7 research outputs found

    Ivo Pranjković on the Language of Bosnian Franciscans

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    U članku se govori o znanstvenome radu Ive Pranjkovića na proučavanju jezika bosanskih franjevaca. Njegove radove i knjige o jezičnim i jezično-stilskim karakteristikama franjevačkih kronika i književnih djela autor smatra golemim i dragocjenim doprinosom hrvatskoj filologiji i proučavanju tradicije hrvatskoga jezika koja je do kraja 19. st. gotovo isključivo vezana za djelatnost franjevaca Bosne Srebrene.This paper discusses Ivo Pranjkovićā€™s scholarly research on the language of Bosnian Franciscans. Pranjkovićā€™s articles and books about the linguistic and stylistic characteristics of the chronicles and literary works written in Croatian by Bosnian Franciscans are considered by the author of this paper to be an immense and valuable contribution to the Croatian philology and to the study of the Croatian standard language tradition, which until the end of the nineteenth century was almost exclusively tied to the activities of the friars of the Franciscan province of Bosna Srebrena

    Nominalizacija u turskome jeziku II. (Prilog kontrastivnoj analizi sintakse turskoga i hrvatskog jezika)

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    U nastavku rada o nominalizaciji u turskome jeziku govori se o nominalizatorima -mAk, -mA, -mA+sI, -(y)IĆ , -dIk+PS i -(y)AcAk+PS, te njihovu značenju i funkcijama u ustroju temeljne rečenice. Autor je nastojao predočiti i njhove semantičke ekvivalente u hrvatskome jeziku. Posebna pozornost posvećena je odnosu strukture i semantike na primjeru nominaliziranih rečenica. Tu se, prije svega, misli na padež njihova subjekta. Ako je subjekt u prednjemu polju ishodiÅ”ne rečenice (tema), nakon preoblike nominalizacije mora biti u genitivu jer je poznat i određen. Ukoliko je pak u stražnjemu polju (ispred predikata, rema), tad mo- že biti i u apsolutnome padežu i u genitivu, a kriterij izbora jednoga ili drugog padeža utemeljen je na opoziciji neodređenost (apsolutni padež): određenost / konkretnost (genitiv). Drugi slučaj (apsolutni padež ispred nominaliziranoga predikata) pretpostavlja kontekstualnu uključenost temeljne rečenice. Pored strukturnoga i semantičkog uvodim treći kriterij koji određuje hoće li subjekt nominalizirane rečenice biti u apsolutnome padežu ili genitivu. Promatramo li problem iz perspektive strukturnih mogućnosti kojima turski jezik raspolaže, taj se kriterij nameće kao pragmalingvistički. Naime, analizom odabranih primjera potvrđuje se da je genitiv subjekta obvezatan za preoblikovanu imensku rečenicu čiji je predikat pomoćni glagol imek ,,biti", a apsolutni padež za subjekt preoblikovane imenske rečenice čiji je predikat var ,,ima, nalazi se, postoji, egzistira", odnosno njegov negativni oblik yok

    Life on the Ottoman Border: Essays in Honour of Nenad Moačanin

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    The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume .The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume

    Life on the Ottoman Border: Essays in Honour of Nenad Moačanin

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    The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume .The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume