121 research outputs found

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    Comparative analysis of the Franciscean cadastre in Carniola and current Land cadastral data

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    In this diploma thesis we performed comparative analysis of the Franciscean land cadastre data and\ud current land data in the selected area in the cadastral municipality of Goriča vas. Spatial characteristics\ud in the beginning of the 19th century have been analysed using Franciscean land cadastre from 1823.\ud The Archive of the Republic of Slovenia sent us data for the cadastral municipality Goriča vas in\ud digital raster form. We had to use georeferencing and vectorization to convert cadastral maps into\ud vector form. The data from the list of land and building plots were collected in tables and joined with\ud the graphical data. Data about the current situation in the space have been acquired from the Land\ud cadastre at The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia and from the evidence\ud of land use at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food. The introductory part, in which we\ud briefly presented cadastral protocol, is followed by description of the methods for preparation of\ud archival data. In the main part of the thesis there are numerically and graphically presented results of\ud analysis, involving property and land plot structure as well as land use from the beginning of the 19th\ud century today. We came to conclusions that the building areas have been spreading since 1823, the\ud processes of afforestation and overgrowing of fields have been present, and the land plot structure of\ud former common pasture-ground has been mainly changed due to subdivision. Additionally, we also\ud described boundary changes of the cadastral municipality Goriča vas and fallows

    Possibilities of cadastral land re-arrangement using cadastral procedures

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    V magistrskem delu smo preučevali katastrske postopke urejanja in preurejanja zemljišč po trenutno veljavni zakonodaji v Republiki Sloveniji. V začetnem delu naloge predstavljamo teoretično ozadje na področju preurejanja zemljišč s kratkim zgodovinskim pregledom nastanka zemljiškega katastra in njegovega vzdrževanja v Sloveniji, ki je pomembno za razumevanje raznovrstne kakovosti katastrskih podatkov. Nadaljujemo s pregledom dosedanjih raziskav na področju katastrskega urejanja in preurejanja zemljišč ter podrobnejšo predstavitvijo zakonodajnega okvira nove izmere, nastavitve katastra in komasacije, ki so postopki množičnega katastrskega urejanja in preurejanja zemljiških parcel po trenutno veljavni slovenski zakonodaji. Kot zanimivost smo v nadaljevanju opisali tudi hrvaške izkušnje s postopkom izvajanja nove izmere. Sledi podrobna analiza postopkov katastrskega urejanja in preurejanja zemljiških parcel v Sloveniji. Pomemben rezultat magistrskega dela je primerjava zakonskih kriterijev za uvedbo in izvajanje posamičnih in množičnih katastrskih postopkov v Sloveniji. Za boljše razumevanje obravnavanih postopkov in kritično oceno trenutnih zakonskih določil smo izvedli študijo praktičnih primerov nove izmere in nastavitve katastra v Sloveniji. Na podlagi rezultatov analize zakonskih določil in primerov iz prakse smo v zaključku naloge oblikovali in predlagali izboljšave zakonodajne ureditve na področju katastrskih postopkov. Pri tem je poudarek na dveh množičnih katastrskih postopkih urejanja in preurejanja zemljišč, in sicer na novi izmeri in nastavitvi katastra. S tem smo želeli opozoriti na njun neizkoriščen potencial in v prihodnje pričakovan pomemben doprinos k izboljšanju kakovosti podatkov zemljiškega katastra ter učinkovitosti katastrskega preurejanja zemljišč.In this master\u27s thesis, we have studied the cadastral procedures of land arrangement and land re-arrangement, which are being regulated under current Slovenian legislation. The initial part is consisted of a theoretical background in the field of land re-arrangement together with a brief historical overview of a land cadastre establishment and its maintenance in Slovenia. This kind of knowledge is important for understanding the diverse quality of cadastral data. We continued with a past researches review about land arrangement and land re-arrangement followed detailed presentation of the legal framework stipulating new cadastral survey, setting-up of land cadaster and land consolidation. These cadastral procedures are known as mass cadastral procedures of land arrangement and re-arrangement based on the current Slovenian legislation. Additionally, we described Croatian experiences with implementing new cadastral survey. What follows next is a detailed analysis of the procedures for the cadastral land arrangement and land re-arrangement in Slovenia. A significant result of the master’s thesis is a comparison between legal criteria for introduction and implementation of individual and mass cadastral procedures in Slovenia. For a better understanding of the discussed procedures and critical evaluation of the current legal provisions, we conducted a study of the new cadastral surveying and the setting-up of land cadaster using practical examples in Slovenia. Based on the analysis of existing statutory provisions and practical examples we were able to form and suggest improvements of criteria contents presented at the end. Emphasis is placed on two of mass cadastral procedures, namely a new cadastral survey and setting-up of the cadastre. Our purpose was to point at unexploited potential and their expected future contribution to data quality of land cadastre and effectiveness of land re-arrangement

