95 research outputs found

    Influence of international system's structure on the types of military interventionism

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    Основна претпоставка дисертације је да међународни систем обликује војни интервенционизам тако што подстиче одређене карактеристике, док друге санкционише. На тај начин долази до уједначавања особина војних интервенција унутар сваког међународног система, што омогућава издвајање модела тих појава и њиховог објашњавања структуром међународног система, тј. поларношћу као њеном конкретном манифестацијом. Тиме се изграђује веза између системског нивоа међународних односа, оличеном у броју поларних сила, и карактеристика међународног војног интервенционизма. У првом поглављу теоријског дела дисертације уобличена су одређења међународног система, његове структуре и поларности, а на крају су размотрени и појавни облици поларности, као и на који начин ју је могуће конкретно утврдити тј. измерити. Усвојена су решења која је понудила Енглеска школа међународних односа, на основу полазишта структуралног реализма. Друго теоријско поглавље посвећено је прецизнијем одређењу међународног војног интервенционизма, где је од досадашња четири приступа створен еклектички модел. Емпиријски део дисертације чине три студије случаја војних интервенција – по једна за сваки од три међународна система. У свакој од њих се сагледава на који начин је поларност међународног система утицала да конкретна војна интервенција поприми особине које је имала по унапред утврђеним критеријумима поређења. Основни закључак дисертације је структура међународног система, сведена на његову поларност, обликује војни интервенционизам повећавањем или смањивањем изгледа на успех одређених карактеристика те појаве. Други значајан резултат истраживања је налаз да се поларност међународног система адекватније утврђује контекстуалном анализом тј. коришћењем друштвених индикатора, него коришћењем материјалних показатељаThe dissertation‘s general hypothesis is that international system shapes military interventionism by encouraging certain characteristics, while sanctioning others. In that way the attributes of military interventions are uniformed inside each international system, which enables modeling those phenomena and explaining them by international system‘s structure, i.e. by polarity as its concrete manifestation. The connection between systemic level of international relations, materialized in the number of polar powers, and characteristics of international military interventionism is constructed. In the first chapter of the dissertation‘s theoretical part definitions of international systems, its structure and polarity are devised, along with forms of polarity and the ways it could be determined i.e. measured. Findings offered by the English school of International Relations are adopted, based on the foundations of Structural Realism. The second theoretical chapter is dedicated to the precise rationale of international military interventionism, where an eclectic model is made out of the four contemporary approaches. Empirical part of the dissertation consists of three military intervention case studies – one for each of the three international system types. They are used in order to determine how international system‘s polarity influenced that certain military intervention acquires its properties, according to comparison criteria identified in advance. The general conclusion of the dissertation is that interntional system‘s structure, reduced to its polarity, shapes military interventionism by increasing or decreasing the success prospects for certain characteristics of that phenomenon. The secong important contribution of the research is that international system‘s polarity is more adequatly determined by contextual analysis i.e. by applying social indicators, than by the use of materialistic pointer

    The influence of the voltage on formation and morphology of hydroxyapatite/titanium composite coatings

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    This study focused on investigating the effects of voltage and deposition time on the formation and morphology of hydroxyapatite/titanium oxide coatings, which were obtained using an in-situ synthesis process. The coatings were prepared under various voltage conditions and deposition times to analyze their characteristics. To evaluate the morphology of the coatings, optical microscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) techniques were employed. Additionally, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was utilized to confirm the presence of hydroxyapatite coatings on the substrate. The results revealed that an increase in voltage led to a more uniform coating. The voltage parameter had a significant impact on the morphology of the initial hydroxyapatite powder, causing the agglomerates to disperse and resulting in smaller particle sizes within the coating. Furthermore, the FTIR analysis provided solid evidence of the presence of hydroxyapatite within the obtained coatings. These findings emphasize the importance of voltage control and deposition time in the in-situ synthesis process for achieving desirable hydroxyapatite/titanium oxide coatings. Understanding the influence of these parameters on coating formation and morphology can contribute to the development of improved techniques for biomedical applications, such as enhanced osseointegration in orthopedic and dental implants

    Fabrication and applications of multifunctional nanostructured TiO2

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    Nanomaterials development is a rapidly emerging field of research with enormous potential for societal and economic benefits. In agro and food industries dimension-dependent properties or phenomena of nanomaterials may be used for various functional effects such as increased bioavailability or decreased toxicity of products, better detection of pathogens, improved food packaging materials, or improved delivery of nutrients. Since these effects may derive from altered or unique characteristics of materials in the nanoscale range that are not normally observed or expected in larger-scale materials with the same chemical composition, such changes raise questions about the safety, effectiveness, performance, quality or public health impact of nanotechnology products. In this article, we have reviewed the fabrication, properties, and selected applications of nanostructured TiO2 based materials. Special attention has been paid to TiO2 nanoparticles and nanotubes fabrication perspectives and applications in agriculture. We have shown that high photocatalytic disinfection and photobiological effects of nanostructured TiO2 coupled with its low price, nontoxicity, and stable performance especially provide new approaches for solving environmental pollution and pesticide residue problems in agriculture.Paper: [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_dais_5121

