171 research outputs found

    The failure of planning endevour in north east border area of Serbia towards Bulgaria

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    With the transition, spatial planning was supposed to mitigate the negative effects of the new player - market to the public interest. But, seems like our planning didn't find the mechanisms to mitigate those effects created by the market inside it. Planning institutions in pretransitional period were exclusively in public sector. We now have on one side, some big planning institution, partially financed from the state's budget usually with the monopoly over elaboration of one group of plans and on the other side, smaller ones which are being privatized. Both are thrown to the market and are trying to acquire as much engagements as possible in order to secure enough financing. They are producing more plans for less money in a shorter period of time. As a result, these former public agents diverted by the new hostile conditions given by undeveloped market and neoliberal environment are still presenting traditional rigid planning model, deterministic and inflexible, with fixed land use parameters and regulations. Seems like the turbulent times in which the most important task is to survive didn't give them a chance to develop and to introduce more innovative and novel models in view of participative, strategic and action plan oriented planning. The failure of planning enterprise to achieve at least some balance in regional inequity is clearly visible in peripheral, i.e. border areas. The paper discuss the main objectives and planning concepts in various overlapping planning documents on national, regional and local levels elaborated for Timocka krajina, a border region situated in NE Serbia towards a frontier to Bulgaria, and the obvious gap between planning optimism and accurate demographic, social and economic decline of the region, despite both local and European based, mostly cross border related projects and initiatives

    The effect of changes of ecological factors on composition and dynamics of phytoplankton cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria) in small reservoirs

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    Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije su fitoplanktonske cijanobakterije (Cyanobacteria) u malim akumulacijama i uticaji ekoloških faktora na prisustvo i dominaciju različitih vrsta, sa posebnim aspektom na potencijalno invazivne i toksične cijanobakterije. Trogodišnji monitoring je sproveden jednom mesečno na tri akumulacije (akumulacija Šumarice, akumulacija Bubanj i Aleksandrovačka akumulacija). Primenom metode samoorganizujućih mapa (SOM) omogućena je klasifikacija uzoraka na osnovu fizičkih i hemijskih parametara, kao i vizualizacija prostorne distribucije biotičkih parametara. Tri pomenuta vodna tela značajno se razlikuju po opštim karakteristikama, hemijskom sastavu vode i dinamici fitoplanktonskih cijanobakterija. Različitost ispitivanih akumulacija se ogleda u malom broju zajedničkih taksona i u taksonima koji su bili najfrekventniji i cvetajući: akumulacija Šumarice (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), akumulacija Bubanj (Microcystis aeruginosa) i Aleksandrovačka akumulacija (Raphidiopsis raciborskii). Najznačajniji sredinski parametri koji utiču na zajednicu cijanobakterija su koncentracije ukupnog fosfora i azota. Naša studija pokazuje da ekstremne padavine mogu da dovedu do povećanja koncentracije hranljivih materija u rezervoarima, i uzrokuju značajan ekološki poremećaj zajednice (cvetanje potencijalno toksičnih cijanobakterija). Pojava i dominacija invazivne vrste R. raciborskii u Aleksandrovačkoj akumulaciji pokazuje da ova vrsta širi svoj areal rasprostranjenja. Prilikom sprovedenog istraživanja u okviru ove disertacije u Srbiji prvi put je detektovan toksin cilindrospermopsin (CYN). Ova studija je pokazala da je ekstrakt vrste R. raciborskii ispoljio genotoksičnost čak i u niskim koncentracijama i povećao oksidativni stres u jetri pacova nakon jednog izlaganja.The research subject of this doctoral dissertation includes phytoplankton cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria) in the small reservoirs and the effects of ecological factors on the presence and dominance of different species, with particular aspects on invasive and potentially toxic cyanobacteria. Three-year monitoring was conducted (monthly) on three reservoirs (Šumarice reservoir, Bubanj reservoir, and Aleksandrovac reservoir). The method of self-organizing map (SOM) provided the efficient classification of samples, based on physical and chemical parameters, as well as the visualization of the spatial distribution of biotic parameters. These three water bodies are significantly different according to their general characteristics, chemical water composition, and cyanobacteria dynamics. The dissimilarity of the examined reservoirs is reflected in the small number of common taxa and in the taxa that were the most frequent and blooming: Šumarice reservoir (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae), Bubanj reservoir (Microcystis aeruginosa) and Aleksandrovac reservoir (Raphidiopsis raciborskii). Тhe most important environmental parameters affecting the cyanobacteria community are concentrations of total phosphorus and nitrogen. Our study shows that extreme precipitations can cause an increase in nutrient concentration in reservoirs and significant environmental disturbance to the community (blooming of potentially toxic cyanobacteria). The domination of invasive species R. raciborskii in Aleksandrovac reservoir indicates that this species is expanding its areal distribution. The research conducted in this dissertation has detected the toxin cilindrospermopsin (CYN) for the first time in Serbia. This study shows that the extract of R. raciborskii exhibited genotoxicity even at low concentrations and increased oxidative stress in rat liver after a single exposure

