliteta kod ţena kod kojih klinički testovi nisu uspeli da utvrde razloge reproduktivnog neuspeha. Cilj. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita postojanje veze genskih polimorfizama asociranih sa trombofilijom i polimorfizama u genu za receptor za vitamin D (VDR) sa idiopatskim infertilitetom. Materijal i metode. U studiju je uključeno 117 pacijentkinja sa idiopatskim infertilitetom, kao i 130 ţena sa najmanje jednom trudnoćom realizovanom bez komplikacija. Primenom TaqMan metode uzorci su genotipizirani u odnosu na polimorfizme: FV 1691 G>A, FII 20210 G>A, MTHFR 677 C>T, MTHFR 1298 A>C, PAI-1 -675 4G/5G, ATIII 786 G>A, ACE I/D i ITGB3 1565 T>C, dok su polimorfizmi u VDR genu analizirani primenom restrikcionih enzima (FokI, BsmI, ApaI i TaqI). Rezultati. Ispitivanjem etioloških faktora pokazano je da je porodična anamneza značajan faktor pri proceni individualnog rizika za infertilitet. Utvrđeno je da visokorizične varijante FV 1691A i FII 20210A predstavljaju nezavisne faktore rizika za nastanak primarnog infertiliteta. Analizom multilokusnih interakcija definisani su kompleksniji genotipovi asocirani sa sekundarnim infertilitetom. Ispitivanja polimorfizama u VDR genu pokazala su postojanje protektivne uloge alela F u FokI i alela B u BsmI polimorfizmu. Pored toga, analizom vezanosti markera u VDR genu identifikovano je postojanje haplotipova, od kojih je bAT povećavao rizik za sekundarni infertilitet, dok je BAT imao protektivnu ulogu za nastanak primarnog infertiliteta. Zaključak. Analiza polimorfizama u genima asociranim sa trombofilijom i genu za VDR ne samo da definiše moguće kliničko-genetičke dijagnostičke procedure, već sugeriše moguće mehanizme za odrţavanje hemostatskog i imunološkog balansa u procesu reprodukcije.Introduction. Genetic analysis may indicate cause of infertility in women to whom clinical trials have failed to determine the causes of reproductive failure. Aim. The aim of this study is to investigate a link between polymorphisms associated with thrombophilia and polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR) with idiopathic infertility. Material and methods. This study included 117 female patients with idiopathic infertility, as well as 130 women with at least one pregnancy without complications. Using TaqMan method, the samples were genotyped for polymorphisms: FV 1691 G>A, FII 20210 G>A, MTHFR 677 C>T, MTHFR 1298 A>C, PAI-1 -675 4G/5G, ATIII 786 G>A, ACE I/D and ITGB3 1565 T>C, while VDR gene polymorphisms were analyzed using restriction enzymes (FokI, BsmI, ApaI and TaqI). Results. Examination of etiological factors has shown that family history is a significant factor in assessing individual risk for infertility. High risk variants FV 1691A and FII 20210A have been shown to be independent risk factors for occurrences of primary infertility. An analysis of multilocus interactions defined more complex genotypes associated with secondary infertility. Polymorphisms testing in VDR gene showed the existence of a protective role of allele F in FokI and allele B in BsmI polymorphisms. In addition, the analysis of the linkage in VDR gene identified the existence of haplotypes, of which bAT increased the risk of secondary infertility, while BAT had a protective role of primary infertility. Conclusions. The analysis of polymorphisms in the genes associated with thrombophilia and the VDR gene not only defines possible clinical-genetic diagnostic procedures, but suggests possible mechanisms for maintaining hemostatic and immune balance in the reproductive process

    The significance of psychological preparation in martial arts

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    Overview of psychological research in the field of sport consistently shows the importance and effectiveness of psychological preparation in improving sports performance. The results of investigations of psychological factors and their success in martial arts indicate the most significant psychological skills that one needs to develop and that contribute to success: concentration and focused attention, self-confidence, relaxation, regulation of excitement and tension, control over anxiety, visualization and self-talk. Individual approach to the process of learning the psychological techniques and accommodation to personalized features of athletes have proven to be more effective than a group approach