    Expression Profiles of Long Non-Coding RNA GAS5 and MicroRNA-222 in Younger AML Patients

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous malignant disease both on clinical and genetic levels. AML has poor prognosis and, therefore, there is a constant need to find new prognostic markers, as well as markers that can be used as targets for innovative therapeutics. Recently, the search for new biomarkers has turned researchers' attention towards non-coding RNAs, especially long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and micro RNAs (miRNAs). We investigated the expression level of growth arrest-specific transcript 5 (GAS5) lncRNA in 94 younger AML patients, and also the expression level of miR-222 in a cohort of 39 AML patients with normal karyotype (AML-NK), in order to examine their prognostic potential. Our results showed that GAS5 expression level in AML patients was lower compared to healthy controls. Lower GAS5 expression on diagnosis was related to an adverse prognosis. In the AML-NK group patients had higher expression of miR-222 compared to healthy controls. A synergistic effect of GAS5(low)/miR-222(high) status on disease prognosis was not established. This is the first study focused on examining the GAS5 and miR-222 expression pattern in AML patients. Its initial findings indicate the need for further investigation of these two non-coding RNAs, their potential roles in leukemogenesis, and the prognosis of AML patients

    Production and chemical characteristics of the populations of spring garlic (Allium Sativum L.) from the serbian genetic collection

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    A great number of spring garlic populations are present in Serbia. It is a very heterogeneous biological material. To date, it has been little studied. Therefore, the aim was to study its production and chemical characteristics. Eighteen populations of spring garlic were examined. Most of the production of this garlic in Serbia is based on them. They were examined in Zminjak, which is located in the central Macva (Serbia). The method of field experiments was used. The research lasted for three years. The results comprise two groups of parameters. The first group contains the results which show the most important productive characteristics (weight of bulb, number of cloves per bulb, bulb yield). The second group consists of the parameters for chemical characteristics of the investigated populations (dry matter, etheric oil, and alliin). In this case, the populations demonstrated a significant influence, and their stability was also very conspicuous. Most of the investigated populations of spring garlic can serve as a good resultant material for obtaining new cultivars. The populations can be classified as follows: SG-18, SG-25, SG-28, SG-16, SG-29 (yield), SG-21, SG-26 (technological quality) and SG-29, SG-18, SG-16 (foodstuff and pharmaceutical quality). They can remain as populations, but it would be significantly better to create new cultivars by using them

    The optimization of hydrothermally obtained hydroxyapatite deposition process on titanium by novel in-situ process

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    Titanium and its alloys are widely used in medical devices, orthopedic implants, dental implants, and device components of aerospace industries. It is attractive for having superior room and elevated temperature mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, fatigue resistance and low weight. However, titanium and its alloys are not fully applicable replacement in biomedical application. Suitable surface modification of titanium is needed in order to obtain Ti with improved properties. This paper deals with the optimization of the in-situ anodizing/anaphoretic electrodeposition process of hydrothermally synthesized hydroxyapatite (HAp) on Ti substrate for subsequent obtaining of HAp/TiO2 composite coatings without multi-stage pre-treatment and post-treatment of titanium and oxidized titanium surface. Coatings were prepared at constant voltage of 60 V and deposition time of 1 min. The morphology of coatings was investigated using optical microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy measurements were also performed. The coating with optimal properties was obtained by deposition from suspension containing 1.0 M NaOH

    Advancements in mesenchymal stem cell treatment for Buerger's disease

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    Birgerova bolest (thromboangiitis obliterans) je neaterosklerotski inflamatorni proces koji uglavnom zahvata male i srednje arterije i vene u donjim i gornjim udovima. Okarakterisan je kao vrsta vaskulitisa. Nastanak, napredovanje i težina bolesti su povezani sa pušenjem. Birgerovu bolest karakterišu bol, pojava ishemičnih ulkusa, gangrena i rizik od amputacije, što značajno utiče na kvalitet života pacijenta. Trombolitička terapija, primena nesteroidnih antiinflamatornih lekova i vaskularno-hirurški rekonstruktivni zahvati su neki od terapijskih pristupa u lečenju Birgerove bolesti. Međutim, ovi načini lečenja nisu dovoljno efikasni. Još uvek najbolji efekat na poboljšanje bolesti ima prekid pušenja. U poslednje vreme, ćelijska terapija je ponudila sasvim nove mogućnosti lečenju Birgerove bolesti. Terapija mezenhimskim matičnim ćelijama (MMĆ) je prepoznata kao novi pristup u tkivnom inženjerstvu i regenerativnoj medicini, primenljiv u lečenju različitih ishemijski poremećaja, uključujući Birgerovu bolest. Prva terapija koja koristi MMĆ u lečenju Birgerove bolesti je odobrena u Indiji 2016. godine. U martu 2017. godine Evropska komisija je terapiju autolognim MMĆ iz adipoznog tkiva uvrstila u lekove "siročiće" za Birgerovu bolest. Ovaj novi terapijski pristup je neophodno validirati u narednim studijama u više kliničkih centara.Buerger's disease or thromboangiitis obliterans, is a non-atherosclerotic inflammatory process which mostly involves medium and small sized arteries and veins in lower and upper extremities. It is categorized as vasculitis. The disease is known to be closely linked to smoking. Buerger's disease is a long-term debilitating condition because of the pain, the development of ulcers and gangrene, and the risk of amputation. Drugs effective on erythrocyte flexibility, agents acting on platelets, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vascular reconstruction are among several therapeutic methods for Buerger's disease. However, the applied therapies are insufficiently effective. Still, the base of treatment is smoking cessation. Lately, cell therapy has offered us entirely new possibilities. Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) treatment has been proposed as a novel approach for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine for various ischemic disorders, including Buerger's disease. In 2016, the first MSC based therapy has received regulatory approval for the treatment of Buerger's disease in India. In March 2017, orphan designation was granted by the European Commission for autologous adipose tissue-derived MSC for the treatment of Buerger's disease. Novel therapeutic approach needs to be validated in the upcoming studies conducted in different clinical centers

