42 research outputs found

    Vector based semantic analysis reveals absence of competition among related senses

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    Ranija istraživanja pokazala su da je porast u broju povezanih značenja (polisemija) praćen kraćim vremenom obrade reči, dok je porast u broju nepovezanih značenja (homonimija) praćen dužim vremenom obrade reči. U ovom istraživanju evaluirali smo metod za kvantitativno opisivanje višeznačnih reči na osnovu višedimenzionalne distribucije kontekstualnih vektora kojeg su predložili Moscoso del Prado Martín i saradnici. Na osnovu distribucije kontekstualnih vektora pojedinačnih pojavljivanja polisemičnih reči srpskog jezika izračunata je entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije i negentropija funkcije gustine verovatnoće. Entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije, koja je izvedena iz matrice kovarijanse, predstavlja meru varijabilnosti u višedimenzionalnom prostoru i odslikava postojanje povezanih značenja reči (polisemija). Negentropija predstavlja razliku između entropije ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije i diferencijalne entropije funkcije gustine verovatnoće kontekstualnih vektora i odslikava postojanje nepovezanih značenja (homonimija). U skladu sa predviđanjima, na skupu polisemičnih imenica srpskog jezika, zabeležen je samo efekat entropije ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije. Negentropija nije imala uticaj na vreme reakcije. Ovaj nalaz je u skladu sa pretpostavkom da entropija ekvivalentne Gausove distribucije, kao mera širine aktivacije u semantičkom prostoru, odslikava polisemiju, odnosno prisustvo povezanih značenja reči. Stoga se prednost u obradi polisemičnih reči može objasniti širokom aktivacijom u semantičkom prostoru i smanjenom kompeticijom među Gausovim distribucijama koje se preklapaju u velikoj meri.Previous research demonstrated that processing time was facilitated by number of related word senses (polysemy) and inhibited by number of unrelated word meanings (homonymy). The starting point of this research were the findings described by Moscoso del Prado Martín and colleagues, who offered a unique account of processing of two forms of lexical ambiguity. By applying the techniques they proposed, for the set of strictly polysemous Serbian nouns we calculated ambiguity measures they introduced. Based on the covariance matrix of the context vectors, we derived entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution, and based on the context vectors probability density function, we derived differential entropy. Negentropy was calculated as the difference between the two. Based on interpretation that entropy of equivalent Gaussian mirrors sense cooperation, or polysemy, while negentropy mirrors meaning competition, or homonymy, we predicted that in the set of strictly polysemous nouns, negentropy effect would disappear. In accordance with our predictions, entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution accounted for significant proportion of processing latencies variance. Negentropy did not affect reaction time. This finding is in accordance with the hypothesis that entropy of equivalent Gaussian distribution, as a measure of general width of activation in semantic space, reflects polysemy, that is, the existence of related senses. Therefore, polysemy advantage could be the result of the wide-spread activation in semantic space and reduced competition among overlapping Gaussians

    Categor 1.1 – slobodan softver za pomoć u razvrstavanju odgovora u kategorije i analizi kategorija

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    Premda se istraživanja u eksperimentalnoj psihologiji dominantno oslanjaju na kvantitativne podatke, postoje brojne situacije u kojima se od ispitanika zahteva davanje opisnih odgovora. To je naročito prisutno u početnim fazama ispitivanja neke pojave i u situacijama kada istraživač ne želi da nameće strukturu, već ima cilj da ispita intuicije svojih ispitanika. Ipak, prikupljene odgovore ponekad je, u cilju sticanja uvida u obrasce u prikupljenim podacima, potrebno podeliti u grupe srodnih odgovora.XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа "Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа

    Subtypes and Mechanisms of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Proposed by Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a relatively common inherited cardiac disease that results in left ventricular hypertrophy. Machine learning uses algorithms to study patterns in data and develop models able to make predictions. The aim of this study is to identify HCM subtypes and examine the mechanisms of HCM using machine learning algorithms. Clinical and laboratory findings of 143 adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of nonobstructive HCM are analyzed; HCM subtypes are determined by clustering, while the presence of different HCM features is predicted in classification machine learning tasks. Four clusters are determined as the optimal number of clusters for this dataset. Models that can predict the presence of particular HCM features from other genotypic and phenotypic information are generated, and subsets of features sufficient to predict the presence of other features of HCM are determined. This research proposes four subtypes of HCM assessed by machine learning algorithms and based on the overall phenotypic expression of the participants of the study. The identified subsets of features sufficient to determine the presence of particular HCM aspects could provide deeper insights into the mechanisms of HCM

    Computational bioengineering for heart disease

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    In silico clinical trials are a new paradigm for development of a new drug and medical device. SILICOFCM project is multiscale modeling of familial cardiomyopathy which considers a comprehensive list of patient specific features as genetic, biological, pharmacologic, clinical, imaging and cellular aspects. The 3D deformable-body represents the left and right ventricle of the heart. Blood flow is modeled during the filling phase by applying the fluid-solid interaction method. The ventricle wall is modeled by 3D brick 8-node solid elements, with fibers that have threedimensional direction. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved using the ALE formulation for fluid with large displacements of the boundary. The ventricle wall model is simulated by the muscle material model. Muscle fiber orientation is defined by direction vector in 3D prescribed through input data. The outlet blood pressure is used as the boundary condition. At the same time, the wall muscle fibers are activated according to the activation function taken from specific patient measurements. Computational Platform for Multiscale Modelling in biomedical engineering is results of SGABU project that is served as an educational tool for students and researchers. The platform integrates already developed solutions and various datasets related to cancer, cardiovascular, bone disorders and tissue engineering into one multiscale platform. This will enable further validation and parameterization of models, creation of environment for future trends, e.g. in silico clinical trials, virtual surgery, development of prediction models. InSilc project is devoted to in silico mechanical stent testing within ISO 25539 standards and in silico stent deployment for metallic and biodegradable material. In-silico projects will connect basic experimental research with clinical study and bioinformatics, data mining and image processing tools using very advanced computer models for drug, stent and patient database in order to reduce animal and clinical studies.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202

    Uticaj podužnog krovnog sprega na dužinu izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale

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    Rad prikazuje parametarsku analizu izvijanja uklještenih stubova industrijske hale uzimajući u obzir i postojanje podužnog krovnog sprega. Primenom LBA (Linear Buckling Analysis) u prostornom modelu čelične konstrukcije određena je najpre kritična sila izvijanja, a zatim i koeficijent dužine izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale. Analizom je obuhvaćeno osam različitih dispozicionih rešenja industrijske hale u smislu položaja podužnog krovnog sprega i vertikalnog sprega u kalkanu. U okviru svakog dispozicionog rešenja varirana je dužina hale. Razmatran je slučaj kada se spregovi projektuju tako da njihova ispuna može da prihvati pritisak i zatazanje, kao i slučaj kada spreg čini ispuna koja prihvata samo sile zatezanja. Prikazana je vrednost koeficijenta dužine izvijanja glavnih stubova industrijske hale u funkciji uticajnih parametara.This paper presents a parametric analysis of flexural buckling of cantilever columns of industrial hall with longitudinal roof bracing. Linear Buckling Analysis - LBA was performed in 3D hall model to determine critical buckling load and buckling coefficient of the main columns. The analysis included eight different industrial hall layouts in terms of longitudinal roof bracing and gable end bracing positions. Within each layout, the hall length was varied. Two cases of bracing structural behaviour were considered: bracing diagonals that can be loaded both in tension and compression and diagonals that can only be loaded in tension. Buckling coefficient values of the main columns of the industrial hall are presented in function of influencing parameters