    Alberto Marliani in the heart of Bednja

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    Objedinjujući rezultate konzervatorsko-restauratorskih, prirodoznanstvenih, povijesnoumjetničkih i povijesnih istraživanja na slici iz dvorca Trakošćan, evidentiranoj pod imenom Neutvrđeni muškarac (možda Maksimilijan I. Habsburški), tekst donosi spoznaje o porijeklu, vremenu nastanka i složenim mijenama slike koja je na jednom platnu nosila tri superponirana portreta triju različitih osoba povezanih s Milanskim Vojvodstvom i obitelji Sforza u tri različita perioda. Otkriveni izvorni renesansni portret iz ranog 16. stoljeća prikazuje plemića Alberta Marlianija i primjer je leonardesknog smjera lombardskog slikarstva visoke renesanse, ali i izniman primjer ranog portretnog slikarstva sačuvan na tlu kontinentalne Hrvatske.Conservation of the painting Unidentified Man (perhaps Emperor Maximilian I) from the large collection of portraits at the Trakošćan Castle and Museum has been carried out at the Croatian Conservation Institute, because the painted layer was flaking. The oil-on-canvas painting (119 x 87.5 cm) is the work of an unidentified artist. On the basis of the Latin inscription Maximilianus / Etatis XVII anno 1476 (Maximilian / at the age of 17 in 1476) in the upper part of the painting, museum documentation dates it to the 15th century. Conservation and natural-science research identified three subsequent interventions. As part of the non-invasive research, ultraviolet fluorescence, infrared reflectography, X-ray and X-ray reflectography imaging were carried out at 11 different locations on the painting. Invasive research was kept to a minimum. Solubility tests on the layer of surface dirt, varnish and overpainting, and microscopic analysis of the cloth thread were performed, and only one sample was taken for microsection to perform stratigraphic analysis and energy-dispersive spectroscopy. The minimum required amount of canvas was taken for the C-14 dating. The identification of painted layers led to the realization that the original portrait of Alberto Marliani, member of an extremely important and powerful Milanese noble family, was turned into a portrait of Galeazzo II by Maria Sforza during the first intervention. On that occasion, the head and pedestal of the pillar with the Latin inscription ALBERTUS / MARLÍANUS / ÆQS (Alberto Marliani nobleman) were painted over. The three-quarter view of Alberto Marliani was transformed into Gian Galeazzo’s almost full profile, and a new Latin inscription GALEATIVS / MARIA / GALEATII / MAR ET / BONAEFIL. / MEDDVX. (Galeazzo Maria (son of) Galeazzo Maria and Bono Filiberti / Duke of Milan) was added to the pillar pedestal. Interestingly, during the next intervention, this partially altered portrait was actually used as underpainting for the portrait of Emperor Maximilian I. The painting was completely covered with a new painted layer; but, apart from the altered face and the addition of a chain with a cross around the neck, the hilt of a sword at the waist and a scroll in the hand, all the elements were simply repeated in the new layer. Due to the presence of barium white (lithopone) and chrome yellow or green in the painted layer, it was concluded that the last intervention occurred in the 19th century. At the time, it was also lengthened by 16 cm through the addition of new canvas in the upper part of the painting. Dark green drapery was painted on the added canvas and part of the older painted layer. During conservation, all subsequent interventions were removed from the painting. Further historical, archival, historical and art research has contributed to a better understanding of the stylistic features of the work within the specific local and historical context

    Genetic markers and selection of the economically important traits

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    Molekularna genetika je pružila mogućnost za poboljšanje selekcije i produkcije kod domaćih životinja primenom genetičkih markera. Primena DNK markera imala je revolucionarni uticaj na projekte mapiranja gena i razvoj animalne genetike. Istraživanja su usmerena na identifikaciju gena odgovornih za variranje osobina, kao i na detekciju genetičkih markera koji se mogu koristiti u programima ukrštanja i selekcije. Tehnologija genetičkih markera, kao što je selekcija vezana za markere (MAS), identifikacija pedigrea i genska introgresija, mogu se primeniti u oblasti selekcije kod stoke. Selekcija vezana za markere (MAS) koristi informacije o genetičkim markerima za predviđan je produkcionog potencijala i omogućuje dodatne informacije za poboljšanje efikasnosti selekcije. Cilj je genetičko usavršavanje selekcije životinja i njihove produkcije. Zbog toga se genetički markeri vrlo intenzivno koriste za procenu vezanosti sa genima koji imaju uticaj na osobine od ekonomskog značaja. Ove osobine uključuju genetički uslovljene varijante proteina mleka, otpornost na bolesti i stres, kao i osobine koje utiču na kvalitet mesa, rast i osobine karakasa. Primena selekcije bazirane na tehnologiji markera omogućiće maksimalno poboljšanje ekonomske vrednosti kod domaćih životinja. .Molecular genetics made available genetic markers as a powerful tool for genetic improvement of animal selection and production. The development of DNA-based markers has had a revolutionary impact on gene mapping and animal genetics. The research is focused on the identification of the genes responsible for the variability of traits and detection of the genetic markers useful for selection and crossbreeding programs. Genetic marker technologies, such as marker-assisted selection (MAS), parentage identification and gene introgression can be applied to livestock selection programs. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a method which uses information on the location of markers to predict production potential and to improve the efficiency of selection. The major goal is genetic improvement of animal selection and production. Genetic markers are used to estimate the association with economically important trait loci. Traits of economic interest include milk protein genetic variants, milk production, disease and stress resistance and meat quality, growth and caracass traits. Selection based on marker technologies will allow maximum improvement in the economic value of domestic populations