    An exact analytical solution for the second order slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation

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    Izvedena je opšta Rejnoldsova jednačina podmazivanja za uslove strujanja sa klizanjem primenom opštih graničnih uslova klizanja drugog reda i pokazano je da ona ima tačno analitičko rešenje. Rešenje je dobijeno tansformacijom zavisno promenljive što je dovelo do mogućnosti analitičkog proračuna raspodele pritiska i masenog protoka u mikroležaju. Na taj način, poređenjem sa datim analitičkim rešenjem omogućena je provera eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata za strujanje gasa u mikroležajima.We derive a general slip-corrected compressible Reynolds lubrication equation, valid for any choice of the slip velocities, and show that it possesses the exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the dependent variable, and it yields both the pressure distribution in the bearing and the mass flow rate through it. It can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results obtained under the same or similar physical conditions, against this solution

    An exact analytical solution for the second order slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation

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    Izvedena je opšta Rejnoldsova jednačina podmazivanja za uslove strujanja sa klizanjem primenom opštih graničnih uslova klizanja drugog reda i pokazano je da ona ima tačno analitičko rešenje. Rešenje je dobijeno tansformacijom zavisno promenljive što je dovelo do mogućnosti analitičkog proračuna raspodele pritiska i masenog protoka u mikroležaju. Na taj način, poređenjem sa datim analitičkim rešenjem omogućena je provera eksperimentalnih i numeričkih rezultata za strujanje gasa u mikroležajima.We derive a general slip-corrected compressible Reynolds lubrication equation, valid for any choice of the slip velocities, and show that it possesses the exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the dependent variable, and it yields both the pressure distribution in the bearing and the mass flow rate through it. It can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results obtained under the same or similar physical conditions, against this solution

    The exact analytical solution for the gas lubricated bearing in the slip and continuum flow regime

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    The exact analytical solution for the compressible two-dimensional gas flow in the microbearing is presented. The general slip-corrected Reynolds lubrication equation is derived and it is shown that it possesses an exact analytical solution. It is obtained by a suitable transformation of the independent variable, and it provides the pressure distribution in the bearing as well as the mass flow rate through it. By neglecting the rarefaction effect, this solution is also applicable to the continuum gas flow in the bearing, which also does not exist in the open literature. The obtained analytical solution can be usefully applied for testing the other, experimental or numerical results

    New data on distribution and ecology of Batrachospermum (Rhodophyta) in Serbia

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    The paper describes the distribution and ecology of populations of the genus Batrachospermum collected in Serbia from 2006 to 2015 at 10 sites, all of which represent new localities of Batrachospermum in Serbia. The records of this genus in the Boračka River and in a spring near Kragujevac (Cerovac) are the first in Central Serbia. Batrachospermum was recorded at altitudes of from 235 to 1600 m at localities mainly in partial or full shade on stone, gravel or concrete substrata in cold water (10.50 - 15.40oC) that was neutral to weakly alkaline (pH 7.2 – 8.65) with conductivity of from 55 to 539 μS/cm. Species of the genus Batrachospermum in Serbia have to date been recorded in clean, well-aerated waters with a low concentration of biogenic salts and in habitats without anthropogenic impact. Any factors altering abiotic parameters of their habitats can lead to changes and the loss of populations of the sensitive species of this genus