    Indeks pleva - pokazatelj produktivnosti i kvaliteta plevičastih pšenica

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    Wheat with hulled grain is einkorn (Triticum monococcum L), emmer (Triticum dicoccum Schrank) and spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L). During the wheat harvest spikes decompose to spikelets in which the grain (caryopsis) is tightly wrapped in chaffs and glumes. Since this hulled grain is improper for human diet it is necessary to peel it off mechanically before the use. The seed, i.e. the grain of true cereals, has about a hundred of characteristics, of which 20% have significance for the market, while 10-15% is officially studied. Hulled grain or hulled seed is the term that exists in the market of world trade. Introduction of hulled wheat into production and its growing presence on the market imposes the need for a clearer presentation of the grain presence in the crowd of hulled grain. As a result of our previous studies on spelt wheat we defined the term - the hull index (HI), that presents the ratio between the weight of un hulled and hulled grain. H=YDG/YHG x 100 Calculation formula: HI - hull index YDG - yield of dehulled grain YHG - yield of hulled grain This term can be used in research as an indicator of hulled wheat productivity, while in the trade it could indicate the grain quality more clearly, whether it was a seed or mercantile goods.Pšenice plevičastog ploda su jednozrnac (Triticum monococcum L), dvozrnac (Triticum dicoccum Schrank) i krupnik (Triticum spelta L). Pri žetvi ovih pšenica klas se raspada na klasiće u kojima je zrno (caryopsis) čvrsto obavijeno plevama i plevicama. Ovakav plevičasti plod nepodesan je za korišćenje u ishrani ljudi, pa ga je pre upotrebe potrebno mašinski oljuštiti. Seme, odnosno zrno pravih žita, ima oko stotinu osobina, od njih 20% ima značaj za tržište, dok se 10-15% zvanično ispituje. Na tržištu u svetskom prometu kao kategorija za plevičaste pšenice, često figurira plevičato seme ili zrno. Uvođenje u proizvodnju kao i sve veća zastupljenost proizvoda od zrna ovih pšenica na tržištu, nameće potrebu za jasnijim prikazivanjem odnosa zrna u masi plevičastih plodova. Kao rezultat rada naših predhodnih istraživanja na krupniku, definisan je termin - indeks pleva (IP) koji predstavlja odnos između mase oljuštenog zrna i plevičastog zrna. Ovaj termin može poslužiti u istraživačkom radu kao pokazatelj produktivnosti za plevičaste pšenice, a u prometu zrna ovih pšenica može jasnije da ukaže na kvalitet, bilo da se radi o semenskoj ili merkantilnoj robi

    Parametri rodnosti sorti šećerne repe u uslovima suvog ratarenja

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    Trail with sugar beet was set up during three years. Yield parameters were analyzed on five different origins of sugar beet varieties. Variety had a statistically significant affect on the yield sugar beet. The average yield for all tested varieties was 54.25 t ha-1. The highest average yield was achieved by varieties Chiara, 72.58 t ha-1, and Otis, 64.55 t ha-1 the variety Severina the lowest, 36.76 t ha-1. The variety Severina had the highest average crystal sugar content, 16.65%. Crystalline sugar yield, as the most important indicator of sugar beet yield, statistically significantly depended on the variety. Quality, namely technological root value largely depends of variety. Coarseness of the root was in inverse proportion to the content of sugar.Ogledi sa šećernom repom izvođeni su tokom tri godine. Analizirani su parametri rodnosti pet sorti šećerne repe različitog porekla. Sorta je imala statistički značajan uticaj na prinosa korena šećerne repe. Prosečan prinos korena za sve testirane sorte iznosio je 54,25 t ha-1. Najviši prinos imale su sorte Chiara, 72,58 tha-1 i Otis, 64,55 t ha- 1, a sorta Severina najniži, 36,76 tha-1. Sorta Severina imala je najveći sadržaj kristalnog šećera, 16,65%. Prinos kristalnog šećera, kao najvažniji pokazatelj rodnosti šećerne repe, statistički je značajno zavisio od sorte. Tehnološka vrednost korena u velikoj meri zavisila je od sorte. Krupnoća korena bila je u obrnutoj proporciji sa sadržajem kristalnog šećera

    Uticaj agroekoloških uslova i folijarne prihrane na prinos i komponente prinosa heljde u konvencionalnom i organskom sistemu gajenja