    Role of a nurse with preventing the spread of carbapenemase-producting bacteria

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    Uvod: Karbapenemaze so encimi, ki jih lahko izločajo po Gramu negativne bakterije, najpogosteje iz družine Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Acinetobacter baumannii. Okužbe, ki jih povzročajo bakterije, odporne proti karbapenemom, povezujejo z visoko stopnjo umrljivosti, obolevnosti in visokimi stroški zdravljenja. Higiena rok je najpomembnejši preventivni ukrep, tako med zaposlenimi, kot med bolniki in obiskovalci. Medicinske sestre imajo pomembno vlogo v boju s temi bakterijami, saj so v nenehnem kontaktu z bolnikom. Namen diplomskega dela je pregledati obstoječo literaturo s tega področja in z raziskavo ugotoviti ali medicinske sestre poznajo smernice za preprečevanje širjenja bakterij, ki izločajo karbapenemaze. Želeli smo potrditi ali ovreči hipotezo, da medicinske sestre poznajo bakterije, ki izločajo karbapenemaze in poznajo ter uporabljajo ukrepe za preprečevanje njihovega širjenja. Metode dela: v teoretičnem delu je prikazana raziskava, v kateri smo pregledali strokovno literaturo s področja karbapenemaz in preprečevanja okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom. Domačo in tujo literaturo smo zbirali od junija 2016 do decembra 2016. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela smo osebno razdelili 120 anketnih vprašalnikov v času od 1. 11. 2016 do 30. 11. 2016 med diplomirane medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike, zaposlene na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana. Vrnjenih je bilo 81 anketnih vprašalnikov, ki smo jih obdelali s programom Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: ugotovili smo, da večina anketiranih ve, katere bakterije izločajo karbapenemaze. Večina anketiranih (77,8 %) ne pozna razlike med pogosto uporabljenima kraticama CRE-CPE in CRE. 65,4 % anketiranih ve, kaj so karbapenemaze, nekaj manj kot polovica (44,4 %) pa zmotno pravi, da je bolnika smiselno dekolonizirati. Večina anketiranih pravi, da imajo izobraževanja na temo okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom enkrat letno. Razprava in sklep: medicinske sestre se v povprečju zavedajo, kako pomembna je bolnišnična higiena in kako pomembno je upoštevati izolacijske ukrepe. Še vedno je treba veliko narediti na področju higiene rok. Roke so najpomembnejše pri preprečevanju prenosa patogenih mikroorganizmov. Anketa je pokazala, da sicer v malem deležu nekateri zaposleni v zdravstveni negi še vedno niso prepričani, kdaj si je treba roke umiti in kdaj razkužiti. Zdravstveno osebje ima pomembno vlogo pri preprečevanju širjenja bakterij, ki izločajo karbapenemaze, saj preživijo večino časa ob bolniku. Če bodo imeli dovolj znanja in potrebno osebno varovalno opremo, bodo lahko ustrezno zaščitili sebe ter bolnika.Introduction: carbapenemases are the enzymes which can be produced by Gram-negative bacteria, most often enterobacteria, found in the intestines. Carbapenemase-producing bacteria belong to the Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria families. Infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae lead to a high mortality and illness rate as well as high healing expenses. Hand hygiene among employers, patients and visitors is the most importantant preventive measure. Nurses play an important role in the fight against these bacteria, because they are in constant connection with patients. Purpose of the thesis is to examine the literature existing in this field and to find out through a research wheather the nurses know the trends in preventing the spread of carbapenemase-producing bacteria. With the help of the research we wanted to confirm or refute if the nurses know the carbapenemase-producing bacteria, if they know the preventive measures against the spread of the carbapenemase-producing bacteria and if they actually use them. Methods: in theoretical part of the thesis we went through the existing technical literature related to carbapenemase and the prevention of hospital-acquired infection with these bacteria. We were gathering the Slovene and English literature from June 2016 to December 2016. For the empirical part 120 questionnaires were distributed among the qualified nurses and health care technicians employed at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana. The questionnaires were personally distributed at regular meetings taking place between 1st November 2016 and 30th November 2016. 81 questionnaires were returned and analysed in the Microsoft Excel Programme. Results: the survey showed that the majority of respondents knows which bacteria produce carbapenemases. The majority of respondents (77,8%) doesn\u27t know the difference between the frequently used acronyms CRE-CPE and CPE. 64.5% of respondents know what carbapenemasa are, some less than a half (44.4%) however mistakenly say that the patient should be decolonised. The majority of respondents say, that the education on topic Hospital-aquired infections is available once a year, in most cases carried out by qualified nurses. Discussion and conclusion: on average, nurses are aware how important the hygiene in hospitals is and how important it is to take into account isolation measures. A lot can still be done in the field of hand hygiene. Hands are most important in the fight to prevent the transfer of pathological mycroorganisms. The survey has shown that although a small proportion but there still are some employees in health care field who are not sure when they need to wash their hands and when to disinfect them. Health care personnel plays an important role in preventing the spread of carbapenemase-producing bacteria for they spend most of their time with patients. If they have enough knowledge and a required pesonal protective equipment they will be able to suitably protect themselves and patients