    Should MTHFR 1298 A>C be tested together with MTHFR 677 C>T polymorphism in women with reproductive challenges?

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    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) plays a critical role in the folate metabolism. The polymorphism 677C > T of the MTHFR gene, producing thermolabile enzyme with decreased function, is widely studied and associated with many conditions. Additionally, it has been shown that another polymorphism, 1298A > C, also reduces the activity of this enzyme, although to a lesser extent. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical informativeness of testing both MTHFR polymorphisms. Genomic DNA, were extracted from peripheral blood of 180 female patients with pregnancy complications and 183 healthy female controls, and genotyped for MTHFR 677C > T and 1298A > C loci, using TaqMan assays. Our study found similar frequency of alleles and genotypes between two groups. Based on MTHFR 677C > T genotype, 11.7% of patients homozygous for this mutation were under the possible risk. When the position 1298 was included in the testing, 22.8% of the patients were heterozygous for both polymorphisms. Additionally, 8.9% of the patients were homozygous only for the MTHFR 1298 mutation. Although, there was no differences compared to healthy control (p > 0.05), 43% of patients were found to have elevated risk which is about four time higher than results with only MTHFR 677C > T genotyping. After obtaining information for the 677 position, testing for the second polymorphism (1298A > C) should be considered, since we have shown that it dramatically increases the rate of detection of patients who are potentially at risk for MTHFR associated conditions

    Kromatografsko profiliranje primarnih metabolita kao alat za kemotaksonomsku klasifikaciju uzoraka sjemenki bobičastog voća

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    Research background. Considering the importance of consumption of berry fruits with proven health-beneficial properties and difficulties in quality control of products of specific botanical and geographic origin, a fingerprint method was developed, based on advanced data analysis (pattern recognition, classification), in order to relate the variability of nutrients in the selected cultivars to primary metabolite profile. Experimental approach. Forty-five samples of genuine berry fruit cultivars (strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, black currant, blueberry, gooseberry, chokeberry, cape gooseberry and goji berry) were characterized according to chromatographic profiles of primary metabolites (sugars, lipids and fatty acids) obtained by three chromatographic techniques (high-performance thin-layer chromatography, gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, and high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection). Results and conclusions. Comprehensive analysis allowed monitoring and identification of metabolites belonging to polar lipids, mono-, di- and triacylglycerols, free fatty acids, free sterols, sterol esters, mono- to heptasaccharides and sugar alcohols. Chemical fingerprint of berry seeds showed the uniformity of primary metabolites within each fruit species, but revealed differences depending on the botanical origin. All three chromatographic methods provided a discriminative, informative and predictive metabolomics methodology, which proved to be useful for chemotaxonomic classification. Novelty and scientific contribution. A novel methodology for the identification of bioactive compounds from primary metabolites of natural products was described. The proposed untargeted metabolite profiling approach could be used in the future as a routine method for tracing of novel bioactive compounds. The knowledge of metabolite composition obtained in this study can provide a better assessment of genotypic and phenotypic differences between berry fruit species and varieties, and could contribute to the development of new breeding programs.Pozadina istraživanja. Imajući u vidu značaj konzumiranja bobičastog voća dokazanog blagotvornog učinka na organizam, ali i teškoće u kontroli kvalitete proizvoda specifičnog botaničkog i geografskog podrijetla, u radu je predložena metodologija zasnovana na kemijskom profiliranju i naprednoj analizi podataka (prepoznavanje obrazaca i klasifikacija), koja bi se mogla koristiti za procjenu autentičnosti određenih vrsta na osnovu njihovog profila primarnih metabolita. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ukupno je okarakterizirano 45 uzoraka različitih sorata bobičastog voća (jagoda, malina, kupina, crni ribiz, borovnica, ogrozd, aronija, peruanska jagoda i goji) na osnovu kemijskih profila primarnih metabolita (šećera, lipida i masnih kiselina) dobivenih pomoću triju kromatografskih tehnika (tankoslojnom kromatografijom velike učinkovitosti, plinskom kromatografijom spregnutom s masenom spektrometrijom i ionskom kromatografijom s pulsnom amperometrijskom detekcijom). Rezultati i zaključci. Sveobuhvatnom kemijskom analizom identificirane su različite klase metabolita: polarni lipidi, mono-, di- i triacilgliceroli, slobodne masne kiseline, slobodni steroli, sterolni esteri, mono- do heptasaharidi i šećerni alkoholi. Rezultati pokazuju da uzorci koji pripadaju istoj biljnoj vrsti imaju sličan kemijski profil, a različite vrste imaju različit sastav primarnih metabolita. Sve tri kromatografske metode pružaju diskriminativnu, informativnu i prediktivnu metabolomičku metodologiju primjenjivu u kemotaksonomskoj klasifikaciji. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Opisana je nova metodologija identifikacije bioaktivnih spojeva iz primarnih metabolita prirodnih proizvoda. Predloženi pristup neciljanog profiliranja metabolita mogao bi se koristiti kao rutinska metoda pronalaska novih bioaktivnih spojeva. Poznavanje sastava metabolita omogućuje bolju procjenu genotipskih i fenotipskih razlika između sorata bobičastog voća, što može pridonijeti razvoju novih programa oplemenjivanja

    Static magnetic field improves effects of biopriming by Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2

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    Seed inoculation (biopriming) represents an agronomic practice directed towards improving germination, as well as fostering beneficial plant-microbe interaction from the very beginning of plants’ life. Besides biopriming, static magnetic field (SMF) is studied as an abiotic factor affecting germination and plant growth. This paper is aimed to examine the combined effect of Azotobacter chroococcum F8/2 and SMF of 90 mT on germination. A. chroococcum F8/2 has been proven as a successful biopriming agent, with beneficial effect on cucumber, tomato, wheat, and soybean germination. This research starts from the hypothesis that the combined effect of Azotobacter inoculation and SMF could lead to synergistic improvement of germination parameters, compared to already shown effects of biopriming itself. The research was conducted with following cultivable plants: basil, cucumber, tomato, wheat, and soybean. Seed treatment was performed by 1h-immersion of surface-sterilized seeds into bacterial suspension (107CFU/ml), followed by exposure to SMF of 90 mT for 5 min and 15 min. The germination test was conducted with 100 seeds per treatment and lasted 7 days. The highest improvement of germination percentages was observed in cucumber and basil (an increase for 35-41% and 41-45%, respectively), compared to biopriming without SMF treatment. Tomato and wheat germination were not improved by addition of SMF treatment to biopriming. The obtained results indicate that the application of SMF can affect the germination parameters that are changed by biopriming. There is a need for further research in order to explain the differences between plant species’ response

    Nutritional attributes of wheat bread fortified with convectively dried chokeberry powder

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    Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa L.) has a positive effect on human health, and therefore it can be used as a beneficial component for food (e.g. wheat bread) fortification. Dried chokeberry powder (CP), obtained by convective drying at 50, 60, and 70°C, fortified bread samples by replacing wheat flour at levels of 1, 2.5, 5 and 10%. Bread samples fortified with chokeberry were characterized by a decrease in total starch and protein contents and an increase in total sugar, mineral (Mg, Ca, Cu), and fat components; unsaturated oleic acid was reduced, unlike unsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids. All developed mathematical models for starch, protein, fat, and minerals in bread supplemented with CP were characterized by statistically insignificant residual variances and high values of R2. Z-score analysis showed the optimal segment and total scores of bread fortified with CP. Chokeberries dried at a temperature of 60°C showed the best nutritional attributes. Wheat bread enriched with CP in the amount of 10% had the highest level of fortification.Publishe


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    Medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) is considered as underutilized fruit, it is nutritionally valuable rich in both primary and secondary metabolites. In this work the physicochemical composition and antioxidant properties of medlar fruits originated from different locations in Serbia were examined. The moisture and protein contents of the fruits were in the ranges 73-79% and 0.43-0.47% w/w, respectively. The aveage total phenolic content and antioxidant activity measured by DDPH and FRAP assays, were 2131.62 µg/GAE/g, 1306.6 µmol TE/g and 916.46 µmol Fe2+ eq, respectively. Chlorogenic acid (9.61-11.62 µg/g) was the most abundant phenolic acid, whereas contents of catechin (9.69-11.51 µg/g) and epicathenine (7.29-25.31 µg/g) were the highest in most of samples