29 research outputs found

    Biogenesis of plasma membrane Na+/H + antiporters of eukaryotic cells

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    A secretory pathway is a process which serves for maturation of approximately one third of nascent polypeptides during proteosynthesis. Correct function of each membrane protein depends on their effective transport into its target membrane. An important group of proteins interacting with maturating proteins and ensuring their pass through the secretory pathway are cargo receptors. Cargo receptors help to insert nascent proteins into COPII vesicles via which they are exported from endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi apparatus. Erv14 belongs to characterized cargo receptors in yeast. Based on similarity with this cargo receptor several homologous cargo receptors were also identified in higher eukaryotes, including human. Na+ /H+ antiporters are among membrane proteins passing the secretory pathway and requiring a cargo receptor for their biogenesis. The aim of this work is to summarize knowledge of the role of Erv14 cargo receptor and its human homologs CNIH1-4 in biogenesis of monovalent cation transporters, including Na+ /H+ antiporters. Key words: Na+ /H+ antiporters, Erv14, CNIH, cargo receptors, secretory pathwaySekreční dráha je proces, který slouží k maturaci asi jedné třetiny proteinů vznikajících během proteosyntézy. Správné fungování každého membránového proteinu závisí na jeho efektivním přenosu do cílové membrány. Důležitou skupinou proteinů, které interagují s maturujícími proteiny a zajišťují jejich průchod sekreční dráhou, jsou cargo receptory. Pomáhají vznikajícím proteinům se zainkorporovat do COPII váčků, pomocí nichž se exportují z endoplasmatického retikula do Golgiho aparátu. Mezi charakterizované cargo receptory patří kvasinkový Erv14. Na základě podobnosti s tímto cargo receptorem bylo identifikováno několik homologních cargo receptorů také u vyšších eukaryot, včetně člověka. Mezi membránové proteiny, které procházejí sekreční dráhou a jejichž biogeneze vyžaduje přítomnost cargo receptoru, patří Na+ /H+ antiportery. Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsat mechanismus biogeneze proteinů v eukaryotních buňkách a shrnout současné poznatky o úloze cargo receptoru Erv14 a jeho lidských homologů CNIH1-4 v biogenezi transportérů monovalentních kationtů, včetně Na+ /H+ antiporterů. Klíčová slova: Na+ /H+ antiportery, Erv14, CNIH, cargo receptor, sekreční dráhaDepartment of Cell BiologyKatedra buněčné biologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Extraordinary appeal in Common Plea

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    Dovolání v civilním procesu představuje jeden z mimořádných opravných prostředků, který má sloužit jako poslední možnost přezkumu rozhodnutí nižší soudní instance ze strany obecného soudu, a to přestože je takové rozhodnutí již v právní moci. Vzhledem k uvedenému je tak nezbytné, aby byla zákonná úprava nastavena takovým způsobem, že je narušení již nastolených právních vztahů zanedbatelné v porovnání se zájmem na přezkumu a dosažením spravedlnosti. Prostřednictvím dovolání plní Nejvyšší soud své dvě základní funkce, a to zajištění individuálních práv a dále sjednocení judikatury a dotváření práva. Právě vyvážení těchto funkcí vedlo v minulosti k přijetí relativně většího počtu novel občanského soudního řádu spojených s dovoláním, přičemž lze však říci, že je současná právní úprava (v základních obrysech) již de facto od účinnosti zákona číslo 404/2012 Sb. stálá. Většina novel souvisela s nastavením přípustnosti dovolání, která určuje, do jaké míry budou naplněny základní funkce Nejvyššího soudu. Vymezení předpokladů přípustnosti dovolání společně s vymezením dovolacího důvodu představují jedny ze základních náležitostí dovolání, které však činí v praxi dovolatelům nemalé obtíže, a to jistě i s ohledem na nejednotnou judikaturu Nejvyššího soudu a Ústavního soudu. S těmito náležitostmi rovněž...Extraordinary appeal in common plea represents one of extraordinary remedies which should be the last possibility of judicial review of decisions issued by lower court instance provided by the general court even though such decisions are legitimate. In connection with previous it is necessary that regularization is set in such manner that the interference with the legal relations is insignificant in comparison with interest for review and reach of justice. Within the extraordinary appeal the Supreme Court fulfils its two fundamental functions, i.e. ensuring of individual rights and also consolidation of judgements and completion of law. It is this balance of two functions which have resulted in issuance of quite a lot of amendments to Civil Procedure Code related to the extraordinary appeal in past, thus it is possible to state that the actually valid legal regulation (in its basic outlines) has been de facto same as of the effectiveness of Act no. 404/2012 Coll. Most of amendments were connected with admissibility of the extraordinary appeal which sets the principles for fulfilment of the Supreme Court functions. Determination of admissibility qualification together with determination of reason for extraordinary appeal mean some of essentials of extraordinary appeal which cause difficulties to...Katedra občanského právaDepartment of Civil LawPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Evaluation of Impact of Population Management on Genetic Parameters of Selected Spiral-horned Antelopes