    Uticaj različitih dijetarnih režima na imunitet

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    Although it is considered that optimal nutrition could provide all essential nutrients and active compounds, various dietary regimes are often not following the relevant recommendations. On the contrary, nutritional status is closely related to the immune system. Namely, insufficient caloric intake or a lack of a nutrient can primarily weaken the immune response. The gastrointestinal tract plays an essential role in the function of the immune system, which is both the place of absorption of nutrients and the body's immune defence. Globally, the most prominent cause of immunodeficiencies is undernutrition and starvation, up to 50 % of undeveloped countries' populations. Undernutrition negatively affects both innate and adaptive immunity; considering these facts, it is clear that a prolonged low caloric intake could affect immunity adversely. Since the sixties, World Health Organisation has considered relations between nutrition and immunity, and nutritional immunology is a newer scientific discipline. Later, the precise relationship between low protein intake and lymphoid tissue involution was defined. Generally, the deficiencies of energy, proteins, iron, iodine, vitamin A, zinc and calcium are the most common. It is estimated that every third person is being affected globally. Prolonged hypercaloric intake and resulting obesity could also exhibit immunocompromising effects through inflammation and hyperactivation of the immune system. The negative impact on the immune system could also be provoked by intense physical activity, infective agents, and emotional stress.Iako se stručna javnost slaže da se odgovarajući unos nutrijenata može obezbediti dobro izbalansiranom ishranom, u opštoj populaciji su zastupljeni različiti režimi ishrane koji u potpunosti ne slede preporuke relevantnih tela. Sa druge strane, nutritivni status je u bliskoj vezi sa imunskim sistemom. Naime, nedovoljan kalorijski unos ili nedostatak nekog nutrijenta prvenstveno može dovesti do slabljenja imunskog odgovora. Važnu ulogu u funkciji imunskog sistema ima i gastrointestinalni trakt koji predstavlja mesto apsopcije nutrijenata, ali i imunološke odbrane organizma. Najčešć i uzrok imunodeficijencije u svetu je pothranjenost. i to kod čak 50% stanovništva u zemljama trećeg sveta. Pothranjenost dovodi do poremećaja i urođenog i stečenog imunskog odgovora. Imajući u vidu ove činjenice, jasno se nameće zaključak da dugotrajni režimi smanjenog kalorijskog unosa mogu ispoljiti sličan efekat. Nutritivna imunologija je relativno mlada naučna disciplina koja se bavi ovom problematikom, a šezdesetih godina izlazi monografija Svetske zdravstvene organizacije na ovu temu. Sedamdesetih je uspostavljena jasna veza izmedju proteinske malnutricije i involucije limfoidnog tkiva, pa i timusa. Globalno, među najzastupljenijijim deficitima su deficit energetskog unosa, proteina, gvožđa, joda, vitamina A, D, cinka i kalcijuma, a procena je da je svaka treća osoba u svetu pogođena nekim od nutritivnih deficita. Dugotrajan prekomeran kalorijski unos kao i posledična gojaznost, takođe mogu ispoljiti imunokompromitujući efekat i to kroz inflamaciju, kao i hiperaktivaciju imunskog odgovora. Negativan efekat na imunski sistem mogu imati i veoma intenzivan fizički napor, kao i psihički stress, i različiti infektivni agensi.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra

    Opravdanost upotrebe dodataka ishrani u populaciji trudnica

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    Pregnancy is one of the most nutritionally demanding periods in a woman's life. During pregnancy there is an increase in nutritional requirements in order to support fetal growth and development. Maternal metabolic demands and tissue development specific to reproduction are also in a need for additional nutrition. Increased need for macro- and micronutrients can be achieved by well-balanced and varied diet. Dietary supplements may be used when it is not possible to have adequate diet due to subjective or objective reasons such as nausea and vomiting. Dietary supplements are defined as concentrated sources of nutrients and other substances with nutritional or physiological effect in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Supplements that are most commonly used in pregnancy are folic acid and iron. Substances that do not occur in sufficient amount in food, such as vitamins and minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids n-3 series, diatary fibers, may also be added to a diet in a form of supplements. Different countries have different recommendations regarding use of dietary supplements in pregnancy, which indicates that the use of supplements largely depends on demographic, social and economic parameters. In Serbia, supplementation is based on recommendations from gynecologists and individual choice of a pregnant woman as there are still no national recommendations, except for supplementation of folic acid.Trudnoća je nutritivno jedan od najzahtevnijih perioda u životu žene. U toku trudnoće rastu nutritivne potrebe kako bi se obezbedio fetalni rast i razvoj i podržale metaboličke potrebe majke i razvoj tkiva specifičan za reprodukciju. Preporuke su da se povećane potrebe za proteinima, ugljenim hidratima, mastima, kao i potrebe za vitaminima i mineralima zadovolje dobro balansiranom i raznovrsnom ishranom, a tamo gde to nije moguće postići, iz subjektivnih ili objektivnih razloga (mučnina, povraćanje), koriste se dodaci ishrani (dijetetski suplementi). Po definiciji, dijetetski suplementi su proizvodi koji predstavljaju koncentrovane izvore nutrijenata i drugih sastojaka sa fiziološkim ili hranljivim efektom u doziranom farmaceutskom obliku. U periodu trudnoće najčešće se suplementiraju folna kiselina i gvožđe kao i drugi vitamini i minerali ukoliko se ne unose hranom u dovoljnim količinama, polinezasićene masne kiseline omega-3 serije i dr. Različite zemlje imaju različite stavove i preporuke u vezi sa primenom dodataka ishrani u trudnoći, što nam ukazuje na to da upotreba suplemenata u velikoj meri zavisi od demografskih, socioloških i ekonomskih parametara. U Srbiji, izuzev preporuka za suplementaciju folne kiseline, još uvek ne postoje preporuke koje bi se odnosile na primenu određenih suplemenata u trudnoći, tako da je to uglavnom prepušteno preporukama od strane ginekologa ili individualnom izboru trudnice