    Powder bed fusion–laser beam (PBF-LB) three-dimensional (3D) printing: Influence of laser hatching distance on the properties of zolpidem tartrate tablets

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    Laser sintering, known as powder bed fusion–laser beam (PBF-LB), offers promising potential for the fabrication of patient-specific drugs. The aim of this study was to provide an insight into the PBF-LB process with regard to the process parameters, in particular the laser hatching distance, and its influence on the properties of zolpidem tartrate (ZT) tablets. PHARMACOAT® 603 was used as the polymer, while Candurin® Gold Sheen and AEROSIL® 200 were added to facilitate 3D printing. The particle size distribution of the powder blend showed that the layer height should be set to 100 µm, while the laser hatching distance was varied in five different steps (50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 µm), keeping the temperature and laser scanning speed constant. Increasing the laser hatching distance and decreasing the laser energy input led to a decrease in the colour intensity, mass, density and hardness of the ZT tablets, while the disintegration and dissolution rate were faster due to the more fragile bonds between the particles. The laser hatching distance also influenced the ZT dosage, indicating the importance of this process parameter in the production of presonalized drugs. The absence of drug-polymer interactions and the amorphization of the ZT were confirmed

    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Leukemia

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    Leukemia is a heterogenous group of hematological malignancies categorized in four main types (acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Several cytogenetic and molecular markers have become a part of routine analysis for leukemia patients. These markers have been used in diagnosis, risk-stratification and targeted therapy application. Recent studies have indicated that numerous regulatory RNAs, such as long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), have a role in tumor initiation and progression. When it comes to leukemia, data for lncRNA involvement in its etiology, progression, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis is limited. The aim of this review is to summarize research data on lncRNAs in different types of leukemia, on their expression pattern, their role in leukemic transformation and disease progression. The usefulness of this information in the clinical setting, i.e., for diagnostic and prognostic purposes, will be emphasized. Finally, how particular lncRNAs could be used as potential targets for the application of targeted therapy will be considered

    Način nasleđivanja mase lukovice crnog luka (Allium cepa L.)

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    One of the most important traits of onion bulb is its bulb fresh weight. Also, this trait is in a group of morphological markers that, together with RAPD, represent the parameter of the most precise identification of onion genotype. For the purpose of this study, the chosen genotypes were: Makoi bronzi, Piroska, AC 101, Jasenicki crveni, Bukino beo. Also, they were of a different geographical origin. Method of full diallel without reciprocals was applied in order to obtain F1 and F2 generation. Field trial with parents and hybrids F1 and F2 generation was set in a random block system with five replications at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Considering all crossing combinations, super-domination and domination are the modes of inheritance for bulb fresh weight. The best general combiner was the line Makoi bronzi. The highest level of SCA in F1 and F2 generation was found in hybrid combination Makoi bronzi x Piroska. Also, this hybrid combination had the highest values of heterosis.Među najbitnije proizvodne osobine lukovice crnog luka ubraja se njena masa. Zatim, ova osobina spada u grupu morfoloških markera koja zajedno sa primenom molekularnih markera (RAPD), služi kao parametar za najtačniju identifikaciju genotipova crnog luka. U cilju ispitivanja načina nasleđivanja ove osobine izvršeno je ukrštanje između pet divergentnih genotipova crnog luka, različitog geografskog porekla. Primenjen je metod punog dialela bez recipročnih ukrštanja, radi dobijanja potomstva F1 i F2 generacije. Poljski ogled sa roditeljima i hibridima F1 i F2 generacije postavljen je po slučajnom blok sistemu u pet ponavljanja u Institutu za povrtarstvo, Smederevska Palanka. Uzevši u obzir sve kombinacije ukrštanja, može se zaključiti da superdominacija i dominacija predstavljaju način nasleđivanja mase lukovice. Najbolji opšti kombinator bila je linija Makoi bronzi. Najvišu vrednost za SCA u F1 i F2 generaciji imao je hibrid nastao ukrštanjem linija Makoi bronzi x Piroška. Takođe, ova hibridna kombinacija imala je i najveće izračunate vrednosti za heterozis