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    The rapid loss of biodiversity and the associated reduction and fragmentation of habitats means that ex situ populations have become an important part of species conservation. These populations, which are often established from a small number of founders, require careful management to avoid the negative effects of genetic drift and inbreeding. Although the inclusion of molecular data is recommended, their availability for captive breeding management remains limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the levels of genetic diversity in six spiral-horned antelope taxa bred under human care and their respective management strategies, conservation status, demography, and geographic origin, using 10 nuclear DNA microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region DNA sequences. Our findings include associations between genetic diversity and management intensity but also with the diversity and contribution of wild populations to captive founders, with some populations apparently composed of animals from divergent wild lineages elevating captive genetic diversity. When population sizes are large, the potential advantages of maximizing genetic diversity in widely outcrossed populations may need careful consideration with respect to the potential disruption of adaptive diversity. Genetic data serve as a robust tool for managing captive populations, yet their interpretation necessitates a comprehensive understanding of species biology and history.</p

    Environmental impact assessment of projects

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    The topic of this thesis is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). This is a very significant cross-sectional and preventive environmental protection tool. Its purpose is to identify as soon as possible any probable averse environmental impacts of presented project proposals. The whole process is led by a competent state offices. Necessary expert participants of the procedure are so-called "authorized persons" supplying specific technical studies on which the impact assessment is made. Another important factor, public participation, helps to improve efficiency of the EIA process. The whole procedure results in so-called Statement, which should define necessary conditions for the implementation of the project in effort to minimize negative impacts. If the project proposal is unacceptable under any circumstances it can not be given a consent to implement it and the statement must reject it. Conclusions formulated in the Statement serve as a basis for administrative decisions on project approval. Given the considerable breadth of the thesis topic it is focused on several key tasks, namely to provide a comprehensive explanation of the legal development of the EIA process, to analyze its current legislation and mapping legal rules of public participation in the EIA process. The following section..

    Legal penalties for unfair competition

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    Legal Penalties for Unfair Competition As the unfair competition has become the part of business due to the fact that businessmen are trying to achieve the profit, it is necessary to set up legal rules and restrictions to assure the fair competition, i.e. competition without unfairness and negative effect on functionality of the economic competition. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyse legal penalties of unfair competition especially in Czech legal order by means of interpretation of affected legal provisions together with judicature of the Supreme Court and other courts. First part of the thesis concerns theoretical scope of legal concepts concerning the unfair competition. The second chapter deals with active and passive legitimacy of subjects according to the Commercial Code. Both chapters give the theoretical framework for the whole thesis. The core of the diploma thesis is the third and fourth part, whereas the third part concerns the means of protection against unfair competition which are divided into several groups according to the law in which they are regulated (private law, public law divided into administrative and penal law, European law) and focuses on private law with using rich judicature of Czech courts. The fourth part regards specific procedural institutes that are..