    Ecological status assessment of the Samokovska river: 2018 case study

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    The Samokovska River, as the most important watercourse of the Kopaonik National Park, has been poorly investigated from algological and water quality aspects. This river is not covered by the monitoring program of the Serbian Environmental Protection Agency routine. Our research performed in October 2018 aimed to present an algal diversity, ecological status assessment, and negative anthropogenic impacts threatening this river. For ecological status assessment purposes, the diatom indices phytobenthos and physico-chemical parameters of water were used. The typology and the problem of reliable assessing of the ecological status were also discussed on the example of the Samokovska River

    Suplementacija magnezijuma i status gvožđa kod studentkinja - studija intervencije

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    Abstract Background: Literature data indicate the benefit of magnesium (Mg) supplementation. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of short-term Mg supplementation on iron status in healthy female participants. Methods: One hundred healthy female students of the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Pharmacy participated the study during eleven intervention days. Students ingested Mg preparations with the same dose of the active substance. The analysis included the measurement of serum iron, unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC), total iron binding capacity (TIBC), total Mg (tMg), ionized Mg (iMg), complete blood count, met-, carboxy- and oxy-haemoglobin (metHgb, COHgb, O2Hgb). Transferrin concentrations and percentage of transferrin saturation (SAT) were calculated manually. The association among the analyzed biochemical parameters was examined using polynomial regression. A principal component analysis (PCA) was used for the evaluation of interdependence between the analyzed parameters. Results: A statistically significant trend for change in O2Hgb (%) by tertiles of iMg concentrations was found (P = 0.029). Serum tMg reached significant positive correlation with the SAT at concentration levels greater than 0.9 mmol/L, after 11 days of intervention (R2=0.116). Ionized Mg in a concentration higher than 0.6 mmol/L is positively correlated with SAT and serum Fe (R2=0.214; 0.199, respectively). PCA revealed variability of 64.7% for two axes after 11 days. Conclusions: Mg supplementation leads to an improvement in the certain iron status parameters even in individuals with optimal levels of these indices. However, caution should be exercised when supplementing Mg, and laboratory monitoring of the interaction is required.Uvod: Literaturni podaci ukazuju na benefit suplementacije magnezijumom (Mg). Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita uticaj kratkotrajne suplementacije Mg na status gvožđa kod zdravih žena. Metode: Sto zdravih studentkinja Univerzitet u Beogradu - Farmaceutskog fakulteta je učestvovalo u istraživanju tokom jedanaest dana intervencije. Studenti su uzimali preparate Mg sa istom dozom aktivne supstance. U serumu je određivano gvožđe, nezasićen kapacitet vezivanja gvožđa (UIBC), ukupan kapacitet vezivanja gvožđa (TIBC), ukupan Mg (tMg), jonizovni Mg (iMg), kompletna krvna slika, met-, karboksiioksihemoglobin (metHgb, COHgb, O2Hgb). Transferin i saturacija transferina (SAT) su izračunati ručno. Povezanost analiziranih biohemijskih parametara je ispitana pomoću polinomalne regresije. Za procenu međuzavisnosti između analiziranih parametara korišćena je analiza glavnih komponenti (PCA). Rezultati: Utvrđen je statistički značajan trend promene O2Hgb (%) po tertilima koncentracija iMg (P = 0,029). Ukupan Mg je dostigao značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju sa SAT pri koncentracijama većim od 0,9 mmol/L, nakon 11 dana intervencije (R2 = 0,116). Jonizovani Mg u koncentraciji većoj od 0,6 mmol/L pozitivno korelira sa SAT i gvožđem (R2 = 0,214; 0,199, redom). PCA analizom je pokazana varijabilnost od 64,7% za dve ose nakon 11 dana. Zaključak: Suplementacija Mg dovodi do poboljšanja određenih parametara statusa gvožđa čak i kod pojedinaca sa optimalnim nivoima ovih parametara. Međutim treba biti oprezan pri suplementaciji Mg, a dodatno je neophodno i laboratorijsko praćenje ovih interakcija