    Contrastive analysis of idioms in the novel Buddenbrooks (parts 3-6) and their Croatian counterparts

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    Das Thema dieser Abschlussarbeit ist die kontrastive Analyse und Darstellung der idiomatischen Redewendungen aus dem Roman „Buddenbrooks, Verfall einer Familie“ des bekannten deutschen Schriftstellers Thomas Mann. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit den Übersetzungen der idiomatischen Redewendungen aus dem Deutschen in das Kroatische. Die Arbeit analysiert, wie die Redewendungen von der kroatischen Übersetzerin Iva Adun übersetzt wurden, und auf welchem Niveau die kroatischen den deutschen Redewendungen entsprechen. In der Abschlussarbeit wird als erstes im Vorwort die Handlung des Romans kurz beschrieben. In der Einführung wird die Definition der Phraseologismen erklärt und der theoretische Hintergrund der Phraseologie dargestellt. Im Hauptteil werden vierzig Phraseologismen aus dem Roman, mit ihren kroatischen Entsprechungen kontrastiv analysiert. Die Phraseologismen werden in verschiedene Gruppen eingeteilt und zwar anhand von morphosyntaktischen, lexikalischen und semantischen Kriterien. In der Schlussfolgerung werden die Resultate der Analyse dargestellt und am Ende der Abschlussarbeit befindet sich die Tabellenübersicht aller Phraseologismen und deren kroatischer Übersetzungen.Tema ovog rada je analiza idiomatskih izraza u romanu "Buddenbrooks", poznatog njemačkog pisca Thomasa Manna. Rad se usredotočuje na prijevod idiomatskih izraza s njemačkog jezikana hrvatski jezik. U radu se analizira način na koji su ti izrazi prevedeni od hrvatske prevoditeljice Ive Adun i na kojem nivou odabrani hrvatski idiomatski izrazi odgovaraju njemačkom originalu. Na početku završnog rada nalazi se predgovor u kojem je ukratko opisana radnja romana. U uvodu se nalaze definicije bitnih pojmova, te teoretska pozadina frazeologije. Glavi dio završnog rada bavi se samom analizom idioma iz romana i usporedbom s njihovim hrvatskim ekvivalentima. Idiomi su podijeljeni u različite skupine koje se temelje na morfosintaktičkim, leksičkim i semantičkim kriterijima. U zaključku završnog rada su prikazani rezultati analize i pri samomkraju nalazi se tabelarni pregled svih njemačkih idiomatskih izraza i njihovih hrvatskih ekvivalenata

    Responsible Knowledge Management in Energy Data Ecosystems

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    This paper analyzes the challenges and requirements of establishing energy data ecosystems (EDEs) as data-driven infrastructures that overcome the limitations of currently fragmented energy applications. It proposes a new data-and knowledge-driven approach for management and process-ing. This approach aims to extend the analytics services portfolio of various energy stakeholders and achieve two-way flows of electricity and information for optimized generation, distribution, and electricity consumption. The approach is based on semantic technologies to create knowledge-based systems that will aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently. Thus, a paradigm shift in the energy data value chain is proposed towards transparency and the responsible management of data and knowledge exchanged by the various stakeholders of an energy data space. The approach can contribute to innovative energy management and the adoption of new business models in future energy data spaces. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Responsible Knowledge Management in Energy Data Ecosystems

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    This paper analyzes the challenges and requirements of establishing energy data ecosystems (EDEs) as data-driven infrastructures that overcome the limitations of currently fragmented energy applications. It proposes a new data- and knowledge-driven approach for management and processing. This approach aims to extend the analytics services portfolio of various energy stakeholders and achieve two-way flows of electricity and information for optimized generation, distribution, and electricity consumption. The approach is based on semantic technologies to create knowledge-based systems that will aid machines in integrating and processing resources contextually and intelligently. Thus, a paradigm shift in the energy data value chain is proposed towards transparency and the responsible management of data and knowledge exchanged by the various stakeholders of an energy data space. The approach can contribute to innovative energy management and the adoption of new business models in future energy data spaces