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    Forgotten or neglected arable land plants, such as buckwheat, are becoming increasingly important in crop production. Grain and one seed nuts are in the usage for humans and domestic animals diet. On the fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Backi Petrovac, researches were conducted in terms of conventional (2010-2012) and organic cropping systems, 2012. Analysis of the average yields showed that Novosadska buckwheat variety achieved a statistically significantly higher yield in 2010th (2,996 kg ha-1) compared to the 2011th and 2012th (p lt 0.01). The year showed statistical significance based on the analysis of variance. The average yields of Novosadska buckwheat variety, the variant with foliar fertilization in the conventional cropping system, were significantly higher compared with the control. The average yields amounted 1.395 kg ha-1 and were higher by 214 kg ha-1, or 18.12% compared to the control. The average plants height was 144 cm. 1000 grain weight was on the average of 23.72 g for the entire experiment. Average yields in the organic cropping system were higher in variants with foliar fertilization (1322 kg ha-1) by 7% compared to the control and plants were higher by 7.28%. Plants were higher in the organic system of cultivation by 13 cm, or 9% compared with plants grown in conventional cropping system, while the yields fell for 73 kg ha-1, respectively by 5.52%. Foliar fertilizers proved to be a possible method for yield, 1000 grain weight and plant height increasing in conventional and organic cropping systems.Zaboravljene ili zapostavljene njivske biljke, kao što je heljda, postaju sve značajnije u biljnoj proizvodnji. U ishrani ljudi i domaćih životinja koristi se zrno, odnosno jednosemeni plod orašica. Na parcelama Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, u Bačkom Petrovcu, sprovedena su istraživanja u uslovima konvencionalnog (2010-2012) i organskog sistema gajenja, 2012. Analiza prosečnih prinosa pokazala je da je sorta heljde Novosadska ostvarila visoko statistički značajno veći prinos u 2010 (2.996 kg ha-1) u odnosu na 2011 i 2012. godinu (p lt 0,01). Na osnovu analize varijanse godina je pokazala statističku značajnost. Prosečni prinosi zrna heljde sorte Novosadska u konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja, u varijanti sa folijarnom prihranom bili su statistički značajno veći u odnosu na kontrolu. Prosečni prinosi su iznosili 1.395 kg ha-1 u i bili su veći za 214 kg ha-1, odnosno za 18,12 % u odnosu na kontrolu. Prosečna visina biljka iznosila je 144 cm. Masa 1000 zrna iznosila je u proseku za ceo ogled 23,72 g. U organskom sistemu gajenja prosečni prinosi bili su veći u varijanti sa folijarnom prihranom (1.322 kg ha-1) za 7 % u odnosu na kontrolu i biljke su bile više za 7,28 %. Ustanovljene razlike značajnosti sa stanovišta uticaja sistema proizvodnje na prosečne vrednosti ispitivanih osobina statistički nisu bile signifikantne (p >0,05). U organskom sistemu gajenja biljke su bile više za 13 cm, odnosno za 9 % u odnosu na biljke gajene u konvencionalon sistemu gajenja, dok su prinosi bili manji za 73 kg ha-1 odnosno za 5,52 %. Folijarna prihrana pokazala se kao moguć metod za povećavanje prinosa, mase 1000 zrna i visine biljaka u konvencionalnom i u organskom sistemu gajenja