    Slums as a result of urbanization of poverty in Africa

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    This thesis deals with the issue of slums in Africa with a focus on its eastern region. First part presents information on the fundamental aspects of this issue in theory line, when primarily uses foreign publications. It specifically focuses on the influence of post- colonialism, the process of urbanization and the incidence of slums. Second part illustrates the situation on the example of slums in Nairobi and Addis Ababa. Its main purpose is to show the quality of life of local population. Analysis is performed by the three studies; one refers to Nairobi and two Addis Ababa. It also seeks to answer the research questions that are listed at the beginning of this part. Overall results suggest that local people live in very poor conditions which do not provide adequate housing, access to infrastructures and education, and the unemployment rate is very high. Keywords Urbanization, poverty, slums, inequality, capita

    Testing of selected sites by different methods

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na testování webových stránek prostřednictvím vybraných metod (eye tracking, uživatelské testování použitelnosti) z pohledu uživatelské přívětivosti. Autorka se zabývá testováním webových stránek (konkrétně e-shopů se sportovním oblečením) z důvodu neustále rostoucího trendu nákupu na internetu. Hlavními výstupy práce je zhodnocení výsledků obou výzkumných metod - zpracování výstupů oční kamery a zpracování materiálů moderátora (výzkumníka) uživatelského testování použitelnosti. Dalším z výstupů je také vyhodnocení standardizovaných dotazníků SUPR-Q. Diplomová práce obsahuje zprávu z výzkumného šetření a následné návrhy na zlepšení použitelnosti a uživatelské přívětivosti vybraných sportovních webů.ObhájenoThe master thesis is focused on the testing of web pages by selected methods (eye tracking, usability testing by users) from the perspective of user-friendliness. The author deals with the testing of web pages (specifically sportswear e-shops) due to the constantly growing trend of Internet shopping. One of the main outputs of the work is the evaluation of the results from both research methods - from the data mediated by an eye tracking, and from materials of the researcher managing the usability testing by users. Another output is the assessment of the standardized questionnaires SUPR-Q. The thesis includes a research report and subsequently presents suggestions to improve the usability and the user-friendliness of selected sports web pages

    The Relationship between International and European Law

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    The Diploma Thesis deals with the relationship between International and European law in the context of actual events. The main aim is to analyse this relationship on the particular case of Yassin Abdullah Kadi by means of the wide scale of expert opinions and discussions. The main aim will be achieved through several partial aims (theoretical definition of essential conceptions relating to the theme, description of particular UN resolutions and their implementation into European law, analysis of the judgements of EU judicial authorities in the Kadi case)

    Comparison of human resource practices of small and medium-sized companies

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    Hlavním cílem práce je provedení komparace personálních činností malé a střední společnosti prostřednictvím polostrukturovaných rozhovorů. V práci jsou uvedeny rozdílné přístupy společností k jednotlivým personálním činnostem, pozornost je věnována míře formálnosti a incidentům, které míru formálnosti ve společnostech urychlily. Míra formálnosti je silnější v případě středně velkého podniku, ovšem ne napříč všemi personálními činnostmi, například proces oslovování, získávaní a adaptace zaměstnanců byl v porovnání s malou společností méně formální. Dále byl u středně velkého podniku zjištěn silný vliv předmětu podnikání na míru formalizace personálních činností, u malého podniku formalizaci napomohl především růst společnosti, ke kterému v posledních letech dochází. V návaznosti na provedenou komparaci jsou v práci navrženy změny personálních procesů obou společností.The main goal of this thesis is to perform a comparison of HR practices in a small and medium-sized companies, which is achieved by semi-structured interviews. Based on research, different approaches are described across individual HR practice of companies. Attention is mainly paid to the degree of formality of HR practices and incidents that affect the degree of formality in the company. The level of formality is stronger in a medium-sized company, but not across all HR practices, for example the process of recruitment, selection and adapting was less formal compared to a small company. Furthermore, it is found a strong influence of the subject of business on the degree of formalization of personnel activities, especially in the case of a medium-sized company. In a small company, formalization was mainly caused by the growth of the company, which has been occurring in recent years. At the end of this thesis are suggestions of changes of HR processes based on the company comparison

    Zaostřeno na literaturu – genderová perspektiva

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