    Agronomske, nutritivne i lekovite osobine kvinoje, novog alternativnog žita

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    The experiments were carried with two introduced quinao cultivars, KVL 37 and KVL 52, during the years 2010, 2011. and 2012., established at the experimental field in Stara Pazova. Three-year average yield of the grains of quinoa cultivars was 1322 kg ha-1, and expressed per cultivar ha-1 it accounted 1297 kg for KVL 37 and 1347 kg ha-1 for KVL 52. Highest variability of the yields per cultivar was observed in the first experimental year; cultivar KVL 52 achieved a higher yield by about 20%. In the second year, a higher yield of 7% gave cultivar KVL 37, while in the third experimental year, cultivar KVL 52 was again yielding about 2% more in comparison to the other one. Significantly greater variations in grain yield values were observed when comparing the experimental years. The lowest yield on the whole was recorded in the year 2012 (906 kg ha-1), while for a 51% it was greater in the year 2010. The highest yield was obtained in the second year (1693 kg ha-1), the value being higher than the one obtained in the first year by 9% and in the third year by 87%. Such large and significant variations were attributed to the unfavorable weather conditions during the growing period of quinoa plants. Analysis of chemical composition of quinoa grains revealed the greatest variations in the content of the total proteins. In grain of cultivar KVL 52 and KVL 37, the total protein values were 17.43%, and 15.23%, respectively. In addition, the cultivar KVL 52 proved to be richer in mineral salts, while the cultivar KVL 37 was for 2% richer in dietary carbohydrates.Tokom 2010., 2011. i 2012. godine izvedeni su ogledi na oglednom polju u Staroj Pazovi sa introdukovanim genotipovima kvinoje (KVL 37 i KVL 52). Prosečan trogodišnji prinos zrna ovih genotipova iznosio je 1.322 kg ha-1, odnosno po sortama 1.297 kg ha-1 (KVL 37) i 1.347 kg ha-1 (KVL 52). Variranja u visini prinosa po sortama bila su najveća u prvoj godini. Sortom KVL 52 ostvaren je veći prinos zrna za oko 20%. U drugoj godini veći prinos za 7% dala je sorta KVL 37, a u trećoj je sorta KVL 52 bila prinosnija za oko 2%. Značajno veća variranja vrednosti prinosa zrna bila su po godinama istraživanja. Najmanji prinos u celini bio je u 2012. godini, od 906 kg ha-1, za 51% je bio veći u 2010. godini. Najveći prinos bio je u drugoj godini istraživanja, 1.693 kg ha-1. Ova vrednost veća je u odnosu na prvu za 9%, a u odnosu na treću godinu za 87%. Ovako velika i značajna variranja posledica su nepovoljnih vremenskih uslova tokom vegetacionog perioda kvinoje. Analiza hemijskog sastava zrna kvinoje pokazala je najveća variranja u sadržaju ukupnih proteina. U zrnu sorte KVL 52 bilo je 17,43% ukupnih proteina, a u sorte KVL 37 15,23%. Sorta KVL 52 bila je bogatija mineralnim solima, dok je u sorte KVL 37 bilo za 2% više prehrambenih ugljenih hidrata

    Genotype and soil type influence on morphological characteristics, Yield and oil content of oil-flax

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    The three-year trial investigated the individual and the mutual interaction among three genotypes of oil-flax (Olin, Zlatko, Ljupko) and subtype of soil (chernozem with signs of gleyzation and chernozem on sandy loess) and their influence on morpho-physiological traits, yield and oil-flax oil content. The tallest stems (70.3 cm) had the Olin variety in agro-ecological conditions of Southern Banat region. Number of capsules per plant and number of grains per capsule was dependent on agroecological conditions in the investigated year. The largest number of capsules (68) per plant had the Zlatko variety, while the highest average grains number in the capsules (8.2) was at the Olin variety. The obtained values of the studied varieties for these two variables were not statistically significant. On average, the highest oil-flax seed yield gave the Ruben variety (1416.3 kg ha-1), which was higher for about 9.45% compared to the Ljupko variety, and 9.65% compared to the Olin variety. The highest oil content was at the Ljupko variety (41.1%). This value was higher by 1.21 rel.% compared to the Zlatko variety (40.6%), and 0.07 rel.% compared to the Olin variety (40.8%). Three-year average grains yield (Starcevo locality) was 1430.6 kg ha-1. The yield increasing at chernozem with signs of gleyzation compared to plants grown on chernozem on sandy loess (Devojacki Bunar locality) was 17%. On the other hand, the oil content in general was higher in this type of soil than on chernozem with signs of gleyzation (41.0% vs. 40.7%)